Su Jiu watched the quarrel on the bullet screen, and she was really happy in her heart, but she didn't intend to let everyone continue to quarrel: "Everyone, don't be arguing, the anchor still has several warehouses of fruits, all kinds, we will all On shelves!"

With a big wave of the hand, all the fruits in the warehouse will appear on the background link, and the system will automatically divide the links according to the type and quality, which saves Su Jiu a lot of effort. Now she only needs to mark a suitable price for the product, and then it can be officially sold up.

The viewers in the three planes did not expect the anchor to be so powerful this time, and they all went crazy. People or insects who usually have a little money but are not willing to take it out began to dig out their pockets. They did not hear the anchor say that it was her deposit. It has been in stock for a long time. After this sale, it is foreseeable that the anchor will not ship out in large quantities for a long time. By then, I will not be able to eat it.

In fact, if Su Jiu hadn't been stimulated by the new plane he was drawn to, she wouldn't have emptied the inventory so frantically. You must know that she originally planned to keep a batch of good-quality fruits to make fruit wine.The merit points are not enough, and the trading coins are used to collect them. Su Jiu can't bear the feeling of empty pockets, so he can only sell these fruits in advance.

"Host! I understand the situation in the game world—" Qiuqiu interrupted Su Jiu's movements with a groan.

Su Jiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart moved. Hearing the cheerful little voice of Qiuqiu, he could guess that the game world was different from what she had imagined, and it was not even worse than the magical plane she had expected: "Don't be fooled, hurry up! explain."

Qiuqiu shook the petals, and said: "The game world is actually a fusion of two planets on the verge of doomsday. It is a real world, a magical world completely different from the technological civilization of Blue Star. The magical race that should exist in the game, the upgrades of all life forms are exactly the same as in the game, so this plane is called the game plane."

Su Jiu asked thoughtfully: "Is it in the initial stage of integration?"

"Host, how did you guess that?" Qiuqiu was very surprised.

Gu Ye glanced at Su Jiu, with clear eyes. They can almost be sure that no matter how they draw, the new plane they draw is in a special period. In other words, they don't have to worry about not earning merit at all. .

The new planes that Su Jiu draws every time are in the stage of needing help, such as the end of the world due to natural disasters and man-made disasters leading to food shortages, the sharp gender conflict between females and males on the Zerg plane, and the Daqing plane is the national The transition period and development period, and now the newly drawn game plane is in the initial stage of integration, and it is also a period in urgent need of help.

"Don't play tricks, first tell me what the other party needs urgently, and what form I will appear in the game world." Su Jiu felt that live broadcasting in the game world is unreliable, and the key can make the live broadcast room appear in other forms. Just appearing in the game world, just like the sky in the Qing Dynasty.

Qiuqiu was choked by the host. It didn't expect the host's mentality to be so stable and not excited at all. It seemed that it would continue to improve.So, Qiuqiu started to introduce this brand new plane in a serious way: "They can say that they lack everything now. Many people have been eaten by monsters because they don't have suitable weapons in their hands, and many people have been frozen to death... ...In short, no matter what the host sells in the game world, it will be warmly welcomed."

Su Jiu said blankly: "What form?"

Thinking of the game plans in the company, Gu Ye felt moved, and said, "Aren't there trading houses in the game? Let Su Jiu play this role." The trading houses can even conduct auctions, acquisitions, etc., if Qiuqiu agrees It could not be better.

Qiuqiu got stuck and said, "Wait a minute, I need to ask the main system."

Su Jiu was crazy about Gu Ye's proposal, and couldn't help asking: "Do you think the main system can agree? This is different from the sky screen. The live broadcast room has almost no role."

Gu Ye always felt that the main system had a high degree of autonomy: "Even if it doesn't agree, it will give a suitable way out."

"Host, the main system said that it can help you establish a trading house in the game world, but the host must personally go live to sell goods, just like the auctioneer in the auction house." Qiuqiu thinks the conditions given by the main system are quite good, "But, The owner system will receive a 5.00% commission for each sale."

Hearing that Su Jiu took a deep breath, Wanjie's live broadcast system is really dark, this is not only earning shipping fees but also earning commissions!No matter what Su Jiu thinks in her heart, unless she wants to give up the blank market of the game world, she can only follow the main system, who makes it a seller's market.Although Su Jiu's income will be damaged in this way, it is also much more convenient.

Seeing that Su Jiu nodded, Gu Ye hurriedly prepared the goods. Food and clothing are okay, and weapons can only be forged by himself, but he can buy a batch of kitchen knives as weapons and sell them to people in the game world. .

Although there is a new plane, Su Jiu's introduction work to the ethnic minorities will still not stop. Besides, how can a dignified trading firm not have enough goods, so she doesn't plan to show up until Gu Ye prepares all the goods. in the game world.

Today, Su Jiu talked about another ethnic minority living in Yunnan—the Dai people: "The Dai people regard peacocks and elephants as mascots, and the folk stories are rich and colorful. They like to wash their hair, so they have the reputation of "the nation of water". In the past, the Dai people generally believed in Theravada Buddhism and primitive religion."

"The Dai people have delicious rice in bamboo tubes, but today the anchor brings you the unique pineapple purple rice, which tastes sweet and delicious, and has the effect of nourishing blood and nourishing the lungs. There are [-] copies in total. Let's grab it together." After Su Jiu finished speaking, he uploaded the link.

The pineapple purple rice sold very quickly, and the stock was cleared in ten seconds. Su Jiu personally thinks that this has something to do with its nice name. She is a foodie herself, and she will search for food wherever she goes. The Dai nationality With a long history, their cuisine is naturally not just a pineapple purple rice.

"Sour is the most delicious taste in Dai cuisine. All dishes and snacks are mainly sour, such as sour bamboo shoots, sour pea powder, sour meat and wild sour fruits. The most commonly eaten are sour bamboo shoots. Cut fresh bamboo shoots Make shreds, put them into clear water and soak them, then fish them into a large tank, press them firmly, seal them, and let them sit for half a month until they turn sour. The Dai people have hundreds of catties of sour bamboo shoots in any house, and they can’t do without them for a day. Interested Friends can try it by themselves, of course, if you are too lazy to do it, you can also place an order directly in the live broadcast room, these are sour bamboo shoots pickled by the anchor according to the method of the Dai people."

That’s right, Su Jiu not only loves to eat, she also likes to toss all kinds of snacks and delicacies. Along the way, she will try to make a batch of most of the delicacies that she thinks are good. Of course, there are some successes and some failures. The sour bamboo shoots with Dai flavor belong to the wave of success.

Su Jiu has never given up on collecting recipes. Although the number of recipes received in the live broadcast room is not as large as before, some delicious recipes have been collected one after another. The number of chef robots increased to [-] is making every day Food on the cookbook.

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