It is still unknown whether Niu Colu Dongzhu, whom Su Jiu had placed high hopes on, will awaken his supernatural power, but Nalan Rongruo has awakened his enviable literary supernatural power.

The so-called Wenqi ability is a kind of mutated mental power ability. People with Wenqi ability can convey energy through words to influence other people's thinking. Often the better the work, the more energy can be conveyed, and the faster the level of the ability user can be upgraded.To Nalan Rongruo, this kind of supernatural ability is like nectar from heaven, even knowing that the anchor criticized him very badly did not make him feel depressed.

After washing up, he couldn't even wait for Mingzhu to return home, so he plunged into the study. The servants who served him had no choice but to stop the mistress who wanted to see the uncle.

After only transcribing a dozen or so poems written before, Nalan Rongruo felt a pain in his brain, as if being pricked by a needle.

Su Jiu didn't expect that this great talent would have a private chat with him regardless of previous suspicions. When he clicked on it, it turned out that he was asking about abilities: "You may need a copy of "Introduction to Abilities", which contains the most basic information about abilities. The introduction is the guide book you need most at present, and you don’t need to spend money to exchange it directly with your calligraphy and painting.”

If Nalan Rong didn't expect the anchor to make such a request, there are quite a few in his calligraphy and painting study room, which is nothing to him.Perhaps for the sake of face or to change his bad impression with the anchor, Nalan Rongruo carefully selected ten works and sent them to the anchor.

Although Su Jiu is not good at calligraphy and painting, his basic appreciation ability is quite good. The calligraphy and painting sent by Nalan Rongruo are obviously carefully selected, and Su Jiu, who is satisfied, doesn't care about the shipping fee he paid.

Perhaps because the Qing side has not been baptized by the special factors of the end of the world, even if many people have purchased channel elements, it can be said that there are very few people who really awaken, and most of the awakened ones are relatively common five-element abilities.

The situation in the doomsday plane is much better. In order to strengthen the friendly relationship between the two sides, Admiral Fang directly reported the use of channel elements among the generals, and all the thousand soldiers awakened their abilities!The leaders of the military region who heard the news were all crazy, and they all wanted to order another batch of guide elements with Su Jiu immediately, so they specially sent General Fang to inquire.

Naturally, Su Jiu had no objection. Although he sold them for a little less money, it wasn't a big deal. He simply took out all the stocks in the past few days: "I only have 2363 bottles here. I originally planned to sell them live tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Yes, since you need it urgently, I will give it to you first."

Admiral Fang didn't report that he hoped to get all the guide elements, but he didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly: "Thank you, thank you. Anchor, you don't know that because of the evolution of zombies, animals and plants, our soldiers are constantly decreasing every day. The soldiers with supernatural powers are okay, but the casualties of ordinary soldiers make us really unbearable—”

Although Su Jiu has not experienced the apocalypse, there has been a similar history in the history of the Federation. As a student of the First Federation Military Academy, she has some understanding of this history. General Fang's remarks are not exaggerations but facts. The reason why she The willingness to sell it to him at a low price is also to reduce casualties. After all, both physical fitness and attack ability of supernatural beings are far beyond that of ordinary survivors.

After controlling his emotions, Admiral Fang seriously asked: "I don't know what we can do for the anchor?"

Su Jiu can now be said to lack nothing but merit, but who doesn't lack merit.However, under the influence of Nalan Rongruo, she remembered a very special ability - embroidery ability, this kind of ability can integrate his special spiritual power into embroidery, and the embroidered works are not only vivid and full of vitality Also possesses various magical abilities.

"I want some cool clothes made by embroidered supernatural beings." After a pause, Su Jiu said, "I can pay with transaction coins."

Admiral Fang didn't expect the anchor to ask for this. There are two awakened embroidery abilities in their capital base: "No, just treat it as a gift from us." The anchor helped them a lot, some clothes It's not that they can't afford it.

Su Jiu shook his head amusedly, and said, "The trading coins in your hands are very useful. I can pay for it myself. After all, I can eat enough for one person and the whole family is not hungry, so don't worry."

Admiral Fang didn't expect the anchor to be an orphan, and his heart suddenly softened. There are many orphans in the last days: "That's fine. If the anchor has other needs, you can contact me or Xia Yu at any time."

"No problem." Su Jiu was not polite to the other party.

Admiral Fang smiled with satisfaction. The anchor's casual attitude just showed the close cooperation between the two parties. Those conspirators in the West want to poach corners to dream, and they are the same as the anchor.

Su Jiu was obviously unaware of the turmoil in this elegant general's head, so he simply said goodbye and ended the chat.

Rubbing her shriveled belly, Su Jiu was a little surprised that it was almost evening when she saw the sky. She didn't expect the time to pass so quickly. She didn't want to move after a day of shopping. Thinking that there were still some instant noodles in the kitchen, she decided to make it herself. Cooked a bowl of noodles by hand.

The crooked golden noodles with white poached eggs are full of appetite. Su Jiu looked up and saw that the screen was full of swiping "want to eat", and the corners of his mouth twitched speechlessly: "This is just the taste of ordinary instant noodles Very ordinary, oh, this ninth elder brother Yinzhen, the imperial cuisine made by your imperial dining room is not much better than this, I want to eat but I haven't had a chance to eat it, don't be in the blessing and don't know the blessing."

Yinzhen didn't expect that the anchor would call her name, and she was so excited that she said proudly, "I'll exchange the royal meal with you!"

Su Jiu held the chopsticks in her hand, and she felt that the meal was inedible: "If I remember correctly, the imperial meal seems to be for the emperor, don't just grab a piece from the restaurant and call it the imperial meal."

Si Yinxuan touched her nose in embarrassment after being exposed, and the elder brother Yin rolled her eyes angrily: "Brother Nine, you are too foolish. If this offends the anchor, how can we get it from her in the future?" Buying things, what if the other party learns something and gives us fakes?"

At this time, Yinzhen had regretted it a long time ago, he just habitually wanted to make a cheap one if he could make a copper coin.

Seeing Yinzhen, the little eunuch of Qianqing Palace bowed and said, "Jiu elder brother, the emperor wants you to go to Qianqing Palace."

Yinzhen's face suddenly turned into a bitter gourd, and Huang Ama's speed was too fast, didn't she fail...

Yin took a sympathetic look at his brother Ninth, patted his butt and hurried away: "Brother Ninth, I suddenly remembered that the big characters arranged by Mr. have not been finished yet, I have to go back!"

Yinzhen could only watch helplessly as her tenth younger brother abandoned her and walked towards Qianqing Palace step by step under the eyes of the little eunuch.If you give him another chance, he will definitely not...

At the same time, Kangxi's Qianqing Palace already has a box of Master K's beef noodles, and Su Jiuzheng is gnawing on the pastries produced by the Imperial Dining Room of the Qing Dynasty while licking the noodles, and her eyes narrowed in happiness.

Su Jiu's tempting eating scene directly made the audience in the live broadcast room hungry, and they started to rub their bellies one by one.

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