The scales and keels of blue water dragons are excellent materials for making mechas. The Carasso galaxy is stored in the mecha museum. The legendary Shenlong mecha, a top-level SSSS-level mecha consumes the dragon scales of ten blue water dragons And keel, the defensive ability ranks in the top three among the known mechs, the only pity is that the master who controls it can only be a water-type superpower.

Su Jiu is a wood-type power user, while Gu Ye is a lightning-type power user. The mecha forged by Gu Ye using the blue water dragon is destined to be incapable of being controlled by the two of them, which is really a pity.But now with the existence of the Wanjie live broadcast system, they can completely sell the mechs to other planes.

"Attention, friends from the apocalyptic plane and the Zerg plane, you can take a look at this low-profile version of the Dragon Mecha, which can be controlled by people with water-type abilities, and can be controlled by people with S-level abilities at the highest." Gu Ye said to I am very confident in the mechs I forged. This level may not be very high for the Zerg plane, but it is completely enough for the end of the world.

On the building in the center of Longxiaguo No. [-] base, countless leaders stared at the water-blue mecha in front of the screen with glowing eyes, and their breathing became slow. Now they only have one thought in their minds: they must not let those guys next door Get the mech.

Su Jiu's old acquaintance, Admiral Fang, was sent out again by the organization. Although he took a mission this time, his conversation with the anchor was still very gentle: "Anchor, you know that their people are too picky. They are simply bandits. This time their rats mutated, and those who were bitten got strange diseases. They didn't think about how to eliminate the mutant rats. Instead, they managed to lure the mutant rats to our side. Anchor, you said they are Isn’t it too bad?”

Su Jiu understood. General Fang naturally meant that she did not want her to reach a cooperation with the other party, but she herself also disliked the master who was still fighting among himself at such a time.

Compared with Su Jiu, Gu Ye has seen more egoists, just like many people who chased him back then, many of them disappeared because of the treasures on their bodies, and more because they disliked themselves, commonly known as jealousy, not seeing others stronger than yourself.Seeing Su Jiu glanced at him, Gu Ye nodded indifferently. To tell the truth, it is not for sale to anyone. Of course, the priority is to sell to those who are pleasing to the eye.

Seeing this, Su Jiu smiled happily: "General Fang, I can give you a mecha, but this time the price is not cheap."

Admiral Fang was overjoyed immediately, shook his head repeatedly and said: "The anchor is too polite, we can't let you suffer. I remember the anchor said last time that he wanted to collect some ethnic minority costumes. We have already given them to you according to the anchor's figure. A complete set of ethnic costumes of 56 ethnic groups has been prepared, and each ethnic group has classic styles. These are gifts from us to the anchor, I hope you like it."

Looking at the pile of exquisite costumes behind Admiral Fang, Su Jiu's eyes widened in surprise. She just said it casually last time, but she didn't expect Admiral Fang to keep them in mind and help her prepare quietly. alright.Su Jiu felt that those people in the west could not blame him for being biased. Long Xiaguo gave too much, and they were very considerate.

Looking at the ethnic costumes, Su Jiu was in a bad mood, so he directly sent the mecha ordered by Long Xiaguo.

Kangxi on the Qing side is not happy anymore. Even if they are not needed, they can be bought and put away, and they can be studied slowly. Maybe the Ministry of Industry will figure it out one day, but the anchor directly refuses to give them Daqing, which is a bit Too much.

Su Jiu doesn't think she's overdoing it. It's just that the technological gap between the two sides is too great. In another seven or eight hundred years, she might sell it to the Qing Dynasty, but it's not yet the time. Selling it to them is nothing but leaving it in place to collect dust. In case of improper operation, it may be harmful to their own safety.

Kangxi was so angry that he was like a puffer fish. The anchor looked down on people too much. Isn’t it just a few clothes? The anchor sent a bunch of beautiful clothes and bought the Dragon Mech. I asked them to make some clothes for the anchor, why haven't they finished yet?"

Liang Jiugong was bitter: "The servant obeys the order."

Prince Yinreng felt that it was simply uncomfortable for him to compare his Royal Ama with his Long Xiaguo.Although he didn't know the specific situation of Long Xiaguo, he could feel from the anchor's words that the technological development level of Longxiaguo and Blue Star was about the same, and it was far from what Daqing could compare with.However, Prince Yinreng is too lazy to warn his own Huang Ama now, after all, it is hard to say whether he has a chance to ascend to the throne, why bother——

"Go, call the minister of the Ministry of Industry. The Qing Dynasty has a vast land and abundant resources. I don't believe it. The Qing Dynasty can't find a person who can make mechas." Kangxi expressed his dissatisfaction.

Minister of the Ministry of Industry said that he couldn’t do it, and he wanted to cry without tears. The last time the emperor took a fancy to Blue Star’s car, he insisted on letting the Ministry of Industry make it; Let them study building such a tall building...

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, who just came to power, was full of resentment towards his old boss who had chosen to retire early at this time, and the old fox slipped away too fast.It's a pity that the current position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry is a hot potato in the eyes of outsiders. His colleagues are all very shrewd, so they won't be fooled!
Why!If it weren't for the fact that none of his sons could do anything, Lao Shangshu wouldn't want to do anything.Thinking of the half-retired pearl, Lao Shangshu shed tears of envy. If he also had a unicorn in his family, he would be happy to retire now.Thinking of his son's life being ruined, he must keep an eye on his grandchildren's.

The people in the Ministry of Industry are most afraid of their Minister of the Ministry of Industry entering the palace, because every time he enters the palace, he will have new tasks when he comes back. It's a pity that they haven't rested for a long time——

No matter how angry Kangxi was, he couldn't change Su Jiu and Gu Ye's decision.

Gu Ye took out two more mecha buttons, and said: "These are two mechas, S-class and SS-class respectively, and the forging materials used also include the dragon scales and keel of the blue water dragon."

"Friends from the Zerg plane should participate in the auction as soon as possible. The starting price is [-] merit points, and each increase should not be less than [-] points!"

"Thirty thousand points of merit!"

"Thirty-five thousand points of merit!"


"Seventy thousand points of merit!"


In the end, the S-class dragon mecha was photographed by a crazy mech maker in the Zerg plane with [-] merit points, and the SS-class mech was photographed by Marshal Layton with [-] merit points.According to Su Jiu's agreement with Admiral Fang, the mecha given to them will be traded with the turnover of a mecha of the same level in the Zerg plane, which means that they need to pay Su Jiu [-] points of merit.

After this wave, Su Jiu earned as much merit as three months.It's a pity that the mecha is a luxury item, it's okay to come here once in a while, and it's sold every day, not to mention whether fans from other planes can afford it, and the blue water dragon in the lake is not harmed by Gu Ye.

Pursing his lips, Su Jiu could only give up this avenue of getting rich.

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