A nationwide top-down abolition of footbinding has swept across the country. After Su Jiu's propaganda, many people dare not freely bind the feet of girls at home.

Su Jiu, Kangxi and the others received meritorious deeds every day, and they were extremely happy.

Prince Yinreng and other princes who started to go to the court to run errands managed to accumulate enough merit points to buy guide element by virtue of this east wind, but under Su Jiu's suggestion, the fourth elder brother Yinzhen, whose physical fitness could not keep up with the trip, chose to buy it. Primary genetic medicine.The other princes and elder brothers learned that the probability of using the guide element to activate the ability after taking the primary gene medicine is much higher than before, and they all gave up buying the guide element and bought the primary gene medicine instead.

But Kangxi, the old man, took the lead in buying two things, and all the princes and elder brothers envied him, which made Kangxi very proud for two days, but when he calmed down, he was worried that he would not be able to awaken his abilities, and he felt uneasy .

Su Jiu looked at the hesitant Emperor Kangxi, and was speechless for a while, he really wanted to take advantage of it.She felt that his sons really couldn't buy the two medicines at once, but now she guessed that even if someone could buy them, they would use them secretly or wait for Kangxi to wake up before using them, with such an old man on his head Really bad.

Kangxi was a little dissatisfied when he didn't get a positive answer from the host, but he also knew that the host couldn't be blamed for this.As far as he knows, there are quite a few people who have used channeling elements, but so far only Nalan Rongruo and Niu Gulu Dongzhu have successfully awakened their abilities. From this we can see that the awakening of abilities is not an easy task.

As soon as Kangxi gritted his teeth, he simply called the imperial doctor Chen Yi to help him inject the guide element. Fortunately, Kangxi successfully awakened the metal power.

Prince Yinreng and other brothers looked at each other and saw relief from each other's eyes.These days, they have been worrying about Huang Ama not being able to awaken their abilities. This is not because they are so filial, but because they are sons who understand their own Lao Tzu's narrow-mindedness. They can't give up the opportunity to awaken their abilities because they are afraid of being jealous, right? This is the best way to go now.

The eldest elder brother Yinti suddenly said: "I heard that there was a drought in Shandong and many people were starving to death. I want to go to relieve the disaster in person." He didn't compete with the crown prince now. It was a pawn in his Huang Ama's hand, so he said it now because he wanted to tell the prince that he was going this time to earn merit, after all, the merit in his hand was not enough for him to buy guide elements.

Prince Yinreng's mouth moved: "..." He also wanted to go, but as the crown prince, Ama probably wouldn't let himself go to rescue the disaster in person. Sometimes he really envied the boss that they didn't have to be trapped in the Forbidden City.

The rest of the third elder brother Yinzhi and others were crazy, but the boss has always been very domineering and might not be willing to share the benefits with them. As for Huang Ama, they never felt that they were equal to others in Huang Ama's heart. When it came to the boss and the prince, all three of them looked a little unhappy for a while.

Now that Yinti's flags and drums are quiet, the crown prince Yinreng will naturally not be able to get along with each other all the time, after all, their relationship is not so bad that it is life and death.Seeing that the younger brothers had objections, Prince Yinreng gave the old ambassador a wink and said, "Brother, why don't you take the third brother with you, it's not easy to restore the victims to life as soon as possible, and it's more reasonable. All the relief money is spent on the victims.”

Hearing this, Yinti was taken aback for a moment, the prince's words were a reminder to himself, although there are many brothers, some of the merits may have to be shared, but there are also people who help to share other people's schemes.To be called a thousand-year-old is evenly matched with the prince for many years, Yinti is smart enough in himself, what the prince said was just that he didn't think of it for a while, and he didn't say that he had received the favor of the prince this time.

Yinzhi, Yinzhen and Yinqi all cast grateful glances at the prince, and then stared at their eldest brother.

Yinti rolled his eyes angrily, and said: "What to look at, this matter is not up to the Lord, we have to ask Huang Ama."

Prince Yinreng gave the four of them a funny look, why didn't he realize that his brother was quite cute before: "Okay, Gu will go with you, don't be preempted by those opportunistic people in the court."

When Yinti and the others heard this, they hurriedly followed the crown prince to the Qianqing Palace. The three-year-old milk dolls now know that merit is a good thing, and those old foxes who are going up may really pay the same attention as them.

As soon as they entered, they saw Suo'etu, Mingzhu and other Kangxi's confidant ministers inside, and Yinti and the others felt a little bit in their hearts, wondering if they were late, right?

Kangxi said with a gentle face: "You brothers came just in time. Several adults are arguing over who to send to Shandong for disaster relief. Who do you think is more appropriate to send?"

When Yinti heard the words, a look of joy appeared on his face, and he hurriedly replied: "Go back to Huang Ama, I feel that it is better for the royal family to come forward for this matter, and I and others are willing to serve Huang Ama."

Prince Yinfeng didn't expect the old university to rush to answer, but he didn't care too much: "My minister seconded the proposal."

Yinzhi, Yinzhen and Yinqi: "My sons and ministers seconded the proposal."

Kangxi was satisfied with the response speed of his sons. He originally planned to send the boss and the others to this matter, but Li Guangdi and others came to find them first, so he could not directly appoint the boss and the others.

It was rare for Suo'etu and Mingzhu, the deadly rivals, not to stumbling each other, and they all spoke well to the elder brother and the prince.

The eldest elder brother Yinti Kangxi originally planned to let him lead the team to Shandong, but the crown prince... Kangxi was a little undecided for a while, the prince could not leave Beijing at will, and because of the sudden appearance of the White Lotus Sect outside the live broadcast room and other anti-Qing and Fuming forces were very rampant, just in case……

Prince Yinreng smiled wryly in his heart, but he also understood Huang Ama's worries. Now the White Lotus Sect is quite rampant in Shandong.

Seeing the disappointment on the prince's face, Kangxi couldn't bear it, and weighed it all before he said: "Boss, you and the fourth son will go with the disaster money. The prince is responsible for arranging food and other things, and buying a batch of green rice with the anchor to ship it over."

Yinti and Yinzhen felt relieved: "Your servant obeys!"

Prince Yinfeng was very pleasantly surprised: "My son will definitely live up to Huang Ama's entrustment!"

Yinzhi and Yinqi looked disappointed and unhappy. They were nothing compared to the boss and the prince, but they were even compared by the fourth.

Naturally, Kangxi didn't forget these two sons: "The two of you contact the anchor and ask if there is any medicine to treat the plague. If there is, buy as much as possible and send it over."

Prince Yinfeng was startled: "Huang Ama, is there a plague in Shandong?"

Kangxi glanced at Suo'etu and asked the other party to explain to the prince and others.

Suo'etu had no choice but to bite the bullet and tell the story of Shandong's tragedy, emphasizing the traces of the actions of the members of the White Lotus Sect in this incident. In short, the brothers of the emperor must be extremely careful.

Yinti and the others didn't feel afraid of Bailianjiao and others, but were very angry that the other party didn't treat people as human beings and maliciously spread the plague, which made the disaster worse.

Kangxi looked at the angry expressions of his sons and nodded secretly. As expected, all he taught were Batulu of the Qing Dynasty.

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