"Gu Ye, the sweet potatoes are all planted? There was another disaster in the Qing Dynasty, and the Kangxi years were really full of disasters!" As for Kangxi, no one was lucky. Su Jiu was worried about Kangxi, so he bought it for Kangxi For food requests, she usually delivers them as soon as possible, and this time is no exception.

Gu Ye felt that Kangxi was too treacherous, and he didn't believe that an emperor would be so difficult. The granary of the Qing Dynasty was so short of food, but he used Su Jiu to save shipping costs and help his sons earn merit points by the way.

Su Jiu looked at Gu Ye amusedly, and said, "I'm not stupid, I know that Kangxi exaggerated on purpose, but you have to admit that those princes will not embezzle the relief money, and are willing to send me the food Use it on the victims of the disaster. What's more, my help is not for nothing, they will pay, and I will also have merit for helping those victims."

Gu Ye naturally knew that Su Jiu was telling the truth, but he couldn't see how Kangxi wanted to take advantage, so he made up his mind to find a chance to make Kangxi bleed.I have to say that these two people are indeed a match made in heaven, even though Su Jiu gave the food happily, in fact, he also thought about the chance of making Kangxi hemorrhage.

The disaster victims in the Qing Dynasty ate delicious roasted sweet potatoes. Although they were also grateful to Emperor Kangxi, they were most grateful to the anchor Su Jiu.Gu Ye, the fiancé of the stamped anchor, inadvertently posted a few complaints in the live broadcast room, saying that his girlfriend had no time to accompany him because of the Qing Dynasty's order.

The people of the Qing Dynasty are no longer country bumpkins who don't understand anything, and they are no longer Wuxia Amon with the movies played by Qiuqiu tormenting them.They knew that the anchor had spent a lot of time in the field in order to provide sweet potatoes to the disaster victims, and the time spent on producing potions was definitely several times that of planting sweet potatoes, so how could they not be grateful.

Thinking of the anchor's sacrifice, the victims gathered together in twos and threes, discussing how to give the anchor a small gift, after discussing, they found that they really didn't have much to give the anchor, and the anchor didn't necessarily lack that little thing.

In the end, an old man in his 80s thought about it: "The anchor once collected recipes, and even sold a lot of food in the live broadcast room. The old man privately thinks that the anchor likes food!"

After the others listened, they thought about it in their hearts, and found that the old man's guess might be true. They seemed to have seen the anchor eat seven or eight sauced meat buns in one meal, which shows that he likes to eat.But now that they had a direction, they began to worry again. In a place as rich as Blue Star, the host had never tasted delicacies from mountains and seas. How could the taste of their homemade food be comparable.

Seeing that the villagers were bowing their heads, the old man was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "They are all elm heads! Er Zhuzi, I remember that once your mother pickled the cucumber, the old man can remember it for a whole year! I will let you Mother sent three jars of pickled cucumbers to the anchor, and also gave the anchor the secret recipe. Dashan, your wife has an ancestral wine-making skill. Even if you can't make wine now, you can give the anchor the recipe..."

The old man called out the names of several families in the village. The villagers thought about it carefully. Almost every family has some secret recipes. They went to find their wives with sweet potatoes in their mouths...

Su Jiu suddenly received a large batch of small private recipes, in addition to some side dishes, and his heart was full of doubts.

Gu Ye, who has been paying attention to the direction of this matter, nodded in satisfaction. It seems that these disaster victims still know who is really saving them. I told my son's story again.

Su Jiu: "..." She can only give her dear boyfriend a meme.

The corners of Gu Ye's mouth turned up, and his intimacy with Su Jiu was very beneficial, and then he recommended her to buy a food evaluation machine, so that they could price the meals made by the chef's mechanical insects in the future, as well as price the recipes.

Su Jiu looked at the food evaluation machine in surprise: "Qiuqiu, this thing is so useful, why haven't you mentioned it to me?"

Qiuqiu, who has become more silent since Gu Ye followed Su Jiu, let out a long sigh in his heart, how could it have thought that the Zerg group of guys are all foodies, and the end of the world would make it difficult for them to survive, why? Come to the live broadcast room every now and then to buy food?Why!It is an intelligent mechanical life that really cannot understand human beings——

"Forget it, Gu Ye, you should look at the Wanjie Mall more in the future." Su Jiu pouted in her heart, she felt that Qiuqiu was getting more and more unreliable, and kissing her boyfriend was more reliable.

The upturned corner of Gu Ye's mouth pulled up again: "Yes. There are still many useful things in Wanjie Mall. Look at these plants, they should look like they are in the magical world."

"The tree of life, the treasure of the elves, will produce a certain amount of spring of life every day!" Seeing this, Su Jiu's eyes lit up. No wonder Gu Ye was moved. The spring of life is said to be a spring that can grow any plant: " My merit points are affordable, but unfortunately, I have to deduct half of my real merit points."

"Don't feel bad, this is a necessary initial investment." Gu Ye also felt distressed for such a large amount of merit, "If we want to grow plants in the magical world, we must use the spring of life to infuse the seeds, although we have not yet The magic world is connected, but it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no similar planes in the new planes drawn in the future. Many plants in the magic world have a limited maturity period, even if there are wood-type abilities to cheat, they can't be too ruthless."

Su Jiu knew what Gu Ye said was reasonable, but: "Gu Ye, I don't plan to draw new planes in a short time." Not to mention that she is very poor now, and she doesn't have many merit points at all, just draw new planes. The transaction currency spent on the plane can also make her a poor peasant immediately.

Qiuqiu, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, couldn't help but interjected: "Host, Mr. Gu is right. Don't keep thinking about saving money, let's open source! At present, the host of the Qing plane is more worried, other The anchors of the two planes only need to put the products on the backstage, and now the host has the resources of the entire Wufu planet, so it is too wasteful to open a few planes. The intelligent brain customer service at the same level as me, their hosts open eight at the same time. There are not a few people with nine planes, and the host has only opened three planes now—"

"Jiujiu, what Qiuqiu said is right. Didn't we analyze it a while ago? The apocalyptic plane and the Zerg plane don't cost us much energy now. In the future, we will gradually smooth out the Daqing side, and it will be easier .”

Gu Ye knows that although Su Jiu does not lack the spirit of exploration, she also has a Buddhist personality that is easy to deal with. If he doesn't stir it up, Su Jiu will most likely wait until the three planes provide merit points when it is difficult. Only then will the new plane be extracted.

Su Jiu naturally knew her temperament, and she didn't object to Gu Ye's words. In order to prevent herself from regretting, she simply closed her eyes: "Just buy what you like, don't ask me—"

Gu Ye readily agreed, but was amused by Su Jiu's childishness, but such Su Jiu is so cute.

If there are typos, sentences are not clear, etc., I hope everyone can correct them as soon as possible. If it takes more than three days to make changes, I need to find an editor. Thank you

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