I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 84 Ice Field Territory

Su Jiu originally proposed the solar electric blanket for the Mongolian people, but it attracted countless people wanting to place an order. However, this kind of electric blanket is far beyond the level of technological development in this plane. When she sells it, she always uses merit point transactions, but even so Su Jiu made a small windfall by not stopping those who wanted to buy it.

And because of the Mongolian prince's propaganda, chili unexpectedly became popular in other planes, and Su Jiu's privately made old godmother, chili oil, and chili noodles suddenly occupied the tables of many bitter cold places.

On the game plane, a group of chattering survivors wiped their tears and snot while breathing hotly.

"Fortunately, there is Sujiu Commercial Firm, otherwise how would I live this day, old godmother, my eternal god! I seriously suspect that the anchor is not from here. I have asked many people, and they have never heard of the pepper plant."

"Second brother, why do you care where the anchor is from? I only know that if the anchor sells us good things, everyone in our territory will die." But all of them have to be sympathetic.

Wang Chuanchuan, who is called the second child, smiled: "Boss, don't worry, everyone knows it in their hearts, and they are just complaining."

"The price of exchanging purchases with the anchor is still too high. Is there any way for us to achieve self-sufficiency? Everyone brainstorms and expresses their own opinions." The lord Wang Sicong asked for everyone's opinions with a serious face.

Wang Chuanchuan twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at his lord speechlessly, and complained: "Boss, we are in an extremely cold area. Except for the fish and shrimp in the lake, where can we provide food? Don't even think about farming. .”

Wang Sicong waved his hands weakly, thinking that it would be better to think of a solution by himself than counting on others.Suddenly Wang Sicong's eyes flashed as if he remembered something, he picked up the ax in hand and quickly walked out of the territory.

The others were all taken aback and quickly chased after him.

I saw Wang Sicong began to chop down the big trees on the roadside again and again. With a "bang", Wang Sicong stopped: "Sure enough, there is no unparalleled road. No matter how difficult the place is, there will be vitality!"

The game system ding-dong: "Congratulations to Wang Sicong, the lord of the Icefield Territory, for discovering an edible plant—the pink tree. A little bit of survival is rewarded. The pink tree lives in cold regions, and the bark of the pink tree will turn into pink powder after drying. The role of the abdomen..."

Wang Sicong looked at the game screen coldly, and after a while he realized that he was ecstatic. He found food: "I found a substitute for flour!"

After Wang Sicong's introduction, everyone looked at the bark on the ground in a daze, and then screamed one by one, tearing off a piece of bark and stuffing it into their mouths——

"Shut up!" Wang Sicong watched helplessly as the brothers put the "biochemical weapon" into their mouths.


Wang Sicong covered his face with his hands. He didn't really want to know this group of guys. The bark of the pink tree can become sweet noodles after drying, but the dry and hard bark has a terrible numb smell. One sip will definitely make people lose their sense of taste for a whole day.He was so excited that he didn't have time to say this, and each of them was so hopeless and anxious.

"It's not a big deal, bear with it, and it will be fine tomorrow."

The others glared angrily: "..."

Su Jiu looked at the flour noodles he got from the Ice Field Territory. It was light pink and exuded the fragrance of fruit trees: "Shall we make hand-rolled noodles?"

"Yes, if the taste is good, you can buy a batch of pink trees from them and plant them on the Wufu planet." Many plants on the Wufu planet were transplanted for various reasons, but most of them were because of the smell. It's delicious, and Gu Ye has also developed a habit of transplanting the first thing he sees when he sees a strange plant.

"Okay." This is a routine operation. Su Jiu said that she is very familiar with it. "I plan to sell them some ice crystal fruit trees." Ice crystal fruit trees only exist in extremely cold places. With warmth, as long as the skin of the ice crystal fruit is not broken, an ice crystal fruit can remain warm for a long time.

"There are a total of [-] ice crystal fruit trees on the iceberg, and a maximum of [-] can be sold."

Su Jiu asked in surprise, "Why are there so few?"

Gu Ye rubbed Su Jiu's hair, and said: "The branches of the ice crystal fruit tree can be used to forge ice-type weapons, and each ice crystal fruit tree can only survive for a hundred years, and it needs too much ability during the growth period. The seeds of the ice crystal fruit tree are preserved."

Because it was too cold on the iceberg, Su Jiu never cared about these ice crystal fruit trees, and this is the first time he heard about these things: "So, the ice crystal fruit trees are very valuable, if the lord of the ice field territory can't come up with something equivalent, we Don't you want to suffer, no, no, no, I won't do the business of losing money!"

As soon as Gu Ye heard this, he knew that Su Jiu was reluctant: "I have studied the area of ​​the Ice Field Territory, which is covered by glaciers all year round, but plants and animals survive. I have a guess—"

Su Jiu: "..."

Gu Ye smiled slightly: "There must be a special ice energy vein under that area. If that Wang Sicong can find the vein to the location, we may be able to get a steady stream of ice hearts through him!"

"Heart of Ice?" Su Jiu looked puzzled, it was the first time she had heard about Heart of Ice.

"Ice hearts can increase the affinity between monks and ice elements. If ice-type monks can get enough ice hearts, they can become ice bodies. In times of crisis, they can transform into ice elements." In the mood, Gu Ye continued: "Jiujiu, don't look at you as a monk of the wood attribute, you can also use the heart of ice!" This is the magic of the heart of ice.

After a little thought, Su Jiu understood that water grows wood, and ice is a mutated form of water, so the heart of ice is also useful to her.

Hearing Su Jiu's words, Gu Ye shook his head and said, "That's right or wrong. In fact, we can absorb all the elemental hearts, even if the attributes are in conflict, and we can even absorb the conflicting elemental hearts. In the future, it will be easier to fight with people whose attributes are opposite to yours."

"Do you think there is a wood heart in the elf forest in the game world?" Su Jiu wanted the wood heart more than the ice heart.

"This planet will be regarded as the habitat of the two worlds. Its richness of resources is far beyond our imagination. Maybe it is really heart-warming. Let's pay more attention to it in the future."

Su Jiu nodded and said, "I'll go to the firm to list the purchase of Element Heart."

Turning around and seeing the newly collected things, Su Jiu suddenly felt that she might really be the lucky one in the future, and in an instant she had a green pillar in her hand—the heart of wood!

Gu Ye: "..." What happened to Alexander suddenly?
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