"The types of tea sets listed in "Ten Songs of Tea Set" by Pi Rixiu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, include 'tea dock, tea man, tea bamboo shoots, tea pot, tea house, tea stove, tea baking, tea tripod, tea pot, boiled Tea.' Among them, 'tea dock' refers to the depression where tea is grown. However, the 'tea man' is not included in the utensils here."

Su Jiu said that these are mainly to earn the energy stones of the tyrants of the Zerg race. As for the end-time plane, she is completely out of her consideration. After all, they are busy building infrastructure at the moment, so even if it is a good time to enjoy, they still have to buy some gourmet food.There should be no shortage of these things in the Qing Dynasty, so they are not Su Jiu's customer group.

"The tea sets in country Z have various types and beautiful shapes. In addition to practical value, they also have high artistic value, so they are well-known at home and abroad, and have been favored by tea lovers in the past. The background of the live broadcast room mainly includes celadon tea sets, white porcelain tea sets, and black porcelain. Friends who like tea sets and colored porcelain sets can place orders now."

Gu Ye looked at the tea sets that suddenly disappeared in his warehouse, and thought that perhaps he should find time to refine another batch.Yes, few people know that the heir of the dignified Gu Group not only likes to study intelligent robots, but also likes to refine all kinds of utensils. All the tea sets that Su Jiuhang sells in the background are all made by him.

"Next, I will introduce some fruits to you. YN Province is located in the southwest of Country Z. It is a province known as the 'Kingdom of Animals and Plants' and is rich in products. It is rich in various fungi and fruits." Speaking of this, Su Jiu thought of what else to do. The people of the Qing Dynasty in the live broadcast room, thinking of the poverty in Yunnan during the Qing Dynasty, felt a sigh of relief, Blue Star is better.

"An important aspect of the Qing Dynasty's rule over Yunnan was the implementation of the 'reform of the land and return', which was the continuation and development of the Ming Dynasty's 'reform of the land and establishment of the stream'. The reform of the land and return to the flow began in the 16th year of Shunzhi and was roughly completed from Kangxi to Yongzheng. It took 70 years. After land reform, there were only 22 chieftains in Yunnan. After that, the slavery and serfdom in Yunnan were further disintegrated, which accelerated the process of feudalization and strengthened the centralized rule.”

The people of the Qing Dynasty were in an uproar when they heard this. In their eyes, Yunnan was a remote place, but it turned out that the planet of the anchor was a place rich in products.

Everyone else's mood was so complicated, not to mention Kangxi, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he couldn't help but wonder if this emperor himself was really as wise and powerful as the courtiers said.Kangxi was frustrated when he thought that those "one emperor through the ages", "wise king", "Batulu" and so on were flattered by his courtiers.

Kangxi's eyes were a little dazed, and he looked at the prince and asked, "Isn't I very bad?"

Although the crown prince Yinreng felt a little uncomfortable with his own Huang Ama because of the "Drafts of Qing History", in all fairness, Huang Ama is quite competent as the emperor now: "Huang Ama doesn't have to care too much. The gap between the Qing Dynasty and the Blue Star It took several hundred years of development for Blue Star to achieve today's prosperity. I believe that under the leadership of Huang Ama, our Qing Dynasty can develop slowly."

Kangxi was immediately given a shot in the arm. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the prince was right: "Baocheng, you are right! I still have time." He will continue to advance, and his lifespan is still very long.

Su Jiu didn't expect to receive a private letter from Kangxi at this time, and the other party asked her for books about the history of Yunnan's development.This is not a big deal, Su Jiu readily agreed, if Kangxi can find a way from the book that is in line with the development of Yunnan in the Qing Dynasty, it would be great.So, Su Jiu casually assigned the matter to his boyfriend.

When Kangxi saw the anchor reply "yes", he immediately felt relieved.Today's Kangxi is confident but not conceited. In his eyes, the experience of the predecessors is still worth learning.

Sitting among a pile of Huaning tangerines, Su Jiu advertised generously: "Authentic Huaning tangerines come from Huaning County, which is known as the 'Orange Town'. The citrus fruits are huge, with bright colored skin and sour flesh. Sweet, juicy, and very nutritious. Of course, the Huaning tangerines around the anchor are not from Huaning County, but carefully cultivated in Dongtianfudi. The mother plant comes from the most authentic Huaning citrus, and the taste is better than Huaning produced in Huaning County. Citrus is better."

The bugs in the Zerg plane were drooling at what the anchor said, and they all used the barrage to condemn the anchor, yelling at the anchor to put it on the shelves quickly, they believed in the anchor's recommendation, and they were not short of money, so feel free to order anything delicious!
The audience in the end-time plane couldn't help it anymore. Most of them haven't eaten fruit for a long time. If they can't eat it again, they may forget the taste of fruit.So, they also sent barrages one after another to ask the anchor to put all the fruits on the shelves. Anyway, their side is very similar to Blue Star, and the special products have similarities, so there is no need for the anchor to introduce them one by one.

The Qing side is even more excited. What is the favorite thing for the well-known wealthy businessmen and businessmen from all over the world to do?Naturally, to show off their wealth.In the past, they used to show off their wealth all day long with silk and satin, pearls, hairpins and emerald hair, and gold rings in their hands. Now they show off their wealth by showing off the items they bought from Su Jiu's live broadcast room.

In this era, unless the local area is rich in fruit, it is still difficult to eat fruit. Naturally, local tyrants like them don't care about the high price of the anchor's fruit.

These people are all major customers of Su Jiu. Since the major customers have been asking for a direct link, of course they have agreed!Huaning oranges, Lijiang snow peaches, Huaping mangoes, Zhaotong apples, Baoshan sweet persimmons, Pingbian lychees, Mengzi pomegranates, Mengzi loquats, Hekou bananas, Kaiyuan peaches...all are on the shelves. In order to stimulate consumption, Su Jiu Even thoughtfully attach a brief introduction to each fruit.

There are only two people, Su Jiu and Gu Ye, and they can't consume much fruit at all. The fruits in the warehouse are piled up into mountains, and if they are not sold, the warehouse will be liquidated.Su Jiu was very pleasantly surprised by the extraordinary enthusiasm of the three planes. Looking at the gradually dwindling inventory, she was slightly relieved, and she was worried that the good things would rot in the ground.

Xia Yu, who had been watching silently, contacted the anchor again: "Anchor, we, Long Xiaguo, would like to discuss a fruit business with you." They saw that the anchor's fruit in Dongtianfudi was limited, and the anchor hadn't sold fruits in large quantities. I thought it was inconvenient for the anchor to get a lot of fruit, so I never talked with the other party about a large fruit order.

Su Jiu's heartbeat accelerated slightly, but he didn't show it at all: "Okay, you can just make a list, and I'll give you a final price." From now on, the fruits on the Wufu planet will have a place to go.

Xia Yu didn't expect the anchor to agree directly. With a smile on his face, he said to his teammates behind him, "The anchor agreed. We will have no shortage of fruits to eat in the future."

"Be sure to add durian, I think that wonderful taste."

"Fuck off! No durian in the office—"

"Durians are so delicious, why don't you like them?"


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