"Manchu is a nation that attaches great importance to cultural education. Since the Qing Dynasty, under the background of the continuous development of ethnic relations, Manchu education and culture have also developed greatly. The popularity of Manchu education and the types of schools have set historical records. There are affiliated The Eight Banners Official School of Guozijian has the Zongxue and Jueluo School affiliated to the Clan Mansion, which are in charge of the education of the clan and Jueluo's children..."

Su Jiu thinks it’s right to pay attention to education. Manchus far surpass many ethnic groups in this regard: “The anchor hopes that those who have the opportunity to receive education can cherish the opportunity to receive education. Knowledge is a priceless treasure, and it will accompany you for a lifetime.” Then she He also gave a detailed explanation to the Manchus in all aspects.

Through the explanation of the anchor, many Han Chinese who watched the sky in the Qing Dynasty lost their rough views on the Manchus in the past. They began to really understand the Manchus, and they no longer treated them as outsiders and invaders.

Kangxi obviously also thought about the impact of Su Jiu's live broadcast, so he paid more and more attention to Tianmu in private, and asked the prince and others to work hard to build a good relationship with the anchor. Even if the anchor is not used by the Qing Dynasty, she is willing to remind them at critical moments. It is enough for them to benefit endlessly.

Prince Yinreng, Yinti and others are obviously smart people. They can think of the importance of Tianmu without Kangxi reminding them, so their brothers don't have any rebellious mentality towards Kangxi's instructions. After all, they have a good relationship with the anchor. , They also benefit themselves. For example, if they have a good relationship with the popular skill card this time, maybe they can get a back door.

"Okay, after getting to know the Manchus, let's talk about the Mongolians who have a very close relationship with the Manchus." Su Jiu watched the blunt flattery of the princes and elder brothers, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching: "The Mongolians originated from ancient times. The east bank of Jianhe River. At the beginning of the 13th century, the Mongolian tribe headed by Genghis Khan unified the Mongolian tribes and gradually formed a new ethnic community.”

"Don't think that the Mongols are a nation on horseback. They like to ride horses and archery, drink and eat meat. They are reckless. In fact, the Mongols have a very bright literary heritage. "Secret History of Mongolia", "Golden History of Mongolia", "Origin of Mongolia" "is known as the three major historical masterpieces of the Mongolian people, among which "The Secret History of Mongolia" has been identified as a world-renowned cultural heritage by UNESCO. The heroic epic "Janger" is one of the three great epics in China."

Su Jiu looked at the full screen of "Wow", and felt amused for a while, so he asked you if you were convinced: "Isn't it amazing?"

People on the Mongolian prairie cheered one after another, and these local tyrants also blasted "bright fireworks" for the anchor one by one. The anchor's voice was so beautiful, they want to hear more.

Su Jiu looked at the familiar scene with a smile in his eyes: "The name 'Mongolia' was first recorded in China's "Old Tang Book" and "Khitan Kingdom Chronicles", and it means "eternal fire" or "never extinguished." Another name: "Nation on Horseback". Mongols originated in the Ergun River Basin, known as "Mongolian Shiwei" and "Mongolia" in history..."

After talking about the development history of the Mongolian nationality, Su Jiu began to talk about Mongolian national costumes again: "The Mongolian women in the Horqin and Harqin areas are most influenced by the Manchus. Their costumes have the characteristics of the Manchus. The robe has slits on both sides, and the neckline and cuffs are mostly covered with floral welts of various colors; the Mongolians in the XLGL grasslands wear Mongolian robes with large narrow sleeves and no slits; Buryat women wear tunic skirt-style robes with shoulders ..."

With a big wave of Su Jiu's hand, a piece of exquisite Mongolian costumes appeared on the display stand behind her: "There are a thousand pieces of each style, friends who are interested, hurry up to place an order, and it will be taken off the shelves when it is sold out, and there will be no replacements." goods."

Ignoring the fans who were clamoring that it was not enough, Su Jiu continued the live broadcast: "Mongolians have a lot of special food, such as roast lamb, oven-roasted whole lamb with skin, hand-caught lamb, fried lamb, roast leg of lamb, milk tofu, and yurts. Pie, Mongolian pie, etc. There are also: cream, Mongolian dairy products; milk skin; whole sheep feast with wool, which is a traditional Mongolian banquet dish, and is also commonly used in sacrificial activities..."

A pile of delicious food fell down, with pictures and sound, and everyone watching the live broadcast couldn't help swallowing crazily.In the end, the famished game plane was the first one who couldn't help it: "The anchor is going to be on the shelves soon, we are starving to death——"

Su Jiu didn't expect that the intelligent beings in the game world would be so virtuous, and he was a little speechless: "The link is open, you can place the order by yourself."

Gu Ye was a little surprised looking at the race that sent the barrage. He didn't expect that this live broadcast would blow up all the races in the nine game worlds, including dwarves, dragons, elves, and orcs. Enough" guys seem to belong to the undead tribe, can they eat?Gu Ye felt that he had learned a lot.

While introducing the Mongolian songs and dances, Su Jiu wondered if there was a way to get some dragon treasures.

The treasure of the dragon race makes all races drool, but the dragon's fighting power is so strong that most people can't beat them, so they can only watch and drool.Naturally, Su Jiu would not feel that she has the ability to fight against giant dragons. She planned to find a way to let these giant dragons voluntarily collect them. Thinking that there were giant dragons who ordered hot pot just now, Su Jiu boldly guessed that there should be some Part of it is a big foodie!

Qiuqiu is still working hard to wake up the same race. If it succeeds this time, Su Jiu intends to let them all learn cooking cards. Whether they can get the treasure of the dragon in the future depends on them.

At the same time, Qiuqiu felt a chill again, his heart tightened, and he stepped up his awakening efforts.Because Qiuqiu was restless at this moment, it didn't notice that the eyes of the three robots flickered just now, as if they were about to wake up.

Mongolia is cold in winter. The spicy hot pot bought from the live broadcast room this time is so hot that it makes people sweat. It is a magic medicine to drive away the cold.As a result, all the rich Mongolian princes spent their pockets on big purchases, and even urged the anchor to buy more goods in the live broadcast room.

At first, Su Jiu thought that these Mongols simply liked to eat spicy hot pot, but after a while, he found that they were there to keep out the cold.There are not too many good things that can keep out the cold on Blue Star, but there is no electricity in the Qing Dynasty, electric blankets, electric heaters, electric kettles, etc. are useless. The warm artifact.

"My Mongolian friends, the anchor found a good thing to keep warm - a solar electric blanket, which can be charged by solar cells. Every night when you sleep, you put the electric blanket under the bed sheet to provide heat. The maximum power can even make people irritated. Sweating all over. If you need it, please reply to the message immediately, and the anchor can buy it here."

The rich and powerful Mongolian prince said one word without any hesitation: "Buy!"

"Two hundred merit points."

"no problem."

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