The creatures on the game plane quickly discovered the level division of skill cards, and they even studied them more carefully. There are nine levels of skill cards in white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, and gold. You can only start from the white level, otherwise the skill card will just show that you can't learn it.Like Su Jiu and Gu Ye, the reason why they were able to learn skill cards at other levels was because they had already mastered a certain amount of alchemy or alchemy, so they could start learning from other levels.

After being completely impressed by Su Er's culinary skills, Su Jiu put up a post in the business store to buy God of Chef Cards, and even the shipping fee was not required to be paid by the buyer.

"Bang", everyone in the Oasis Territory finally ground a fifteenth-level monster to death, and all of them were exhausted and collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

Wu Lei didn't care about being tired, so he got up and collected the monsters: "A red God of Chef card unexpectedly popped up, do you think we should trade it with the anchor?"

Wu Jianshe thought for a while and said, "Change for shopping materials first. Chef Wang hasn't even studied the white-level and intermediate-level God of Chef cards, and he is still far away from learning the red skill cards."


Su Jiu looked at the dozens of MasterChef cards in front of him, and said in surprise: "Green skill cards have been issued in the game world now, it's amazing!"

"Jiujiu, I think we need more mechanical life. You and I have limited time. There are also alchemy and alchemy that need to be practiced. The learning progress of the Master Chef Card is really mediocre. I plan to stop after learning the basic Red Chef Master Card. Wait until the level of alchemy is up." Gu Ye is very clear that what he needs to pay attention to most now is alchemy. If he doesn't raise the level as soon as possible, he will soon be surpassed by the survivors in the game plane. In the future, he Refined weapons will be unsalable.

When Su Jiu heard Gu Ye's plan, he followed up and said, "Me too. As long as we master the top technology, we won't have to worry about no clients. I've decided that I'm going to max out my alchemy skills. As for the God of Cooking card Leave it to Sur and the others, and I’ll go buy some robots and hand them over to Qiuqiu.”

Looking at the sudden extra robots, Qiuqiu's heart collapsed. How many robots did the host have to wake up before it was over.

Su Jiu ignored Qiuqiu's wailing, and directly opened the live broadcast room to start the live broadcast: "Hello everyone, I am Su Jiu, the anchor of Blue Star. Today we will learn about the Buyi people. The Buyi people evolved from the ancient Liao people and mainly focus on agriculture. , the ancestors of the Buyi people started planting rice very early, enjoying the title of 'rice nation'..."

Under the leadership of Su Jiu, the Qing Dynasty has become more and more accepting of these ethnic minorities. Even the most ordinary peasants can chat about it. Chatting while looking at the sky while working has become their daily activities. up.

"Old man Wang, do you know the Bouyei people? I remember that when your mother-in-law escaped from the famine, she wore clothes similar to those of the Bouyei people on the sky." A farmer watered the field while talking to the old man next to him. chatter.

Old man Wang looked up and saw that it was indeed a Bouyei costume, and he felt excited. His mother-in-law was from the Bouyei tribe. Over the years, because the family was poor, his mother-in-law hadn’t made new clothes, and the clothes on her body had been covered by patches so that she couldn’t see them.If the anchor sells Buyi clothes this time, he must buy one for his mother-in-law: "What's the matter, I will buy clothes for my mother-in-law later."

"Hey! Then you have to be quicker in your movements, it seems that things in the live broadcast room are hard to grab."

"Hmm." If it wasn't for his mother-in-law who sold some small secret recipes to the anchor a while ago, old man Wang would really not be willing to buy clothes for his mother-in-law. The main reason is that the two boys in the family have already married and established businesses. Although he is in charge of the financial power, if he spends money recklessly, Daughter-in-law will also have opinions.

Mrs. Wang watched the anchor introduce the Buyi people, and she shed tears when she heard it. Three of their family survived in the end. She sold herself to Old Man Wang as a wife. After all these years, she almost forgot about Buyi. Everything about the family.

Listening to the anchor's soothing voice, Mrs. Wang gradually gained a deeper understanding of her race. Many of the things the anchor said were historical stories that she had never known before.

After talking about the historical origin of the Buyi people and their political, economic and cultural situation, Su Jiu came to the special snacks and beautiful clothes that most people like to hear: "The Buyi people especially like glutinous food, and there are many ways to make it. Such as glutinous rice cakes, round sugar cakes, ear cakes, pillow rice dumplings, triangular rice dumplings, etc. Vegetable processed products include the famous 'Dushan hydrochloric acid', 'sour pepper', etc., and have unique flavors, the more famous ones are 'Huajiang dog meat' ', 'Duyun Braised Dog Meat', 'Ceheng Dog Meat Feast', etc., and soy products mainly include tempeh, tofu, and blood tofu."

"Haha, don't worry, the anchor specially asked our chef Su Er to prepare a batch of Bouyei special meals, each with [-] copies, and it will be taken off the shelves when sold out. No more replenishment, friends who like it, hurry up and click on the link to place an order!"

Since Su Jiu sells these special delicacies in the live broadcast room, she will naturally have her own. She eats triangular rice dumplings and Duyun braised dog meat at noon.Su Jiu didn't eat pork, beef, and mutton, and he really didn't eat dog meat, but it must be quite delicious to become a special delicacy of the Buyi people.

In the live broadcast room, a group of idle and boring people were arguing back and forth. One said, "Dogs are so cute, how can they eat them?", and the other said, "The Jinxiang pigs sold by the anchor are even better, and I don't see you not eating them"...

It was a group of demons dancing wildly, Su Jiu was dumbfounded, these people are so eloquent, but scolding battles are welcome in her live broadcast room, Su Jiu quickly changed the subject: "Every household of the Buyi people can brew glutinous rice wine and rice and corn shochu. Some places also make glutinous rice wine, rice wine with smoked kernels, sugar wine, etc., which are quite unique. Some rice wine is brewed with wild quinoa fruit, which is rich in nutrition and used to entertain distinguished guests. The brewing technology of quinoa wine has a history of hundreds of years. The anchor prepared wines for everyone, including glutinous rice shochu wine, sucrose wine, and quinoa wine, because the time is limited, the wines prepared are not very sufficient, and there are [-] jars of each, and friends from all planes are rushing to buy them together, starting now!"

Seeing the end of the scolding battle on the screen, Su Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. Why are people watching the live broadcast so angry these days?
"Misfortune always tests a person's character. The four planes opened by the anchor all have various flaws. For example, the most quarreling in the scolding battle is from the plane of the end of the world. A person's mood has a lot to do with the living environment. It's a big relationship." Qiuqiu felt that the host was thinking wrong, not because the people watching the live broadcast were hostile, but because the environment they lived in was hostile.

Su Jiu's heart sank. She always felt that this matter was not easy. Maybe Qiuqiu was guiding herself to eliminate the hostility from these planes?

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