"Admiral, the radiation on the barren star has been reduced by one percentage point again. As long as we continue to plant black source trees, I have a hunch that we will be able to take off our heavy protective clothing and go out within a year." Professor Layton said. Passionately stroking the branches of the Heiyuan tree.

"Hmm." Ansir looked at the dark Heiyuan Tree with fiery eyes.

A group of men in the army all looked at the lover in their dreams, their eyes glued to the black source tree.

After a while, Ansel said: "We need to plant as many black-source trees as possible now, but these black-source trees all need merit, and it is unrealistic to plant the entire interstellar with the saplings we bought. Professor Layton, you'd better figure out how to grow saplings quickly."

"I know." Professor Layton agreed with a serious face, "But we can't give up the purchase channel and pass the news to the ears of those manor owners. I believe they will be willing to plant black source trees in their manors. .”

"Don't worry, I've asked Rhine to do this, and the anchor also said that he would cooperate with our work." Ansel felt that his cousin was indeed a rare and kind person, otherwise she would rely on her Heiyuanshu, no matter how high the price she wanted, they could only grit their teeth and agree, "We will continue to buy Heiyuanshu. Compared with the value of Heiyuanshu, this price is really nothing."

Professor Layton nodded in agreement: "The anchor is a kind person."

Su Jiu, who was researching the breeding of Heiyuan tree in Dongtian Paradise, didn't know that someone regarded her as a benevolent person: "Huh—"

Seeing that Su Jiu failed again, Gu Ye expressed his guess: "I think the black source tree relies on radiation to survive, so if it wants to grow seedlings, it must also rely on radiation. There is no radiation in the cave."

Su Jiu was stunned by the words, and shook his head: "You are right, forget it, don't think about it, if the black source tree really relies on radiation breeding, maybe they will research it before me." She was really dazed Well, even wanting to successfully breed without creating the most basic living space, really...

Seeing this, Gu Ye felt relieved, as expected of Su Jiu: "You finished talking about the Buyi people last time, are you going to talk about the Yao people this time?"

"That's right. I'm going to change clothes first, and then we'll start the live broadcast directly." She has been delayed for a long time because of the matter of Hei Yuanshu recently, and she hasn't had a serious live broadcast for several days.

"Hi everyone, I'm Su Jiu, the anchor of Blue Star." Su Jiu stood in front of the screen in Yao costume, and said with a smile: "The ethnic minority we want to know today is the Yao nationality, and the ethnic costume worn by the anchor is from the Yao nationality. .”

"The legend of the ancestors of the Yao nationality is a branch of the ancient oriental "Jiuli", and then migrated to Hubei and Hunan. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the ancestors of the Yao nationality lived in Changsha, Wuling or Wuxi. According to Chinese historical materials, Together with other ethnic minorities, they are called 'Wuling Man', 'Wuxi Man'..."

As Su Jiu narrated the history of the Yao nationality, the mood of other people watching the live broadcast room gradually became peaceful, even if they didn’t understand, they were willing to listen to the anchor’s history. Inside, there was a breath of history. Listening to the anchor's narration, they seemed to have a little more culture.

People from the Zerg plane kept asking about Heiyuanshu in the live broadcast room. Su Jiu was annoyed by the barrage, so he simply suspended the introduction to the Yao nationality: "It has been proved by research that Heiyuanshu can indeed absorb the Zerg plane. The radiation from the surface, and the denser the radiation, the faster the Heiyuan tree grows and absorbs more radiation. The anchor has put the saplings of the Heiyuan tree on the backstage of the live broadcast room, and emotional friends can place orders with confidence. "

What people didn't expect was that Su Jiu's explanation first ignited the plane of the end of the world.Only then did Su Jiu realize that the Doomsday Plane is also affected by radiation. If the Doomsday Plane is not resolved, it is very likely to follow the old path of the Zerg. Fortunately, Heiyuanshu can be purchased directly from Wanjie Mall, otherwise she would really The crazy sales of two planes may not necessarily be supplied.

After this incident, Admiral Fang felt that they might be able to tell the anchor what they lacked here, otherwise it would be the same as this time, the Zerg plane was full of a planet, and they just knew the existence of the Black Origin Tree .

When the others heard it, they must not be left behind. Although Blue Star is very similar to their side, they have embarked on a different path after all. The anchor may not know everything about their side.Sometimes only when they speak out, the anchor will know their needs.

Soon Su Jiu received a "completion of problems" from the plane of the end of the world: ocean pollution, land desertification, air pollution... Su Jiu kept clicking his tongue. The situation on its parallel plane, Blue Star, is much better, but when thinking about the tragic situation in the last days, Su Jiu felt that even if he could not change the direction of history, he could make small changes, such as planting black source trees .

There are many problems on the doomsday plane, and Su Jiu couldn’t solve them for a while, so he simply sent a message to tell them to wait, and then continued the live broadcast: “Sorry for the delay, let’s continue talking about the costumes of the Yao nationality. There is a record of the Yao people's men and women growing their hair and knotting it on the top of the head, which is called "vertebral bun". According to the historical records in Chinese, as early as in the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", there is a record of the ancestors of the Yao nationality "good at five-color clothes". Women's heads The interior decoration is very particular and colorful. Some wear bamboo arrows, some have vertical top boards, some wear pointed hats, and some are covered with exquisite and brightly embroidered 'handkerchief guns'. This is what the anchor wears Isn’t the handkerchief ‘covering’ very beautiful? Because the headwear of the Yao people is very particular, the anchor has divided the headwear into several links, and friends who like it can place an order.”

In fact, what Su Jiu wants to say is that the headgear is beautiful, but it is also really heavy. The thing on her head is estimated to weigh more than a catty. Now she can still chat with the audience in the live broadcast room with a smile on her face. Watching his extraordinary expression tube.Hiss, it felt like his neck was about to be broken, a flash of admiration flashed in Su Jiu's eyes, the women of the Yao nationality are really amazing!
Su Jiu didn't put too many headgears on the shelves, mainly because they were worried that they would be too heavy and the viewers in the live broadcast room would not buy them.

Regardless of the weight or not, these headgears are still pretty good-looking, so the inventory was quickly emptied. Su Jiu nodded in satisfaction. It seems that she still has a lot of stock.

"In some areas, the Yao people have a custom of cooking 'Three Dynasties' for children, which is a special way to entertain guests - eating 'Roshan'. Roushan generally consists of nine layers of dishes, and the bottom layer consists of bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, green vegetables, and pig intestines. , pork, etc.; the second and fourth layers are lean meat, pork liver, pork belly, etc., each piece is as big as a palm; the third and fifth layers are fat slices; the top layer is covered with a piece of fat weighing about two catties Top. The entire 'Roshan' weighs more than 20 kilograms and is packed in a large dustpan. The guests sit around the 'Roshan' and get what they need."

The audience who heard about eating "Roshan" for the first time were stunned. Although some of them are more extravagant to wash their children, this kind of specification is still too extravagant in the eyes of ordinary people.

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