Chapter 21 Prince Yinfeng
"Hello everyone, I'm Su Jiu." The end of the world has been on the right track, and Su Jiu is more concerned about the affairs of the Qing Dynasty, so after Changqing Farm got on the right track, she began to collect information suitable for the Qing Dynasty. items.

"Little girl, thank you for the fever-reducing medicine. My grandson is completely cured." Old man Wu clicked on the video call as soon as he saw Su Jiu started broadcasting, and he also sincerely thanked Su Jiu.

Su Jiu was very happy in her heart. Although she didn't feel that she had saved the Wu family, she was satisfied with the old man Wu's attitude. After all, no one wanted to help a white-eyed wolf: "It's the child who strives for it."

Old man Wu didn't think so. If it was really a kid trying to fight for himself, it would be a bad morning. Knowing that the other party didn't want to bring up the matter again, he changed the subject: "Anchor, let's see how much flour this jade pendant can exchange for?"

Su Jiu touched a small warmth with his hands, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind - Nuanyu!Regardless of lamenting the 100% true restoration of the high-tech in the Wanjie live broadcast room, Su Jiu's mind is now full of how cheap the jade of the Qing Dynasty is, so that a simple old man will come up with the best jade repeatedly.In fact, this is Su Jiu's misunderstanding. Jade was quite valuable in the Qing Dynasty. Old man Wu's two pieces of jade were passed down from his ancestors.

"Three hundred catties of flour, as for the shipping fee, I will pay for it." Three hundred catties of flour is nothing compared to the top-quality Nuanyu, the key is that the shipping cost is not low. Su Jiu wondered if he could get free shipping when he upgraded to the end.

Kui Qiuqiu didn't know what Su Jiu was thinking, otherwise he would have to pooh her face.

Su Jiu didn't plan to stay up all night tonight, so he simply asked Qiuqiu to be in charge of dealing with these people: "Next, I'll show you a movie "A Chinese Ghost Story" that we shot here, it's a ghost story—" said After opening the movie, he closed his eyes and fell asleep with the quilt pulled.

Fans from the Qing Dynasty in the live broadcast room were confused by Su Jiu’s coquettish operation. Some timid wanted to leave the live broadcast room but they were reluctant to part with it. It’s a new thing that they have never heard of movies. If they miss it, they don’t know. When will I have the chance to see it again?

Prince Yinreng, who was in a gloomy mood after watching "The Secret History of the Crown Prince", wanted to talk to the anchor about whether he was really divided in history. He has been in a mess for the past two days.Originally, he and Huang Ama were in the honeymoon period and didn't think about the future, but this film and television work forcibly lifted the fig leaf. Prince Yinfeng, who is familiar with history, knew that if he hadn't met the anchor, he would be really happy in the future. It is possible to fall to that point!
Thinking of Huang Ama's love for him when he was young, Prince Yinreng couldn't help but watch the relationship between their father and son break up. He held back his words, but the anchor threw down a movie and she left...

But the host probably fell asleep at the moment, and it was hard for him to click on the video call, so he could only follow the crowd and watch the movie.

I have to say that Wang Zuxian and Leslie Cheung are not only good in appearance, but also good in acting. Prince Yinreng, who wanted to watch casually, watched it very vigorously in the end, and his worries dissipated a lot.

The prince Yinfeng has thought a lot these days. He is unwilling to end up in the film and television drama no matter what. There is a very important person in this - Suo'etu.Suo'etu was a capable minister and was once a powerful minister, but in the end he became a loser in the political struggle.

Prince Yinreng learned that Suo'etu's final ending turned out to be starving to death, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.He knew that Suo'etu was a corrupt official who did many things that violated the laws of the Qing Dynasty, but if it wasn't because of Suo'etu's team that caused Huang Ama's dissatisfaction, he wouldn't be able to mess with Binalan in the end based on his achievements. Pearl poor.

"The number one sinner in the Qing Dynasty" thought of Huang Ama's scolding of Suo'etu, so Prince Yinreng simply went to Hesheli's mansion to have a deep talk with Suo'etu.

Suo'etu was so frightened by the future predicted by the prince that he broke out in a cold sweat. Perhaps it was because he thought about it day and night and dreamed at night. That night, Suo'etu dreamed that he was being clicked by Kangxi, and he woke up in a fright.At this time, there is no need for the prince to continue to bother to persuade, Suo'etu quickly rectified the officials of the princeling party, and also launched an investigation on the Hesheli clan, and criticized and educated and compensated the parties for minor violations of law and discipline. If the situation is serious Suo'etu directly exterminated relatives righteously.

Suo'etu's series of actions confused Nalan Mingzhu. Although she didn't know what the other party was going crazy, but adhering to the principle of not falling behind, Nalan Mingzhu also began to rectify the members of the Big Brother Party and the Yehenala clan.

The two sheep from the two major factions in the court began to attack their own people one after another. For a while, all the civil and military officials in the court were tense and did not dare to deal with moths, which surprised Kangxi who didn't know why.

Seeing the serious shrinking of the princelings, Prince Yinreng not only did not regret it, but was a little afraid. After all, those officials who were kicked out of the team had various problems. How can this not scare him?It's not that he doesn't understand the truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish, but the influence of film and television dramas is too profound, and another reason is that the last boss, the fourth brother Yinzhen, has attracted much attention for his unselfishness.

While watching the movie and thinking about the future, Prince Yinreng didn't think of a way out for a while, but one thing he was sure of was that he had to have a good relationship with the anchor.Thinking of the anchor's admiration for porcelain during the last chat, Prince Yinfeng gave the anchor a set of porcelain that he got a while ago.

When Su Jiu woke up, he found that the backstage had received a gift. He was quite surprised and said, "The prince actually gave me a set of porcelain!"

"Do you want the host to accept it? If you accept it, you need to pay the shipping fee." Qiuqiu has heard some seniors say how his host received gifts from fans in other planes, and now his host also has it. The prince had a little bit of goodwill.

"Why don't you accept it? The porcelain from the Qing Dynasty is an antique in Blue Star. How could the porcelain sold by the crown prince be inferior?" Su Jiu secretly lamented that "The Secret History of the Crown Prince" was not given away for nothing, and the reward will come soon.

Seeing the fourth prince Yinzhen mentioned in the prince's message, Su Jiu felt a little complicated in his heart. Only the other princes in the upper ranks of Yinreng, who was established as the prince as the first son, could be regarded as convinced, and Nine Dragons can also be stable, so from In some ways, she may have lost Yinzhen's throne.Today's Yinzhen has not made much achievements, and his merits are far lower than that of Yinfeng who is the crown prince. Su Jiu is hesitating whether to pull him in.

Qiuqiu can't quite understand Su Jiu's entanglement: "Hosts don't need to care about them too much. I remember that Honghui, Yinzhen's eldest son, died early in history. According to my guess, if you can save Honghui, you will have a wave of merit. "

Su Jiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Could it be that Honghui's future achievements will be great?"

"According to Yinzhen's emphasis on his son, it's hard for him to fail. The main purpose of doing this is to prevent Hongli from getting Yinzhen's political resources. Even regardless of his son, Honghui himself is far superior to Hongli .”

Now it was Su Jiu's turn to be surprised: "Qiaoqiu, you can figure this out, amazing!"

"Average." Qiuqiu was a little modest, "The host doesn't need to worry about whether the prince Yinreng or Yinzhen will succeed in the end, as long as they can lead the Qing Dynasty to prosperity."

"You're right, I was the one who got into a dead end." Su Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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