"How about we call our firm Wanjie Firm?" Su Jiu began to think about the name of the firm after selling out all the special products of the Dai nationality. She originally wanted to call it Evergreen Firm, but now everyone mentions her live broadcast room It is said that the word "Changqing" in Su Jiu's live broadcast room is a real name, and she wants to change the name of the live broadcast room to "Su Jiu live broadcast room".

"No way!" Qiuqiu's entire Sunflower froze. It didn't expect the host's ambitions to be so ambitious, and it wanted to seek power and usurp the throne, and kill the trading firm of the Wanjie system.

In fact, Qiuqiu thought too much. Su Jiu simply thought that the live broadcast room belonged to the Wanjie live broadcast system, so she said that. She didn't even know that there was a Wanjie business firm, and Qiuqiu dared to think about it. .

"Forget it, let's just call it Su Jiu Trading Company." Su Jiu remembered that the characters in the game had names on their heads, and he must have one on his head too. Calling Su Jiu Trading Company would indirectly increase his popularity, "By the way, the ball Ball, can the name of my studio be changed to Su Jiu Studio?"

"Yes, does the host need to make changes now?"

"Changed it."

"Okay, host. The name change of the live broadcast room costs 9999 transaction coins, thank you for your patronage!"

Su Jiu heard the joy from the plain mechanical sound, ground his teeth, and said angrily: "Why didn't you say in advance that you need to spend transaction coins?"

"The host didn't even ask—" The transaction currency renamed by the host can be converted into success points and belong to it, so Qiuqiu will not remind the host.It has finally accumulated enough merit points to exchange for a body, and it will have a body!

Su Jiu was terribly annoyed by Qiuqiu, but he really didn't ask, even if Qiuqiu took advantage of it, he couldn't do anything about it.Fortunately, what she spent this time was trading coins. If she spent merit points, she would have thought about formatting the ball.

Qiuqiu, who was completely unaware of the host's anger, said cheerfully: "Host, I have a body—"

Listening to the sound of the small waves of the ball, Su Jiu sighed helplessly, forget it, don't bother with this fool: "In this case, then you will control the agricultural mechanical insects on the Wufu planet in the future, I believe you can Provide enough food." If she hadn't been worried about Qiuqiu's poor performance, she would have entrusted all the chef mechanical bugs to it for management.

"No problem." Qiuqiu kicked his legs, shook his arms, and agreed happily, "Host, do you have any planting plans?"

"You can analyze what kind of food you want to plant according to the background food order data. It is best to carry out preliminary processing, such as making sweet potatoes into dried sweet potatoes or sweet potato vermicelli that can be stored for a long time. I will give you ten chef robot bugs." Su Jiu I think she should watch Qiuqiu's performance before deciding what to do next.

"Okay. According to Qiuqiu's calculations, the host only needs to give Qiuqiu a salary of [-] transaction coins per month." Qiuqiu was excited inside, and it wanted to save money to buy the best mechanical oil.

Su Jiu's face darkened suddenly, and he said in a strange way: "Okay, originally I planned to buy you orange-flavored machine oil. Since you need to pay you, then you can buy the machine oil yourself!"

Qiuqiu was dumbfounded. The orange-flavored mechanical oil in Wanjie Mall was priced at [-] transaction coins, which was his four-month salary!

After bullying Qiuqiu, Su Jiu, who was in a good mood, directly opened the live broadcast room: "Hi everyone, I am Blue Star anchor Su Jiu."

"The Zhuang nationality is an indigenous nation in the south of the Lingnan of the country Z, with a long history. As early as before the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Zhuang ancestors Xiou and Luoyue lived in the vast area of ​​the south of the Lingnan. So some arrogant Han people should not think that this land You are the only nation with a long history, but there are actually many other nations with a long history and unique heritage.”

Although Su Jiu did not agree with Kangxi's attitude towards the Han people, the Han people's attitude towards the Manchus in the early Qing Dynasty was not so good.

Kangxi's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he said sarcastically: "It seems that the Han people are not the only ones with a long history. If it weren't for their superiority in numbers, they might not have developed better than those ethnic minorities."

"Huang Ama makes sense." Prince Yinreng thought for a while, and then said: "Huang Ama, should we contact those ethnic minorities? Through the explanation of the anchor, I feel that the people of these ethnic groups are also very intelligent. So very few people go to the Golden Temple, but it is because of the lack of opportunities to receive education. If Huang Ama can give them some preferential policies, allowing them to enjoy the same imperial examination policy as the Manchus, we may be able to win them over easily."

Kangxi did not expect the crown prince to go with him. The number of Han people is quite large, but the number of all their ethnic minorities combined is not necessarily small.Maybe he should try to train the people of these ethnic minorities. Well, the imperial examination proposed by the prince is not bad: "Prince, select suitable seedlings from various ethnic minorities to come to Beijing for education, and I will leave it to you."

Prince Yinreng: "My son obeys the order." He found another hard job for himself, and the thought of shortening the time of cultivation made Yinreng feel bitter. Huang Ama's education for him these years is still the same. It worked.Even though he knew that doing so would be of no benefit to him, he still said it out, Prince Yinreng could guess what kind of attitude those Han people who originally supported him would have towards him.

Su Jiu probably didn't expect her introduction to allow Kangxi to implement a minority college entrance examination policy similar to that of Blue Star in the Qing Dynasty, but even if he knew, he would only express his happiness.

"The Luoyue people, together with the Cangwu people and the Xiou people, were the first to invent the artificial rice cultivation method. Within the scope of today's NN city, fourteen shell mound sites left by the ancestors of the Luoyue people were unearthed..." Next Su Jiu also comprehensively introduced the Zhuang people from all aspects of agriculture, industry, culture and so on.

In the end, Su Jiu sold another wave of strong clothes and cloth shoes with cat ears, and emptied the five-color glutinous rice in the warehouse by the way.

The rich worms in the Zerg plane were spoiled by the food fed by the anchor. Seeing that the nutrient solution could not be swallowed, they snapped up the food sold in the live broadcast room one by one, and then endured the desire to vomit blood to pay the high shipping fee .Fortunately, after a long period of experimentation, they have worked out the most economical transportation, and the shipping fee will be cut in half if it does not exceed [-] catties each time, so they are always stuck with [-] catties for the anchor to deliver.

Looking at the trivial remarks of the order-placing personnel in the background, Su Jiu waved his hand and directly handed over the delivery to Qiuqiu.

After some bargaining, Qiuqiu won a salary increase of [-] transaction coins for himself.

Su Jiu looked at Qiuqiu's appearance of earning a lot of money, and felt amused, her daily turnover was more than this amount, how could she feel sorry for the little salary she gave it, but it wasn't the first day she found out that Qiuqiu was a money addict .Besides, it is quite cost-effective to spend a little trading currency to hire a subordinate who really thinks about her. What's more, compared to those mechanical bugs, Qiuqiu is smarter and more autonomous.

"Hey, some friends asked me if the building behind me is a stilted building. Yes, I built it after the Zhuang people's stilted building." After talking with Qiuqiu, Su Jiu began to look through private messages, unexpectedly they paid attention to it. The newly built stilted building behind him.

Originally, there was only one travel tent in Dongtian Paradise for Su Jiu to rest occasionally. When she saw the Diaojiaolou of the Zhuang nationality this time, she suddenly felt that the Diaojiaolou was very suitable for construction in Dongtian Paradise, so she asked Gu Ye to instruct the construction robot to build one according to the blueprint.

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