Chapter 174 Ocean Upgrade
Su Jiu looked at the gift from the World Consciousness of the Huaxiu plane, and the corners of her mouth twitched. After passing through so many planes, she dared to say that the Huaxiu plane is definitely the most picky one!none of them!

A top-notch painting practice method "Painting Soul", a recipe for paper and paint, and nothing more.

It's not that Su Jiu doesn't like these things. After all, the skill "Painting Soul" alone is worth a lot, but these things are really worthless to the world consciousness. The recipes are different, and they also include teaching videos, the kind of teaching and protection.It’s not enough to draw and repair the plane, the bare formula, Su Jiu looked at it for a long time and chose to give up, it’s too difficult!

Seeing that the host was a little unhappy, Qiuqiu hurriedly diverted the host's attention: "Host, shall we upgrade the ocean this time?"

"Upgrade, you can get it from the main system." Su Jiu is now very curious about what the upgraded ocean will look like.It is said that the waters in the sea where mermaids live are full of aura. Will the upgraded sea water also have aura?If so, then many spiritual plants suitable for living in the ocean can be planted.

The mechanical sound of the main system sounded: "Ding dong, the ocean upgrade time is 24 hours, and there is no need to close the cave during the upgrade!"

Hearing this, Su Jiu raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect that this upgrade didn't need to close the Paradise of Paradise. Then she thought that this is not an overall upgrade, so of course the entire Paradise of Paradise would not be closed. The answer to the mystery of the upgraded ocean will be revealed after 24 hours. up.

Looking at the only two planes left on the panel, Su Jiu always felt empty in his heart, he was really not used to it!Tapping his lips with his index finger, Su Jiu began to think about what to do next.

On the Languo plane, there are mainly problems with the breeding industry, such as chicken fever, swine fever and other plagues.However, Blue Star has a well-developed breeding industry, and there are a lot of medicines for the prevention and treatment of various livestock diseases. At the beginning of the Blue Country Plane, they were purchased in boxes, but recently, the number of purchases has decreased a lot.

Su Jiu reasonably suspects that the breeding industry in the Blue Country Plane is starting to get on the right track. Not surprisingly, the Blue Country Plane will soon succeed in its counterattack.

Su Jiu guessed that even if the breeding industry in Languo is alive, they won't be able to have enough meat for a while. If they want to eat meat, most of them still have to rely on the live broadcast room. Maybe when the countdown appears, they will place orders frantically. Carnivorous.Cattle, sheep, pigs and other livestock cannot be raised in a day. Su Jiu decided that until the counterattack on the Languo Plane is successful, she will continue to expand the breeding, and then she will slowly close the redundant farms. .

Now Su Jiu's livestock that are slaughtered every day will be slaughtered and put on the shelves. As for what to do if they can't be sold, Su Jiu thinks it's easy to handle. After all, the warehouse in Dongtian Paradise has the function of keeping fresh, and the meat stored in a short period of time will not spoil.What's more, she felt that the local tyrants of the Lan Kingdom would not let her have any surplus meat, and what she had to worry about was what to do if there was not enough meat to sell.

After thinking about it for a while, the Languo plane was put down, and what was left was the Su La plane, which gave Su Jiu a headache.

I don’t know if she’s used to it, but now she gets angry when she thinks of the Sura plane. Su Jiu looked at Gu Ye with a gloomy look and asked, “What do you think about the Sura plane? We can’t do anything.” Don't do it?"

Gu Ye now has a headache whenever he hears the word "Sura". Looking at Su Jiu who is waiting for his answer, Gu Ye can only bite the bullet and say: "The conflict between Planet Sula and the Heavenly Demon has a long history. For tens of thousands of years, freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, how can you solve this matter as soon as you say it, the final solution to the problem still needs people from their own planes, we only play a supporting role, don't take it The list is all on us, at worst we will spend the next few decades with it..."

"You're right. To solve the problem, people from their plane have to take action. They're not in a hurry. Why should I be in a hurry here!" Su Jiu sat up abruptly, and sighed secretly: "The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry."

Gu Ye comforted Su Jiu a few more words, then claimed that the wine stock was running out, and asked her to go to the brewing cave.

After sending his little wife away, Gu Ye began to think of a way to solve the problem of the Languo plane: "Qiaoqiu, are all the high-quality veterinary medicines on the Blue Star here?"

"It's all on the shelves, and I see that most of them have been sold out. Brother Gu, do we want to buy another batch?"

"No, the market is almost saturated, so there's no need to buy more." The key point is that it's useless to buy too much of this stuff. After all, black pigs that have been transformed by spiritual energy will basically not get sick. "What about the formula?"

"All the recipes are also posted, and I see that many of them have already been bought." Qiuqiu was a little guilty when he mentioned this matter. For these recipes, it invaded many websites, but fortunately, the results were remarkable.Of course, any recipe that Mr. Gu thinks is good will be placed in large quantities at the manufacturer, which can be regarded as compensation in disguise.

Gu Ye glanced at Qiuqiu angrily, how dare he think of cheating Sujiu with such courage.

Fortunately, Qiuqiu couldn't hear his slander, and he wouldn't know it, otherwise he would have to cry for him.The main system has clearly stipulated that as an intelligent brain, it is not allowed to invade the network of the host plane at will. As a result, all the things ordered by Mr. Gu have stepped on the line. Unfortunately, most of these formulas are semi-public, and they are not considered corporate secrets. .

Gu Ye gave Qiuqiu a hard look, and said, "I don't know what I'm thinking every day. I not only placed a large number of orders in their company afterwards, but also paid for the use of related patents. Didn't you find the formula I asked you to check?" It’s all available for purchase.”

"..." Qiuqiu was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, it seemed that it was the same thing. After realizing that he had misunderstood Mr. Gu, Qiuqiu followed behind Gu Ye in embarrassment.

Seeing that Qiuqiu has been following behind him like a little daughter-in-law, Gu Ye rubbed his forehead weakly. How could he remember that Qiuqiu was not such a ghost in the beginning? What happened now?
"Qiaoqiu, do you want to check your data, why do I feel that the data has been pumped?"

Qiuqiu was really frightened, and hurriedly began to check his own data, fearing that something might go wrong.

Seeing that Qiuqiu was busy, Gu Ye breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he had sent Qiuqiu away. He couldn't bear this kind of intelligent housekeeper. Thinking that Su Jiu is not a person who likes to be restrained, she probably also Not less to fool the other party, the corners of the mouth slightly raised.

Turning around, he found that Qiuqiu was coming again, and the corner of Gu Ye's mouth froze immediately: "Qiaoqiu, what's wrong with you?"

"Boss Gu, the countdown has also appeared on the Lan Nation Plane—"

(End of this chapter)

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