Jin Yuxu never thought that Gu Hongping, her childhood sweetheart, would be so ruthless, because she accidentally noticed that the other party had tampered with Gu Ye in the car accident, and the other party ruthlessly killed her.Thinking of the moment when she was pushed off the edge of the cliff, she would never forget the feeling of panic in her life.

But to Gu Hongping's disappointment, he did not die, but came to a magical world.There is no human intelligence in this world, and the race is Zerg. When she first came to this plane, she experienced a transformation and completely became a female insect of the original plane.

Thinking of the hero who saved her, Jin Yuxu blushed. If someone had told her before that she would fall in love with a strange opposite sex at first sight or even get married directly after a short time, she would never believe it.The throbbing in her heart clearly told Jin Yuxu that she was tempted, and it also made her understand that she had no love for Gu Hongping in the past, but just drifted with the crowd because of the demands of both parents. It's a relief.

"Long time no see, I'm Blue Star anchor Su Jiu, hello everyone—"

A familiar voice came out of Guangnao, and Jin Yuxu looked at the familiar face on the screen and suddenly felt that her brain was not enough. Didn't she have left Blue Star? How could she see the live broadcast of her cousin?
Ansier felt the female lead's momentary discomfort and explained the origin of this live broadcast room.

After listening, Jin Yuxu was in a daze. Her cousin turned out to be a mysterious boss. She suddenly thought of the video she accidentally recorded when she had an accident. If she gave the video to her cousin Su Jiu, would Gu Hongping be punished by law? Anyway, I was pushed down from the cliff at the beginning, so it's not normal to find the body!
Just as she was about to send her cousin a private message, Jin Yuxu paused. From Ansier's words, she could tell that her cousin Su Jiu was very important to their Zerg race: "Ansier, I used to be from Blue Star, the anchor Su Jiu After a long time, she is still my cousin."

"What?" Ansel didn't expect that the female worm he accidentally rescued turned out to be a relative of the mysterious anchor. The relationship between cousins ​​and sisters is considered close if they are messed up. If the female lord can speak for them, then the family worms are sure to lose!

Worried that Ansel had unrealistic hopes for him, Jin Yuxu hurriedly told about his life experience and experience.

Although Ansir was a little disappointed, he did not vent his anger on Jin Yuxu.This made Jin Yuxu feel more and more that her choice was right, that is to say, there are a few good men like this in the insect star, and the blue star, let alone, whether it is her adoptive father or her biological father, is a scumbag. Forced, of course it's not that there are no good men, her own uncle is a very good man.

Su Jiu blinked and looked at the person in front of him, but he couldn't react for a while.After a while, he called slowly, "Jin Yuxu?"

"Well. How are you, cousin!"

Su Jiu looked at the text "Zerg Plane" above the template: "How did you get to the Zerg's territory?" This was so shocking.

Jin Yuxu showed a wry smile when he heard the words, and then told her recent experiences in detail.

Unlike Jin Yuxu, Su Jiu felt that it was normal for Jin Yuxu to find evidence of Gu Hongping's harm, and it was normal for the other party to attack her. Ye started.It can only be said that Jin Yuxu's fate is not good, but fortunately she has some luck.

"Qiaoqiu, what's going on?" Su Jiu asked Qiuqiu silently in his heart.

Qiuqiu was not surprised by this. One of the reasons why it chose the host at the beginning was because the host's soul contained rare space elements. This kind of person is naturally compatible with space elements. It is not impossible for the bloodline to generate special space elements under special circumstances.

Su Jiu didn't expect that he had such a characteristic. After a long while, he sighed, "I didn't expect Su Youhui to be my father's real sister. It's a pity—"

Qiuqiu felt that if he had a mouth, he would be twitching non-stop right now. Why can't he keep up with the host's brain circuit? Is this the point?Isn't the point what is the use of this gene?
Jin Yuxu quickly said that he hoped that Su Jiu would help send Gu Ye the video of Gu Hongping murdering him. This video can only play its due value in the hands of Gu Ye.

He didn't have a good impression of Gu Hongping and Su Jiu, and the cheap cousin didn't have any questions or refuse her request.

When Jin Yuxu thought that Gu Hongping, who had harmed her, would spend the rest of her life in prison, her face flushed with excitement.After a while, remembering Ansir's request, Jin Yuxu raised the matter and did not rely on her kinship to force Su Jiu to cooperate. After all, she knew very well that there was no special relationship between the two of them.

Seeing Jin Yuxu's behavior now, Su Jiu has no choice but to lament that Su Youhui gave birth to a good daughter with a clear mind, but unfortunately she killed her: "I thought it was a big deal, with whom?" Cooperation is not cooperation, not to mention that Admiral Ansell doesn't want to take advantage, you can ask him how he plans to cooperate."

Jin Yuxu originally thought that Su Jiu would not agree to her. After all, she knew very well how bad the relationship between her biological mother and cousin was, so this was a surprise: "Okay."

Ansir really didn't intend to take advantage of his kinship, he mainly wanted to hold the right to trade because he was worried that the family bugs on the main star would make trouble.

Su Jiu agreed to Ansel's request that she continue to provide mental power pacifiers to the military heroes who were mentally rioting. After all, it was a win-win thing, so why not do it.

So, when the family bugs on the main planet sent people to negotiate with Admiral Ansel, they were rejected, which indirectly led to the advance of the battle between the male and female.

Since the wine brewed in Dongtian Paradise has been selling well, Su Jiu has planted a large area of ​​amethyst vines in the space specially for wine brewing.In general, wine is much less time-consuming and labor-intensive than selling potions.

In order to have good things to hand when encountering higher-level planes in the future, the first batch of brewed wine has been kept untouched in the cave, and now it has become a thousand-year-old wine.

"Spirit of Merit and Virtue Cultivation" is worthy of being the legendary "merit" swallowing beast, and the merit Su Jiu earned is gone again!No wonder there are so many benefits to this exercise, and there are still not many people who are willing to practice it. Wanjie Mall even sells it through broken bones. Su Jiu also feels that she can't hold it anymore, but she still has no plans to give up. The high merit points paid for by buying exercises, even the invisible benefits after practicing, made her unable to let go.

According to Qiuqiu, many hosts will repeatedly draw similar planes or even planes that are useless for earning merit, but the Zerg plane she draws obviously does not meet these. Su Jiu feels that this has something to do with practicing "The Art of Cultivating the Gods" It has a lot to do with it, and she really feels sorry for those hosts who switched their exercises halfway.

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