Su Jiu didn't expect that he would collect a pile of sand, and he was a little puzzled, but the sand should have some value, otherwise the Wanjie Live Broadcasting System would not buy it.

"It's golden sand." Gu Ye touched it with his hand, and said in surprise: "This thing only exists near desert volcanoes. It is a mutated variety of ordinary yellow sand. It can be used to forge weapons. It belongs to the dual-system material of gold and earth."

Hearing this, Su Jiu's eyes lit up: "Gold Sands is very valuable?"

"General materials are not very rare, but you can still ask for a higher price." Gu Ye felt that he could stock up some more gold sand to forge weapons. Weapons should be very much needed in the early stage of game world integration.

"Okay, then I won't limit the purchase." Then Su Jiu added another thousand barrels of spiritual water. Anyway, the river water in Dongtian Paradise is full of spiritual water, and the water level doesn't drop every time I fetch water. I don't know why.

The three characters in Yang Haibin's name are next to the water, but he landed near the desert volcano. The bad thing is that the volcano has not erupted now, otherwise he would have met Hades on the first day.After taking a sip of spiritual water, Yang Haibin let out a long sigh of relief: "I almost died of thirst, but I didn't expect the sand in the desert to be quite valuable, so dig some more and try to exchange for some steamed buns and mustard." Looking at the sand around him, he looks crazy from a distance.

Like Yang Haibin, there are many unlucky people who landed in the desert. Although the desert is full of volcanoes, not everyone is as lucky as Yang Haibin. Every time a lot of sand is traded, it is returned.Once or twice, these people can tell the difference between ordinary yellow sand and golden sand, and the frequency of transactions is getting higher and higher.

Su Jiu didn't expect that the newly-launched spirit water would be emptied again in seconds. Thinking that everyone in the game world has card books in their hands to store things, he was not curious about the storage of spirit water: "Let me introduce the white flour steamed bun and pickled mustard. Set meal, there are five white flour steamed buns and a box of pickled mustard in the set meal, one hundred transaction coins, and the shipping fee is paid by yourself. You'd better buy [-] catties of things at one time, so the shipping cost is relatively cost-effective."

In the eyes of the survivors, the simplest breakfast on the Blue Star was a life-saving straw. One by one, they followed the anchor's prompt to buy the largest amount of [-] catties. .

Su Jiu originally thought that Gu Ye had prepared too much, but now it seems that he has prepared too little: "Next is the pickled fish set meal. The set meal includes one pickled fish and one green rice. It needs a little merit point and a hundred Trading currency..."

Su Jiu didn't expect this group of survivors to have such a strong spending power. Almost every product she unlocked and put on the shelves was emptied in seconds. Seeing that the stock was about to run out, she had to ask Gu Ye to send a chef to increase production. The Warcraft meat collected from the game world was used to avoid piling up in the warehouse.

This day is called a lucky day by countless survivors. At this moment, they are eating steamed buns and mustard mustard with tears of joy. As for other big meals, they are reluctant to eat.

Wu Jianshe gnawed on the steamed buns and said, "What do you want to say about the Sujiu Commercial Firm that appeared recently?"

Wu Lei, acting as a military adviser, shook his head and said, "Don't worry about whether that Su Jiu is the same as us. Now her business can provide us with basic daily necessities. We must not offend her."

The others nodded one after another. They were originally training in the barracks, but a white light flashed and they all came here. Fortunately, the boss got a lord order by accident, otherwise they would not even have a safe point.They think that their brains are not as smart as the boss and military, so they obediently obey the command.

Wu Jianshe picked up a small piece of mustard: "I agree with Wu Lei's approach, but we can't always rely on this firm." After all, the shipping cost is too high.

Wang Jun, the youngest, obviously also thought of the high shipping cost, and his face turned ugly: "This is the first time I have encountered a situation where the shipping cost is more expensive than the product, and I don't know what the store thinks."

Wu Lei shook his head and said, "The shipping fee should not be under the control of the store." In other words, the one who collects the shipping fee is the real "store owner" behind the scenes.

Three cards suddenly appeared in Wang Jun's hand, and he asked, "Do you think the skill cards can be exchanged for food? We are all deserted here, and the planting technique is useless at all, and I have three speed cards."

A glimmer of light flashed in Wu Lei's eyes, and he lowered his voice: "Maybe we can try." There are quite a few skill cards in their hands, and it would be great if they could be replaced with survival resources.

Whatever she wanted, Su Jiu finally saw someone asking about skill card exchange, but she was not sure if she could use it, so she only exchanged a skill card for primary planting with the other party, and paid a hundred catties of green rice and paid for it. freight.

Su Jiu took the skill card in his hand and checked it over and over again, but he still couldn't understand that such a small card could make the user instantly understand the planting technique.

Seeing the exclamation on Su Jiu's face, Gu Ye shook his head amusedly, and said, "Try it first and see if it works. If it works, let's try to sell it to people from other planes and let them try it too." Try." Among other things, there must be many people chasing after buying it in the last days.

Su Jiu put the card on his forehead, only to feel a pain in his soul, and countless knowledge about planting flooded into his mind.After a while, after learning the new knowledge, Su Jiu regained his sanity and looked at Gu Ye excitedly: "I can learn, the knowledge in it is very comprehensive." Su Jiu's breathing stagnates.

Gu Ye's eyes lit up: "That's good, let's change some more."

"Well, I want to change to intermediate planting and advanced planting. What else do you want besides alchemy?"

"Skills can only be learned level by level?"

"Yeah, but I think it makes sense."

Gu Ye thinks about it too, this is the same as learning, you can't go to junior high school without elementary school, you have to go step by step.

Su Jiu didn't put the matter of skill card redemption on the redemption desk all at once, but approached Wang Jun who was the first to do the redemption: "Hello, I want to buy some skill cards, I don't know if you have any There is no extra, the elementary price is the same price, the intermediate price is ten times that of the elementary level, and the advanced level is a hundred times."

Wang Jun didn't expect to receive a private message from the store, and he exclaimed happily: "The store wants to exchange skill cards with me." After speaking, he shared his system with others.

Rao the wily Wu Lei was also very pleasantly surprised. Each of them had at least seven or eight useless skill cards in their hands. If all of them were replaced with food, they would be able to eat for a long time: "It must be replaced as soon as possible. Take out the skill card." He just saw that the store didn't put the skill card on the exchange table in the business bank. Obviously, the store still has some concerns. Since they seized the opportunity, they must seize the opportunity.

As soon as the other can be exchanged for food, they all took out skill cards one by one.

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