The stilted building built by Su Jiu is a three-story building. Except for the roof tiles, all the upper and lower floors are made of fir.

The pillars of the house are chiseled with big fir, and the pillars are connected with fir trees of different sizes, which are very strong even without an iron nail.There are hanging buildings around the house, and the corners of the eaves of the buildings are turned upwards like spreading their wings.The four walls of the house are grooved and paved with fir boards, and the inside and outside are painted with tung oil to make them clean and bright.

In the Zerg plane, some bugs who like the original ecology began to contact the anchor: "Anchor, can you give me a blueprint?"

Seeing this sentence, Su Jiu's eyes lit up suddenly, and then he said slowly: "Yes, but this is a technical thing, and it needs merit points." People who don't know traditional skills in Diaojiaolou can't make it even if they read the blueprints. Come out, maybe she can earn another fee.

The rich worms don't care about this point of merit at all. It may have something to do with the living environment. Most of the Zerg races have to serve in the military when they reach their age.After learning about this from Ansir, Su Jiu's attitude towards the money bugs got better.

Su Jiu grinned happily after successfully selling the design drawings of Diaojiaolou: "After talking about the Zhuang people, let's talk about the Miao people. There are records about the ancestors of the Miao nationality more than 5000 years ago, and the ancestors of the Miao nationality can be traced back to the Chiyou tribe who were active in the Central Plains in the primitive society."

Thinking of the impression he had of the Miao people when he was young, Su Jiu smiled: "I was influenced by novels before and thought the Miao people were very scary, such as the Miao Jiang Gu poison. In fantasy novels, Miao girls always use the love Gu to trick men. If a man breaks his oath, he will be devoured by Gu insects. In fact, it’s not that scary at all, it’s all rumors, the Miao people are proficient in medicinal herbs, and they are good at using herbs to cure diseases and save people, this is the truth.”

In fact, many people's understanding of the Miao nationality comes from fantasy novels, because the exaggerated descriptions in the novels demonize the Miao girls in their hearts, and the real Miao girls are very lively and lovely.

In a base of Long Xia Kingdom in the plane of the last days, when everyone heard the anchor's description of Miao Nu, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, lively and cute?No!They just can't look straight at the word "lively and cute"!There is a pair of sisters Huamiao girls in their base. At the beginning, the man who had a dirty mind saw the two sisters were young and beautiful, and had a wrong idea. As a result, the two sisters directly physically castrated them!
Thinking of the men in the base here, no matter whether they have done anything wrong or not, they all tremble slightly.

The two sisters looked at each other, and rolled their eyes at those people, each of them was so cowardly that a toad wanted to eat swan meat, dreaming!However, the anchor lady really has vision, and their Miao girls are definitely good women.

Thinking that I have never seen Miao costumes since the end of the world, my sister said to her elder sister, "Sister, I want to buy some Miao costumes."

My sister smiled: "Well, let's all buy some. I'll go to the backstage to place an order, ten sets per person." In addition to the food they bought, it happened to be controlled within [-] catties.

Su Jiu focused on two things, and happened to see his sister's message: "There are Miao girls who want to buy clothes, no problem, the anchor will save ten sets for you."

Miao costumes often use one main craft technique while interspersed with other craft techniques, such as picking out tape embroidery, or dyeing tape embroidery, or combining weaving and embroidery, so that the patterns of these costumes are colorful and colorful, but In the end of the world, it is difficult for people to have enough food and clothing. How could they have the thought to make exquisite Miao costumes? Su Jiu expressed her understanding of the reason why her sister placed the order.

The message made Su Jiu realize that even in the end of the world, girls still love beauty. Maybe she can try some beauty products: "Do you need any cosmetics?"

As soon as the words fell, bullet screens flew up from the Qing plane, the Zerg plane, and even the end-time plane where she felt that business was cold, and everyone expressed their desire.Facing such enthusiastic customers, Su Jiu could only satisfy them with a smile on his face.It happened that the set of cosmetics that He Xiaorong gave her hadn't worked yet, so she took it out to test the water.

The cosmetics were snatched by the money bugs without any accident. Seeing that the screen was full of grievances from the viewers who didn't snatch it, Su Jiu could only say, "Don't worry, everyone, the anchor will go to place an order online when he turns around."

Seeing that the anchor really couldn't get the goods out, the people watching the live broadcast suddenly stopped.

Su Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and must not start selling channels when the supply is insufficient next time: "Let's talk about the Hui people next time. Hui Muslims are forbidden to eat pork, dog meat, horse meat, donkey meat, and mule meat. Livestock and poultry meat that were slaughtered by Christians or killed themselves, do not eat animal blood, etc. Many Han people cannot understand this, but we must also respect their customs.”

"The anchor personally thinks that some taboos of the Hui people are very in line with the harmonious development of man and nature. For example, in all wells and springs for human drinking, livestock are not allowed to drink water, and no one is allowed to wash their faces or clothes nearby. This guarantees to a large extent The safety of drinking water has been compromised, unlike the current situation where a lot of sewage is dumped indiscriminately, causing many water sources to be polluted."

Su Jiu thought about the backward medical level of the Qing Dynasty, and added another sentence: "Friends of the Qing Dynasty, remember to boil the water before drinking, and remember not to drink unboiled water. If you observe with a microscope, you will find raw water. There are many microorganisms in the water, and drinking unboiled water is likely to cause illness."

Some people who often drink unboiled water on the Daqing plane don’t take it seriously, but more people feel scared. The anchor’s plane is so advanced in technology, her words must be reasonable, and they all make up their minds in their hearts that they must boil the water in the future.

Feeling a small wave of merit pouring into his soul, the smile on the corner of Su Jiu's mouth deepened: "When there is a chance next time, the anchor will give you a popular science course on medicine. In addition, friends who are interested in medicine can follow the live broadcast In the meantime, the anchor will put some medical books on the shelves in the background."

There are not many people interested in the last days of medical books, but the Qing Dynasty and the Zerg side are very interested.

"There are two styles of Lisu women's clothing: one is wearing a blouse and skirt, which is ankle-length and folded a lot; the other is wearing a blouse and trousers, with a small apron on the front and back of the trousers." This time Su Jiu directly sent a few photos, "Their headgear is a bit exaggerated, but the overall look is pretty good."

About the Lisu nationality, Su Jiu found limited information: "The legend of "Genesis" passed down from generation to generation by the Lisu people has many similarities with the creation legends of the Yi, Naxi, and Hani peoples in Liangshan... After a long historical development, gradually They differentiated and formed different tribal groups, and later formed a single ethnic group. The more popular instruments of the Lisu people are mainly pipa and kouxian. If the anchor likes pipa and kouxian, he can place an order directly."

Not to mention the closed Qing Dynasty, even in the end of the world, many people heard of the Lisu ethnic minority for the first time.

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