Chapter 96 Pan Kang
"Dongxiang people make 'stack sheep' meat, which is unique. Generally, it is whole sheep under clear water, and steamed 'fazi' on the pot. Slaughtering stack sheep and eating fat is a way for Dongxiang people to improve their lives. There is a local proverb ——The meat that comes first is more fragrant than the meat that comes later, it is delicious, nourishing and nutritious, suitable for all ages." Su Jiumei took a mouthful of mutton, then took a sip of clear soup mutton slowly, sighed comfortably and sighed : "This is life!"

At this moment, countless viewers watching the live broadcast room are envious. To be honest, the host’s small life is really comfortable. When I am thirsty, my husband hands me a cup of sweet honey water, and when I am hungry, my husband feeds sweet pastries. It’s just a word—everyday envy middle.

"Hehe, are you envious? Just work hard if you are envious!" Su Jiu blinked playfully, his small appearance made people love and hate, "People in Dongxiang eat three meals a day sitting cross-legged on the kang table around the kang table. Speaking of this, I don’t know if you know how the kang is made, if you have a kang at home in the cold northern region, it is definitely a very happy thing.”

Seeing someone saying that there is high technology, Su Jiu smiled: "Of course what is said on the bullet screen is quite correct. With the development of technology, floor heating has become popular, and constructions like kang are rare. Today the anchor will The purpose of this is for the friends of the Daqing plane and the game plane, and other friends can feel free, just act as the anchor and do science popularization, just listen to it casually."

Pan Kang is a craft, even if many common people in the Qing Dynasty wanted to learn this craft, even if they didn’t go out to earn money to make a Kang for their families, it would be good.Don't be too surprised on the game plane, especially the people in the cold winter area. They don't need it in the end-time plane, but they need it here!Fortunately, the anchor didn't give up the live broadcast of Pan Kang because of the brain-dead "excessive" language, otherwise they... they would scold each other to death across the plane.

Kang is the "warm bed" for northerners.Although most of the buildings in the northern cities no longer have kangs, but only beds, the appearance of kangs is much earlier than that of beds.

"The kang was invented by the Han people. The kang is a brick and stone building facility with a width of about 1.7 meters to [-] meters and a length that can vary with the length of the room. The kang is called pan kang in the north. The wall between the kangs is built with bricks. There is a flue in the wall between the kangs, and the top is covered with relatively flat stone slabs. After the mud dries, lay a kang mat, and in some areas, a layer of thick wool felt is laid on it, and a special oilcloth is laid on the felt..."

A group of people in the Icefield Territory sat in a row to watch the live broadcast.

After a while, the lord Wang Sicong asked, "Who has learned how to cook a kang?"

Everyone: "..." No, lord, don't be so cold and heartless, a scumbag means a waste of time!
Seeing everyone with frowning brows and drooping eyes, Wang Sicong felt that they were all unreliable things, and he had to rely on him to buy semi-finished products from the anchor!Lord Wang, who just hunted a group of monsters, expressed that he is rich and self-willed. He can't learn it, and he can't spend money to buy it!

Others thought the lord was smart, but that's it?
Lord Wang's eyes sharpened, do you have any objections?
The others shook their heads one after another, how could they have any objections, after all they are all beneficiaries!Hahaha, money is fun!

Of course, this is the rich and self-willed territory, and there is also the smart one without money-the snowy territory, the snowy territory is slightly southerly than the icefield territory, but when winter comes, the entire territory can freeze off the feet, plus It's really poor to go to their territory, so watching the anchor's explanation right now is [-] copies of seriousness. It just so happens that there are people in the territory who have learned the architect skill card, and after the explanation is over, they have also successfully learned the pan kang!

Seeing many viewers say in the barrage that they haven’t learned yet, but Su Jiu definitely couldn’t explain Pan Kang all the time, so he finally had to say: “If there are friends who can’t learn it, they can buy the teaching video of Pan Kang. Just 100 transaction coins." She didn't expect to make money from this, so she only charged 100 transaction coins.

It only costs 100 trading coins, so anyone who wants to get rid of the kang simply buys a copy.

"The anchor has been talking for so long, do you feel hungry?" Leaving Dongtian Paradise, Su Jiu found that the sky had darkened, and it was obvious that it was time for dinner.

Only then did the audience in the live broadcast room feel hungry. They were in a daze for a while. They actually studied all afternoon. No wonder they felt hungry, but what was the host saying?Thinking of the host using food attacks at every turn, they wanted to leave the live broadcast temporarily, but they were reluctant.

"Luobo porridge is a special kind of delicious meat porridge. Its method is to put wheat, highland barley, broad beans, lentils, corn and shredded pork into the broth, and boil it into a paste. It is delicious and delicious. If you soak it again It is oily and fragrant, which is the best delicacy of the Dongxiang people. Well, the taste is quite good. Sorry, the host eats it first. Friends who are interested in Luobo porridge can go to the backstage to place an order. This time Sur made a lot, which is enough There are 100 million copies! Ah, let’s not talk about it, the anchor ate it first—”

The viewers in the live broadcast room were immediately overjoyed when they heard that there were 100 million copies, and then they thought of the number of people who were snapping up with them, and they couldn't be happier for a moment. There are too many monks and less meat, and the chances of them being able to grab it are still very low!
Sure enough, the Luobo porridge in the background was sold out as soon as the purchase channel opened, and those who failed to grab it cried loudly in the live broadcast room, saying, "The child is too miserable, and he can't even drink a bowl of porridge."

Su Jiu looked at the cunning tricks on the barrage, and felt amused in his heart. These quantities were made by Su Er all afternoon: "Okay, the Luobo porridge made by Su Er is really gone, but the anchor can use other mechanical insects The porridge made is on the shelf, this quantity is enough, is it okay?"

Although other people still want to drink the Luobo porridge made by Sur, the anchor is a real person. Since the anchor said so, there is really no more, and they can only make do with it. Quick!
"Cough cough, let's talk about the national costumes of the Dongxiang nationality. Women usually wear silk or silk 'covers'. Girls and newly married women wear green ones, middle-aged women wear blue ones, and old women wear white ones. Yes... So if you meet a Dongxiang woman in the future, you can guess the age of the other person by the color of the hijab. Looking at the hijab in the host's hand, do you think it looks a bit like the headdress of the Hui nationality, but this is not your illusion. The hijab of the Dongxiang people is indeed similar to the costumes of the Han and Hui people, which is related to the unique development process of the Dongxiang people..."

On Su Jiu's head was a round hat with a green top and red or green ruffled lace on the brim, with tassels made of colored thread and beads of various colors hanging from the brim, which was really pretty.

Some women felt itchy when they saw the model effect of the anchor, and clicked to place an order quickly when the anchor said it was up for grabs.

Looking at the emptied inventory, Su Jiu clicked his tongue secretly, no matter what time it takes to underestimate a woman's desire to shop, perhaps it is not necessary to be too conservative in stocking up next.

(End of this chapter)

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