Seeing Su Jiu pouted all the way and ignoring him, Gu Ye just thought it was funny, the relaxed and happy days these days filled his heart with happiness.In the previous life, the two of them were aware of the secrets of the five blessings due to their careless actions. Although there was no shortage of food and drink, they hid in fear all day long. In my memory, Su Jiu was tense until he was accidentally killed. temper……

The haze in his eyes flashed past, and a sneer overflowed from the corner of Gu Ye's mouth. Perhaps he should thank System 414. If it hadn't been for it trying to trick him, he and Su Jiu might not have the chance to return to Blue Star.

"Jiujiu, we have reached the border of Yunnan." Gu Ye parked the off-road vehicle on the side of the road, got off the vehicle and loosened his muscles.

Su Jiu also heaved a sigh of relief. It was a pain to stay in the small car all day. She originally planned to rest in the Wufu planet, but there were monitors all the way. It would be terrible if someone saw her suddenly disappearing and appearing suddenly Yes, she still remembers the lessons of her previous life in another world.

During the Warring States Period, it was the place where the Dian tribe lived.Yunnan is the "South of Colorful Clouds" and "Colorful Yunnan". Another theory is that it is named because it is located in the "South of Yunling", and there are 8 minority autonomous prefectures in Yunnan.

Yunnan has a long history and culture, beautiful natural scenery, including Lijiang Old Town, Three Parallel Rivers, Stone Forest, Hani Terraced Fields, Dali Ancient City, Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Erhai Lake, Dianchi Lake, Fuxian Lake, Meili Snow Mountain, Pudacuo National Park , Gadan Songzanlin Temple, XSBN Tropical Rainforest and other tourist attractions.

Su Jiu and his group not only introduced the eight ethnic minority autonomous prefectures, but also introduced the tourist attractions. It just happened that it was not the peak season and there were not many tourists, so they could take their time.

"Hello everyone, I'm Su Jiu, the anchor of Blue Star." After resting, Su Jiu started the live broadcast: "The land under the anchor's feet is LSYZ Zhizhou. Friends in the live broadcast room don't know how much you know about the Yi people. According to Chinese According to historical records in Yi language, the ancestors of the Yi nationality are closely related to the ancient Qiang people distributed in the west, and the Yi nationality is mainly derived from the ancient Qiang people.”

The people of the Yi nationality in the Qing Dynasty were immediately excited when they heard the news, and shouted: "The anchor is introducing our Yi nationality! Come and watch everyone! Patriarch, come out quickly——"

The old patriarch walked out with a cane and was supported by his grandson. Seeing the familiar clothes behind the anchor, his mouth trembled: "The descendants of our Yi people are living a good life." The clothes on each of them are brand new. It was difficult, and the old patriarch always worried that they would disappear in the long river of history like many ethnic groups.Now that the offspring are doing well, he is finally relieved.

The young patriarch looked at the relaxed expression of his elderly father, and felt relieved: "Father, you go to rest, I will stare at the sky." By the way, see if you can do business with the anchor and improve the life of the clan .

The old patriarch is still very relieved about his son. Besides, he is getting older now, and more things have been transferred to his children and grandchildren. It is better to leave the contact with the anchor to his children and grandchildren.

"The religious beliefs of the Yi people are basically still at the stage of primitive religions, and the concepts of nature worship, totem worship, ancestor worship and animism are common in society." Su Jiu didn't know much about the situation of the Yi people before. According to recent information: "At present, there are still a large number of relics of totem worship in the Yi people's society, mainly including bamboo worship, gourd worship, pine tree worship, millet tree worship, animal worship, etc. For example, the Yi people in the Songziyuan area of ​​Chengjiang County, Yunnan Province will 'Golden Bamboo' It is regarded as the ancestral god. The Yi people in the Ailao mountain area of ​​Yunnan have always had the custom of worshiping the "ancestral gourd". Many villages in the Yi nationality areas of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan have their own "sacred trees" and "sacred forests". Yunnan Ailao Mountain calls itself One of the Yi people in "Luoluo" regards tigers as their ancestors. "Luoluo" means "tiger tiger" in their language. Each family enshrines a portrait of their ancestors, called "Nirama", which means 'Ancestor Tigress'."

After talking a lot, Su Jiu opened the thermos cup and took a sip of honey grapefruit tea to moisten his throat: "The anchor personally thinks that the Yi people are a very magical nation. Many friends may think that the Yi people have a brain pit, and they can recognize bamboo and trees. Waiting for the ancestors, however, the anchor feels that we all should learn the Yi people’s way of getting along with nature. Friends in the last days should have a deep feeling for the harm caused by environmental pollution. It can be said that the acid rain and soil erosion at the beginning of the last days are the result of environmental damage. Evil consequences."

"Pay attention to the Qing Dynasty. The river bed of the Yellow River rises every year, which has a lot to do with soil erosion. You'd better plant more trees along the Yellow River. In addition, you must understand sustainable development. Every tree you cut down Ten small saplings need to be planted, so as not to cut down all the trees.” Many people only know how to cut, but don’t know how to plant, and many forests that were originally densely vegetated have been cut down into barren hills. These people have a sense of urgency.

Kangxi has now developed the habit of watching the sky. Whether it is showing movies or the anchor is selling goods, he has to listen to it. The information that the anchor sometimes reveals unintentionally may be fun for others, but for him. But very important.

It's the same today, Kangxi frowned when he heard Gu Ye's words. He once issued a decree that hunting was not allowed during the breeding season, but he never paid attention to the felling of trees. It takes at least ten years for a tree to grow. Well, if everyone just cut off the ready-made ones, wouldn't it be a barren place everywhere after a long time!
"Liang Jiugong, summon Suo forehead and Mingzhu to meet." Kangxi felt that what the man named Gu Ye said was quite reasonable.

"Slave obeys the order." Liang Jiugong silently shed two drops of cat urine for the two university scholars. Now he can be regarded as a slave who has seen the world. Anyway, as long as the Lord Long Live summons which ministers, which ministers Be busy for a while.

Suo'etu and Mingzhu once again met their deadly rivals at the gate of Qianqing Palace, and both sides hated each other.

They didn't expect that Kangxi would actually want to implement the policy of cutting down one tree and planting ten trees as mentioned in the live broadcast room. The policy is a good policy, but they are afraid that the people below will violate it.

Kangxi cast a disgusted look at the two of them: "Clarify the serious relationship, they must not think about future generations at all!" As long as the matter involves their own interests, those illiterate people will naturally obey.

Suo'etu and Mingzhu clasped their hands at the same time and said: "The servant obeys the order."

"Yeah." Although things are not going well in various places recently, with the help of the anchor, the situation is much better than before. Kangxi is also in a good mood, so he thought about asking for news: "Rong Ruo, how is it now?"

When mentioning her proud eldest son, the smile on Mingzhu's face suddenly became more sincere: "Not bad, Rong Ruo said that he has been bursting with inspiration recently, and if there is no accident, he will soon enter the first level."

Kangxi felt a little sour in his heart: "That's right, I knew that Rong Ruo is still very talented in literature." When will he be able to upgrade.

Suo'etu was even more sour. Not only did he have no supernatural powers, but he didn't even have a son.

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