"The island where the anchor is located is around Lugu Lake. The surrounding area of ​​Lugu Lake is mainly inhabited by Mosuo, Yi and Pumi. There are seven Mongolian ethnic groups living along the coast. It can be said that it is a place with a lot of ethnic minorities. Yanyuan Lugu Lake Mosuo The Suo people culture is a matrilineal clan culture in the world, an extremely rare relic, not only of high academic value, but also of great tourism value."

In the live broadcast room, some Han people in the Qing Dynasty were yelling that the mere barbarians have something to introduce... Su Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and changed the content of what he was going to say: "Some male chauvinists in the Qing Dynasty can open their mouths." Open your eyes, let go of your hands covering your ears, have you ever heard of clan society?"

Not only are many people on the Qing side at a loss, but there are also many people on the Doomsday and Zerg planes who don't know much about it.

"In the early stage of clan society, during this period, women enjoyed a high status in society and held the leadership of the clan. The lineage was inherited by women, and the descendants belonged to the mother. Therefore, the three obediences and four virtues formulated by the Qing Dynasty, and women should be like this and that , It’s all wrong! Women’s social status was very high at the beginning, but with the development of history, they were gradually forced to develop into a disadvantaged group.”

Countless people in the Qing plane were shocked and exclaimed: "What!"

The corner of Su Jiu's mouth curled up slightly, she didn't need to see it with her own eyes, she could guess how shocking her words were to the Qing side: "During the matrilineal clan commune, people 'only knew their mother, but not their father'. Blue Star now has The woman scolded the man for cheating, "I can guarantee that the seed in my stomach is her own, but you don't know who to raise the baby for." The anchor thinks this is very reasonable."

Many women who reacted laughed one after another, isn't that the reason.

Most of the Qing Dynasty is a man with a little money who steals food behind his wife's back, and when he kills someone, he takes him home.

Qian Xiuxiu and her husband opened a steamed stuffed bun shop and made some money. As a result, the man started to be dishonest, stealing food outside all day, and had a heated fight with Widow Wang in the next street.Two days ago, the man came back and told Qian Xiuxiu that Widow Wang was pregnant, and he wanted to bring her back, so being a concubine would not affect her status.

Qian Xiuxiu is a pungent person, and besides, her husband's shop is still her dowry. She is so stubborn that she doesn't nod at anything. The two days have been so noisy that she has stopped doing business.

People in the town watched the excitement every day. After a long time, not only many men felt that Qian Xiuxiu was ignorant, but even some women persuaded Qian Xiuxiu to be more open-minded. She was just a concubine and didn't like to go back and deal with her after entering the door.

Qian Xiuxiu didn't think she had that ability, so she relied on Widow Wang to go back to the houses where her men were obsessed, and her son didn't care about it. If she really entered the house and gave birth to a son, she and her son would be finished, so she didn't say anything. Agree to the other party to enter the door.

As a result, such a sentence was spoken on the sky today!Qian Xiuxiu suddenly got excited, pointed at her husband's nose, and cursed: "Liu Shitou, listen carefully to what the anchor has to say! Just because Widow Wang can get along with you, why do you think the other party will only follow you?" You, you don't even know who that evil seed in your stomach belongs to!"

Liu Shitou was scolded to the point of humiliation, and when he calmed down, he also felt that what the mother-in-law said was right. Will he find the widow Wang or Chen Dashan, are these two really clean?

A woman next to him who joined in the fun said thoughtfully: "I heard that Chen Dashan often sneaks into the widow's house. This child can't be his?"

The others immediately began to talk in a hurry, saying that they had seen Widow Wang get close to so and so.

Qian Xiuxiu's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said in a higher voice: "Listen, there are so many men in the Widow Wang's house, and you are the only one who rushes to raise a son for others!"

Liu Shitou looked at the strange eyes of the people around him, his face was livid, but he couldn't say anything, not to mention that he didn't know what to do now.

The same thing happened in different corners of the Qing Dynasty. In addition, the people of the Qing Dynasty did not have compulsory education like Blue Star. They all learned history and knew the development process of the clan society. They were surprised when they heard about the matrilineal clan society for the first time. shocked.

"Blue star men who cheat will be cast aside by everyone. Many men's families are torn apart and their careers ruined because of extramarital affairs." Su Jiu was about to explain the provisions of the "Marriage Law" when he was startled by the roar behind him.

"Baby bastard, you stop for my old lady, if you have the ability to cheat, don't run away if you have the ability—"

A thought flashed in Su Jiu's mind: Well, here comes the real case!

"Aww—" the man screamed after being beaten by the woman, "You bitch!"

"You shrew!" The young woman was trembling with anger, gnashing her teeth and said, "Sisters, fuck me!"

The three girlfriends behind the girl rushed forward, one foot at a time, their feet reaching to the flesh.

An old man who was watching next to him said angrily, "Why does such a good young man cheat like others and become a scumbag!"

A middle-aged man said disdainfully: "Bah! You bastard, you really embarrass us men!"

The men in the doomsday plane also look angry. Most of them are still single now. If you have a date, you steal it. It's shameless.For a moment, the screen was full of scolding that cheating scumbag.

Su Jiu: "..." Scumbag congratulations on your debut in three planes at the same time!
When Gu Ye saw that Su Jiu was watching with gusto and even broadcast live to other planes, the corners of Gu Ye's mouth twitched, the Blue Star girls' reputation was about to be hurt.

The men in the Qing Dynasty originally watched a few girls cheating on the scumbags, and they didn’t care much. Don’t think that they are men, because they don’t know what their wives think. Every time they recruit new people, how many people give them old faces? , I might be secretly calling them scumbags, but as long as they don't say it, they can pretend they don't know.

However, what those men said later gave them a critical blow!In their eyes, it is quite normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. As a result, a man in Blue Star was despised by other men for stealing food!It can be said that this directly subverted their three views.

As for the women of the Qing Dynasty, except those who were really taught to be stupid, they all envy the women of Blue Star. I have to point and point, as if they did such a heinous thing.

At this moment, countless of them made a wish in their hearts, wishing to be reborn on Blue Star in the next life.

As the most noble man in the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi couldn't understand the behavior of those men. He didn't deny that some women were far more capable than men, but he absolutely couldn't stand having women over him, and many families in Blue Star turned out to be women After all, how did the other party endure these things?
It's a pity that Kangxi didn't dare to ask the anchor about this matter, he was afraid of being scolded, and thinking of the nearly disabled man who was beaten just now, Kangxi felt that Lan Xing's woman was really cruel.

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