The crown prince Yinfeng who wants to understand is no longer so important to power, and at the same time he is not anxious about the continuation of his heirs. Thinking of the future crown prince Niu Colu Dongzhu is also a person with supernatural powers, and the heirs of the two of them have supernatural powers The possibility of being born is far more than the offspring he would have with an ordinary woman.Although there will be difficulties in the union of supernatural beings, Prince Yinfeng still doesn't care.

Niu Colu·Dongzhu heard that His Royal Highness rejected the concubine bestowed by the emperor, and her approval of the prince rose sharply in her heart. She didn't care why the prince rejected the concubine, she just needed to know that what the other party did was beneficial to her .

Niu Colu Fujin, however, was the mother-in-law who became more and more satisfied with her son-in-law, and kept telling her daughter to cherish blessings and cultivate a relationship with the prince.

Dongzhu is not stupid: "Emiang, don't worry, my daughter knows." She can feel that the anchor has a good sense of her, and it just so happens that her sense of the anchor is also quite good, and she plans to continue to build a good relationship with the anchor. , The cultivation of crops cannot be stopped.Thinking of the emperor's recent intention to allow noble girls from the Eight Banners to participate in the imperial examination, Dongzhu inevitably felt a little regretful, but as a future princess, she would have a considerable influence on the government, and she was satisfied with this.

On the other hand, Guerjagege, who was originally scheduled to be in Guerjia's house, is actively preparing for the imperial examination.The elders in the family were very dissatisfied with her being cut off by Niu Gulu and Dongzhu, but Guerjagege did not have such dissatisfaction.

After learning that the emperor intends to let the noble daughter of the Eight Banners enter the officialdom, she was full of joy, but she was smart enough not to show this joy. Taking advantage of her family's guilt towards her, she proposed to study the Four Books and Five Classics and take part in the imperial examination requirements.

Shi Bingwen and his wife originally missed the position of mother of a country because they did not give Guerjia Shi Hui a supernatural person's physique, so they were not angry at their daughter's request that was too deviant, and even Shi Bingwen licked his old face. The daughter found a good wife.

To be selected by Kangxi, Shi Hui is undoubtedly smart. Her study progress is very fast, and the articles she writes are gradually recognized by Master Chen.

Like Dong Zhu, Shi Hui is full of gratitude to anchor Su Jiuda from the bottom of her heart, because she changed her life like a pool of stagnant water.

Su Jiu never thought that Guarjage would send her a private letter. After reading the private letter, she felt a little complicated. She could be praised by Kangxi and Yongzheng. Guerja Shihui is definitely a character. Now she can It's so nice not to be stuck in a tiny backyard.

She felt somewhat guilty towards Guerjia Shi Hui, after all, she accidentally lost her position as the crown princess.With a big wave of his hand, Su Jiu sent the "Annotations to the Four Books and Five Classics" he bought to the other party: "I wish Shi Huige a prosperous career as an official!"

Shi Hui didn't expect that the anchor would give her a set of books as a gift. Touching the clean paper, she felt a sense of fighting spirit in her heart. She must pass the exam and never disappoint the anchor's expectations.

Knowing what Kangxi did, Su Jiu had to sigh, Kangxi is a very powerful emperor, if he hadn't gone astray in his later years, the title of "one emperor through the ages" seems not too much.Now the emperor who has awakened supernatural powers is ambitious, and Su Jiu boldly predicts that the achievements of this one will definitely far exceed those in history.

Su Jiu didn't expect that Kangxi was so courageous, and he felt the gap from the few words in the movie. He decreed to allow noble women from the Eight Banners to take the imperial examination. Leaving aside the discrimination against Han women, his actions are undoubtedly very important to the progress of history. .As the leader of this matter, Su Jiu also got some merits. Adhering to the principle of reward for meritorious deeds, Su Jiu directly asked Kangxi if he needed a golden fragrant pig. If so, she could leave one for the other party.

Kangxi naturally needed it, and he even wanted the anchor to give him a few more, but Su Jiu refused.

It's not that Su Jiu is too stingy, but that Kangxi can't support him, and the body of the dead Jinxiang pig is dissipating energy every second, and it is extremely extravagant to let the energy of Jinxiang pig dissipate. Su Jiu would never do such a move anyway.

Worried that the fans who bought the Golden Fragrant Pig would be reluctant to eat it, Su Jiu hurriedly explained the characteristics of the Golden Fragrant Pig again.

The viewers on the Zerg plane were excited, and they said that the anchors don't have to worry about them not being able to eat and waste.First of all, the stomach of their Zerg is an iron stomach, with two stomach pouches, which can eat a golden pig in one meal; second, their planet has long developed a storage cabinet specially designed to prevent the energy of the golden pig from escaping.

Out of curiosity, Su Jiu asked Ansier, and learned that this kind of storage cabinet only needed [-] trading coins, so he bought ten of them from Ansier, one of which was kept for his own use, and the rest were sold for sale. For fans who need it in the Qing Dynasty and the last days.But even so, she still limits the purchase of one per person, and strives to let more people eat delicious Jinxiang pigs. Of course, the most important thing is that once you have eaten Jinxiang pigs, there is no one you don’t want to eat again.

The Jinxiang pigs in Wufuli are not just two or three kittens, they have formed a huge group.Su Jiu wants to take this opportunity to launch the delicious roasted golden fragrant pig made by the chef's mechanical bug. Because of the special effect of golden fragrant pig, she will charge a certain amount of merit for each serving. Su Jiu always believes that the power of food is infinite, even if It is to eat delicious roasted golden fragrant pigs, those people will also be good-hearted.

Since the Wanjie Live Broadcasting System is not responsible for transmitting live objects, every Golden Fragrant Pig will be slaughtered before being sold.Simply slaughtering and selling directly, it is a low-profit selling raw materials, Su Jiu would not do such a loss-making thing.

After ten complete Roasted Golden Fragrant Pigs were sold, Su Jiu stopped selling the whole pigs: "Next we will sell them in boxes. A box of Jinxiang Pig Roast Meat like this is about 100g, and it needs three points of merit plus one [-] points of trading currency. Similarly, each account is limited to one purchase, so you can buy it quickly!"

The stock was cleared again in the blink of an eye. For a moment, Gu Ye felt that if the sale was released, the golden fragrant pigs on his planet would not be enough for them to eat for a day.Seeing that Su Jiu was fascinated by the pile of merits, Gu Ye had no choice but to stop him: "I have already sold two hundred Golden Fragrant Pigs today, so I can't continue."

Su Jiu glanced at the Jinxiang pig in the distance with some pity. Forget it, she is going to take the road of sustainable development, and she can't use up the resources: "Jinxiang pig, this time I will sell these. Next, let's talk about delicious food. The white deer." After speaking, he raised his head to signal Gu Ye to explain, and he wanted to rest for a while.

Gu Ye smiled dotingly, and took over Su Jiu's job: "White deer is a mutated species of spotted deer. It is the first time that everyone has known about it. Because of their outstanding appearance, they are kept as pets. White deer The fur is snow-white, with light green patterns on it, which is mysterious and beautiful; the antlers are silvery-white, and it also shines; in addition, the eyes of the white deer are very kawaii, and the water is very large. However, the white deer's They are very timid, people say that rats are timid, they are even more timid than rats, a little movement can scare them to death."

Su Jiu handed the roasted golden fragrant pig to Gu Ye, and signaled him to eat quickly, and said to the fans in the live broadcast room: "The taste of striped venison is very good, so the white venison, which is a variant of it, The taste of the deer should also be good, so after the white deer was frightened to death, these breeders ate the white deer. This eating was incredible, and I couldn't stop it. It was so delicious! So, the white deer fell Following in the footsteps of the golden fragrant pig, it was almost eaten to extinction."

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