Gu Ye's efficiency has always been very high. Not long after I mentioned the matter of the new series of cosmetics to her, it has achieved results.

Su Jiu felt sad when she thought of He Xiaorong who was still locked in the laboratory to study mutant plants. Maybe she could find more people to come over, otherwise He Xiaorong could only receive the results by waiting until the year of the monkey.

This man, just can't talk about it.Here, Su Jiu was still thinking about He Xiaorong just now, when he received a call from him.

"Su Jiu, good news, the directional guide element has been researched!" He Xiaorong's voice almost changed with excitement.

Su Jiu sat up abruptly: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. It can be regarded as research. If there is no result, I want to apply for foreign aid." He Xiaorong is now extremely grateful that he has persisted. You must know that personal research results are different from team research results.The directional guide element can be said to be the result of herself and Su Jiu, and this matter is the most convincing for her family.

This is a cliché to say, Zhuxi Town is a remote place in the eyes of her family, He Xiaorong thought her family was really so open-minded, but they were waiting for her to hit a wall, and then go to work in the family company after hitting a wall.The moment she learned that her family didn't believe that she could produce research results, He Xiaorong was about to explode, but she finally held her own.

He Xiaorong is especially thankful that she did not compromise when her credit card was frozen at home. Of course, she also wants to thank her rich and powerful friend and boss.Thinking of my expenses in the laboratory during this period, even He Xiaorong, who has never been short of money since childhood, feels extravagant.

Unexpectedly, Su Jiu also breathed a sigh of relief. During this period of time, due to the reason of the laboratory, Changqing Farm can only barely reach a balance of payments. The longer it drags on, the more difficult it is for her to supply the laboratory with money. After all, she still has the live broadcast room to swallow money. The beast is here.

Although there is no problem with the data, it still needs to be verified by the final experiment.The directional guide element studied by He Xiaorong can mutate the plant to the "big" side. According to He Xiaorong's research, a fist-sized potato can grow to three times its original size under the guidance of the directional guide element, and the taste is even the same as before. Sweetness is not simply the pursuit of size.

Su Jiu's eyes lit up, and she felt that she might try this directional guide element in Wufu. If it was the same as what He Xiaorong described, the directional guide element could also be sold to other planes, and it would be very popular.

After all, the game world has just started, so Su Jiu naturally needs to learn more about his presence, so he left the experiment of guiding the guiding element to Qiuqiu, anyway, it can direct the agricultural mechanical insects to work.

Looking at them one by one, Su Jiu found that the products in the game world are still quite rich, but the survival crisis is a bit bigger.After weighing the heavy iron ore in his hand, Su Jiu said to Gu Ye: "You can exchange iron ore directly from them, don't develop the Wufu planet first."

"Yeah." Since he could get iron ore from the game world, he naturally wouldn't mine on Wufu. After all, the longer the time, the better the quality of iron ore on Wufu planet, and it would be a waste to dig it out early.Gu Ye used the elementary alchemy skill card, gained a better understanding of forging techniques, and the quality of the forged weapons was even better: "Su Jiu, see if you can exchange it for intermediate and advanced alchemy as soon as possible."

Su Jiu nodded and agreed: "Maybe they are not willing to take out the intermediate skill cards. Anyway, the intermediate skill cards I collected are all the weak ones. Even so, there is only one intermediate body fragrance card and one intermediate water polo technique." They didn't need both of them, but adhering to the principle of putting the best goods at the back, she wasn't willing to take out these two skill cards that were insignificant or useless.

Gu Ye: "Intermediate water polo can be sold to those survivors in the desert. They are quite short of water. What is the intermediate deodorant skill?"

Su Jiu waved the card and said, "A skill card that can release body fragrance, I think it's quite useless." If she wants to smell good, it's not good to buy some perfume.

Gu Ye suddenly said, "Do you have elementary body fragrance?"

Su Jiu looked at Gu Ye in surprise, this guy wouldn't plan to use it, would he?

"What are you thinking about?" Gu Ye shook his head a little dumbfounded, and said, "If there is a basic deodorant technique, then these two skill cards will be sold together, and if there is an advanced deodorant technique, the sales will still increase. "Don't underestimate women's love of beauty, Su Jiu is not interested in things like body fragrance, someone else might have used it by himself.

"Cough!" Su Jiu looked at the grass on the ground in embarrassment, and said, "There are still five primary body fragrance cards that are not sold."

"You save one."


The two briefly discussed some skill cards, and then went about their own business.

Suddenly, Su Jiu's eyes widened. A complete set of appraisal skill cards, including elementary appraisal, intermediate appraisal and advanced appraisal, was assembled. Su Jiu wanted to call the little brother opposite him a boss.

The existence of the identification technique largely alleviated Su Jiu's current embarrassment, because she didn't recognize many things submitted by the survivors in the game world, so she had to ask the Wanjie Live Broadcasting System to help with the identification. It's not low, it's all right now, as long as she buys this set of identification techniques, she will no longer need the identification of the Wanjie Live Broadcasting System.

Su Jiu blinked, if she read correctly, the boss wants to exchange Diaojiaolou with her!Looking at the stilted building behind her, Su Jiu asked if the other party wanted a stilted building like the one behind her.

The boss replied almost in seconds: "Anchor, I want the stilted building behind you, with all the furniture and kitchen utensils in it. By the way, bedding, blankets and so on are also required."

Su Jiu let out a sneer in his heart, this buddy thinks pretty well, but she needs this set of appraisal skill cards.So, Su Jiu agreed very happily, turned around and entered the Five Blessing Planet.

For the first time, the audience in the live broadcast room knew that there were so many stilted buildings in Wufu. Su Jiu picked a fully equipped stilted building and sent it directly to the backpack, and sent it to the boss Suqian, and noted that the shipping fee should be paid by himself.

Suqian didn't expect the anchor to agree directly, and the things inside were quite complete. He had seen it, and they were all good things, so he didn't care about the anchor asking him to pay the high shipping fee.

Thinking that many survivors in the early stage of fusion probably would not be able to build houses, Su Jiu posted the details of his transaction with Suqian.

Soon, several bigwigs expressed that they would also use a complete set of skill cards to exchange for Diaojiaolou packages. Su Jiu exchanged some of the ones he and Gu Ye used. After all, there are quite a few Diaojiaolou.However, Gu Ye can still build bamboo houses, I don't know if these people need them.

Surprisingly, Su Jiu started the house package business by mistake, and the business is quite prosperous.

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