Chapter 26 Kangxi is here
I completely forgot about watching the show, Su Jiu entered the Dongtian Paradise and started to ripen the green japonica rice crazily, who let her be tricked by the little bastard Qiuqiu, now there is only one small supermarket that is still open around this time period, but in another day The door is also closed at an hour, so she can only rely on herself.

After busy greening for half an hour, he harvested nearly ten thousand catties of Japonica rice. Su Jiu, whose hands and feet were sore, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a bad tone: "Qiuqiu, open the live broadcast room to connect the plane of the Qing Dynasty and the plane of the end of the world."

Qiuqiu started the live broadcast quickly, without saying a word.

"This time, the Qing Dynasty will directly give [-] places." Su Jiu, who was in a bad mood, sneered at the corner of his mouth when he thought of something: "Remember to bring in Kangxi and Jiulong who participated in Jiulong's succession!"

Qiuqiu shook the petals, it will never tease the host again, woohoo, it's too scary.

"Hi everyone, I'm the anchor Su Jiu." Su Jiu had an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, "Dear princes and brothers, are you interested in buying the "Drafts of Qing History", the book includes important historical events and historical figures of the entire Qing Empire. It has a history of 1616 years, starting from the founding of Nurhachi in Hetuala in 1912 and proclaiming Khan in 290, when the Qing Dynasty fell.

Kangxi: "..." The anchor is not moral!
Prince: "..." The anchor did a great job!
Other princes and brothers: "..." What's going on?The Qing Dynasty died?

Seeing Emperor Kangxi stunned and looking helpless, Su Jiu immediately felt relieved, and he didn't mind Qiuqiu cheating on her anymore. Sure enough, he felt comfortable watching others feel sad.

After reacting, Yinti and others sent private messages to Su Jiu to express their willingness to buy the "Manuscript of Qing History". At this moment, Su Jiu was a little thankful for his foresight. When Prince Yinreng asked her to buy this book, she placed the order directly from Taotao I bought eleven copies, and I plan to sell ten copies, and the remaining one is for myself to read!Su Jiu didn't intend to cheat them, and sold them directly at the price of [-] merit points. Of course, they paid for the shipping.

In fact, it’s a good money to spend. There are some natural disasters recorded in the "Drafts of Qing History". They know these things and can do their best to avoid some unnecessary losses. This matter can even enhance the prestige of the royal family and crack down on the anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty. organization.With so many benefits, she actually only asked them for 100 points of merit, which is really conscientious.

Kangxi was so angry that he couldn't do anything with the anchor, which made him feel frustrated: "Anchor, I heard that the things in your hand are Paul Wanwu, do you know if there is fire control?"

fire system?Isn't that the low-profile version of the water gun!Not to mention that Su Jiu really has more than a dozen Desert Eagles in his hand.The sturdy appearance of the Desert Eagle is not a firing power that anyone can control. It cannot be replaced by any small and exquisite combat pistol. Private guns are not allowed in country Z, but when Su Jiu went to country M last time, he used gold I bought more than a dozen of them, and now I just use them to deal with Kangxi and let him see the arrogant Yelang who is out of the world.

"Huotong is too low-end, I'm too lazy to sell it. I have a pistol with [-] merits here, and I can give you one if you want." Su Jiu replied impatiently on purpose.

Kangxi's face turned livid immediately: "I want to see how powerful the Desert Eagle is, so give me one."

"Okay, the freight is paid by yourself." Su Jiucai didn't bother to pay attention to Kangxi's mood, and he didn't look down on the desert eagle because of the garbage level of the Qing Dynasty that would explode at every turn. Who gave him the courage?

Prince Yinreng was delighted to see the anchor spraying on Huang Ama. He didn't have the guts to confront Huang Ama, but the anchor could do it!The other princes and elder brothers watched with relish one by one, it can be seen that they have opinions on their own father in their hearts.

After the transaction was completed, Su Jiu stopped paying attention to Kangxi. To their surprise, Suo'etu and Nalan Mingzhu were both in the live broadcast room. His merits are also real, and his merits and virtues can definitely be regarded as the highest in the Qing Dynasty.If they hadn't been excluded by Su Jiu a few times before, these two people might have come in long ago.

Suo'etu and Nalan Mingzhu are indeed deadly rivals. They both looked at the "Drafts of Qing History" that the princes and elder brothers unanimously bought. Su Jiu watched the excitement and gave away the remaining two copies She secretly guessed how the two would react after reading it. She especially wanted to know Suo'etu's reaction after learning that she was starved to death.

"The anchor still has a lot of green rice and Qingjiang fish. These two foods are tainted with spiritual energy and can prolong life if taken for a long time. Everyone who is interested, hurry up and place an order!" Su Jiu yelled while catching fish from the river with his hands and feet. Looking at the lively Qingjiang fish, I secretly rejoiced that I love fish and raised Qingjiang fish with fewer fish bones in the river.

Kangxi, who was so annoyed by the anchor and wanted to leave when he heard about Yannian Yishou, didn't leave immediately, and placed the maximum amount for everything with extreme pride.

Except for Kangxi, a local tycoon, other well-to-do owners also donated money one after another, especially Qingjiang fish was sold without a single one left, mainly because Su Jiu said that he would not often sell fish.

The best seller was not the Qingjiang fish that Su Jiu promoted so much, but freshwater pearls!

There is no such thing as artificially cultured pearls in the Qing Dynasty. All pearls are collected from rivers or seas with countless efforts. Because the collection technology generally sometimes even pays the price of human life, the price of pearls has always been high.Most of the pearls that Su Jiu sells are artificially raised pigs, and the price is not too high-quality and cheap compared to the ones in the Qing Dynasty.

Not to mention that the fans who are not short of money in the live broadcast room are willing to buy some even if they are poor people. After all, even if they are reluctant to use it, they can resell it for a profit. The quality of the pearls, other people also wanted to order them but was rejected by Su Jiu. She was not in a panic because of too much money, but was worried that the surplus of pearls would lead to a price drop.

The reason why there are a lot of pearls in the background link is because of the influence of Prince Yinreng. I didn't expect it to be so popular. Thinking of modern and exquisite jewelry, Su Jiu felt that he might be able to put some high-quality and cheap small jewelry in the background.This idea only went around in her mind for a while before she put it aside. The main reason was that the green rice was sold out, so Su Jiu had to use the wood-type ability to ripen the green rice.

The process of Su Jiu's ripening process was faithfully recorded in the live broadcast room, and the country bumpkins in the Qing plane were stunned. Some superstitious ones even shouted on the spot: Fairy came to the world!
Even Kangxi, who had been vaccinated by Prince Yinreng in advance, was also shocked. He wanted to vomit blood when he thought of his unfriendly attitude towards the anchor just now. This is just an ordinary person, and the anchor might not know what ordinary people are like!

Since then, no matter how indifferent Su Jiu's attitude is, Kangxi has always been kind to Su Jiu, making Su Jiu who doesn't know the truth confused.

 If you like it, you must collect it~~~
(End of this chapter)

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