I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 49 Suspected Deceased

"Recently, the three planes want to order large quantities of Japonica rice from the host. After the host's busy time, he can finally provide 10 tons of Japonica rice for each plane. If you have any needs, please contact us within [-] minutes. Anchor." In order to get enough of these Bijami, Su Jiu almost squeezed out the wood-type abilities, but she bought a batch of agricultural robot insects from the Zerg plane, otherwise she would have to die of exhaustion on her own.

In fact, the popularity of green japonica rice is not unreasonable. First of all, the optimized green japonica rice tastes very good, even people who like pasta like it. In addition, although the green japonica rice is not a spiritual plant, it has absorbed a small amount of spiritual energy after planting it in the cave. , It has a miraculous effect on physical fitness and a stronger sense of satiety, that is to say, people who usually eat three bowls of rice to be full may now be full after eating a bowl of green japonica rice.

All in all, green japonica rice is one of the few delicious and cheap products in Su Jiu's live broadcast room.

Su Jiu thought that the battle on the Zerg Plane would take a year and a half. Unexpectedly, the dust settled in just three months. The civilian males used their armed forces to seize the right to speak for themselves.After amending the Zerg law, they are allowed to have independent property rights. Even marriage cannot take away their wealth. At the same time, their life safety is guaranteed. In the past, female masters could be killed wantonly after marriage, but now it is against the law.

The females still enjoy part of the federal benefits because of their scarcity. For example, each female can receive a certain amount of subsidy every month before adulthood. Of course, male solitary worms can also receive a certain amount of subsidy, but it's not that much.

In Su Jiu's eyes, the series of measures are still unfair to the males, but Ansel and the others are very satisfied. It can only be said that although the Zergs are intelligent life forms, they still maintain certain animal habits.Su Jiu once read a report that when a disaster strikes, the old animals and some of the strongest combat forces will automatically stay to resist the attack of natural enemies, while the cubs will be protected and retreat. This instinct may also be engraved in the genes of the Zerg .

"Ansier, all the [-] tons of Japonica rice from your plane will be handed over to you. You can resell it or distribute it as military supplies." Su Jiu paused and asked casually, "How is Jin Yuxu?"

Ansel suddenly said excitedly: "She is pregnant! I was just about to ask if you could sell me a batch of fruits. Yuxu wants to eat fruits very much recently, but you know that there are few kinds of fruits here. , and the taste is mostly average.”

For a moment, Su Jiu wanted to dig out her ears to see if there was something wrong with her hearing, but fortunately she held back.After a while, Su Jiu choked out a sentence: "Then congratulations?"

"Same joy, same joy, hahaha——"

The corner of Su Jiu's mouth twitched, he didn't want to pay attention to the happy and crazy dad, and thought of his relationship with Jin Yuxu: "I will provide one hundred catties of fruit for the time being, and you will get a half discount for this batch of fruits, and the shipping fee will be taken care of by yourself."

"Thank you." Ansier didn't expect the anchor to be so generous, and he was very happy.

"Okay, Ansir, can you call Jin Yuxu, I have something to tell her."


After a while, Jin Yuxu appeared in front of the screen: "Hi Su Jiu—"

"Well, you stopped touching electronic devices after pregnancy?" Without waiting for Jin Yuxu to answer, Su Jiu said again: "You asked me to send the video to Gu Ye, and Gu Ye used the video to add The evidence directly sues Gu Hongping for intentional murder. The court verdict came down yesterday, and Gu Hongping was sentenced to life imprisonment."

"Life imprisonment?" Jin Yuxu originally thought that the other party would be sentenced to death.

Seeing this, Su Jiu explained: "Actually, life imprisonment is the most tormenting thing. After all, one death is one hundred."

"You're right, a scumbag like him should stay in prison for the rest of his life." Jin Yuxu felt relieved when he heard this, "But the Gu family didn't give him the whole mental illness?"

Su Jiu said disdainfully: "The Gu family wanted to stretch out their claws, but it's a pity that Gu Ye is not a good friend. Anyone who stretched out his hand was cut off by him. Now the Gu family almost hates Gu Hongping to death."

Suddenly, Jin Yuxu started to laugh wildly. Tears were streaming down her face while smiling, but her expression was unprecedentedly relaxed: "Thank you, you told me this, I think I can completely let go."

Su Jiu felt very uncomfortable. Gu Hongping was able to obtain a diploma from the world's top universities by relying on his real talents. Although his own aptitude could not be compared with that of Gu Ye, he was much better than most people. If he could Resisting the temptation to take shortcuts may be another scene now, one wrong step and one wrong step...

"Jingle jingle—"

The ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted Su Jiu's thoughts. Su Jiu said hello to Jin Yuxu and hung up the call. After that, he switched the live broadcast room to the recorded video, and then connected the phone.

"Hello Su Xuemei." A slightly magnetic and clear voice came out.

"Which senior are you?" Su Jiu was stunned for a moment. Why didn't she remember that she had such a nice voice?

"Hahaha, it's my fault. Su Xuemei, my name is Gu Ye."

"Hi Senior Gu, wait, you said your name is Gu Ye?" Su Jiu suddenly realized that this Gu Ye could not be the one she just mentioned to Jin Yuxu——

"It's just what Su Xuemei thought. Speaking of which, I haven't thanked Su Xuemei for sending the key video, which has helped me a lot."

"Actually, that was Jin Yuxu's own request." She was not lying, Jin Yuxu had indeed said so.

On the other end of the phone, Gu Ye's pretty eyebrows frowned, a little surprised in his heart, but there was a reasonable explanation for things that could not be explained before.He guessed that Jin Yuxu might have had a premonition before the accident, because of her bad relationship with the Jin family and the Liu family, perhaps only Su Jiu was more reliable, but for some reason he always felt that this was not the case: "Where is Jin Yuxu?"

Su Jiu's eyelids trembled slightly, and then he said, "She was killed by her ex-fiancé."

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, he always felt that there was something wrong with Su Jiu, so is Jin Yuxu really dead?Immediately, Gu Ye said nonchalantly: "I heard that Su Xuemei's Changqing Farm has implemented an unmanned shopping mall. I wonder if I have the honor to go and see it?"

Su Jiu cursed in his heart and put on a show: "Changqing Farm is always open, and seniors can come to anyone they want."

"Then please Su Xuemei help me arrange board and lodging. I plan to arrive at Changqing Farm at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Su Jiu was almost taken for granted by Gu Ye. For some reason, she always felt that there was once someone who would be so angry with her. Who was that person?Why can't she remember anything?

A blurred face flashed in his mind, and Su Jiu asked Qiuqiu with an ugly face: "Qiaoqiu, have I lost some memories of my previous life?" To be precise, I forgot a very important people.

Qiuqiu really didn't pay attention to this matter, heard the words and checked the host's soul, and unexpectedly found that there was indeed a small black spot on the host's soul, because it was too small and it hadn't noticed before: "The host's memory of the previous life There is a defect in the absence, but the ball can't help the host recover, the host can only hope for the ability to further upgrade the evolutionary brain domain."

Su Jiu always felt that there was something wrong, why did he need to recover after the evolution of the brain domain?And why does Gu Ye feel so familiar to her...

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