The truth of human beings is that they like to eat melons. Su Jiu was almost overwhelmed by the melons fed by two historical celebrities for a long time. When Liang Jiugong appeared on the screen, she pursed her lips in pity. Kangxi's reaction was too fast. , she can continue to eat!

It was a pity for the other spectators who watched the excitement, especially those who knew about these two lords on the Qing side let out a wail.

Su Jiu still likes Nalan Rongruo's poems quite a lot, and she doesn't want her words to hurt this great talent: "Let's go back to the old topic and continue talking about Nalan Rongruo. His endowment, combined with his outstanding talent and easy fame, together with his rich family background, rich food, imperial confinement, golden rank and jade hall, and smooth official career, constitute a kind of contradictory feeling and invisible psychological depression that ordinary people can hardly understand. .”

"As for personal feelings, in the feudal dynasty environment, Nalan Rongruo will definitely not have only one wife. Just like what Mingzhu said, three wives and four concubines were a common phenomenon in that era. Even in the Republic of China, some people married concubines. That!" Of course, Su Jiu still felt that Nalan Rongruo was a little fake, "It's better if we are modern. Monogamy is clearly stipulated in the law. If a man dares to cheat, his wife dares to let him leave the house; in addition, if both husband and wife If the relationship breaks down, the woman can apply for divorce and get half of the joint property of the husband and wife.”

Before the end of the world, the plane of the last days is also monogamous. They are not envious of the marriage world described by Su Jiu, but those women in the Qing Dynasty who have been baptized by the "Female Precepts" of the Three Obediences and Four Virtues were shocked.

Nalan Rongruo's poems are widely spread, "One generation, one pair in a lifetime, two places of ecstasy." This line can be said that there is no woman who is not tempted, just like what the anchor said, a generation in a generation, a pair in Qing Dynasty is not No but those are the minority.Unexpectedly, the things they couldn't expect to come would be clearly stipulated by law in the world where the anchor lives, not to mention the fact that they can divide the property of the husband's family, which is unthinkable.

Niu Colu Dongzhu clenched his fists and stared at the text below the anchor.She has been smart since she was a child, and there are not as many boys in her family. Mafa has lamented many times that she is not a boy, otherwise she is definitely the pillar of the country, but she does not accept her fate and works harder every time she listens. Deep down, she wants to prove that she is not as good as a boy. Difference!
Niu Colu Fujin looked at her daughter with sadness, she raised her daughter alone, how could she not know her thoughts: "It's only because we were not born in that era!" She was also arrogant when she was young I think I can’t lose to a man, but so what? I’m still trapped in the inner house. Thinking of my busy schedule every day, my husband still goes to the house every three days to get the little goblin. Those who have no conscience have spoiled their concubines and killed their wives long ago.

Dongzhu's eyes were red. If she hadn't seen a different world, she might have accepted her fate like Er Niang in the end, but she saw it: "E Niang, my daughter is not reconciled!"

Niu Gulu Fujin opened his mouth, but after all, he couldn't say anything to make his daughter accept her fate, so she could only hug her tightly.

Dongzhu refused to accept her fate and directly imitated Mingzhu and Suo'etu to throw "bright fireworks" in the live broadcast room, and asked the anchor what she should do in the future.

Su Jiu is very happy with Dongzhu's appearance, but she has no good solution. In the era of Qing Dynasty, independent-minded women suffered countless unreasonable malice, but she always wanted to do something for the rise of women in Qing Dynasty: " How about your literary talents? What about your management skills?"

Dongzhu didn't expect the anchor to contact her, she was surprised and happy, and hurriedly replied carefully: "I am familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, and I can write a good policy theory. My grandfather at home has praised me many times, saying that if I can take the imperial examination, I will definitely go to high school. My mother dotes on me very much, she let me manage the shops that will be my dowry since I was ten years old, these shops have always been profitable, by the way, there is a bookstore among them."

The more Su Jiu listened, the more satisfied he became. It was extremely difficult for a woman to change her situation, and it would be even more difficult if she had no skills. Fortunately, Niu Gulu Gege is capable.Looking at the sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, Su Jiu's eyes flickered. She has some ideas now, but she still needs the cooperation of Prince Yinfeng.

Although Dongzhu didn't get a definite answer, the anchor expressed her willingness to ask the prince for herself, which gave her hope.

Prince Yinfeng didn't expect that the anchor would send him a private message at this time, and he was taken aback, lest Huang Ama would be afraid of him when he learned that he had a good personal relationship with the anchor, and then he thought that this kind of private private chat would be watched by others If he didn't, I felt a little thankful that Huang Ama drove him back to Yuqing Palace.

Seriously reading the anchor's message, Prince Yinreng was stunned. He didn't expect the anchor to want a woman to be an official in a whimsical way.Because of the existence of the ancestor Xiaozhuang Empress Dowager, he never underestimated women. Some women are so powerful that even men kneel down.But it is precisely because of the power of the empress dowager that her own son erected a stone tablet saying "the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics". Now it is impossible for a woman to become an official.

Prince Yinreng sighed, and then sent his thoughts to the other party.

Su Jiu was not surprised by Prince Yinreng's reply: "We publish newspapers here. Newspapers are printed publications or electronic publications that are published to the public on a regular basis, mainly publishing news and current affairs reviews, and are important carriers of mass communication. , has the function of reflecting and guiding public opinion. I hope you can manage a newspaper, and the person in charge of the newspaper is Niu Colu Dongzhu."

"Niu Colu Dongzhu? I have never heard of this name before." As the crown prince, Yinreng has extraordinary political acumen, and it is very important for him to hear it in the newspaper. On the hands of a woman I know.

"A little girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, the other party's Mafa is Niu Colu Baoshan, you should know that, right?" Looking at the handsome face of the little prince and recalling the bright and beautiful appearance of Niu Colu Dongzhu, Su For a long time, the unformed idea became more and more serious. If the future princess is a person who pursues women's freedom, how will the Qing Dynasty change?

The corners of Su Jiu's mouth rose slightly, and he carefully sent the screenshot of Niu Colu Dongzhu to Prince Yinreng, but he said righteously: "This is my screenshot, you can take a look."

Prince Yinreng has liked good-looking people since he was a child. He is not lustful, but purely in control of his appearance.As soon as he saw the picture of Niu Colu Dongzhu, his eyes lit up. The other person's appearance was based on his aesthetic point.

Thinking of the face of the Crown Princess Guerjia that Huang Ama wanted to set for him, Prince Yinfeng had an idea in his heart. This Niu Colu Gege can make the anchor take the initiative to mention that the anchor must like her very much. If he can marry her As a princess, can the relationship between myself and the anchor go further? Thinking of this, the prince's eyes lit up.

Seeing the change in Prince Yinreng's eyes, Su Jiu smiled with satisfaction. If this matter can be accomplished, he might be able to use things to lure the prince to marry only one person.Although she didn't know what happened to the Guerjia clan selected by Kangxi, Niu Colu Dongzhu was definitely good, and the merits of the other party would reach [-] points, which was much better than her original one. Well, it can be said that the entire Qing Dynasty There are very few women who have more merit than her.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was good. Su Jiu simply gave Niu Colu Dongzhu a guide element out of his own pocket. It would be wonderful if the other party could awaken the supernatural power.

Thinking of the literary ability that appeared in the previous life, Su Jiu sincerely hoped that the other party could awaken this ability.

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