I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 47 Abolition of Footbinding

After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, under the influence of Han culture, they began to praise "Women's Precepts" and "Women's Virtue", but the older generation of banner people sneered at this.Banner women are not happy with their families. To be honest, they have long had objections to the way the Han Chinese raised their women, but their children and grandchildren were influenced by the evil spirit and raised them according to the Han Chinese way. Their granddaughters and great-granddaughters, for which they often had conflicts at home.

After hearing all the complaints, Kangxi became more and more moved by the boss's proposal, because he just received three brochures this morning, and it was impressively written that the Eight Banners boys bound their daughter's feet.Thinking of those hypocritical Han people after the Qing army entered the customs and shouted the slogan "Men surrender and women do not surrender", the irony is that now the Manchus have started to follow the trend and bind their feet, which made Kangxi disgusting enough.

Su Jiu didn't expect that Kangxi would tell her about bound feet, but she was very displeased with it. It can be said that any modern woman would not like bound feet.

In the Qing Dynasty, women’s foot binding was prevalent. It would be considered a merit to get Kangxi’s full support to abolish this bad habit as soon as possible. Su Jiu expressed his support for Kangxi’s move to abolish this bad habit. For this reason, she will broadcast live on Sky Screen this time. At that time, the true face of the three-inch golden lotus was revealed, and she couldn't believe that those men could hug a pair of little feet and kiss each other after seeing those horrible pictures.

When it comes to the causes of footbinding, there are roughly four aspects: aesthetic requirements, gender segregation system, the promotion of Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties, and the promotion of virginity.The Han people have long pursued the beauty of women’s bodies. In ancient times, there was a saying that “the king of Chu has a thin waist, and the palace starved to death.”The praise of the rulers of the Song Dynasty also played a huge role.The royal family and the upper class of the Song Dynasty were the first to start footbinding.

Kangxi agreed with the example of the Song Dynasty mentioned by the anchor. Throughout the ages, what is good on the top must be bad on the bottom.So, with a big wave of his hand, Kangxi ordered all women with bound feet not to participate in the draft and not to enter the backyard of the clan.

The third elder brother Yinzhi vomited directly looking at the pictures and promotional videos on the sky screen. There is no way that among the brothers who have people in the backyard, he is the only one who likes women with small feet, but because Kangxi doesn't like this matter, he restrained himself and didn't make a small foot in the backyard. Women come, but when traveling with Kangxi in the south of the Yangtze River, he also slept with women with small feet and even played with them.

Prince Yinreng and other brothers looked at the youngest vomiting, and smiled gloatingly in their hearts, making the youngest talk to himself all the time, let's fall!Although they also like beautiful women, none of them dare to touch anything as fragrant as the third child.But they can only praise the anchor for "doing a good job" all his life. It is really the mouth of the third child that can offend people too much.

Kangxi saw what the third son did not understand. He was angry that the third son didn't know what was good or bad, and was even more angry with those officials who led his son badly. He was quite satisfied with the performance of the prince and others. It's not just a son who has a headache.

Su Jiu's approach is very effective. It is said that on this day, the major brothels ushered in the lowest peak of business in history. There is no way that most of the prostitutes in the brothels have their feet bound forcibly. Just look at the third elder brother Yinzhi to know how effective the publicity is. up.

Kangxi also let people publicize in private that the anchor Su Jiu dislikes bound feet, and if someone commits crimes again, the anchor may block them.Su Jiu expressed no objection to this. Although Kangxi was suspected of taking advantage of the situation, it was enough to speak her heart.

In order to show that what Kangxi said is true, Su Jiu asked Qiuqiu to test who has the prevalence of foot-binding in the family and who is as good as a man. She is not bad at this level of popularity, not to mention that once the bad habit of binding feet is abolished, she There will be a large amount of merit recorded in the account, so she is not short of the three melons and two dates in the hands of those guys.

Because every viewer who watched Su Jiu's live broadcast could know the changes in his merits and virtues immediately, Kangxi and other big shots took advantage of the live broadcast room to a new level.For example, Kangxi discovered that after he ordered all women with bound feet not to participate in the draft and enter the backyard of the clan, his merit points began to rise slowly. What does this mean?This shows that abolishing the bad habit of binding feet is a matter of great merit. Thinking that if the bad habit of binding feet is completely abolished, a large number of merits will be recorded, Kangxi wished he could decree to abolish foot binding on the spot, but unfortunately everything cannot be done overnight, they still have to be slow take your time.

Prince Yinfeng and other personnel responsible for following up on this matter also discovered the change in merit points, and other ministers also learned about this one after another, and they no longer resisted the abolition of footbinding in their hearts as before.Of course, the complete improvement of this situation started with an old man, who was not included in Su Jiu's black list at the beginning, so the merits of this old man can be checked at any time.

This Mr. Cheng is notoriously stubborn. He is a firm supporter of Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism, and believes that women who have no talent are virtues.Can you believe that none of the daughters and granddaughters of a senior official can read and write!This time Kangxi had just shown that he wanted to abolish foot binding, but he was blocked three times a day by Mr. Cheng, and he was strongly advised in the early court. If Kangxi refused, he was bumped to death in the hall.

Kangxi originally wanted to take the opportunity to earn a wave of merit points, but someone came out to disrupt the situation at the beginning, but he couldn't order this person to be pulled out and chopped up, so he almost didn't get mad at himself.Even Prince Yinfeng and other prince brothers were very angry. Huang Ama must have taken care of them for such a good thing of earning enough money. Isn't Mrs. Cheng just trying to stop them from "getting rich".

What everyone didn't expect was that since then, Mr. Cheng's merits have declined again and again. At the beginning, no one connected this matter with the early collision incident, and Lao Jiuyin was still doing nothing. Yu found out about this.

Everyone was shocked to learn of this, they never thought that blocking the abolition of foot binding would be detrimental to merit!It's a pity that Mr. Cheng is a stubborn person who won't listen to anyone's persuasion, so within a few days the other party made himself so bad that he couldn't watch the live broadcast.

After Prince Yinreng approached Su Jiu, Su Jiu explained the matter: "Bound feet is a very difficult thing. There is a folk proverb that says 'Wrap feet, shed tears'. It’s not an exaggeration, men who don’t believe it can feel it for themselves. Foot binding is so painful, how can it become popular among the people? There are probably the following reasons: First, it is caused by the deformed aesthetic concept distorted by the feudal society. Of course, I personally I didn’t find out what’s so beautiful about it, isn’t it just a pair of pig’s trotters? Second, it’s a product of the patriarchal society’s traditional custom of ‘men are superior to women’. Once a woman’s feet are bound, she can’t do a lot of social work. Where can I get money if I don’t work? It is restricted everywhere; the third is fueled by sour literati."

Su Jiu's incisive analysis directly uncovered the dirty inside story of foot binding. Countless sour scholars in the Qing Dynasty yelled at her crazily. Su Jiucai was too lazy to let these people block them all. In the future, the live broadcast room They have no part in any good deeds. After some operations, some extremists became more indignant, but it also made some sensible people more sober.

There was an evil smile on the corner of Su Jiu's mouth, and he said slowly: "I remember that there was a literati named Fang Xuan in your Qing Dynasty who called himself 'Dr. Xianglian' and wrote an article entitled "Xianglian Pinzao". He painstakingly divided the feet into five styles, nine grades and eighteen kinds, and carefully tasted and appreciated them respectively. Emperor Kangxi, I strongly suggest that you find this person and let him taste the joy of footbinding!"

"Wow—" Countless people were in an uproar.

During this period of time, Kangxi was also terribly annoyed by these sour scholars. He had also heard about this Fang Xuan, and he accepted the anchor's proposal without hesitation.

Kangxi's words were known to the whole world after the broadcast, Fang Xuan just rolled her eyes and fainted...

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