"The Tujia people evolved from the Ba people and are the main descendants of the Ba people. The Ba people are an ancient nation in southwest China. They were formed and named during the Xia and Shang Dynasties, and they were active from the late Shang Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties..."

It has been more than a month since the last time I got the Heart of Wood, and Su Jiu will give an explanation of the ethnic minorities every once in a while. This time, the ethnic group she is explaining is the Tujia nationality.

"Tujia women wear left-breasted gowns with two or three laces, wide sleeves, and fringed trousers or eight-panel skirts. They like to wear various gold, silver, and jade ornaments. But it is not as good as Miao silver ornaments. Don’t let the parts that are too conspicuous. After the reform of the soil, under the influence of the Han people, there must be red if there is color. Over time, not only in clothing but also in life, there has been a custom that there is no happiness without red, and there must be red if there is happiness..."

How should I put it, Su Jiu's sense of Tujia clothing is average, but her preferences do not represent everyone's preferences.Su Jiu still listed a wave of Tujia costumes according to the rules, but due to various concerns, she did not put a lot of clothes on the shelves this time.

Looking at the sold-out inventory, Su Jiu showed a genuine expression. Carrots and cabbages have their own preferences, and the preferences of clothing are too complicated.Of course, everyone has different tastes. Some people like sweet food, while others like salty food. The battle between the famous sweet and salty tofu party has never stopped.Su Jiu personally prefers to eat salty tofu nao, but she is incapable of accepting sweet tofu nao, and she can't understand those who love to eat sweet tofu nao. Get involved in this pointless debate.

Su Jiu discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind and continued to explain: "Tujia cuisine is mainly characterized by hot and sour. Every household in the folk has a sauerkraut jar, which is used to marinate sauerkraut. Almost every meal cannot be separated from sauerkraut. Stir-fried pork with sour peppers is regarded as Delicious, chili is not only a dish, but also a condiment that cannot be separated from every meal. Today, the host also prepared some sauerkraut in jars for everyone. There are a total of [-] jars of sauerkraut. Friends who like it hurry up and place an order. There will be no refills this time. goods."

Thinking of the sauerkraut fish that he tasted yesterday, Su Jiu couldn't help but want to lick his lips, and then said to the live broadcast room: "Tujia sauerkraut is very suitable for eating as a side dish, or making sauerkraut fish. Let me whisper, the anchor was alone yesterday I ate a two-pound fish with pickled cabbage..."

After what the anchor said, those on the four planes who really don't like sour cuisine started to place orders. Before Su Jiu finished his essay on sauerkraut fish tasting, all the [-] cylinders of sauerkraut were taken off the shelves.

The big guy was so enthusiastic, Su Jiu wanted to eat pickled fish again.

Gu Ye, who was watching from the side, smiled and said, "If you want to eat, I'll ask Su Er to prepare it." Su Er officially awakened the mechanical life two days ago by Qiuqiu. After using the cooking skill card, Su Er was killed by Su Er. Jiu arranges to cook, he made the fish with pickled cabbage that Su Jiu ate yesterday.

Su Jiu naturally nodded and agreed without hesitation. As for what to do if you can't finish eating, there is no shortage of things to preserve food in the Paradise of the Paradise, and she feels that there seems to be a very strange place in the Paradise of the Paradise recently. , Su Jiu always felt that it would be a cave where time stood still.

After ordering lunch, Su Jiu continued her live broadcasting career: "I saw that many friends wanted to eat the pickled fish made by Su Er, yes, there is no problem at all, but the grass carp used to make pickled fish is bred by Linghe , each serving of sauerkraut fish requires three points of merit, and people with small appetites can eat it with rice and steamed buns for three days."

Um?Can eat for three days!Some people who were reluctant to buy began to chop their hands, especially the game world, which is currently unable to cook, has placed a large order. The anchor can eat it for three days, and they can eat it for at least a week. Anyway, there are game cards There is no problem of food expiration at all.

After Su Er found that the raw materials were not enough, he hurried over and asked, "Master, the remaining sauerkraut can no longer support the order, do you need to suspend the order business?"

"Stop the order business! After you complete the order of pickled fish, pickle 999 jars of sauerkraut. In addition, Laoganma, you can improve according to the recipe I left, and make more." Su Jiu has a habit, regardless of stocking There will always be 99 copies of something as a guarantee. This time, she really didn't expect that everyone's enthusiasm would be so great, and she immediately emptied her guarantee inventory.In order to prevent such a situation from happening again, Su Jiu felt that it was necessary for her to increase the guaranteed inventory.Perhaps as the number of planes she opens increases, the guaranteed inventory will increase to 9999 copies.

After explaining the follow-up work, Su Jiu's thoughts returned to the live broadcast room again: "The anchor didn't expect that the pickled fish would be so popular, and there was a little lack of preparation for a while, so I only accept these orders for the time being. I hope everyone understands. Oh, the anchor watched a lot A friend left a private message saying that he still wants old godmothers, this is no problem, the anchor will speed up the stocking, and next time he will definitely increase the stock for everyone.” Thinking of the pepper fields all over the sky on the Wufu planet, Su Jiu felt that he should be able to supply more .

"Gourmet food is naturally accompanied by fine wine. Tujia people drink alcohol, especially during festivals or entertaining guests. Wine is indispensable. Among them, sweet wine and Zajiu made from glutinous rice and sorghum are common. The alcohol content is not high and the taste is pure. "Su Jiu picked up a jar of sweet wine and said: "There are [-] jars of fine wine brewed from pure grain. Friends who like it can place an order. There is no supplementary order for this one, and there is no pre-sale."

Su Jiu underestimated all the drunkards, the game world is in such a difficult situation now, and there are still many local tyrants who spend a lot of money to buy alcohol.Looking through the ordering situation, Su Jiu found that the dwarves seemed to be very fond of drinks. These few times, whenever she sold drinks, the dwarves were the fastest. The family is definitely the number one wine seller.

This incident left a shallow impression in Su Jiu's heart and was put aside: "Tujia people like to eat foods such as Baba bacon, camellia oleifera, white pepper, etc. In addition, there are: mixed vegetables, group San, mung bean powder, Fried cakes and so on. All the delicacies mentioned by the anchor just now are on the shelves in the background, and interested friends can place orders now.”

After putting the last wave of Tujia special products on the shelves, Su Jiu began to give a comprehensive explanation of Tujia, from origin to development, from customs to human geography...

Following Su Jiu's explanation, a nation that is quite unfamiliar to most people is clearly displayed in front of everyone, especially the people of the Qing Dynasty. Their vision has been further broadened, and they are no longer limited to the current one acre Three points.

Today's Qing Dynasty is changing with each passing day. Although Kangxi was a little worried about whether someone's ambition would explode with the opening of the wisdom of the people, the benefits brought at the moment are obvious. For example, it is impossible to fool the people into joining the White Lotus Sect. thing about...

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