"Although the white deer does not have the special effect of the golden fragrant pig, its taste is not inferior to the golden fragrant pig. It can be used for both medicine and food. The combination of Chinese herbal medicine can be used as a medicinal diet. There are various ways to eat it, and its nutritional value is much higher than that of ordinary deer species. "In fact, what Su Jiu said was a bit conservative. In fact, many people prefer to eat white deer. The meat of white deer is tender and delicious, with more lean meat and less connective tissue. It can cook a variety of dishes and is easy to be eaten. The human body digests and absorbs.

Gu Ye added from the side: "White venison can promote wound healing and eliminate some hidden wounds."

Su Jiu followed up with a sentence: "The price is the same as the golden fragrant pig, and each plane can get about [-] copies." Although the white deer is not easy to feed, the Wufu planet is a magical place, and the white deer breeds on the planet. It was very fast, and even some white deer were more courageous.According to Gu Ye's observation, except for those who were a little scared to death when they were transferred to the Wufu planet at the beginning, those who were born in the Wufu planet later were never scared to death again.

Ignoring those viewers who complained that the price could not be afforded in the bullet screen, Su Jiu continued: "In addition, the anchor will put [-] jade rabbits on each plane, [-] cold-fed jade rabbits and [-] roasted jade rabbits. [-] spicy jade rabbits. One has [-] points of merit and [-] points of trading coins."

Regardless of how they disliked Su Jiu's profiteer in the barrage, all these things were emptied in less than ten seconds.

Although the merits of each serving are not much, but the accumulation of small amounts becomes more, and the three meals are sold out, and Su Jiu has also received a large amount of merits.However, Gu Ye learned about the particularity of Su Jiu's practice, and felt that these merits were too little, so he simply dragged Su Jiu to a lake: "There are a group of blue water dragons in the lake."

Now not only the audience watching the live broadcast room were stunned, but even Su Jiu was stunned, and asked with some doubts: "Are you talking about the blue water dragon I know?"

Gu Ye nodded calmly. Most of the blue water dragons in the lake were bred over the years. He originally only caught one male and three females.

Just as a blue water dragon jumped up from the lake and sprayed a water arrow towards Su Jiu, Gu Ye quickly scattered the water arrow: "These blue water dragons were found from a remote primitive planet." Speaking of which, he would also like to thank those who chased and killed him. In order to force out his secrets, those people tried their best to catch him alive.

"I always thought that the blue water dragons had become extinct in the Karso galaxy, but I never expected to see such a large group today." Having been a native of Country Z for many years, Su Jiu feels somewhat dissatisfied with creatures like dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns. Same.

The Zerg plane does not have any special feelings for dragons. Although there are no blue water dragons on their plane, there are quite a lot of dragons like Ocaron and Charizard. They even have a predatory relationship with each other. It is very strong, and many insects like to eat roast dragon meat. At the same time, dragons also like to prey on insects.

Audiences in the Qing and Doomsday planes seemed to have lost their ability to speak when they saw the blue water dragon leaping out of the water. It was a legendary dragon!Especially Kangxi, who is both excited and worried at the moment. Thinking of the three kinds of meat that the anchor introduced earlier, he always has an ominous premonition in his heart. The anchor may not want to eat...

"The meat of the blue water dragon is tender and smooth, and the taste is superb, but this is not the reason why the blue water dragon is so popular." Gu Ye seemed to be unable to feel the urgency of the crowd, and paused deliberately, "You may have already guessed The blue water dragon has the ability of the water system, water is the source of all things, and the water content in the human body accounts for more than half, eating the meat of the blue water dragon can purify and repair the tendons."

The eyes of all supernatural beings are red with excitement. When they practice, their tendons will always be damaged for some reason. After the tendons are damaged, they don’t seem to have any discomfort on the surface, but anyone with a little common sense knows that the tendons are damaged It will lead to difficulties in advancing in the future, and even directly destroy the ability of tendons and veins.

Kangxi instantly couldn't care about whether the dragon could eat or not. Because he activated his ability too late, his tendons had already aged, and his own aptitude was limited, so the speed of his cultivation made him anxious. After all, he is not young anymore up.

"Anchor, I am willing to pay three times the price to buy some blue water dragon meat." Kangxi quickly opened a private message and sent it to the anchor.

When Su Jiu saw Kangxi's private message, the first thing he noticed was "three times the price", and his heart beat quickened for a second. He secretly praised Kangxi as worthy of being an emperor. It's a good thing.Thinking that they have been working together happily all the time, even when she complained about Daqing when she was in a bad mood, she was not hated by the other party, Su Jiu felt that it would be unreasonable for him not to let him go through the back door.

"Yes, I will give you five servings at most." Five servings are nothing more than a catty of blue water dragon meat, and Su Jiu can still afford it.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Ye directly fished up the blue water dragon that had just emerged with a mental power rope: "It's an old dragon, you can kill it."

"Friends from the Qing Dynasty, if anyone wants to buy roasted dragon meat, please press "1" in the live broadcast room, and the host will count the quantity first." Su Jiu always felt that in Qing Dynasty, no one except Kangxi would dare to buy roasted dragon meat Meat, after all, her live broadcast room does not allow anonymity.

In the feudal society, the "dragon" represented the monarch, that is, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. Although Kangxi ordered blue water dragon meat from her, he might not be happy if others bought it.In order to prevent the situation that the goods could not be sold, Su Jiu had to make statistics in advance.

The facts were similar to what Su Jiu had guessed. Except for Kangxi who made it clear that he wanted to buy it, everyone in the Qing Dynasty hesitated and asked questions.A look of helplessness flashed in Su Jiu's eyes. The feudal dynasty is a trouble, but opportunities are not something that everyone can grasp. Since these people are not rare, some are rare. Audiences who have not seen the end-time plane and the Zerg plane are all there. Knock "1" frantically.

Gu Ye sneered, and said directly: "Since the Qing Dynasty doesn't need it, let's forget it. Anyway, I only plan to kill a blue water dragon, which is only about a thousand catties." He also weighed it with his hands.

Kangxi didn't know what to think when he heard the words, he was happy that no one in Daqing dared to challenge his authority, but also felt that according to the anchor's habit, they could get one-third of Daqing's side, but now he is the only one who gets it I bought three copies, and I feel panicked when I think about it.Unwilling, Kangxi turned his head to stare at Longjiao and Longlin, and asked the anchor if he could do it.

The corner of Su Jiu's mouth twitched, the emperor was really narrow-minded, lest he would suffer a disadvantage, but this matter might not go as he wished.Gu Ye used to be the best forging master in the entire Calasso galaxy, and he would not let go of the best forging materials such as dragon horns and dragon scales.Besides, the items forged by Gu Ye, even if they don't need them, they can still put them up for auction, and the value is even higher than the original dragon horns and dragon scales, so why not do it!

Kangxi could only regretfully listen to the hot chat between the anchor and the audience in the other two planes, and the sourness in his heart surged up one after another.

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