Su Jiu looked at the sea of ​​fireworks in the Qing Dynasty, and twitched his lips in a speechless heart. These rich people really like to show off their wealth, but she likes it!

Some hungry fans ate the grilled chicken as soon as they got it. After eating, they also commented that the host was really good and they still wanted to eat it.So, Su Jiu didn't let the chef robots rest at all, and let them continue their great business of roasting chickens. Anyway, there are too many chickens in the Paradise Paradise, so he just took the opportunity to consume some of them.

The worms in the Zerg plane unexpectedly like to eat chicken, and most of the grilled chicken made by the chef robot worms were taken away by them. For this reason, the audience in the end-apocalyptic plane often connoted them in fancy ways on the barrage.It's a pity that the chat areas of the apocalyptic plane and the Zerg plane are not together, otherwise the two planes would definitely quarrel.

Although these things can't directly bring merit to Su Jiu, they still bring a lot of transaction coins. At least she doesn't have to worry about the transaction coins when she needs to pay for the postage herself.

Looking at the slowly increasing merit points on the background account, Su Jiu was a little anxious, and sighed in his heart that it is no wonder that opening a new plane is expensive and still many hosts choose to open it. Once a suitable new plane merit point is found, it will definitely grow like a well. .It stands to reason that the Zerg plane is a good place to provide merit, but it is a pity that Su Jiu's speed in refining medicine is not fast.

In fact, Su Jiu is too demanding of herself, and the increase of merit points in her account is definitely one of the best among newcomer hosts.

On the Zerg plane, many worms who had already given up their lives have raised their hope of life. In addition, because Su Jiu supplied the psychic pacifier according to the list provided by Marshal Bolton, there are already a group of military heroes in the early stage of the psychic riot. The mental power has been successfully converted into a peaceful period, and some violent rioters with severe mental power have been relieved. It can be predicted that they can return to normal when the supply of medicine is in place in the future, and even return to serve in the army.

The abnormality on the barren star has finally attracted the attention of the family. Marshal Bolton has been dealing with the temptations of various forces recently. Fortunately, he was opened by the anchor to get enough spiritual pacifiers, otherwise he would be angry again and again during this period. Due to the turmoil in his mental power, he has already collapsed in his mental domain.

A group of military heroes on the barren star got together and began to condemn those families on the main star. Their life was so difficult, and they finally saw hope.
Marshal Bolton sighed, and said weakly: "Don't look at us worms who used to be very prosperous, rich and powerful, but now we have some money, and the group of greedy worms on the main star are richer than us. I contacted the anchor in private, and the other party said that she can only connect to the star network on AS-0001 through the Wanjie live broadcast system. If this is known to those worms, I am afraid that we will all be kicked out of AS-0001 No. Desolate Star."

Admiral Kaiser laughed when he heard the words, and said gloatingly: "I'm afraid that group of people will be disappointed. The desolate planet AS-0001 is not a public planet, it belongs to private insects."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words. They always thought that AS-0001 Desolate Star hadn't been sold yet, but they didn't expect that it had already been sold. To make General Kaiser so happy, I'm afraid this bug doesn't belong to the family, and even Possibly Junxiong.

Admiral Kaiser didn't give a shit about it either: "Desolate star AS-0001 belongs to the rookie in the army, Admiral Ansel."

Speaking of Ansel, the worms are finally completely at ease. Ansel came from a slum. Because of his outstanding personal ability and appearance, many females in the upper class flock to him. He took medicine, but he avoided it, and it was precisely because of this experience that Admiral Ansir was full of disgust for the entire family of females.

Not only is Ansel capable of keeping the AS-0001 desolate star, but he will never get involved with the family worms. There is nothing more reassuring than these.


Layton said helplessly: "We already know that the AS-0001 desolate star belongs to Ansell, Admiral Kaiser, can you stop being so loud, my ears are almost deafened by you."

"No, Ansir is here!" Admiral Kaiser didn't expect the speed of the opponent to be so fast.


"Admiral Ansir is coming—"

After everyone finished greeting each other and sat down one after another, Ansel felt the tension in his heart loosen after he learned about the live broadcast room of Wanjie. A group of army heroes may lose in a competition with the family worms, but there is absolutely no embarrassment in the competition of merit.

Layton talked about the latest data: "The latest data shows that the mental violence index of the military heroes on AS-0001 has generally declined, and even many military heroes with a relatively mild degree have returned to a peaceful period. Xiongdu can return to the army." When this batch of restored army heroes returns to the army, their power will be further strengthened, and the calculations of the family worms will be even more difficult.

"It's still not enough." Ansel was not as blindly optimistic as Layton. Those family bugs would not easily give up the big fat piece of AS-0001 Desolate Star. Not surprisingly, they will The most convenient and quickest way to deal with oneself is to seize assets under one's own name through marriage.

It seemed that he was going to get married as soon as possible. Thinking of the little female he had rescued, Ansir unconsciously showed a smile, which made the big men in the army very amazed.

After a long while, Ansir suddenly asked, "Who owns the marriage registration office on Desolate Star?"

Although Hughes was curious about Ansell's question, he replied very honestly: "The director is my brother."

"That's good. I want to implement the marriage relationship as soon as possible. This matter will be handled by you. This is the identity information of me and my future female lead."

Marshal Bolton frowned, and asked, "Which family is the other party? What identity?"

The old fox, Marshal Bolton, that Ansel could think of naturally also thought of it: "The other party's name is Jin Yuxu, and I accidentally found it from the deserted star on the border. After genetic screening, the other party has never registered information in the system before and I learned that most of the girls from the other planet's previous planet were the ones who got married."

"There is such a place! If only I could meet such a female master." The marriage of Layton's male father was very painful, and he has not yet married because of this.

Ansel said vigilantly: "What they practice is monogamy. Both husband and wife must be loyal to their relationship. If someone cheats on others, they will be cast aside."

The corner of Layton's mouth twitched, he simply sighed that there was really no other meaning, why did Admiral Ansell regard him as a rival in love.

Admiral Ansel said that he was very serious with practical actions. In fact, he can't be blamed for this. It is not easy for a male to meet a female who is devoted to him.

If Su Jiu were here, he would have heard a very familiar name—Jin Yuxu.

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