"Academic circles agree that the origin of the Gelao people is related to the ancient Liao people. In terms of housing, clothing, diet, funerals and ear-piercing customs, they also retain a large number of characteristics similar to the ancient Liao people..."

A Dongxiang tribe procrastinated for a few days. This time, Su Jiu, a Gelao tribe, planned to make a quick decision. Unfortunately, the plan was not as fast as the change.

"The Gelao people worship ancestors, enshrine the bamboo king, the ancestors of the barbarian kings, and the mountain gods. There are wizards of the ethnic group who specialize in offering sacrifices, praying for blessings and longevity, expelling ghosts, and saving the dead. Do many people think that 'witch' is evil? The anchor's personal impression of 'witch' originally came from the evil witch in "The Daughter of the Sea", but the Gelao wizards are still quite respected, which stems from..."

"Su Jiu, look at the system notification in the background!" Qiuqiu shook Su Jiu's arm excitedly.

Originally, Su Jiu was a little upset when the live broadcast was interrupted, but when he heard the notification from the system, all the unhappiness disappeared: "Strange, why didn't the system broadcast this time?"

"Eh—" Qiuqiu tilted his head and said, "I don't know either!"

Su Jiu patted the kickoff ball's milky white head: "Don't be cute!" It's shameful to be cute!Hehe, Qiuqiu's body is worthy of being chosen by her, so cute!However, Qiuqiu can't take advantage of her cuteness.

Seeing that the host didn't eat this set, Qiuqiu sighed in disappointment, and then got serious about the business: "The host's guess about the Zerg plane was right, because of the Black Origin Tree, the entire Zerg plane began to rejuvenate. The host's rescue measures have succeeded." Speaking of which, it just wanted to shout "666" to the host, as expected of the host it chose, it will fly up with the host on the spot this time, ahhh, it is simply too powerful I've got my eyesight, and the masters of the same batch as it have been waiting for a long time to envy it——

The notification sent by the main system mainly means that Su Jiu's live broadcast room is very helpful to the Zerg plane. According to the current progress, within three months, the radiation and mental disorder problems that plague the entire Zerg plane will be resolved. , the Zerg plane no longer needs Su Jiu's rescue...

Now Su Jiu faces two choices. She can close the connection between the live broadcast room and the Zerg plane, and then draw a new plane for free; in addition, she can also choose to keep the connection with the Zerg plane.

At the same time, Su Jiu also learned that after helping the nine planes out of the crisis, the Wanjie live broadcast system can be upgraded. The upgraded system is no longer the live broadcast room system. She can choose the direction she likes to upgrade, and she is very interested in it. Yes, for example, most of the products in Wanjie Mall come from the "God of Trade System". In the new era, it is much easier to open a store and sell goods directly than to live broadcast.

Gu Ye showed a clear expression. He had already guessed that the system might be upgraded, but the Myriad Realm Master system is very formal. The planes extracted by the host were all voluntary by the consciousness of the Dao of that plane, and they did not exist. The possibility of smuggling is different from his previous system of cultivating immortals. Compared with many aspects, the system of cultivating immortals is more like a copycat version of the system.

Thinking of this, Gu Ye's pupils tightened, and he finally figured out that the feeling of disobedience all along was due to the copycat version.

Wanting to continue to check the relevant information, Gu Ye found out that merits are needed, this... This is really no business, but he still pays decisively.

As the more information he checked, Gu Ye's face became more and more ugly. He didn't expect that not only did he cheat the system in the end, but the system also cheated himself in turn, and there was a problem with his soul. Trying to make up for the lack of soul, he can't even reincarnate, and Su Jiu, who is connected with his fate, will also be implicated by him!
Su Jiu didn't pay much attention to Gu Ye's movements at first, but now seeing his face turned livid, he felt a little worried: "What's wrong?"

As it was about Su Jiu, Gu Ye naturally didn't hide anything, and told the whole thing in detail.

Su Jiu was so angry that he scolded that the Immortal Cultivation System was not a thing, and made them miserable: "Don't worry, there are no good things in Wanjie Mall, there must be treasures that restore souls." Saving Wanjie Mall Su Jiu gained a lot of merit , so she is still very confident.

In fact, there is no need for Su Jiu to remind, Gu Ye has already checked, all the treasures that can repair the soul are cheap, even if Su Jiu spends all his merits, he can't buy enough treasures, but they seem to have nothing else to exchange except merits.

After checking the price, Su Jiu was completely wilted. No wonder Gu Ye looked so ugly. Poverty limited her imagination. She thought she was quite rich at first, but she didn't expect the reality to slap her severely.But no matter what the price is, they will get the treasure to mend their souls!
Qiuqiu didn't expect that the male host's soul would be damaged, and immediately turned around in a hurry: "Host, wait a minute, I'll ask the main system." This ability is limited to within 24 hours this time. This is a small convenience for the main system to answer the doubts of their hosts, and it belongs to an expired convenience policy.

"Then you go." Su Jiu didn't have the heart to continue talking about the Gelao people, and she didn't have the heart to do anything unless the hidden dangers on Gu Ye were solved.

But Gu Ye, seeing Su Jiu's anxious expression, hurriedly comforted him, "Don't worry, besides merit, we also have five lucky planets."

"What?" Su Jiu looked at Gu Ye in shock, "How can this be, the planet of five blessings is connected to your soul, and it was cultivated by you with countless efforts."

Gu Ye felt that there was nothing to be reluctant about. The reason why he wanted a planet at the beginning was just the influence of the genes of the Blue Stars. In addition, there is a portable planet in his belongings that can be well preserved: "Don't worry, Wufu The value of the planet is not low, if you don’t have a treasure, forget it.” The damage to the soul is the most difficult to repair, if possible, he would like to exchange Su Jiu with a treasure that protects the soul.

While Su Jiu was restlessly waiting, Qiuqiu finally got a reply from the main system, and the other party directly provided the couple with several treasure choices, on the condition that Wufu Planet gave up part of it, just as Gu Ye said, Wufu Planet The value of the treasure is too high, and it cannot be made up for by a few treasures.

Gu Ye was not surprised by the main system's proposal. The transaction proposed by the other party was very fair, and he had no intention of taking advantage of it. This surprised him: "The transaction proposed by the main system is very fair. We can only take a part of the Wufu planet to do it." For the transaction, let the main system help you integrate with your Paradise of Paradise." Even though Su Jiu's Paradise of Paradise is much smaller than Planet Wufu, he can naturally see that Paradise of Paradise's development potential is far greater than that of Wufu.

Hearing this, Su Jiu heaved a sigh of relief. If the main system asked for too much price, she would never agree to it: "Let's choose a treasure together."

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