I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 20 The Beauty of Embroidery

Chapter 20 The Beauty of Embroidery
Su Jiu originally thought that the embroidery building had the most people in the three shops, but it turned out to be the least. Su Jiu was a little puzzled, and asked strangely in the live broadcast room: "Do you know what's going on? The women are not Do you all like to embroider these exquisite items?"

The fans in the live broadcast room were immediately excited, especially the fans from the doomsday plane and the red plane were even more crazy. The anchor has always been generous, if they speak well, maybe they can get a steamed stuffed bun for nothing!
Su Jiu was ashamed to make wild guesses one by one, she had a really big brain, but she also knew what was going on.It was mainly caused by the live broadcast. The first stop of everyone who came to Changqing Farm went to the Clay Sculpture Pavilion, and the Bamboo Forest Pavilion was slightly better than the Embroidery Building because of its variety, but most of the fans speculated that the sales of the Embroidery Building were not good. It will be low so that the anchor should not worry.

The facts were indeed as everyone had speculated. In the afternoon, the tourists got up and went to the Xiulou after enjoying their eyes in the Clay Sculpture Museum.

Embroidery is one of the traditional Chinese folk crafts. It has a history of at least two to three thousand years in China. It has a unique charm.Suzhou embroidery, Hunan embroidery, Shu embroidery and Guangdong embroidery have a long history. Among them, Su embroidery on the side of the embroidery building is the most exquisite. Mainly small animals.

The embroidery in Changqing Farm is led by Su embroidery. Of course, this is also related to Su Jiu's personal preference.

Seeing the tourists coming and going, Su Jiu was in a good mood: "This picture of a kitten is a very exquisite double-sided embroidery, with similarities and differences on both sides. Like a cat's eyes, you can see that the colors on both sides are different. It is different, very fascinating. Double-sided embroidery is a superb embroidery technique, and it is a boutique in embroidery. Friends who like to collect embroidery can consider buying one-sided double-sided embroidery."

Su Jiu was introducing Su embroidery to the fans in the live broadcast room, and the tourists who heard the introduction came over one after another.

"I want this double-sided embroidery! The anchor, we finally meet, hello, I'm the cute little dumpling." Lin Min didn't expect that he would meet the anchor in the embroidery building. Watching the live broadcast, he knew that the anchor likes eating restaurants. She also thought about going to the restaurant to try her luck in the afternoon. She and the anchor are really destined.

"Hello, cute little dumpling! If you bind the evergreen membership card, I will upgrade the card for you in a while." This is the third fan Su Jiu met today. , The age distribution of her fan base is quite even.

Lin Min nodded cheerfully: "Anchor, I really like your bright golden peaches, I wonder if you can sell me some more later?" She hates her last time she bought five bright golden peaches with great difficulty, but was rejected by the elders of the family. It was divided up, and the buyer only got half a peach!Hearing that the old men at Changqing Farm asked her to bring goods one by one, so she went to see the Brilliant Gold Peach Tree at the first stop when she came to Changqing Farm. Fortunately, there were a lot of peaches hanging on the tree.

"I remember you just bought five last live broadcast, and you ate them up so quickly?" Su Jiu looked at Lin Min's thin body and secretly clicked his tongue. He couldn't tell that the little girl was soft and weak, but she was edible. Yes, "Take a look at other peaches first. There are three types of peaches such as Bauhinia Jade Peach, Flour-faced Snow Peach, and Bingxue Bi Peach. As for the Brilliant Gold Peach, it will take five or six days to ripen."

With the merits in hand, Su Jiu spent a lot of money, and all the fruit trees in Changqing Farm were replaced with high-quality tree species purchased from Wanjie Mall.Under the operation of the cheating device of wood-type abilities, in addition to the original bright gold peaches, Su Jiu has successively sold some delicious and rare peaches in the live broadcast room, such as redbud jade peaches, powder-faced snow peaches, ice-snow jade peaches, etc. But I don't know if the color of the bright golden peach is too noble. The fans in the live broadcast room love it so much.

A while ago, the Brilliant Gold Peach Tree had been ripened many times, and for the sake of the longevity of the Brilliant Gold Peach Tree, Su Jiu didn't plan to ripen these peaches for a long time.

Lin Min pouted with some pity: "Anchor, then this batch of bright golden peaches must be kept for me when they are ripe." If it wasn't for the fear of those animals attacking her, she would have wanted to round up this batch of bright golden peaches. .After a long while, Lin Min asked unwillingly, "Can the anchor go through the back door a second time, let's not limit it this time."

Su Jiu was amused. The cute Xiaotuanzi not only gives people a feeling of softness on the Internet, but also people like to eat soft peaches, but the fruit of Changqing Farm is mainly to open up the market at present, so we can't give them all: "Look I will leave you twenty for your old fans."

"Thank you for the host." Lin Min just casually said that he didn't expect the host to let her through the back door, the little sister of the host is beautiful.

"Is this a travel gift?" Su Jiu looked at Lin Min's bamboo basket, which had already placed several pieces of embroidery.

Lin Min smiled: "The elders in the family like exquisite embroidery. Next time, if the anchor has a more exquisite embroidery fan, you can directly contact me by private message. The price is not a problem." She didn't have the nerve to say that most of them were bought for herself. The next most popular ones are embroidered fans for my mother, who is a veteran embroidered fan collector.It's a pity that my mother can't come back from participating in the fashion week abroad, otherwise she would definitely come here in person.

"No problem." Su Jiu still prefers this little fan.

Perhaps infected by Lin Min's frenzied buying and buying attitude, many tourists who hesitated and couldn't make up their minds to buy or not for a while took out their wallets, and the sales of Xiulou directly turned dirt roads into highways.

Su Jiu was very happy and directly gave the other party one of the mutated blue enchantresses he picked at noon.She never expected that a month later, she would receive a call from Lin Min—to order 999 blue enchantresses. Knowing the reason, Su Jiu was surprised by missing something, and then took advantage of the opportunity to start a side business of flowers, and the business was booming.

Due to the busy opening, Su Jiu kept walking all day long. At night, she was so tired that her back ached. Listening to Qiuqiu's live broadcast, she almost couldn't get out of bed. She really didn't want to move!

Qiuqiu didn't expect the host to be overly excited and tired, but the host has already agreed with Daqing to broadcast the live broadcast, and it may not be good if he breaks his promise: "Host, why don't you start the live broadcast and show it to the people from Daqing?" Movies? You can sleep as much as you want without being in front of the screen."

Feeling the sore legs, Su Jiu nodded and said, "Then you choose a movie, I'll go to the bathroom and put the water away first." After speaking, he threw the phone on the bed and left it alone.

Qiuqiu didn't expect the host to push this matter to himself, thinking that he had picked and picked one of the Hong Kong movies he had watched recently - "A Chinese Ghost Story"!
After washing and changing into home clothes, Su Jiu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he looked at the film selected by Qiuqiu. Qiuqiu is the only one who can scare the common people of the Qing Dynasty...

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(End of this chapter)

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