"The ancestors of the Dong nationality were called 'the head of Guizhou' in the literature before the pre-Qin period. It is generally believed that the Dong nationality developed from a branch of Baiyue in ancient times. The Dong nationality is mainly engaged in agriculture, and agriculture is mainly based on rice cultivation. Rice cultivation has a long history. History, concurrent forestry, and agricultural and forestry production have reached a very high level..." In the live broadcast room, Su Jiuzheng was explaining the origin of the Dong nationality impassionedly. In fact, this origin may not be true. recognized by most people.

Not to mention the audience on the Qing plane, even the end-of-the-world plane whose education level is far higher than that of Blue Star, there are many people who are confused. After listening to Su Jiu's explanation, many people only have one feeling: the history of the Dong nationality is so long. !In fact, they don't even know where Baiyue is. Of course, Su Jiu's purpose is only to let them understand these ethnic minorities, and it is enough to be able to sigh how great these ethnic groups are.

So facing the confused audience, Su Jiu didn't explain too much. If they are interested, they will understand for themselves. She is just an ordinary explainer: "There are many kinds of Dong costumes, and there are different decorations for different ages and seasons. Among them, there are more than 50 kinds of headwear, mainly silver ornaments, including silver flower crowns, silver hairpins, silver combs, silver hair chains, silver earrings, silver ear pendants, and silver ear strings... It can be said that the Dong people are really a beauty-loving nation. The clothes are on the shelves in the backstage, there are many kinds and the quantity is limited, if you want to buy it, hurry up!"

After a fierce snatching, all the costumes of the Dong nationality on the backstage were taken off the shelves. Su Jiu took a sip of tea, calmed down his excitement, and continued: "Singing has a lofty status in the social life of the Dong people. The elders Teach songs, sing songs for young people, learn songs for young people, pass songs from singers to generations, and become a social custom. The big songs of the Dong people, the songs of the pipa, and the songs of blocking the road are all excellent representatives of the music of the Dong people. Friends, next Please enjoy the big song of the Dong nationality, and the host is going to rest." After speaking, Su Jiu clicked on the song library.

Seeing that Su Jiu had finished his work, Gu Ye hurriedly waved and said, "Come and eat, Su Er made the roasted golden fragrant pig that you like, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Thinking of the deliciousness of Roasted Golden Fragrance Pig, Su Jiu felt like his mouth was watering.

Originally, she thought that Gu Ye's barbecue skills were pretty good, but after trying Su Er's roasted golden-scented pig, Su Jiu was astonished. big stride.If she gets a high-level God of Chef card, thinking of this, Su Jiu feels that she must get one no matter what, oh no, at least three cards are enough, she and Gu Ye have to learn it.

Relying on others is worse than relying on oneself, what if other accidents happen in the reincarnation, after tasting the delicacies of the world, Su Jiu is not willing to eat dross again.

"Wow——" Su Jiu opened his mouth to bite a piece of barbecue meat that Gu Ye had picked up, chewed it slowly, and tasted it carefully, a satisfied smile gradually appeared on his face: "Su Er's craftsmanship is getting better and better. Blessed are the viewers in the studio.”

Gu Ye nodded with a smile, and said: "Sur doesn't need to rest, he is making delicious food 24 hours a day, and the skills of the newly learned MasterChef card will be maxed out soon, we'd better hurry up and prepare advanced MasterChef Card."

"Well, no problem. I bought it at a high price with my friends in the game world. By the way, I plan to learn MasterChef Card too. Do you want to learn it? I think eating, drinking and having fun is very important in life. Are you willing to learn new cards?" skills?" Su Jiu kept encouraging Gu Ye.

Gu Ye himself is not a machismo. When he was with Su Jiu, he was responsible for cooking most of the meals. Gu Ye did not object to learning cooking skills: "Yes, we just happen to study together."

A big smile appeared on Su Jiu's face: "Do you think there will be more advanced skill cards behind the advanced MasterChef card?"

Gu Ye: "Have you noticed that the colors of these cards are different, like the alchemy skill card I got is yellow, while the alchemy skill card you got is orange, and even others There are white skill cards. Your alchemy is obviously lower than my alchemy, but higher than the white card. I suspect that the skill cards are graded according to the colors of the rainbow, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue , blue, and purple are more advanced than the other."

Su Jiu reacted abruptly, and said, "I heard that the level of the game plane is divided into nine levels, and the most powerful god is golden. The God of Cooking card that Su Er learned is red, and if it is a gold skill card..." She thinks that level Food might shine.

Because Su Jiu blocked their voices, the audience in the live broadcast room could only see the two of them enjoying the delicious food, each of them was going crazy, the pickled fish and other delicacies they just bought were one after another Started binge eating, and those who didn't have any food on hand went into the restaurant and started ordering food. The unlucky ones in the game plane were more miserable. They are now fighting with monsters!

Su Jiu ate a few mouthfuls to satisfy his hunger, and planned to sell some of it to share with friends from other planes. As a result, when he looked up, he saw that the audience who should have enjoyed listening to the songs of the Dong nationality were all swiping their screens—— The anchor sells some roasted golden fragrant pigs!Su Jiu was a little dazed, he had done another eating broadcast unintentionally, which made people hungry, after thinking about it, Su Jiu's mouth twitched, her painting style in the live broadcast room became more and more weird.

"Since many friends want to eat roasted golden fragrant pigs, then the anchor will sell some, Suer, go and roast some golden fragrant pigs." Then Su Jiu said to the live broadcast room: "This time the roasted golden fragrant pigs are more delicious than before. The ones are more expensive, after all, Sur’s craftsmanship is better, do you have any opinions on this? If you have any opinions, you don’t have to buy it.”

People who heard Su Jiu's words curled their lips. If you say this, the anchor, we dare not say it if we have opinions!

"Well, it seems that everyone has no objections, so the anchor will put it on the shelves directly." After speaking, Su Jiu put the roasted golden fragrant pigs on the shelves in the background. It is not conducive to the reproduction of Jinxiang pigs.

Don't look at the people in the live broadcast room complaining about their hearts, but no one is merciless in grabbing the roasted golden fragrant pig.

"I got it!" Kangxi, a fanatical fan of Jinxiangzhu, lost his imperial majesty in joy.

Prince Yinreng silently glanced at his own Huang Ama, and asked: "I didn't get it, how come you can get it every time, Huang Ama, did the anchor open the back door for you?" I have held it in my heart for a long time.

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and glanced at the prince, and said, "I thought you would continue to hold back. In fact, it's not like the anchor opened the back door. I suggested to the anchor to increase the chance of success in grabbing goods according to the merits of the buyer." As the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he thinks that he is definitely a wise emperor, and his merits and virtues are definitely among the best in the entire Qing Dynasty. In this way, the chances of him getting the goods will increase countless times every time.

Prince Yinfeng opened his mouth: "Huang Ama is wise!" Does this count as opening the back door in a different way?

Kangxi patted his beard proudly, nodded reservedly, and said: "Prince, you still need to learn humbly what else Yinfeng can do. You can only nod obediently and say "yes", but since He knows the inside story, and he must actively strive for government affairs that can earn merit in the future!

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