The last time Su Jiu gave a passionate speech about the He family, he postponed the introduction of the Dongxiang people. This delay lasted for several days. Now all those who thought the anchor was lying and took the opportunity to sell more goods shut up. It's really not up to the anchor.

"Hi everyone, I'm Blue Star anchor Su Jiu."

Listening to the anchor's familiar self-introduction, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately felt cordial, and the anchor can be regarded as online.

As soon as Su Jiu went online, he was confused by the enthusiasm of the audience in the live broadcast room, but enthusiasm is better than indifference: "The anchor thought he would not be online for a few days, and everyone didn't remember the anchor."

Because Su Jiu suddenly stopped the live broadcast this time, the viewers in the live broadcast room were quite uneasy, and one by one asked the host what he was doing during this time.

"The anchor went to get married, and by the way, recognized the relatives of Gu's family." Su Jiu was not shy at all when it came to his marriage. The main reason was that she knew Gu Ye too well and had already entered the old man Wife mode too.

Although everyone has always known that the anchor and Gu Ye are boyfriend and girlfriend, they never expected that they would get a certificate as soon as they reached the age of marriage. The raised cabbage was crushed by a pig, even though the pig was very handsome.

Su Jiu looked at the audience in the live broadcast room with a funny look and said sad words in the barrage: "Today, let's finish the story of the Dongxiang people that we didn't finish last time, and then the anchor will take the time to send you the anchor's wedding ceremony."

"The Dongxiang people are warm and hospitable. When guests come, they are always greeted by the elders. When guests enter the house, they must first invite them to the kang, and then they will offer more exquisite covered bowls of tea. Among them, the more distinctive ones are the three-scented tea, the so-called three-scented tea. It’s just adding rock sugar, longan or roasted dates to the tea, it always tastes weird, if you are interested, you can try it at home.” Su Jiu felt that drinking tea is to drink the fragrance and slight bitterness, adding sugar is too much It's weird, it's said that sugar is added to the tea in country Y, she can't understand it.

In the live broadcast room, some people with a similar taste to Su Jiu also complained that the three-scented tea is not something ordinary people can enjoy, saying that they would not try this devil's formula.Some people don't like it, but others like it. Many sweet-mouthed people responded positively and said that they would try Dongxiang tea with rock sugar, longan or roasted dates in a while.

"Dongxiang people like to use chickens to entertain guests during dinner, and the most important thing for Dongxiang people to treat guests is Duanquan sheep. That is to put various parts of the sheep such as the neck, ribs, front and rear legs, and sheep tails on the plate in order, so that everything on the table is delicious. It’s all ready.” At this point, Su Jiu smiled inexplicably, “The anchor’s meal at noon today is whole sheep, and Su Er has already made a hundred copies at this moment, let’s grab it on 1, 2, 3!”

Those who are familiar with the anchor felt something was wrong when they saw this smile, and they clicked to place an order faster than their brains. They watched many people roll around in the barrage to ask the anchor to sell more because they didn't get the whole sheep. With a sinister smile, he followed behind and kept showing off. In the blink of an eye, the two sides quarreled, but because there were only a few people who grabbed it, they had to shut down the mic in the end.

Su Jiu looked very happy. If she was not worried about the bad influence, she would have wanted to end the fight herself.

Gu Ye shook his head amusedly, and became more and more lively for a long time: "You have recently received more and more merit points, and most of them came from the Zerg plane."

Su Jiu knew what Gu Ye wanted to say, but she had a hunch about it, and now she just verified her guess, and sighed in her heart and stopped thinking about those things: "Next, the anchor will talk about the taboos of the Dongxiang people. For religious reasons, Dongxiang people are forbidden to eat pig, dog, horse, mule, donkey meat, say pig; do not eat animal blood; do not bring dirty things into cemeteries and mosques; do not joke with food; Open your chest and back in front of your face; it is taboo to offer cigarettes and toast."

"The anchor personally thinks the last three items are very good, but I feel a little regretful about the taboos on meat. After all, many meals made with pork and donkey meat are quite delicious. It's a pity that Dongxiang people can't taste them. Of course, we must respect their customs. , it is best not to eat these forbidden foods in front of Dongxiang people."

After taking a sip of honey water to moisten his throat, Su Jiu continued: "All the friends in the live broadcast room may have bought a lot of wine recommended by the anchor, but the anchor never recommends tobacco! Smoking is harmful to health, it is almost The consensus of every Blue Star citizen. Therefore, friends in the live broadcast room must not smoke. Once smoking starts, it will be difficult to quit. The performance of tobacco companies is immortal, and the reason is that it is difficult to quit smoking.”

"Of course, the anchor is not saying that tobacco is a poisonous weed. In fact, in addition to being made into cigarettes, dry tobacco, pipe tobacco, cigars, etc. for people to smoke, tobacco also has many medical uses. Detoxification, insecticide and other effects. Don’t just think about smoking tobacco, but try to develop the medical value of tobacco.”

Everything has two sides. Su Jiu felt that since banning smoking is unrealistic, it is very necessary to try to reduce the negative harm.The reason why she mentioned this matter today is the reason of the Opium War in history. If the friends watching the live broadcast today can listen to what she said, the possibility of the Opium War breaking out in the Qing Dynasty in the future will be reduced. .

"Okay, let's stop talking, let's get over the topic of tobacco!" Su Jiu cleared his throat, and continued: "The most famous pasta in Dongxiang——'Lashiha', which is commonly eaten by us. Ramen noodles and sliced ​​noodles. When the anchor was in college, there was a whole row of noodles on the first floor of the cafeteria, including ramen noodles and sliced ​​noodles. Both ramen noodles and sliced ​​noodles are good to eat while they are hot, and the host will put a batch of noodles on the shelves in a while, and friends who want to taste them can start preparing. 1, 2, 3, let's grab it!"

Looking at Miaokong's inventory, Su Jiu nodded with a smile: "It seems that everyone likes pasta, friends who got it can eat it, and friends who didn't get it don't be discouraged, there will be another chance next time. I wonder if you have heard of the Dongxiang delicacy 'Gajiwa'?"

"Eating 'Ga chicken baby' is very particular. The parts of the whole chicken are divided into 13 grades. 'Cocktail' is the most precious, and it is usually eaten by the elders or distinguished guests at the banquet. Many people probably don't understand this custom. , the anchor also, a chicken anchor's favorite part is the chicken thigh, the meat is special, chewy to the bite, as for the 'cocktail', to be honest, the anchor has never eaten it, interested friends can try it. By the way, The backstage anchor has put [-] copies of Gajiba on the shelves, you can get it soon, but you can’t have it, hurry up—”

The last sentence was so bloody that many people who watched the live broadcast ordered and placed an order before they realized it, and then...then they grabbed it all, so they paid for it naturally!
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