"Unlike the Buyi people who like to eat dog meat, most Yao people have the habit of avoiding dog meat. Even cooking must be done outside the house. So everyone should be careful when dealing with Yao people." Su Jiu sold out [-] copies" Roshan" was in a good mood, so he inevitably said a few more words: "The Yao people lived in deep mountains and dense forests, with a changeable climate and pervasive miasma. , Insect sting damage and the experience and technology of preventing and treating various diseases have formed a unique Yao medicine Yao medicine."

"Common medicated baths can get rid of fatigue, relax meridians and activate collaterals, prevent colds and colds, and treat skin diseases, boils, tumors, rheumatism, arthritis, gynecological diseases, etc. Yao folk herbal medicine mostly uses unilateral and proven prescriptions, generally a single prescription Treat one or several kinds of diseases. Most of the techniques are passed down from ancestors, fathers to sons, and sons to grandchildren, and most of them are passed on to each other. Some are passed on to daughters-in-law but not to daughters. It also limits the development of Yao medicine."

Su Jiu quite understands the practices of these Yao doctors, but because of her understanding of the practices of Yao doctors, she has more and more admiration for those selfless and dedicated old Chinese doctors.If there were more dedicated doctors in the world, Lan Xing's medical level would be further improved, but even she couldn't make selfless dedication, so why would she ask others to do so!
Thinking of this, Su Jiu's eyes darkened, and he continued: "The medicine package for foot soaking in the Yao nationality's ancestral secret recipe is very effective. Soaking it every night before going to bed can not only promote blood circulation and relieve fatigue, but also the price is not expensive. The anchor also prepared foot bath medicine kits for the friends in the live broadcast room, and friends in need can buy them by themselves."

After listening to the anchor's promotion, all the health experts started to place orders frantically. The longevity emperor Kangxi, who is rare in history, will naturally not lag behind others. Let the imperial physician study the formula.Of course, Kangxi's idea is considered to be the idea of ​​most people. After all, there is a list of ingredients on the back of the packaging bag, and it is still very possible to research the formula.

Su Jiu didn't care about the disturbance at all, and continued to broadcast live: "The last anchor will introduce the weaving of the Yao people. As early as the Han Dynasty, there was a record of the ancestors of the Yao people 'weaving wood veneer and dyeing it with grass'. In the Song Dynasty, The people of the Yao nationality have used blue indigo and yellow wax to dye exquisite and delicate patterns on white cloth, which is called "Yao Banbu". This exquisite technique once enjoyed a high reputation in China. Embroidered flowers' records, it is a relatively exquisite handicraft of the Yao people. The patterns and patterns of Yaoban cloth weaving and embroidery brought to you by the anchor today mainly include cross-stitching, weaving and embroidery, each with [-] copies, all planes Let’s rush to buy together, and will not restock after it is off the shelf.”

Seeing Su Jiu approaching, Gu Ye quickly handed over the chopsticks: "Are you done?"

"Yeah." Su Jiu took the chopsticks and said, "Su Er actually made hot and sour noodles?"

"Didn't you suddenly want to eat hot and sour noodles yesterday? The hot and sour noodles made outside have too many seasonings. Eating too much is not good for your health. I asked Su Er to study it. You can taste it."

"Wow, it's so delicious. Has Sur's cooking skills been upgraded again? I think it's even more flavorful than the pickled fish I made last time."

"Su Er is now a red high-level chef, and he only needs one opportunity to advance to the orange chef." Su Si, who is also a mechanical life, can't do it. His cooking skills are progressing very slowly, and he is finally sent by Su Jiu. Brewing, after taking over the opponent, he quickly got started. Today's brewing technology is even far superior to Su Yi, who was the first to learn about brewing. Gu Ye sometimes suspects that the talents of these mechanical beings are the same as human beings, and they are all destined from the beginning. .

Su Jiu thought of the same question and said it unconsciously.

Gu Ye was also quite curious, but it was a pity that Qiuqiu kept saying that he didn't know. He always felt that the guy was not telling the truth: "Forget it, if you try more, there will always be other mechanical life forms with cooking talents."

Su Jiu swallowed the fans in his mouth, and said: "Now Su Er is the chef, and he prepares the meals sold in the live broadcast room on weekdays. Su Si seems to have the talent of a winemaker, and I don't intend to waste it , I will hand over the wine making to him in the future. As for Su Yi and Su San, I haven't found anything special about them so far. Their wine making and cooking skills are very average. Gu Ye, where do you think it is more appropriate to arrange them? "

Gu Ye thought for a while and said: "Do you think that Su Yi's management ability is very good, you didn't have any problems when you handed over the entire cave to him to manage, I think he should be as talented as Qiuqiu in management. "

Su Jiu thought that Su Yi had always arranged things in the Paradise in an orderly manner. Maybe Gu Ye's guess was right: "What do you think I let Su Yi manage the Zerg plane? In the future, I will hand over all the transactions with the Zerg plane. Let the other party manage, so I can relax a lot."

"Maybe you can stagger the time of your live broadcast, so that you have time to rest." Gu Ye felt that there was something wrong with Su Jiu's high-intensity live broadcast early in the morning, but for the sake of merit, Su Jiu had to maintain this high-intensity live broadcast Live broadcast, "Qiuqiu, can you ask Su Yi to help live broadcast for a while?"

Qiuqiu didn't expect these two people to really dare to think, and repeatedly vetoed: "Don't try to take advantage of the loopholes, Su Yi can at most help the host manage the transactions in the live broadcast room, as for the live broadcast, the host must come in person. Host, don't forget that we are Wan Wan! World live broadcast system, if the live broadcast is not long enough, we will be judged to have failed the mission, and then you and I will not be able to please you."

"Zhou Bapi!" Su Jiu cursed in anger. The Wanjie live broadcast system has no hard and fast rules on the daily live broadcast time of the anchor, but if the live broadcast time exceeds twelve hours a day, the transportation cost will be cut in half. discovered in between.If she hadn't discovered it by accident, she would have really believed in the evil of the system, thinking that the shipping fee could not be reduced.

But the problem now is that the [-] hours of live broadcast every day makes her a little unbearable, and she can hardly do anything all day long.She would like to work for a day and take a day off, but there will be no discount on the shipping fee. Su Jiu is reluctant to think of the merits she will lose. Now she can't take advantage of the loopholes. She doesn't even close the live broadcast room during meal time. Eat broadcast.

"Forget it." Su Jiu no longer expected to have any loopholes to take advantage of, "How will Su San arrange it?"

Gu Ye was a little embarrassed, Su San was not as good as Su Si in cooking, let alone brewing wine, Gu Ye was also a little bit embarrassed for a while.

Fortunately, Qiuqiu said next to him: "Host, don't you know? The dolls made by Su San are very beautiful."

Now Su Jiu was surprised: "A doll? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Qiuqiu: "The doll in your room was made by Su San. I think the host can arrange for Su San to make clothes and jewelry."

Hearing this, Su Jiu's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, "Tailor talent!"

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