Chapter 25
The prince's actions are not considered secretive. Emperor Kangxi, who has been paying attention to his eldest son, knew of the abnormality of the prince almost immediately. A full-length mirror...

"The Secret History of the Crown Prince" has a profound impact on Prince Yinfeng. If his opponent is the brothers, the prince is confident that he can beat them after learning a lot of information, but his ultimate opponent is his own Huang Ama. Even the prince's mind was so extraordinary that he almost collapsed at the beginning.

Contrary to what Su Jiu had guessed, after knowing that he was not Huang Ama's opponent, the prince did not intend to hide the existence of Huang Ama's Myriad Realms live broadcast room, and even the resentful Prince Yinfeng secretly began to give it to him. My own Huang Ama is looking for work, thinking about my own Huang Ama's lazy administration in her later years, she blindly pursued "benevolence", raised a group of corrupt officials, and made her successor, Emperor Yongzheng, exhausted to death...

Whenever he thinks of the final ending of the fourth brother Yinzhen and other brothers, Prince Yinreng can't be angry with them. It is true that these brothers who participated in the seizure of the heir are more miserable than the other. Compared with them, I have enjoyed most of my life. It's a loss.Therefore, Prince Yinreng directed all his resentment towards Emperor Kangxi.

When Emperor Kangxi asked, the prince said everything in one go, including that he would "stand up to two and abolish" in the future.

Kangxi, who is now in the honeymoon period with the prince, is completely unacceptable. He has reigned for 61 years and is the longest reigning emperor in Chinese history. This is very good.However, he was tired and diligent in his later years, which led to corruption of officials and corruption of officials.

In the 49th year of Kangxi, the imperial censor participated in the impeachment of the household department hall official Xifuna and others for embezzling more than 64 taels of silver in the household department's warehouse, and as many as 112 officials were involved.Kangxi said, "I think about it repeatedly, and I can't sleep all night. If Yi and others are interrogated, many people will be convicted."In the end, only Shifuna was dismissed, and the rest of the officials were restricted in compensation.

Hearing the prince repeating his nonsense in the original history, Kangxi felt blushed, and he said that it was definitely not him! ! !
Prince Yinreng lowered his eyes, and a sneer appeared from the corner of his mouth.It's strange to say that he had a high fever the night after watching "The Secret History of the Crown Prince" and experienced an uncontrolled life of a deposed prince in his dream, and now thinking about it, he is still drenched in cold sweat.

There was a voice deep in his heart telling the prince that this was the life he should have experienced. After waking up, the prince Yinfeng's attitude towards Huang Ama changed. There was always a burning anger in his heart. Anyone in the princeling party who was found out by him The officials who were in Cao Ying and their hearts were in the Han Dynasty all fell into bad luck.

For a while, even the officials who wholeheartedly followed the prince did not dare to make mistakes for fear of being annihilated by the anger of His Royal Highness, but it made many officials who took advantage of the prince's influence to be honest. In history, princeling officials wantonly violated laws and discipline The phenomenon was contained as soon as it appeared.Although Suo'etu didn't know what happened to the prince, he was keenly aware that the prince had become different. The original chief speaker of the princeling party respectfully retreated to the prince's hands.

Su Jiu blinked, and said uncertainly: "Qiuqiu, Prince Yinreng means that he wants to buy "Drafts of Qing History" with me for Emperor Kangxi to read?"

"The host is not mistaken." Qiuqiu, who was interrupted from watching the drama, was a little unhappy, "Host, this is not a big loss to the prince, after all, he is not the last person to succeed in history, so he has nothing to worry about. "

"That's right!" Su Jiu felt that he had been thinking badly all along, and he was not as good as Qiuqiu's brain.Even if Kangxi of this period knew the history, he would not be afraid of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but would feel distressed because of the other party's conflicts. Yinzhen, who would have become Emperor Yongzheng, was more dangerous, but Yinzhen in the Qing Dynasty is just a young boy now. It's not the ambitious takeover, Kangxi can suffocate himself to death even if he is annoyed.

Wait, why did she feel that the last point was the purpose of Prince Yinreng, she shook her head, this must be an illusion.

After being interrupted, Qiuqiu didn't bother to watch it again: "What does the host think?"

"Of course I did." How could such a good opportunity to watch a play be missed, well, she was determined to find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to live broadcast it for her.

Prince Yinfeng agreed without hesitation. Anyway, he doesn't like Huang Ama now, so the anchor can just watch if he wants to read a joke. He just took the opportunity to make a good relationship with the anchor. Huang Ama fooled the anchor. too much.

Now Emperor Kangxi is a treacherous conspirator in the eyes of the prince. He was named the prince, but he was afraid that he would separate himself and abolish him, not to mention weaving a lot of things for himself "Crime".

Even if the prince is in a different situation now, he dares to guarantee that he will never do those stupid things, so it is needless to say where those crimes came from!

In a word: Huang Ama is not a human being!
Kangxi stayed up all night and read most of the "Drafts of Qing History".This made the Big Brother Party, who originally wanted to attack the prince in the morning, dumbfounded. They were worried that they would be angered, so they had to wait.

Kneeling on the ground, Yinzhen felt the cold gaze of Huang Ama, who was sitting above him, looking at him, cold sweat dripped down his forehead uncontrollably, and he kept wondering if he had done anything wrong recently.

The prince looked at Huang Ama's eyes, and felt cold in his heart. Now that the fourth child is not pleasing to the eye, it has not been passed on to the other party in history.

Yinti and the others were also at a loss, and they were all as cautious as Yinzhen.

Su Jiu, who was peeking at the screen secretly, almost laughed out loud, Prince Yinfeng was really hurt, he actually asked in front of all the brothers if he could show them, haha, Kangxi's face turned green.

"Qiaoqiu, do you think I should provide them with "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Qing Dynasty"?"

"Host, you have changed!" Where did the host of the cold goddess Fan Er go?
"Ahem!" Su Jiu, who let herself go, smiled a little embarrassedly. In fact, she has nothing to do with Goddess Gao Leng, otherwise she wouldn't have a good relationship with gossip activist He Xiaorong and others.

The reason for this kind of reputation is mainly because when she was young, she felt that the children around her were stupid and not worth her time. When she grew up, she didn't brag about her face. It was definitely diamond-encrusted. Langdie Su Jiu deliberately had a cold face like that of a celestial being.

People who have not been familiar with her for a long time think that she has a cold personality and is not easy to get along with, and Qiuqiu is one of the deceived ones.

There is no good way for the host's personality to deviate from his expectations, so he can only say with a cold face: "The host, don't forget to earn merit!"

"Don't worry, Qiuqiu. I'm here to understand the enemy's situation. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles." After his true personality was discovered, Su Jiu simply spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

The ball became a ball: "Host, there is one thing I forgot to say. Starting from unlocking the third plane, the host will give Wanjie Live Streaming System a usage fee of [-] merit points every month!" It absolutely does not admit it. I forgot about it on purpose, who made the host slack off to earn merit points recently, uh, probably not on purpose.

"What?" Su Jiu sat up abruptly, not because she felt that 30 merit points were too much after all, she earned a lot, but just yesterday she was fooled by Qiuqiu and spent all her merit, and tonight is NO.[-] Time to pay Wanjie live broadcast system usage fee!

"Ball, I hate you—"

Qiuqiu covered up his guilty conscience with a cold and flat voice, briefly talked about the use fee, and then, no matter what the host said, it resolutely pretended to be dead.

"If you have the ability to trick me, if you have the ability, don't pretend to be dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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