Chapter 94 Dongxiang Tribe

"The ethnic origin and formation of the Dongxiang nationality is mainly based on the Saerta people, who gradually merged with the local Hui, Han and a small number of Mongolians..." After talking about the She nationality last time, Su Jiu began to explain the Dongxiang nationality: " The anchor has said so much, is there any point that you feel very familiar with?"

After successfully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the audience in the live broadcast room, Su Jiufang continued: "Many ethnic minorities are developed from many ethnic minorities, and they merge with each other. In fact, the Han people also merged with many ethnic minorities. However, friends who don’t believe it can ask the elders in the family, there must be blood of ethnic minorities in your ancestors.”

In fact, Su Jiu's words were mainly for people in the Qing plane. Just when Su Jiu was about to continue, Ansel's private message came over. When he opened it, Su Jiu was shocked!

Gu Ye noticed Su Jiu's abnormality and hurried forward, asking, "What happened?"

Su Jiu showed the private message to Gu Ye. She still finds it unbelievable that the Heiyuan tree has mutated after absorbing a lot of radiation. After testing, the mutated Heiyuan tree not only has a stronger ability to absorb radiation , and even their leaves can relieve mental violence, and long-term drinking is expected to improve mental power!Heiyuanshu, what kind of peerless treasure is this!
Gu Ye did not expect such a development. It seems that the Heiyuan tree is far from that simple. Maybe he can ask He Xiaorong to study the two Heiyuan trees in Changqing Farm. Anyway, that guy has nothing to do recently.

It just so happened that Su Jiu also thought of his friend who had been terrified all day long. He said that this time He Xiaorong received a warm welcome after returning home after doing a good job, and enjoyed a lot of greetings from his parents. Returned dingy.The question is, there is a kind of thinness that your mother thinks you are thinner.Poor He Xiaorong managed to lose weight with great difficulty. After returning home for a few days, he managed to gain weight again, and his weight soared!
Su Jiu silently thought that sometimes maternal love is quite scary: "I called He Xiaorong to ask her to pay attention to Heiyuanshu. She has been so idle recently that she is almost growing hair."

When He Xiaorong heard Su Jiu's request, he agreed without saying anything.Don't think she doesn't know that her nemesis, He Xiaoli, has been saying behind her back that she is looking for dead mice. This time, she insists on researching results to see how the other party arranges her.

Looking at He Xiaorong's eyes, Su Jiu sighed helplessly in his heart. Every family has hard-to-read scriptures, but He's parents are extremely loving, and his elder brother also cares for He Xiaorong, but the things of the previous generation are all the same. pile of bad debts.

Grandpa He was a famous playboy when he was young. He married five wives alone. Not only did each wife give birth to heirs, but there were also many women who conceived and gave birth to him.The grandfather of the He family can make so many women flock to him. Apart from his handsome and charming face, the most important thing is the charm of super powers.One can imagine how terrifying the competition of Father He's generation was.

He's father's mother is Grandpa He's second wife. The other party and Grandpa He belonged to a wealthy marriage back then, so the other party tried their best to divorce after finding out that Grandpa He was cheating in marriage, and went away with her first boyfriend. The son is not rare at all, and he stays in the He family to divide the family property in the future.Father He grew up in such a complicated environment, so one can imagine how difficult it was. Of course, Father He's keeping a clean life in the future has nothing to do with family influence.

Here Su Jiu mentioned that He Xiaoli is the granddaughter of Grandpa He’s current wife, because Father He earned a large fortune without relying on Grandpa He, He Xiaoli has always been envious of He Xiaorong, and the two are about the same age. Isn't it just the tip of the needle pointing at the wheat awn.

Speaking of the grievances between the two, it would take three days and three nights to talk about it. The audience in the live broadcast room never imagined that one day they would eat gossip "cantaloupe" in the live broadcast room.Regarding the grievances of the He family's wealthy family, regardless of whether those male chauvinists admit it or not, in fact, they all know in their hearts that the reason for the abnormal family relationship of the He family is that Grandpa He bears the greatest responsibility.

Su Jiuyu said to the live broadcast room earnestly: "It's better for a man to be responsible for the family. Don't make it to the end that the whole family falls apart and you end up alone. The anchor is not sensational, deliberately scaring some people, just Grandpa He When he was young, he attracted bees and butterflies, and owed a lot of romantic debts, you really think that he is living a good life now, how is it possible!"

"Grandpa He's current wife, Wang Rong, is a ruthless person. She knew very well that Grandpa He's fascination with her was only short-lived, so she decided to give Grandpa He a sterilizing drug. You must know that the poison's harm to the body is very serious. Very big. Grandpa He has bad legs and feet now, and sits in a wheelchair all day long. His hair is white on the temples, and he still looks suave and suave. Grandpa Gu, who is the same age as him, is still shining in his job!"

Seeing the exclamation on the barrage, Su Jiu just felt it was funny: "That's surprising. Grandpa He may not have known that his wife had given him medicine at the beginning, but if something goes wrong with his body, it will be found out sooner rather than later. It's a pity, Wang Rong is impeccable in everything, and Grandpa He found out a little late and a lot of evidence has been dealt with, so even if he wants to clean up the other party, he has no choice."

"The anchor saw many people asking why the two didn't get a divorce. Of course, it was because the price of divorce was too high. As we all know, the "Marriage Law" of country Z is very unfriendly to cheating scumbags, and Grandpa He is a habitual cheater. When Wang Rong had no problems at all, Wang Rong took advantage of their divorce in terms of property division. In addition, Grandpa He didn't want Wang Rong to live comfortably with his money, so the two never divorced. "

In the end, Su Jiu came up with a concluding sentence: "So it's better for men not to be too flamboyant, otherwise hehe—" As for hehe, you can judge for yourself.

Some of the men whose feet were sore by Su Jiu poked their faces turned black. If they weren't worried that the anchor would blackmail them, they would all want to scold them in the live broadcast room - don't bring such intimidation!
Su Jiu, who suddenly found fun, continued to explain the Dongxiang people's affairs. Instead, he began to broadcast the murder case caused by the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife to the audience in the live broadcast room.

After today, if there are still people who can't think about it, Su Jiu doesn't bother to care about it. After all, they are willing to die, and you can stop them——

Gu Ye was amused to watch his girlfriend abuse those scumbags in the live broadcast room. You must know that those bloody marriage cases shocked him at the beginning. For the future cousin-in-law.

Thinking of those out-of-the-ordinary cousins, Gu Ye felt a headache. He should be glad that Su Jiu's sanity will not be affected by the other party, otherwise his days in the future will be in dire straits.

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(End of this chapter)

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