hunter world

Chapter 213 Finding Bella

Chapter 213 Finding Bella
Chapter 13 Finding Bella
"I really want to know how you became Fatal. Even I, who has dealt with him for so many years, haven't noticed that you are pretending at all." Andre ate hard After a few mouthfuls of horse meat, he seemed to regain some energy.Once a person has the spirit, he will do many things. For example, Andre now wants to chat with someone, probably because he has been in prison for too long and has not spoken to anyone for a long time. Therefore, as long as the environment Relatively safe, once he relaxed his mind, he began to open up the chatterbox to the people around him.It doesn't matter whether this person is a good chat partner or not, in short, the current Andre doesn't want to idle his mouth for a second, either eating meat or talking.

Ye Ci twitched the corners of her mouth, she didn't want to answer this question at all, Ye Ci didn't want to tell anyone this secret, of course, this anyone included Andre who had just been rescued by herself.But facing this NPC in the most important part of her epic mission, she still can't be too perfunctory, otherwise it may affect the progress of the entire mission.

Therefore, Ye Ci pondered slightly, then smiled and said: "I just said that I am a businessman, and a businessman must have many secrets that cannot be disclosed to others. Otherwise, what are the bargaining chips for business?"

"That's it." Although he didn't know the secret as he wished, Andre didn't seem too disappointed. He just tilted his head to look at Ye Ci, and nodded thoughtfully.

"I believe, Andre, that you are a person who does great things, and people who do big things must be informal. If so, how about keeping this matter a secret?" Ye Ci said slowly, but there was something unsettling in his voice. The dignity of resistance: "It's your secret, what do you say?"

"It's not a big deal, why can't you say it?" Andre was obviously an NPC with a low IQ, and it seemed that he didn't understand what Ye Ci's words meant.

Ye Ci couldn't help sighing secretly in her heart, so she said that she didn't like dealing with idiots at all.If the person who spoke now was replaced by a shrewd guy like Yueqingqiu or No. [-] Arsenic, she must have understood what she meant, but when facing this Andre, she could only speak more plainly. , and then whiter.

"In that case, Andre, you don't mind if people all over the world know that you, an all-powerful big shot, can't even walk in the prison of Red Lake City. You are a soft-footed shrimp?" Ye Ci She didn't even look at Andre, she just ate the horse meat quietly, her movements were gentle and graceful, she looked like a well-educated nobleman.

As soon as Andre heard Ye Ci's words, his face turned pale immediately.A very arrogant NPC like him actually has a weakness, that is, he is unwilling to let anyone know or see his weak side, so, compared to Andre, this matter must not be told to anyone. human.

He shook his head hastily, waved his hands repeatedly and said, "No, no, how can I let others know such a shameful thing, you can't tell anyone!"

"I said I'm a businessman." Ye Ci narrowed his eyes and looked at Andre again: "Why don't we make another deal?"

"What deal?" Andre suddenly felt that the female elf in front of him was not kind at all, not only not kind, but also a very treacherous person.However, this was just a passing feeling, because immediately Andre's full attention was attracted by Ye Ci's proposal.

Ye Ci didn't speak, but looked at Andre quietly.She felt that she had already given too many hints. If Andre couldn't even think of this and had to tell him by himself, then he would be a real, complete fool!

Fortunately, Andre's IQ is not that high, he is not an idiot, nor is he a fool with zero EQ. At first, he thought this female elf was really strange. Why did he just look at him like this? Could it be that there are flowers on his face?He stretched out his hand, wiped his face, and suddenly realized.He connected the two things that the female elf said just now, and after thinking about it, he understood what the woman was talking about.He laughed loudly: "Oh, I see, you mean, I keep the secret of how you rescued me from you, and you keep the secret of my not-so-good time in prison for me Right? This is the deal you're talking about, right?"

Fortunately, this NPC is not so stupid that it can't be saved.Ye Ci let out a sigh of relief, she let go of the stone in her heart, she nodded: "You are right, how about it? Do you want to make this deal with me?"

"Of course! Don't worry, I, Andre, have a very strict mouth. You saw it in the prison just now. I didn't let go when I faced that super bastard Fattal. So, just for this little thing, I I will definitely keep my mouth shut." Andre assured Ye Ci by patting his chest.However, he soon became worried about Ye Ci: "I'm really worried about you, will you keep my affairs secret?"

"I said before that I am a businessman, and the most important quality of a businessman is integrity. Therefore, I will never reveal a word of what I promised you." Ye Ci also made a strong promise.

"That's great!" Andre felt relieved, as if he felt hungry again, so he lowered his head a few times and finished eating the horse meat in his hand, but he still didn't feel full enough.He looked at the large piece of horse meat that was still roasting on the bonfire set up by Ye Ci, and it was sizzling with oil, and his saliva dripped down.But he was not too embarrassed to sit there, he could only sit there and smell the fragrance, sniffing and swallowing.

Ye Ci glanced at Andre from the corner of his eye, and then extended the invitation again: "Come over and eat the horse meat, it will be roasted soon."

"No, no, you've helped me with too many things. I, I'm already full." Although Andre is a reckless man, Ye Ci, who is a woman and his savior, still has a bit of a problem. Although he was still very hungry, he suppressed all those emotions and waved his hand pretending to be polite.

Ye Ci still warmly invited him, and did not give up because of Andre's polite refusal.Because in the face of this open task, any conversation you have with an NPC will affect how the NPC treats you in the future.Especially for NPCs like Andre, although the bandits of the tin silver mine are only a small branch of the Dolan Thieves Association, since he can be the boss of this branch, he must be a more important member of the Dolan Thieves Association. NPCs,

In the face of this kind of NPC, you must please, flatter, and try your best to cultivate their intimacy with yourself.However, these NPCs are endowed with normal human emotions. If you can please and flatter you, you might not be recognized by the NPCs, and the gains will easily outweigh the losses.Therefore, for this kind of NPC, to improve the intimacy with them, in addition to fulfilling their inner desires, the more important thing is to do what they like, don't deliberately, let the intimacy increase naturally, Only in this way can the greatest benefit be obtained.

"Whether you're in Red Lake City or not, I think as long as you're in prison, you won't have a good time to eat. Look at your current appearance. If Midala and your brothers see you, you will be very upset." Distressed. We live, sometimes not only for ourselves, so, even for your brothers, let’s eat a little. And this horse is really big, I can’t eat it all by myself, why don’t you help me? How about eating and watching?" Ye Ci smiled, sometimes she really felt that she was really suitable to be those lobbyists, because she was already hypocritical enough.

Hearing what Ye Ci said, Andre seemed to have no reason to continue to refuse. He looked at Ye Ci and scratched his hair, smiling a little awkwardly: "It seems that what you said is very reasonable, then, I will I'll help you eat some more." After that, he hurriedly went to the opposite side of Ye Ci, grabbed the horse meat on the campfire, smiled at Ye Ci, and then wolfed it into his own mouth stuffed inside.

While eating meat like this, Andre didn't forget to extend his big finger to Ye Ci, and praised without hesitation: "Elf, although you are from Red Lake City, you are really a good person. The cooking skills of the rice are also very good, I found that I don't hate you anymore!"

While listening to what Andre said, Ye Ci quietly opened Andre's character panel, found the option of his intimacy with himself, and found that the intimacy in it had changed from hatred at the beginning to intimacy Yes, I can't help it, as Andre continued to eat meat, the favorability continued to rise.Ye Ci believed that as long as she flattered Andre calmly, her friendship with him would soon reach the level of life-and-death friendship.

As long as the favorability with Andre reaches the level of life-and-death friendship, then she can get a lot of benefits from Dolan Thieves in the future.In fact, in the area of ​​reputation, this kind of snobbish reputation often brings more benefits to players, but this kind of reputation is very difficult to increase. Even in the last life, it is really very difficult for players who can reach the level of closeness with these forces. Few, and only a handful of people have achieved respect.

As for Ye Ci in the last life, because of his own paranoid personality and excessive pursuit of fame and fortune, no faction has a reputation above that of intimacy, but when reading posts on the forum, I saw some players with a reputation of intimacy share their experiences. , the prestige of these forces reaches above the level of intimacy, there will be various benefits, but I was very envious.

And Ye Ci in this life is more concerned about enjoying the whole game process, so of course, she will not let go of this opportunity, and it is best to increase her reputation in the Dolan Thieves Guild.Andre in front of her is her best opportunity, and she must seize it tightly.

When Andre was almost finished eating, she took out a jug of expensive wine from her package, and threw it at Andre: "Although you hate the people of Red Lake City, but the people of Red Lake City The gin at the One-Eyed Jack Tavern is very famous in the Eastern Continent, but I don’t know if you would hate such fine wine?”

"I've always been a man with clear grievances and grievances. Although I hate everything in Red Lake City, and even the people in Red Lake City, I don't hate the wine in Red Lake City at all." Andre's face was full of surprise, he obviously didn't Expecting that Ye Ci had prepared such a good gin, he raised his hand to catch the hip flask thrown by Ye Ci, then opened it immediately, moved his nose to the edge of the hip flask, and took a deep breath. Then he closed his eyes with a look of intoxication.It took a while before I opened my eyes, and looked at Ye Ci with a smile on my face: "Good wine, good wine! I don't hate it at all, just like you, I don't hate it at all!"

Sure enough, the act of giving wine immediately increased Andre's favorability towards Ye Ci by a large amount. Although there was still a distance from the friendship between life and death, it was not much.But the only pity is that this method of pleasing and increasing favorability can only greatly increase favorability when you use it for the first time, but when you want to use it again later, the increase in favorability will not be much. However, you can continue to use it, just be careful, if you use the same method too much, not only will the increase in favorability become slower and less, it will even make NPCs feel annoying, which will actually reduce the existing favorability. Sensitivity.

Ye Ci didn't bring so much good wine with him, so there was no possibility of using this method again.She quietly waited for Andre to drink and eat before suggesting to Andre: "Andre, it's getting late, let's go back quickly while it's still early."

"I want to sleep for a while." Andre was telling the truth. There is a saying that if one is full of food and drink, and the spirit is relaxed, it is easy to fall asleep.Now Andre is just like this: "just, I'll sleep for a while, and we'll go back later."

Ye Ci frowned, joking, she doesn't have so much time to eat, drink and sleep with an NPC, she just wants to send Andre back quickly, and then quickly get the next step of this epic mission , other things, she has no patience or mood.

However, facing an NPC like Andre, she couldn't directly refuse his request, so Ye Ci thought of a good way as soon as he rolled his eyes.Sitting on the rock, she looked at Andre, who was leaning on the rock and was about to fall asleep, and said, "This is the tin-silver mine, right?"

"Yeah, the tin-silver mine, the sunshine here is the best." Andre had a smile on his face, leaning on the stone with a very peaceful look, he didn't look like a thief leader at all, but rather An ordinary middle-aged man.

"However, this is still within the scope of Red Lake City."

"Tch, I don't care what happened to the range of Red Lake City!" Andre still closed his eyes, but he snorted heavily. It was obvious that he didn't care about Red Lake City at all.

"So, you must sleep here?" Ye Ci narrowed her eyes and looked at Andre, looking at his happy and peaceful face, she suddenly felt like going up to whip him, but, she Hold back, continue to ask quietly.

"of course."

"In any case?"

"Of course!" Andre was obviously very dissatisfied with Ye Ci's chattering to disturb his sleep, he frowned and looked at Ye Ci: "Elf, what do you want to say, hurry up, Don't disturb Andre's sleep, I'm really sleepy, you know, I was tortured by that damn Fattal every day in the prison of Red Lake City, but I didn't sleep well all day, if you disturb me again If not, it would be too unkind, don’t you think?”

"Of course, I don't want to delay your sleep. I just want to remind you that when I went to rescue you just now, I put on makeup while Fatal was taking a nap." Ye Ci looked at Andre with a smile .

Andre opened one eye and looked at Ye Ci: "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, it's been quite a while since we left Red Lake City Prison, and Fatal has probably woken up from his afternoon nap." Ye Ci continued to smile, according to her understanding, although Ender Lie hated Fatal very much, and he also dismissed the people of Red Lake City, but he was still very afraid of Fatal from the bottom of his heart.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Andre's eyes were already opened: "Has Fatal woke up?"

"I think it's not just waking up. If he knows that Andre, who is a felon, has escaped from prison, he may be furious." Ye Ci still smiled, as if this matter had nothing to do with him at all. Same.

But Andre had already sat up, staring at Ye Ci's smiling face: "What, Fatal is going to be furious!"

"It's still light. Think about it, if you were Fatal, and an important felon like you ran away from under your nose, do you think you would let it go?"

"of course not!"

"If Fattal can't, what will he do?" Ye Ci dragged his chin lightly, and looked at Andre with a smile: "According to what I, a person from Red Lake City, know about Fattal Lord , he will definitely take you back by any means, maybe at this time, a large number of soldiers are gathering to go out of the city to search..."

Before Ye Ci finished speaking, she saw Andre, who was still lazy just now, jumped up and yelled at her: "Oh my God, Elf, you are such a smart person, you are still my good friend If you hadn’t reminded me so much, I would have fallen asleep here! Do you know? The last time I was caught by Fatal was because I ate meat and drank too much wine, fell asleep in the wild, and was Those damned farmers were only caught by Fatal after they reported it! If I get caught like this again this time, I really don’t have to live!”

He ran up the hill while yelling like this, "Hurry up, elf, we're going back to camp!"

"The sun is so bright here, don't you want to sleep for a while?" Ye Ci asked calmly, which made Andre's face blush: "No, no, let's go, my good friend, we are now It would be better to hurry back to the mountains."

This is the purpose of Ye Ci, since it has been achieved, of course Ye Ci will not continue to entangle and procrastinate.She also stood up, scattered the fire on the ground, and then threw the leftover horse meat and horse bones into the side of the mountain, and then turned around and chased Andre towards the bandit den.

For Andre's return, the bandits in the entire tin-silver vein have long been looking forward to it.Therefore, when they saw Andre and Ye Ci come back, the whole bandit den was overwhelmed. The joyful atmosphere was even more enthusiastic than any super-valued giveaway in Red Lake City.

Of course, Ye Ci couldn't be the protagonist in this scene, and she didn't want to be the protagonist either. She just wanted to get Jiang Lie quickly, and then she would get the next task.However, this Mirada doesn't have the time to take care of him now, because they are all immersed in the joy of Andre's return.

Although Andre was also very excited, this person was still very loyal, and he solemnly introduced himself to all the bandits and thieves at the subsequent celebration: "This elf is my savior, Although she was entrusted by Mirada to rescue me, you don't know how eerie and terrifying the prison in Red Lake City is. It was this elf who finally rescued me from which hell on earth with her wisdom and kindness Come out, so, this elf is my Andre's friend, and also the friend of all Dolan Thieves Society!"

Obviously, what Andre said was much more effective than Mirada's. With just a few simple words, Ye Ci found that his reputation in the Dolan Thieves Guild had suddenly developed from friendly to intimate.This kind of impact, even Ye Ci, who has experienced the big wind and waves, is secretly dumbfounded in his heart. Sure enough, it is better to find the right method than to study hard.Look at myself, I just flattered a key person, and my prestige has improved so much all at once!Just so excited!

Based on this, Ye Ci doesn't care if he has to stay here for a while, anyway, in this place, he has already become the guest of the bandits, and there is nothing wrong with being greeted by good wine and good food Happy.

This celebration took a long time, and Ye Ci went offline to eat and sleep in the middle, and then went online again the next morning, and they ended slowly.And when Ye Ci stood in Mirada's original room, the person sitting there was no longer Midala, but she rescued Andre.

"My dearest friend, I know the whole story about you very well, and I thank you for your generosity and everything you have done for me. I, Andrei, will assure you that you are my forever friend, too. Thieves Dolan will be friends forever." Andre changed into a suit of clothes, and his hair was combed very neatly, and he looked like a dog-like talent.He nodded at Ye Ci, and spoke to her in a respectful tone.

"Nothing, this is what I should do." Regarding the conversation with Andre, Ye Ci did not choose to skip it, but studied every sentence he said carefully, and then he was very cautious. answer.

In doing so, Ye Ci actually had her own purpose.The biggest difference between this kind of epic mission and ordinary missions is that apart from the difficulty and length of the mission, there is also a very important point that the mission has staged rewards.

It seems that Ye Ci received the task from Red Lake City at the beginning, and then she went straight to Heimi City. After doing a lot of work in Heimi City, she ended the first phase of the task. When the task was completed, she got a purple quality skinning knife.This skinning knife actually has no combat effect, but it is of great benefit in the process of skinning and cooking.First of all, it can greatly increase the speed of skinning and cooking, moreover, it will also greatly increase the production rate of meat and other things for the cooking that cherishes the corpses of species.In short, although this thing has no combat effect, it is really a rare good thing for Ye Ci, a hunter who deals with Paoding skinning every day.

You must know that the corpses of some rare species often cook and skin many unexpected precious materials, and these materials must be used to refine equipment, enchant equipment, and improve equipment attributes.However, the explosion rate of these things is often extremely low. In the entire game, the scale of player demand and its production are simply priceless.

And now that I have worked so hard in the tin-silver mine, it is finally time for the second stage of the mission to end. I don't know, what will be the reward this time?Sometimes, the task rewards are directly related to the dialogue between the player and the key NPC, which is why Ye Ci is always cautious when talking to Andre, and absolutely dare not say anything that should not be said casually, so as to avoid affecting The quality of getting rewards later.

"My friend, you are always so loyal and polite. How can I repay you with my heartfelt gratitude?" When Andre said this, tears welled up in his eyes. Turning around and turning around, Ye Ci, an outsider, looked at it and felt a little moved.He was quite sad for a while, then took out another letter and handed it to Ye Ci: "This is a reply letter I wrote to Lord Moore of Black Mud City, you take it back to the person who gave you the letter, he Nature will tell you what to do next."

This is the opening task of the third phase of the task.Of course Ye Ci would not refuse, she even accepted the letter with a little respect.The letter looked so light, but holding it in her hand, Ye Ci felt like it weighed a thousand catties, because she didn't know what kind of difficulties awaited her in the future of this mission.

"My dear friend, you and I are about to part. Although I very much welcome you to come back to visit me as an old friend, I think you will be very busy in the future, and you probably won't have the opportunity to visit me. Mine." Andre said with red eyes again.This made Ye Ci a little unacceptable. Anyway, Andre is also a big man, a hegemony, a man of seven feet, and even though he shed tears like this, who planned and designed this?

It's fine if he looks pretty when he cries, and he's really ugly when he cries, how can people accept this?Although Ye Ci's face has always been very sad to match Andre's sadness, but this can't hide the goosebumps all over her body layer after layer.

It's so disgusting.

Andre cried for a while, and then he took out a strangely shaped iron block with strange patterns carved on it. "My good friend, before you leave me, can you do one thing for me?"

"What's the matter?" Ye Ci was taken aback by this request, but she continued following Andre's words.Although, according to Ye Ci's estimate, this should be the time for Andre to pay her for the second phase of the task, but no one knows what the situation of the reward is.As for the key NPC, Andre, he has his own way of thinking and behavior, so Ye Ci cannot compare his with other NPCs.

"Take this medal and go to the north of the Blade's Edge Hills to find a man named Bella, and he will tell you what to do." Andre quickly stated his request.And after he finished his request, no matter what Ye Ci said, he just nodded to Ye Ci with a smile, and said by the way: "Oh, old friend, I feel so happy to see you again .”

This kind of performance means that the conversation here with Andre is over, and only when Ye Ci comes to him with the information after completing the task can he continue with the following things.

After working so hard for so long, I didn't get any rewards. Instead, I took another mission that I don't know what kind of epic mission it is, and it was just running errands at the beginning, which made Ye Ci somewhat dissatisfied.However, she didn't show it to Andre, she saluted according to the rules, and then left here quickly.

Blade's Edge Hills.

Ye Ci here is not unfamiliar at all. This is not only a good place for leveling, it seems to be the place where I met Black Night and Daylight last time, and it is also the place where Ye Ci took off when the Western Continent counterattacked the Eastern Continent.Ye Ci looked at it, and there was still a little time before the team started to fight equipment in the afternoon, and considering that Blade Hills would open the teleportation point by himself, he simply went there directly.

Although more than a month has passed, there are still very few players who can reach the leveling of Blade's Edge Hills, and the terrain here is dangerous, and not many players come here.Therefore, when Ye Ci came out of the teleportation point of the Blade's Edge Hills, there was only one feeling immediately.


It's so cold in here.There is a biting cold wind blowing everywhere, which hurts the heart.

And it's deserted here.

The teleportation point northwest of the Blade's Edge Hills is located in a small camp.There are various NPCs in the camp, which are used for players to buy and sell things, repair equipment and the simplest supplies.In addition, some NPCs are mission NPCs. However, Ye Ci has already done away with all the missions here. From Ye Ci's point of view, the NPCs here are just decorations to make this deserted camp a little more lively.

Except for Ye Ci, there was no other player in the camp.

Ye Ci stood in the camp, rubbed his arms, then walked to the grocer, where he bought some anti-wind pills for a small amount of money.This is the unique pill of the Blade's Edge Hills, specially designed to deal with the biting cold wind of the Blade's Edge Mountains.As long as you eat it, you can walk in the wind without any danger. Otherwise, it is easy to cause unnecessary deaths and injuries due to the dangers brought by the cold or other storms.

Ye Ci recruited the fourth child, gave him a Kangfeng Pill, and stuffed another one into his mouth, then jumped onto the fourth child's back and ran towards the north.

The places indicated by NPCs in Destiny are generally not very clear, such as what is northeast or northwest, in short, they will never tell you exactly where this place is.It will never tell you any landmark buildings or landmarks next to this place. Everything has to be explored by the player himself. One thing is getting familiar with the map.Try to use your memory to memorize roughly all the directions and things on this map, otherwise when you do missions in the future, you will be waiting to run and cry.

Ye Ci has one advantage, that is, she has already completed this task in her last life.At this time, Ye Ci is a living GPS of fate, no matter where she is going, she will basically not make mistakes.However, basically there will be no mistakes, which does not mean that Ye Ci will not make mistakes at all. It seems that the Bella he needs to find now makes Ye Ci very depressed.Because she couldn't remember, there was an NPC named Bella in the north of the Blade's Edge Hills.

Such depression has been accompanied by Ye Ci's running back and forth within the northern range of the Blade's Edge Hills. After spending a lot of time, she finally found this NPC named Bella under an extremely remote mountain wall.

But when she saw this NPC, Ye Ci's head and face were covered with black lines, she asked why she couldn't find this NPC, because it was not a living NPC at all, but a very low tombstone , and the two words "Bella" are written on the top of the tombstone.

For a moment, Ye Ci felt as if ten thousand grass-mud horses were rushing past, laughing and galloping on the beautiful Marie Gobi.Too bad!Has anyone sent someone to find the tombstone?This is simply playing tricks, okay?
This Andre...Ye Ci almost gritted her teeth. Now she felt that if this guy was not a natural bastard, he was a well-hidden slut.Otherwise, how did he come up with such a test task?

However, finding Bella is not the end of the matter.The important thing is that the mission is completed only when the strangely shaped medal in his hand is handed over to him.However, isn't this more cheating?The so-called Bella is a tombstone.No, in other words, a dead person lying on the ground, she is a living person, how can she give something to a dead person?
Who will give her advice on this proposition?

(End of this chapter)

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