I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 172 Artificial Uterus

When Mr. Gu learned that his grandson-in-law was happy, he trembled with excitement. His grandson and granddaughter-in-law had been married for many years and there had been no happy news. He almost thought that his grandson had oligomentia.

In fact, Mr. Gu also felt that there might be something wrong with the man in their family, otherwise he would not have been passed down for nine generations. It was also because of the difficulties of the Gu family's heirs that Mr. Gu never urged Su Jiu to have a child as soon as possible, but he was really anxious in his heart, after all If one of the nine generations is single-passed, the Gu family will lose all children and grandchildren.

Now that the granddaughter-in-law is finally pregnant, Mr. Gu can be relieved. Now that men and women are equal, female children can inherit the family business, so he really doesn't care much about the granddaughter-in-law giving birth to a boy or a girl.

In a good mood, Mr. Gu directly gave a holiday villa under his name to his granddaughter-in-law Su Jiu, claiming that she would work hard to get another Changqing Farm.

On the other hand, ever since Gu Ye found out that Su Jiu was pregnant, he wanted her to return to Changqing Farm. After all, the air environment in Beijing is really average. Although Su Jiu usually stays in the cave and rarely goes outside, that's all. For a while, Gu Ye was also reluctant.

Naturally, Su Jiu was not willing to go back to Changqing Farm alone, guessing based on Mrs. Li's incident, Gu Ye would be surrounded by a group of Yingying and Yanyan.Although she believed that Gu Ye would not act recklessly, Su Jiu felt disgusted at the thought of women with ulterior motives surrounding her man. It is no wonder that Mrs. Li went out to socialize with Mr. Li when she was just three months old, lest her husband be killed. Other women have figured it out.

Gu Ye never expected that Su Jiu would stay for this reason, and Gu Ye, who was in a wealthy family and experienced a lot, had to admit that Su Jiu's worries were not unreasonable.Not to mention the women outside, even their company has recently had a few female employees who think they are pretty. Fortunately, Li Tezhu is as good as ever, and most of the women's schemes are blocked.

Ever since Li Tezhu fell in love with He Xiaorong, he didn't hide these lace jokes from Gu Ye from He Xiaorong.

One day, Su Jiu once again met a female employee who gave Gu Ye a sneaky look, and joked, "You have become Tang's favorite meat, everyone wants to take a bite." She used to stay in Zhuxi Town most of the time. , and didn't follow Gu Ye to attend receptions very much. She didn't realize that Gu Ye was really the real version of "Long Aotian" until she arrived in Beijing. It is not easy for Long Aotian to be a wife. In Su Jiu's memory, almost every time she attends a reception, women come up to provoke her...

As Long Aotian, Gu Ye himself did not enjoy it. He knew very well that the reason why those women were obsessed with him was more because of his family background - the top wealthy Gu family, otherwise he would have been handsome in his previous life. Extraordinary, why don't you see so many women chasing after him.

The sober Gu Ye in the world only cares for Su Jiu, but sometimes this person just doesn't believe in evil, the more indifferent Gu Ye is, the more caring those women are.Gu Ye couldn't understand what those women were thinking, and even tried to replace Su Jiu in vain, and enjoy his affection alone. These people didn't even think about it. If he would empathize with others, then how can he be regarded as a dedicated person? Furthermore, since he is said to be a dedicated person, how could he empathize with others? Isn't this inconsistent.

After listening to Gu Ye's nagging, Su Jiu was also a little speechless. She really hadn't thought about it: "It's true that there are contradictions, but there are many women who always think highly of themselves and feel that they are different. Son, I feel like I can make the other party feel at ease."

"Too self-confident!" Being chased by those beautiful women, Gu Ye didn't feel vain and proud, but felt that they disturbed him.

Seeing the annoyance in Gu Ye's eyebrows, Su Jiu smiled: "Who told you to attract bees and butterflies—"

"You should have a good rest. Just let me handle the matter in the live broadcast room recently." Gu Ye thought of the audio-visual materials whose sales have soared recently, and perhaps found their source of inspiration for painting and repairing the plane.

Su Jiu waved his hand indifferently, and said, "It's okay. My health is very good, and I was very irritable at first, but now I know it's because of pregnancy, and I feel better all of a sudden. Well, I'm still with Same as before, continue to make wine, as for the rest, I will leave it to you and Qiuqiu."

Hearing this, Gu Ye just remembered that Su Jiu has been feeling very irritable recently. Now Gu Ye is extremely annoyed that he didn't expect to be pregnant. It really shouldn't be. Fortunately, Su Jiu is in good health, otherwise he I have to die of regret.In the end, Gu Ye still worried and said: "You must do what you can to make wine. I see that the wine in the warehouse is enough for the time being, so don't be so anxious."

Su Jiu nodded obediently, and said: "Don't worry, I will pay attention. I think the problem of drawing and repairing the plane seems to have found a clue. Should we order the whole thing first? I am worried that there will be another accident."

"Okay, I'll discuss this matter with Qiuqiu, don't worry about it, I heard from the doctor that you must pay attention to it in the first three months." Gu Ye carefully supported Su Jiu's waist and let him sit on the sofa, "You Don’t keep squatting to make wine, I’ll give you the whole table, and let Su Yi and other robots help you. By the way, should we buy a batch of baby-care robots?”

"I'm in charge of brewing wine, and all the tiring work is handed over to the robot. As for the baby care robot, it must be bought, and I will buy two more. You don't know when the child is well, it is really Angels are as cute as angels, but when a child starts to cry, it's not a devil but a disturbance, I feel a headache when I think of that scene!" Su Jiu really doesn't like children making noise.

Gu Ye also felt dizzy when he heard it, and secretly decided to buy two more. It seemed hopeless to expect the couple to take care of their children.Although the husband and wife both feel that childcare is a hard job, they both like children, especially Gu Ye, who has only one family for nine generations, and he planned to have two more children with Su Jiu in the morning, anyway, now they have three children Let go a long time ago.

Thinking of the pain of having a child, Su Jiu turned pale, and said, "If I didn't want to experience the feeling of being pregnant and having a child, I would have bought an artificial womb to conceive a child." She regretted not buying it now.

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, and he said: "We can buy it now. I remember seeing an artificial uterus. After three months of pregnancy, the embryos can be taken out and put into the artificial womb to conceive. In this way, you only need to work hard for three months. Just a month, I’m going to buy—”

At this moment, Su Jiu didn't say that he experienced the complete pregnancy process, he was really shocked by the popular science video!

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