Chapter 175
Gu Ye looked at the Languo Plane and saw that the counterattack was indeed successful, which was really surprising: "Don't tell Su Jiu for now." Jiu Jiu is pregnant now, and he can't bear the other party to worry about it.

Qiuqiu nodded quickly, anyway, it doesn't matter if the host is present or not, Mr. Gu can handle it all by himself.

Recently, in order to snap up the meat in the live broadcast room, the people of Lan Guo squatted in the live broadcast room early.Therefore, many people discovered the appearance of the countdown for the first time.

Gu Ye simply put all the items in the warehouse on the shelves, and then opened the pre-order channel.

After such a long period of development, the things in Su Jiu's warehouse can be said to be all-encompassing, and almost all the unexpected things are in it.It was the first time that people from the Lan Kingdom saw so many good things, they were so excited, they ran to tell each other, no matter what, they couldn't let their relatives and friends miss this opportunity.And the soldiers who are rich in merit and virtue stared at each other like light bulbs, shouting in their hearts: The anchor is magnificent!

Although the level of economic development in Blue Country is not bad, it is not enough compared to Blue Star, and many household appliances are lacking. People with more merits and virtues see refrigerators and buy them; see kettles and buy them; See electric blankets, buy...

At the beginning, Su Jiu bought a large number of household appliances for other planes, but unexpectedly, all of them were backlogged in the warehouse. This can be regarded as a major decision-making mistake.As a result, after Gu Ye put it on the shelves this time, a lot of unsold household appliances were sold out in just one hour.

Looking at the inventory that was quickly emptied, Gu Ye became more and more happy. Su Jiu must be very happy when he sees it.

Immediately, Gu Ye checked the sales speed of various electrical appliances, as well as the pre-orders placed by the people of Lan Guo.A few familiar special accounts came into view, and a flash of surprise flashed in Gu Ye's eyes. It seemed that Languo had made a move. They wanted to use these household appliances to research related technologies.

In this regard, Gu Ye didn't think there was anything wrong with it. In fact, it was not just the Lan people who did this. The former Qing plane really had the word "reference" carved into its bones. Gu Ye seriously doubted that the Qing Dynasty had The reason why the counterattack has become a large part of the development of Qing Dynasty science and technology.

Su Jiu came out after brewing the wine, and found that the Languo plane had also entered the countdown, and sighed: "Why do I feel that everything is like pressing the fast-forward button, and in the blink of an eye, another plane successfully counterattacked?" I really hope that the matter of the Sura plane will be resolved when I wake up—”

Gu Ye: "Ahem—" The little wife really dares to think about it, but he also wants such a good thing!Zhi Duo is as close to a monster as he is, and he never expected that Su Jiu would one day make his words come true, and the Sula plane, which caused headaches for their husband and wife from time to time, succeeded in his own struggle.

Su Jiu rolled his eyes, and said in a strange way: "Why don't you allow me to think about it?"

Gu Ye hurriedly smiled and said, "Of course." He doesn't dare to make his wife angry now, and of course he didn't dare to do it before.

Su Jiu also knew that Gu Ye didn't do it on purpose, but well, she just messed with each other as much as she liked, this is called the love of husband and wife.Looking through the recent orders, Su Jiu found that the people of Languo really have a special liking for meat, and he regretted not expanding the farm before, but it is really late to expand now, but the farm that was expanded a while ago is still a little As a result, although the supply cannot be completely sufficient, the rest can be purchased from outside, at most at a slightly lower price.

"This time, I took the opportunity to deal with some of the livestock that were slaughtered, and the farms can also be closed down. The Sura plane is not rare in the meat in the Paradise. By the way, after the farms are closed, let's choose a suitable place to plant a piece of brocade. Tree, if only we could get colorful silkworms."

Without multicolored silkworms spinning silk, they can only use special methods to draw brocade leaves into silk. Although the brocade produced in this way is beautiful, it only has a monotonous green color, and because of the particularity of brocade, it is difficult to dye. In any case, the final result is just a difference in the shade of green.

Su Jiu looked helplessly at Wanjie Mall, secretly thinking that it's a pity that she can't buy multicolored silkworms from Wanjie Mall, otherwise she wouldn't waste the fine brocade leaves.

Gu Ye responded one by one. Seeing that Su Jiu was still a little unwilling, he shook his head helplessly and said, "Your collection addiction is not going to get better." Obviously you are not a greedy person, but you like to grab good things in your arms and play with them. Those who don't know the inside story think she is the reincarnation of Pixiu, who can only enter and exit.

"But you don't have to pay too much attention to this matter. After we formally sign a contract with the God of Trading system, the Myriad Realms Mall will be upgraded accordingly. Maybe the upgraded Myriad Realms Mall will be able to sell living intelligent life. "Although these words were meant to comfort Su Jiu, Gu Ye really felt that the upgraded Myriad Realms Mall would undergo tremendous changes, so he might not be dreaming.

The two were talking about Qiuqiu and walked over from behind, shouting as they walked, "Host, the ocean upgrade is over."

The two stopped talking immediately, Su Jiu took Gu Ye's arm and said, "Come on, let's go and have a look."

Gu Ye nodded and followed Su Jiu to the beach. He was really curious about the upgraded ocean.

"Host, I just checked. The creatures in the ocean matured almost overnight due to the upgrade of sea water. I have already informed Su Yi to let him arrange for robots to harvest seafood."

Hearing Qiuqiu's report, Su Jiu nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You arranged it very well, and you will come here in the future. Blessed are the people of Languo. I remember that people there like to eat seafood. This time is really enough." Give them the whole seafood session."

Originally, Su Jiu felt a little regretful because the farm was built late, but now his son has no regrets either.The ocean in Dongtian Paradise is so vast. The seafood harvested this time is not only rich in variety, but the quantity is absolutely astronomical. The people of Lan Kingdom may not be able to eat all of them.

Su Jiu looked at the surface of the sea and said, "Why do I feel that the sea water seems to be clearer? Look at the fish that swam past just now, you can see it clearly from here—" She didn't mean that the sea water was turbid before, but It doesn't feel like there is a breath of aura now.

"Indeed, I'll go to the bottom of the sea to have a look, you can play at the beach for a while."

"No, we don't know what happened at the bottom of the sea yet. Let's just stay on the shore and wait for the robots to investigate." Just as Su Jiu was talking, he saw a team of robots emerging from the sea, looking at the salvaged objects. The rare treasures, Su Jiu was shocked: "Why don't I remember these things in the sea?"

The corners of Gu Ye's mouth rose slightly, and he said, "Before the sea water was upgraded, I bought it from Wanjie Mall and put it in. I didn't expect it to be fully mature now, and it can be regarded as a windfall."

(End of this chapter)

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