After Gu Ye's suggestion, Su Jiu made some adjustments to the content of her live broadcast, but she didn't have the time to live broadcast right now.

I don't know where Mr. Gu learned about his grandson's relationship with Su Jiu. The old man who has been urging the marriage to be unsuccessful, didn't wait for Gu Ye to bring his future granddaughter-in-law to the door, and ran all the way to Changqing Farm .

The first time I met my parents, Su Jiu expressed that he was a little nervous, and changed his clothes one after another: "Gu Ye, take a quick look at my outfit."

Gu Ye: "..." He said that he didn't really want to talk, his dear had already changed clothes for an hour to see grandpa, and he didn't even get this kind of treatment as a boyfriend!
After a long while without getting a reply from her boyfriend, Su Jiu's feverish mind calmed down, and he was suddenly embarrassed.Thinking that people of the older generation might like the traditional cheongsam, she simply chose a lake green cheongsam to wear.This cheongsam was made by Kangxi in order to please her by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Qing Dynasty was extremely greedy, their ability to handle affairs is still good. This cheongsam is very suitable for Su Jiu's eyes.

Gu Ye drove Su Jiu to Zhuxi Hotel, and met Gu Qianyu, the housekeeper of the Gu family's old house, at the entrance of the hotel.

"Uncle Gu, why are you here?" Gu Ye was very surprised to see the other party.

"Haha, the young master finally found a partner, so I have to come and have a look." When Gu Qianyu was young, he was injured and unable to conceive. In order to avoid delaying the girl, he didn't get married at all. He has been working in the Gu family and taking care of the grown-up girl There is no difference between the young master and his own.

Gu Ye is also very respectful to Gu Qianyu, who is like a adoptive father in his heart: "Uncle Gu, this is my girlfriend Su Jiu. Su Jiu, this is what I mentioned to you, the one who took care of me growing up. Uncle Gu."

"Hello, Uncle Gu." Su Jiu was full of admiration for this old soldier. According to Gu Ye, the other party retired due to injury.

"Okay——" Gu Qianyu recognized Su Jiu with just one glance, the other party's eyes were very clean, unlike many girls' eyes full of ambition and desire now, the old man should feel at ease now.

Maybe everyone in the Gu family pays attention to eyesight, and old man Gu also looked at Su Jiu very pleasing to the eye. He said that he was definitely not a lover of the house, and this kind of pleasing to the eye was really just a faint eye-catching.

In fact, all this is normal.Don't forget that what Su Jiu practiced was "The Art of Cultivating God with Merit and Virtue", and his whole soul is full of merit. Anyone who has no ill intentions towards Su Jiu will feel kind to her when they see her.When Su Jiu learned about this through Qiuqiu, she was so embarrassed, she sounded like the setting of a heartthrob.

"Hahaha, Su Jiu, right? Don't be nervous, just follow Gu Ye and call me grandpa." Mr. Gu wrinkled his face with a smile, and then took out a small jewelry box from the bag beside him.Said: "This is made by Gu Ye's grandma imitating the Empress Dowager Cixi's jewelry. It was originally passed on to Gu Ye's mother, and now it is passed on to you. I hope you and Gu Ye will be well in the future."

This is a very delicate headgear, its outline has a certain curvature, and the embellishment of gemstones is patchwork.And it is dotted with a row of small white pearls on the edge, surrounded by a row of drop-shaped pendants, and the tassel-like arrangement has a sense of line, both in terms of craftsmanship and design style.

I have to say that although the Empress Dowager Cixi lived a life of extravagance, she still has a pretty good taste in jewelry. Su Jiu, who is well-informed, also agrees that this is a piece of exquisite jewelry.

The moment the jewelry box was opened, Gu Ye cast a grateful look at his old man. This tiara was the tiara of the Gu family's mistresses during their weddings.Since Grandpa gave it to Su Jiu, it meant that he recognized her. There is nothing more gratifying than that. His valued family recognized the lover he chose.

Before Mr. Gu came, he asked people to conduct a detailed investigation on Su Jiu, so he chatted with Su Jiu about the construction of Changqing Farm, and even put forward some reasonable suggestions to Su Jiu. For a long time, I wanted to find a professional broker to be in charge of the farm affairs, so I simply recommended one of my old subordinates to her.

"Sun Hujun was originally my secretary-general, but this guy's health is not good, so he retired a few years ago. However, he has been restless, and he told me a while ago that he wanted to find a leisurely job, otherwise he would spend all day Staying at home here will make people moldy. The work on Changqing Farm is easy and the environment is quite good, which is very suitable for him to work in retirement style."

Su Jiu didn't expect such an unexpected surprise. Not everyone can be the secretary-general of the Gu Group. Sun Hujun's work ability is definitely very strong, which is much better than her going to a headhunting company: "Okay, then Please ask Grandpa Gu to help me get in touch, the monthly salary is [-], and there are generous rewards during holidays."

"Yes." 3 yuan is not much compared to Sun Hujun's original salary, but it is not too small compared to other jobs. Mr. Gu thinks that Sun Hujun will definitely agree.

Gu Ye originally planned to personally pick a reliable professional agent for Su Jiu, but he didn't expect his grandfather to act so quickly, but it would be more appropriate for Sun Hujun to know the basics, after all, the source of most of the commodities in Changqing Farm is not easy to explain.Sun Hujun is a vigorous and decisive person, and it seems that he has to speed up his actions to rationalize these goods imported from other planes as soon as possible.

"Gu Ye, why are you a boyfriend? Su Jiu just talked to you, why didn't you answer." Mr. Gu gave his grandson a look of resentment, the brat still needs to learn in this regard.Thinking of how close he and his wife have been for decades, Mr. Gu raised his chin proudly.

Immediately, Mr. Gu turned to Su Jiu kindly and said, "Let's ignore him. Your grandma is currently attending a fashion show in country F, and she won't be able to come back for a while. Don't you girls like to watch fashion shows, grandpa?" Take you to play."

Gu Ye gave his grandfather a funny look, and the old man wanted to skip work again, but he might not be able to make his wish come true: "Grandpa, Su Jiu and I plan to travel around the country, and the travel strategy has been prepared, as for going to country F to see Let’s talk about the show later.”

Su Jiu thought of his live broadcast plan and nodded.Not surprisingly, she will run around with Gu Ye in the future, although it is a pity to miss the opportunity to watch the show, but as Gu Ye said, the matter in the Wanjie live broadcast room is more important.

Seeing that his granddaughter-in-law wanted to travel more, Mr. Gu felt a little pity, but it was good for the two young people to take the opportunity to cultivate their relationship.In his heart, he is 1 satisfied with Su Jiu, his granddaughter-in-law. The only pity is that she is a bit young, not yet old enough to get married.

Although Su Jiu and Gu Ye planned to go on a trip, since old man Gu is here, she will take him around as a landlord.There are many empty villas in Changqing Farm, Su Jiu simply moved the old man's things in, saving the old man to stay alone in the hotel.

Mr. Gu didn't feel embarrassed either. Although Changqing Farm was also owned by the woman, it wasn't Su Jiu's private house. He lived there as a grandfather without any psychological pressure.

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