Accompanied by the harvest of a huge windfall, the passage to the Lan Nation plane was completely closed.

The gift given to Su Jiu by the world consciousness of the Languo plane was unexpectedly Wang Hanquan.There are top-quality wine springs (very suitable for wine making) and top-quality medicine springs in Dongtian blessed land, and only one top-quality cold spring is enough to make up the three basic springs. He has made a complete set for himself.This gift is not the most expensive, but the intention is more difficult, Su Jiu himself is quite satisfied.

"Qiuqiu, this time we have an opportunity to upgrade all the spirit springs. I don't know how many levels we can upgrade. How about the upgraded spring water?" Su Jiu really planned to continue to upgrade the ocean, but the world consciousness of the Languo plane made him She realized that she might be able to improve the quality of the spring water.

The three springs in Dongtian Fudi each have their own characteristics. The improvement of wine quality not only needs to test the winemaker’s skills, but also requires high-quality raw materials. It is said that the wine that the God of Dionysus drank and became intoxicated is brewed with divine spring water. The quality of spring water directly affects the grade of wine.Su Jiu's brewing skills have now encountered a bottleneck. If the quality of the spring water improves, she may be able to take the opportunity to break through.

Although Gu Ye still wants to upgrade the ocean, the quality of the ocean is still good for now, in other words, it is enough.However, the level of spring water is already difficult to improve the level of wine, and an upgrade is imminent.

Gu Ye said suspiciously: "The best wine spring is specially used to make wine, and the best medicine spring is for strengthening the body, so what unknown effect does the best cold spring have?"

Su Jiu pursed his lips, and said: "It is said that the water temperature of the extreme cold spring is extremely low, and it is already below zero, but it has not frozen. There are some special wines that need to use cold spring water. In addition, some special spiritual plants also need to grow in the cold spring. , such as Hanlian, Bingmei..." In general, the effect of the best cold springs is quite powerful, and she intends to upgrade all three springs this time, and the specific amount of upgrades depends on whether the energy is enough.

After dealing with all the chores, Su Jiu began to check the situation of the warehouse. I have to say that people from the Lan Kingdom really have a strong spending power, and the two hundred warehouses she built are all empty.

When Gu Ye asked her if she wanted to refill the warehouse, Su Jiu shook her head. People in the Sula plane only like the fine wine sold in the live broadcast room and the special weapons purchased from the Wanjie Mall, and they basically don’t buy other items. Knowing how to buy, Su Jiu felt that there was no need to bother to purchase goods from the outside world. As for the vacant warehouse, it could be filled up slowly. There is output every day in the cave, so why worry about not being able to fill the warehouse.

Su Jiu, who was free, looked at the empty warehouses, and gradually felt a sense of unreliability in her heart. She decided to fill up fifty warehouses with green japonica rice first, and do the rest slowly.

The days passed by so unhurriedly. During this time, the husband and wife went to do prenatal education for the baby when they had nothing to do, and then went about their own business.When the two hundred warehouses were all filled, the plane of Sura actually displayed a countdown!Su Jiu was shocked. She didn't do anything special during this period of time. Could it be that what Gu Ye said was true, the people on the planet Sula successfully counterattacked with their own efforts?
After some understanding, Su Jiu finally confirmed that the people from Planet Sura killed the Heavenly Demon and successfully crossed the catastrophe.It can't be said that Su Jiu didn't use any strength. After all, the reason why people on Planet Sura could be easily killed was thanks to the weapons she provided.

After the countdown appeared, the special session had already formed a fixed pattern, and Su Jiu didn't make any changes, and just followed the usual practice.As a result, on the first day, all the fine wine in her warehouse was emptied, Su Jiu, she...

"Ah! Host, the little master is about to be born, Mr. Gu told you to go there quickly, leave them alone—"

Hearing Qiuqiu's loud voice, Su Jiu didn't care about the matter of Sura's plane, and hurried to the nursery.Seeing that the babysitter was about to take out the cub, Su Jiu was so frightened that he breathed lightly.

The babysitter swiftly popped out a fat cub, and then handed the little guy to Su Jiu's hands.Su Jiu felt the limp little guy on his arm, and was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, his face was stiff, and finally he had to say to Gu Ye: "Don't watch the show, hug it quickly, my hands are stiff, in case I fall What to do if caught!"

Gu Ye twirled his fingers, carefully took the fat boy over, weighed it with his hands, and said, "This little guy weighs nine catties, really strong—"

Su Jiu also felt the weight of the fat boy firsthand, and nodded timidly. He is not strong, and the average child only weighs seven or eight catties.Then Su Jiu asked Gu Ye, "Did you tell Grandpa about the birth of the fat boy?"

"Not yet, grandpa thought we had found a surrogate." Speaking of this, Gu Ye still feels that he can't explain it in words. The old man was actually worried that the surrogate would play tricks, and even asked him to do a DNA test after the child was born, my God!
The corner of Su Jiu's mouth twitched, Mr. Gu didn't ask for so long, she thought he knew the secret of the artificial womb, she never thought that Mr. Gu was old, but she really dared to think about it.

After a while, Gu Ye just said slowly: "I told you about the artificial womb a few days ago, grandpa was very happy, and let us have a few more babies. If it doesn't work, we will artificially fertilize and put in the artificial womb... "

Su Jiu shook her head again and again. Strictly speaking, the fetus after artificial insemination is also the child of their husband and wife, but Su Jiu couldn't pass the test in her heart. She always felt that such a child was not conceived by her.However, most of the children in the interstellar era are conceived through technological means. Parents can even choose the genetic status of their children. For example, some parents want their children to look good, so they will prefer the appearance when choosing genes. This method cannot be said It is not good to conceive a child, but it will cause the relationship between parents and children to be weak, after all, it lacks the hardships of pregnancy in October.

Mr. Gu hugged his great-grandson and did not let go. Seeing that his grandson and grandson-in-law were still obtrusive by his side, he waved him away with a big hand.

Su Jiu sighed while walking: "The old man was friendly to me in the past, but now he has directly become a nuisance."

"Okay, grandpa also likes great-grandson." Gu Ye immediately asked, "Which romantic figure do you think this fat brat in our family will be?"

Su Jiu rolled her eyes angrily, she still wanted to know: "You take your time to guess, I'll deal with the matter in the live broadcast room."

Until the Wanjie live broadcast system was completely shut down, and Su Jiu was completely bound to the God of Trading system, Gu Ye didn't fully understand the identity of his own fat boy, but the fat boy was born smart, and it was true that he had a photographic memory. Guess the origin of the fat boy again.

Until one day, the fat boy blurted out: "The widow is reborn——"

Gu Ye: "..." Qin Shihuang, the first emperor through the ages?

Su Jiu: "..." The first emperor of the ages, Qin Shihuang?

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