Su Jiu looked at the dozens of skill cards in front of him, and his eyes were a little illusory. Could it be that the skill cards are already rotten?Was the price she gave a bit high, and then thinking that those people were struggling to survive, Su Jiu didn't care about these small things, and just did a good deed that day.

Elementary alchemy, elementary speed card, elementary acquisition card... Su Jiu even saw elementary makeup, and used one for himself out of curiosity.Opening his eyes, Su Jiu walked to the dressing table and opened the makeup box, picked up the makeup brush and painted himself a beautiful peach blossom makeup.

A flash of amazement flashed in Gu Ye's eyes, and he said immediately: "It seems that elementary makeup techniques are for people to make up. For girls, this technique is quite practical."

"You don't know that many people say that the top-level make-up technique is actually the disguise technique. I suspect that the top-level makeup skill card evolution is the disguise technique." Su Jiu was a little worried. She was worried that someone would quit after getting the top-level make-up. business.

"If you're worried, we only sell elementary and intermediate make-up techniques, maybe there is a special disguise technique."

Su Jiu thought about it for a while and felt that he might be worrying too much. Besides, there is the Wanjie live broadcast system. Even if someone wants to use the disguise technique to do bad things, it depends on whether the Wanjie live broadcast system allows it. If it fails, just be humane destroyed.

After listening to Su Jiu's explanation, Gu Ye's heart flashed with solemnity, this Ten Thousand Realms live broadcast system will not be the same as his previous cultivation system, right?Thinking of the cultivation system that he forcibly unbound, Gu Ye's mood plummeted. This Ten Thousand Realms live broadcast system had better not be unfavorable to Su Jiu, otherwise he must make it look good.

Closing his eyes, Gu Ye turned around the golden basalt shell that helped him to forcibly unbind from the system. This golden basalt shell actually appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness when he devoured the asteroid back then—a planetary consciousness. Concretization.It's just that it hasn't awakened yet, and Gu Ye has a hunch that once the golden basalt shell wakes up, some things will become different.

There is no girl who does not love beauty, and Su Jiu is no exception. She looked at the skill cards she got one by one, most of them were elementary, and there were very few intermediate skill cards, and picked out the skill cards that she and Gu Ye would use. The rest of the skill cards are hung in the background of the live broadcast room.

After thinking about it, Su Jiu decided that the skill card can be purchased on the plane of the end of the world, and the purchase channel will not be opened on other planes for the time being.

As Su Jiu's old acquaintance, Admiral Fang was the first to be found. It wasn't that she didn't want to find Xia Yu. For such an important matter, Xia Yu had to go to the admiral above. In this case, she might as well contact him herself.

Admiral Fang looked at the gleaming skill card in the link, his eyes were filled with amazement, and he exclaimed: There are so many wonders in the world.For the goodwill shown by the anchor, Fang Fang will be very pleased. They have always been committed to building a good relationship with the anchor. Fortunately, the anchor is kind, and every time they encounter something good for them, they will know it in advance. This time, only the purchase channel of the last world plane is opened.

Although the other planes cannot be purchased, they can see the skill cards on the backstage. They are all uncomfortable with the anchor's eccentricity. They complained about the eccentricity of the live broadcast in the barrage, and they strongly demanded that the anchor open the purchase channel.

Su Jiu smiled helplessly, it wasn't that she didn't want to activate it, but it was really uncertain whether the skill card could be used by other people.

People or worms from other planes learned about the anchor's concerns, felt that the anchor did not trust them, and said one after another: Even if the skill card cannot be used, they will not blame the anchor, and they are willing to be the first experimenters.

Su Jiu was entangled to the end and could only carefully select some skill cards suitable for their respective situations. For example, she couldn't put high-lethal skill cards in the Daqing plane, otherwise, even with the support of the Ten Thousand Realms live broadcast system, it would be a problem. Trouble.

Picking and choosing the primary planting technique, primary collection technique, and primary make-up technique to the Daqing plane, and opening the purchase channels for the Zerg plane, thinking of the ferocity of those male insects, Su Jiu simply opened all of them.

Ten minutes later, Su Jiu received the feedback he wanted. The good news is that the skill card can be used in all three planes.Skill cards are magical props, and Su Jiu only collects merit points. Given the popularity of skill cards, it can be predicted that if the number of skill cards is sufficient, she will receive a steady stream of merit points.

Kangxi's expression was not very good. The anchor said that he helped them open the purchase channel, but there were still many that were not opened at all. The question was that the anchor felt that it was not suitable for Qing Dynasty.But thinking that those restless people would not be able to get those skill cards, Kangxi felt at ease again, thinking of the effect of the planting technique finally brought a smile on his face, maybe he could exchange some more planting techniques.

The concubines in the harem were drooling over the legendary make-up skills. Concubine Yi and Concubine De didn't get the make-up skills in exchange for them, but a young lady in the harem did, which almost made them vomit to death.In order to fight for favor, they have blood on their hands along the way, and their merits have not become a negative number. It is also thanks to the fact that they have followed the crowd to rescue the victims over the years.However, they have no merit, but their son has merit.

On this day, both Yinzhen and Yinqi felt the weight of maternal love at the same time. The Qing Dynasty ruled the country with filial piety. What else could they do? They had to fulfill their mother-in-law's dreams. When they thought about the skill cards they originally planned to exchange, all of them had now become supernatural cards. Mother's makeup card, the two princes who love beauty suddenly feel that women don't need to love beauty so much.

At the same time, the eldest elder brother Yinti and the third elder brother Yinzhi were also urged by their mother. The tired brothers accidentally met each other on the way out of the palace, and they looked at each other. Oh, it turns out that the elder brother/third younger brother He was also urged by Concubine Hui/Concubine Rong, and it is estimated that the fourth child and the others will not be able to escape there.Suddenly, they feel pain.

With the circulation of makeup cards, the three planes have more and more demand for cosmetics. Su Jiu had no choice but to buy basic skin care products and makeup products in large quantities.As expected, the sales of these things are booming. Looking at the soft girls who keep flowing out, Su Jiu blinked, and asked Gu Ye: "How about I make my own cosmetics?"

Gu Ye had this idea a long time ago, and replied after hearing the words: "Yes, the products of the Yuexiarong series under the name of Gu's Group are quite good, but if some of the products are replaced with plants from the magical world, the cosmetics effect will be better.”

Su Jiu glanced at Gu Ye with a half-smile, and said, "I guess you've already started researching these things."

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Gu Ye's mouth, and he looked at Su Jiu amusedly: "That's natural, people in the Gu family will never let money go without making money. The cosmetic laboratory is about to produce results, and when the results come out, the products will be sold. Make a high-end series, you provide the raw materials, and give you [-]% of the profit."

"It's too high, I can give it to you." Su Jiu still has a certain understanding of the market. In a situation like this, at most it is to buy raw materials. Where does the dividend come from? He only has the status to get this dividend.She doesn't have many places to spend money now, so she doesn't need to take advantage of the ugly ones, lest those people have opinions on Gu Ye. After all, although the Gu family speaks loudly in the Gu's Group, there are other shareholders.

Gu Ye stretched out his arms to embrace Su Jiu: "Don't think too much, this laboratory is funded by myself, but it is affiliated to the Gu Group."

Su Jiu: "..." What should I do if I feel jealous?

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