I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 24 Reaching Cooperation

Chapter 24 Reaching Cooperation
After listening to Su Fugui's snot and tears, Su Jiu also felt that this family was a bit unlucky, and the Cao family reminded her of Emperor Kangxi's nanny's husband's family. If he is down, if he doesn't help Su Fugui, he can estimate that the other party's fate will not be much better.

The business of the embroidery building should not be too hot recently. After all, there have been natural disasters in the end of the world, and many embroiderers who were not very lucky had accidents. This also caused the embroidery products of the embroidery building to be unable to keep up and even to be out of stock.Thinking of the century-old embroidery village of the Su family, Su Jiu felt that it might be possible to reach a long-term contract with the other party, so he immediately told the other party his thoughts.

In fact, Su Fugui contacted the anchor with the idea of ​​giving it a try. He never expected that the anchor would cooperate with him. If he wanted Xiu Zhuang to accept the anchor's order, it would be no problem at all!What else to do besides nodding wildly, the two sides quickly reached a friendly and cooperative relationship.

Chatting with Lin Min recently, the other party suggested to her that she could open a shop selling ancient costumes in Xiulou. Su Jiu thought about it and thought he could try it.The costumes of Han women in the Qing Dynasty are still pretty good, but the cheongsam of Manchu women is ugly if they are not self-cultivating. Su Jiu simply sent Su Fugui a collection of cheongsam books, and asked him to arrange people to make cheongsams like this.

Su Fugui looked at the pictures showing his arms and legs, and his face was flushed. Those pedantic old Confucian scholars would probably exclaim "disgraceful" when they saw this. What's more, with a lot of money to earn, who would care about these gossips.

Learning from the lessons of the former son-in-law Xue Cheng, even Su Fugui, who is now an honest son-in-law, dare not hand over the family business to the other party and simply start raising his daughter.Fortunately, although Su Jiaojiao's business talent is average, she has a lot of experience in fashion design, and the clothes designed by Xiu Zhuang's daughter are always selling well.

He weighed the book in his hand, Su Fugui asked: "Anchor, I wonder if you can bring in my daughter, Jiaojiao is very good at designing clothes, maybe you can talk to her."

Su Jiu nodded, and happily let the ball pull Su Jiaojiao in.As a result, the two hit it off immediately, and in just a quarter of an hour, both of them lamented how late they met, and felt that they were very destined for each other, otherwise how could they explain how two people who had been separated for hundreds of years could have such a happy conversation.

"Host, do you like Su Jiaojiao very much?" Qiuqiu couldn't help asking.

"I don't like it much, but the senses are not bad."

Qiuqiu was stunned: "..." No, host, you don't like it very much, so why do I feel like you two are going to ask for help on the spot.Is it my illusion?

Feeling Qiuqiu's doubts, Su Jiu felt a little embarrassed. She could say that she was so excited to encourage Su Jiaojiao to let the other party make persistent efforts. After all, it was a rare thing to meet a designer whose design concept was in line with modern times in the feudal dynasty of the Qing Dynasty. Not easy.

Hearing the host's slander, Qiuqiu's entire brain is not good, your human heart is really dirty!
Su Jiu shrank his toes in embarrassment, his life depends on his acting skills, and he accidentally hit Xiaozhi's brain.

Su Fugui and Su Jiaojiao's father and daughter have been working hard since they reached a partnership with anchor Su Jiu.

A pair of glass mirrors were placed in Su's Embroidery Village. Compared with dioramas, they were of high quality and low price. In a short period of time, the half-dead embroidery village was revitalized.

"Bang bang—" A beautiful young woman threw the porcelain angrily, and kept cursing.

The servant girl who was kneeling on the ground was trembling with fright. When she was first assigned to the young lady's side, she foolishly thought that she was about to develop, but in just one month, she fully realized the terror of the young lady.

The eldest lady is always so unattainable outside, but in private, she beats and scolds these maids frequently, and all the good-looking people in the yard are ruined. Xiao Tao used to dislike her parents for not giving birth to her more beautifully Now, I am grateful to my parents for not making her beautiful, otherwise she would follow in the footsteps of Sister Chuntao.

As soon as Xue Cheng entered the room, he saw the mess all over the place, his eyes darkened immediately, and he asked gently: "Mei'er, what's the matter? Why are you so angry?"

Kneeling Xiao Tao's body suddenly trembled. She used to think that the uncle was a man of honor, and she had a sweet dream of being confiscated by the uncle.She clearly saw her son-in-law taking Chuntao's body forcibly, but after the incident, the son-in-law said that it was Chuntao who seduced him.The eldest lady didn't listen to Chuntao's excuses and beat him to death with a stick...

Cao Meiyue cast a coquettish glance at Xue Cheng: "Husband, why are you back now, are you okay in the yamen?"

Xue Chengzhi's face froze, and then he said gently: "I want to come back to accompany you after finishing all the official duties."

Coaxed by Xue Cheng, Cao Meiyue almost forgot about the Su family's affairs: "That bitch Su Jiaojiao doesn't know which kind of god she got on with, and the new batch of glass mirrors in Su's Embroidery Village are not cheap at all. I can’t even sell the dioramas in my dowry shop!”

Xue Chengzhi's expression changed, he was actually squeezed out by his colleagues.He secretly inquired that it seemed to be related to His Highness the Crown Prince. How did Su Fugui, a Confucian businessman, get in touch with His Highness the Crown Prince?Moreover, it seems that the people above have known about his private affairs against the Su family. If he can't handle it well, he may lose his position.

If it wasn't for his official career, he wouldn't be bothered here to coax the idiot Miss. Xue Chengzhi pretended to be sad and said: "The news I heard seems to be that the Su family has joined the line of His Royal Highness. Our family has offended the other party. I am afraid that life will be difficult in the future. It's-"

Cao Meiyue didn't expect His Highness the Crown Prince to be involved in this. In her heart, His Highness the Crown Prince is very far away from them. Thinking of the description of His Highness at home, she said with some uncertainty: "The Su family is not rich, how could it be possible to have a relationship with the East Palace?" relationship, are you mistaken?"

Hearing that Xue Chengzhi frowned with some uncertainty, it is said that the crown prince came to Suzhou to investigate Meng Shuren's case, and was introduced to Su Fugui for some reason.

This matter sounds a little unreliable, but if the crown prince is not behind it, the glass mirrors in the shop cannot explain it clearly.If he had known that the Su family would have this opportunity, he should not have broken off the engagement with Su Jiaojiao, but now it was too late to say anything, Xue Chengzhi could only patiently coax Cao Meiyue, the charming lady, hoping that she would let the Cao family help to make peace.

The crown prince knew about the matter of the Su family, but it was not Meng Shuren who mentioned it, but Su Jiu.Just listening to Su Fugui's description of Xue Chengzhi, she knew that the other party would not let the Su family go easily, so she casually mentioned it to Prince Yinreng.

Unexpectedly, Prince Yinreng developed a new use of the Wanjie live broadcast room, using the live broadcast room to select talents, and Su Jiu immediately fell in love with the other party when he mentioned it. By the way, Meng Shuren in Suzhou was also rehabilitated and cleared of his grievances.It was also because the crown prince cleared Meng Shuren of his grievances first, and then got online with the Su family, making everyone think that Meng Shuren had recommended him to the crown prince.

The crown prince did not erase Su Jiu's credit, and Su Fugui's father and daughter became more concerned about Su Jiu because of this, and the goods they provided were perfect every time, and the business of the embroidery building in Changqing Farm was thus improved to a higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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