hunter world

Chapter 214 What is Bella?

Chapter 214 What is Bella?
Chapter 14 What is Bella?
In this kind of place where every day should not work and the land is not working, if you encounter a headache, there are only two ways to solve it.The first is not to solve it, and it cannot be solved anyway.The second is to solve it by yourself after thinking hard.

Obviously, Ye Ci is not the first type of person.Although the instructions of this task are very cheating, the person who issued the task is very cheating, and even the "person" who completed the task is also very cheating, but it doesn't mean that Ye Ci has to bow his head to this cheating task and express that he has given up.

For Ye Ci, there has never been a sentence in her dictionary that simply gives up without trying.She jumped up from the body of the fourth child, walked around the short tombstone several times, checked all the top, bottom, left, right, and right sides of the cemetery, and finally found that the tombstone was covered by thin soil On a stone slab, I found a little clue.

That stone slab is obviously not new, but because the wind in the Blade's Edge Hills is particularly strong, the stone is severely weathered, so Ye Ci can't tell how long this stone slab has existed.However, these are not the main point. The important point is that there is a strangely shaped dent on this stone slab that is the same as the medal in Ye Ci's hand.

If Ye Ci still doesn't know what to do, Ye Ci can only doubt his IQ.Such an obvious problem can be said to be understood by everyone.So, if something similar happens in those TV or movies, and the protagonist has to think hard for a long time, it can only be said that the screenwriter and director are infinitely lowering the IQ of the audience, and also, the offline of endurance .Oh, it seems to be going too far, but I have been patient with this point for a long time. I just want to say, don’t treat readers, audiences and ordinary people as fools, okay?Those current directors and screenwriters, please properly improve your own quality and IQ...

Oh well, I've gone too far.

Let's withdraw the topic and talk about Ye Ci now.

When Ye Ci found the dent, she immediately took out the medal from the package and put it in, then she squatted in front of the tombstone and waited expressionlessly.According to her understanding of all kinds of bloody plots in TV series, movies, and novels, at this time, there should be a situation where the mountains shake and the ground shakes, and then a big rock is slowly moved away, revealing a dark cave. People shudder.Or, suddenly there is lightning, thunder, and wind and rain, and then some amazing treasure appears, and the discoverer will be given the highest level of rewards.

Wouldn't there be such a bloody plot in this game?Ye Ci just squatted there quietly waiting, waiting.

1 minutes passed and nothing happened.

Two minutes passed and nothing happened.


5 minutes passed and nothing happened.


10 minutes passed and still nothing happened.

Ye Ci was angry.This is simply playing tricks.Although she felt that the plots designed in TV dramas and movies were really outrageous, but if they didn't design anything, wouldn't it be more bloody, outrageous, and even more infuriating?
Just like the current Ye Ci, she only felt that something was burning in her chest.She stood up abruptly, squinting her eyes at the tombstone with a blank expression on her face.She thought that if she was a man, she would definitely pull out her belt, take off the zipper at this time, and then take out her "**" to vent her anger at this thing.However, she happened to be a woman, and she was not born with such a tool. All she could do was step on the tombstone and say viciously: "Hey, that Bella, I don't care if you are dead or alive, or It's a tombstone, come out quickly! Otherwise, I'll just dig your grave!"

However, apart from the wind from the blade hills, nothing responded to Ye Ci's fierce action.

The whistling wind blew back and forth by Ye Ci's ears, as if mocking Ye Ci, which made Ye Ci even more angry.She knows that sometimes planning can be a bit nasty, and she makes some small and harmless jokes, but since she has never suffered from it, she thinks there is nothing wrong with it, at least it can adjust her life.However, when such a bad taste happened to him, Ye Ci began to feel that all the plans should be invaded in a pig cage, especially that guy named Wang Jiangnan, who would be soaked in a pig cage!
Wang Jiangnan, who was writing the program, felt a gust of wind blowing from behind him for no reason, causing him to shiver and knock the teacup in hand away.With a snap, it fell apart.No one noticed this sound in the design work hall of the Fate expansion piece, which was as noisy as a vegetable market.At most, it caught the attention of a planner sitting next to Wang Jiangnan. He looked at Wang Jiangnan and said, "What's wrong? You're still shivering on a hot day, are you convulsing?"

Wang Jiangnan also had some Zhang Er monks confused, he touched his forehead, there was no fever, and there was no sign of wind and cold entering the body.So he shook his head and said indifferently: "It's nothing, I guess it was a swing."

"You won't be lowered by someone, right?" The planner smirked a few times, making a harmless joke.

"Go and go, I will be lowered. I guess you don't know how many times you have died." Wang Jiangnan naturally wouldn't believe what he said. Go on and continue writing the program.

This is just a very small episode in the hot summer, no one will pay attention.Outside the window, Cicada was screaming, and the sun was so bright that people's hearts began to burst into bloom.

Ye Ci is a man of one word, since the tombstone of the dead named Bella still ignores her, making it impossible for her to complete the task, she just went on and on and found one that she hadn't sold yet. The long weapon began to be used as a shovel to dig up graves.The fourth child on the other side looked at Ye Ci very curiously. When he realized that Ye Ci was digging a grave, he was very happy and rushed up to help, digging up the soil with his big claws. .

The tomb was obviously not buried very deep, so Ye Ci saw a coffin not long after.The coffin is very simple, and it may not be expensive wood, and the style is even more ordinary. Anyway, it looks like an ordinary coffin.While Ye Ci was still studying how to open the coffin so that it would not be damaged, the honest child, the fourth child, stepped on the coffin that didn't look very strong with one big paw, and then...

Then the coffin clicked—shattered.

The fourth child was suddenly very excited. This sound was very similar to the sound of him stepping on a dry branch in the forest. For the fourth child who hadn’t been to the primeval forest for a long time, this sound really reminded him of his hometown. remember.It was happily jumping left and right on the spot, and it looked so excited that it seemed to be dancing.

Facing the elation of the fourth child, the black line on Ye Ci's head became even darker.But she didn't have time to blackmail here, because she saw something that made her even more mad - the fourth child actually stretched out his sinful claws to the already trampled coffin, intending to make the coffin even worse .

"Fourth!!" Although Ye Ci dug other people's graves, he had no intention of leaving them dead, but it seemed that the fourth one wanted to confirm the accusation of being punished by thousands of knives.

"Huh?" The paws of the fourth child stopped in place, and it tilted its head to look at Ye Ci, with a very unhappy expression in its eyes, and it was blatantly accusing Ye Ci of destroying its interest.

"No! Come back to me!" Ye Ci rarely put on a straight face.

But for the arrogant fourth child, this level of blame doesn't seem to mean anything.While it continued to tilt its head to look at Ye Ci, its paws unconsciously stretched towards the coffin. Before Ye Ci noticed, it stepped on the big paw with a "click"...

"Fourth!!!" Ye Ci screamed, what if there is something good in this coffin, and he tramples it to pieces like this, it would really be worth the candle!

"Ah!! My face!!!" There was another strange voice screaming at the same time as Ye Ci, the voice was sharp and sharp, but it was obviously a woman's voice.

Where does the sound come from?Ye Ci was stunned suddenly, and the fourth child who was the initiator of all this seemed to be stunned as well. He stood on the spot, lowered his head and sniffed at the dilapidated coffin, with an extremely expressionless expression on what happened now. incomprehension and curiosity.

Ye Ci quietly looked at the coffin on the ground, because just now, just now, she saw a fragment of a coffin board move.What a horror.

She was looking at it like this, and when the fourth child was also looking at it, she saw a woman in a white dress crawling out of the coffin. Her body was translucent, and she was not human at first glance.Her hair was a little messy, and she started crying as soon as she climbed out: "My face! My youthful and beautiful face, like a flower, how could someone step on it! I'm dead! I'm dead!"

For this kind of crying, Ye Ci only felt that he had fallen into an inexplicable strange circle. Why did everything happen so strangely and horribly?
The deserted Knife Edge Hills, the deserted north, a short tombstone, a rotten and shapeless coffin, and a crying woman... no, a female ghost.What are these factors?What are these qualities?
Is this a horror movie?Are you still making a mystery film?Or do you want to make a literary film, or a comedy film?
It took Ye Ci a while to finally sort out the current situation. Facing the female ghost who was still beating and rolling at the fourth child, Ye Ci cleared her throat lightly, and asked in what she thought was the most normal voice. : "Are you Bella?"

Probably because the fourth child was too big, until Ye Ci spoke, this female ghost didn't realize that there was another person at all.When Ye Ci spoke now, she turned her head to look at Ye Ci, looked up and down, and said in a daze for a while, "Where did you come from?"

Ye Ci was a little crazy.What do you mean it came out of nowhere! ! !
Facing such a female ghost who was obviously not very clear-headed, Ye Ci spent a lot of energy talking nonsense to her for a long time, and the female ghost finally admitted that she was actually Bella.She is Andre's confidant, and she has been guarding the treasure for him here, but she died long ago, but in order to show her loyalty, her companion buried her here, and then established a camp not far away.

It was only then that Ye Ci realized that the camp for the players' supplies was actually a subordinate unit of the Dolan Thieves Guild... It's all so messy.

When Ye Ci picked out the medal from the slate and handed it to Bella, she actually looked at the medal for a long time before saying in embarrassment: "What is this?"

what is this?
Ye Ci wanted to scream up to the sky, Nima, who designed this mission?Nima, who designed this NPC, why didn't she just give her a knife and let her stab her.

"Andre asked me to give it to you." Ye Ci took a few deep breaths before calming down his emotions, and quietly answered Bella's question while keeping his voice unchanged.

"Andre gave it to me?" Bella looked at the medal and seemed very distressed. After staring at the medal for a long time, she said to Ye Ci: "You have to let me think about it, okay?"

Depend on!Ye Ci is really going to get angry!Is she so bitter B!She just wanted to receive the reward of the second stage, how could she get involved in such a puzzling task!Now this guy actually allows him to give her time to think about it. Does she think this is thinking about national affairs?
Just when Ye Ci was about to spout her words, her secret language channel rang, and it was Bai Mo who spoke: "Let me tell you, are you finished with your epic mission?"

"If the entanglement is over, it won't be called an epic mission." Ye Ci's voice smelled of gunpowder, and it sounded that as long as there was a spark, she would immediately destroy herself.

"What's the matter? The tone of hearing seems to be very unpleasant." Bai Mo asked casually, but he didn't expect to get Ye Ci's roaring complaint immediately. It was driven crazy, otherwise how could she, who has always been cautious, lose her composure like this.

"Then just give her time. Let's come over here first. Anyway, no one else can pick up mission items, so you can give her the rest." After hearing Ye Ci's roar, Bai Mo gave it with a conscience. A good suggestion, "A npc like the one you described, I guess, even if you go to see her tomorrow, she won't be able to remember it. What's more, it's a female ghost. You should know that female ghosts generally have a bad memory. would be great."

"Well, now it seems that there is no other way." Although Ye Ci still wanted to beat this Bella up, but now, she seems to have to accept Bai Mo's way and go to the dungeon first .

The dungeon that day was played surprisingly smoothly, and it was finished before ten o'clock in the evening. The whole group got good things, and everyone was happy.Out of the dungeon, Ye Ci went straight to the Blade's Edge Hills, wanting to see if Bella had thought it through, but when he arrived at the Blade's Edge Hills, he found that Bella was still sitting there, staring at the medal, with a look on his face. distress.Looking at this expression, Ye Ci knew that this guy hadn't thought of it at all, but she still asked a little unwillingly: "Bella, did you remember anything?"

"No! I just started to think about it, how could I remember it so quickly! You have to know that I have been dead for decades, and those things are very, very long ago for me..." Taking advantage of Before Bella's novel Dalu was finished, Ye Ci hurriedly waved her hand to stop her, and she smiled wryly.

"Okay, Bella, keep thinking, I'll visit you when I have time."

"Well, okay, you go, I will continue to meditate."

Ye Ci once again took a look at this nervous and nonchalant NPC, turned around and left mercilessly.

Back to Red Lake City, offline.Bai Mo and Tan Polang had already used the bathroom, but Ye Nantian and Zuo Xiaolan seemed to be still in the game, so she went in to take a shower.Ye Ci boasted that her movements were relatively fast. Anyway, when she came out of the shower, she saw Ye Nantian and Zuo Xiaolan already sitting in the living room. Everyone was sitting in the living room, not knowing what to say, just laughing.

"Mom and Dad, are you offline?" Ye Ci walked into the living room while wiping her hair, and saw a bowl of iced tremella soup in front of everyone.

Zuo Xiaolan waved at her: "Xiao Ci, come here, have some cold drinks here, and go to bed soon after drinking."

Ye Ci agreed, walked to the side of the tea table, sat down and began to drink tremella soup, while Zuo Xiaolan was still discussing with Bai Mo, Tan Polang and Ye Nantian about the problems in the game.After all, their husband and wife are newcomers to the game. Although Bai Mo and Tan Polang are children, they know much more than themselves. Therefore, the husband and wife are not ashamed to ask various questions about the game whenever they have time.

Ye Ci drank tremella soup while listening to their discussion. She felt that such a life was very happy and beautiful, as if all the good things were concentrated in the present.Looking back, my life in my previous life has never been so colorful and happy.

"By the way, Xiao Ci, you and Bai Mo should get up early tomorrow."

"What are you doing?" Ye Ci looked at Zuo Xiaolan curiously. Now she is on summer vacation. Although she has no habit of staying in bed, Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian are very fond of Ye Ci and Bai Mo who are already in college. Forgiving, they usually don't wake them up in the morning, they just call Tan Polang to get up and study at the top of their voices.Regarding this issue, Tan Polang was very sad, but who told him that he would be promoted to a third grade soon...

"Polang is about to start school, you two will send him to school tomorrow, and hold a parent-teacher meeting by the way." This kind of thing was actually done by Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian in the past, but now these two are addicted to games, so , as a matter of course, entrusted this kind of thing to the other two children in the family.

"No, Mom, I'm letting the parents go." Ye Ci only felt that he had been living in a black line today, whether it was in the game or outside the game.

"You are considered parents even if you are older brothers and sisters. And before the holiday, I have already called his head teacher. Polang's grades are very good, and his performance in school is also good. You don't need to worry about it. You just have to sit Just pretend there's someone there." Although Zuo Xiaolan didn't go to school for parent-teacher meetings, it didn't mean she didn't care about Tan Polang.As for managing children, Zuo Xiaolan definitely implements the kite policy, and the thread is absolutely in her own hands, and other things are left to the children to develop themselves.

Hearing this, not only Ye Ci had black lines on his face, but even Tan Polang had black lines on his face. He thought that Zuo Xiaolan didn't want to care about him because he was playing games, but he didn't think that Jiang was still old and spicy. It turns out that no matter what, everything has been firmly grasped...

"Why? You don't want to?" Zuo Xiaolan finished speaking, but saw the three children were silent, so she raised her eyebrows and stared at the three children sitting in a row to enforce the high-pressure policy.

"No." The three of them immediately shook their heads in unison, and then answered in unison, that one was neat, that one was loud.This performance made Zuo Xiaolan very happy, so everyone was rewarded with a bowl of iced mung bean soup.

Early the next morning, Ye Ci and Bai Mo were dragged up by Zuo Xiaolan, urging them to wash up and eat, and then hurry up on the road, otherwise Tan Polang's registration time would be delayed.After the three of them were packed and thrown out of the house, Ye Ci still had the feeling of not waking up.

Yawning loudly, Ye Ci looked at Tan Polang and said, "I said, it's really early for you to start school, and now the summer vacation is only half over, and you're already starting school!"

"It's not bad. It's not bad if I don't let it go for a day." Tan Polang also yawned: "I really don't know when China will stop the college entrance examination. This life is too inhuman."

Bai Mo stretched his waist: "Okay, you can just dream. The college entrance examination started in the 70s, that is, it started from the time of grandparents. If you think it's so simple, just It is absolutely impossible to abolish it."

"Do what you should do at your age." Ye Ci patted Tan Polang's shoulder: "Don't think about such unrealistic issues, study hard, stay for another year, and you will be completely liberated. "

"Just like you?"

"Well, almost."

A few people chatted while walking, but the atmosphere was good.Because it is a bit far from Ye Ci's house to Tan Polang's school, the three of them waited for the bus. Today is the beginning of the third year of high school. Although it is not the peak time for school, the three of them still I sighed a little, life is really not easy.

Finally arrived at Tan Polang's school, there were several long queues at the registration place.Tan Polang's school is a well-known key high school in the province, and the students who go to this school every year are overwhelmed. This is because the start time of each grade is different, otherwise, the registration process would be too messy.

Ye Ci also graduated from this school back then, but for the current Ye Ci, this is already a very, very distant thing, after all, it was a matter of the previous life.Standing at the end of the crowd, she couldn't help but click her tongue: "My god, your school doesn't charge money for studying?"

"You don't need money to study!" Tan Polang rolled his eyes at Ye Ci: "It's true that our school doesn't need money."

"So many people are rushing to sign up, just like a money printing machine." Bai Mo was also very touched by this situation. Although he was in the same situation when he was studying, he was not a bystander at that time. Now, as a bystander, I feel that there are so many people and it is scary.

The three of them found a line with relatively few people and started to line up. While queuing up, they chattered about, chattering and chattering and talking about the game.

"Polang, you can't play games when you arrive at school, right?" Bai Mo is the president and elder brother. Apart from asking about Tan Polang's study, there is also a point to make arrangements for the progress of the entire guild.Tian Tian Xiang Xiang didn't have particularly good thieves before Tan Polang came. Although they were all good, they were just passable.Therefore, after Tan Polang came, the entire guild praised him for just one instance of dungeon process.

If a guild or a team has an excellent thief, it is equivalent to greatly improving the team's survivability, so Tan Polang's appearance will not only greatly improve the dungeon for Tian Tianxiang, but also he will not hesitate to deal with other thieves. Yu's guidance also brought out several relatively high-level thieves for the guild.

If he starts school now, how to get his position, Bai Mo is now very troubled by this problem.

Ye Ci naturally understands Bai Mo's thoughts, and Tan Polang understands even more, he sighed: "Brother Mo, I'm a senior high school student, you can't expect me to be online every day, even if I have a helmet in the dormitory, but the current study The task is very heavy, and I can guarantee three hours on weekend nights is already the maximum."

"I know I know, that's why I have a headache." Bai Mo nodded, and then said to Tan Polang, "Okay, don't worry, take your class well, we'll figure it out when we come back."

Ye Ci also said: "Well, let me figure out a solution for this matter. It will be fine if Polang attends class attentively. If you don't do well in the midterm and final exams, it's a trivial matter not being able to play games. Just think about my mother's Yasha, and you will know How uneven your future is..."

Immediately, Zuo Xiaolan's furious appearance appeared in several people's minds, and they were indifferent and speechless. It was really... so scary.

"By the way, Sister Ci, what do you think of Liu Nian?" Tan Polang didn't know why he mentioned Liu Nian.

"Fleeing Years?" Ye Ci was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Tan Polang inexplicably, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Ah, this..." Tan Polang paused slightly, he couldn't tell Ye Ci that he was originally in the same guild as Liu Nian.He laughed a few times: "I see that you are always interacting in the world and find it very interesting, so I want to ask if you..."

" really have the potential to gossip." Bai Mo nodded, and looked at Tan Polang approvingly: "I didn't even realize that you still care about these news in the world. How can you talk about the news with such heavy schoolwork?" Still pay attention to these things, you are like the reincarnation of the god of gossip."

Ye Ci squinted her eyes and looked at Bai Mo's smirking face, her mind was full of fights and conversations with Fleeting Years several times, and finally her eyes darkened. She looked at Tan Polang with a dark face: "You really want to know ?”

Seeing Ye Ci like this, even if he lent Tan Polang ten guts, he didn't dare to nod, he waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I just asked casually, aren't you all great gods, so,'s easy Think about it together..." The more he explained, the lower his voice became, and finally he couldn't hear anything at all.

"He's a slut, I'll kill him next time! Kill him to level zero!!" Ye Ci gritted his teeth with a black face, and suddenly a raging flame seemed to ignite behind him. Asura who crawled out of it was even more terrifying.

Tan Polang's face was livid, he quickly looked at Bai Mo, with a sad face, he knew that he had said something wrong, and he would never ask such a question again.Slightly looking back at Ye Ci standing there still burning with fighting spirit, Tan Polang decided not to provoke this evil star for the time being, but just said to Bai Mo: "Brother Mo, are you hot? I'll go buy you a cold drink."

Bai Mo said with a smirk on his face, "Actually, you should ask her, how are you and Fleeting Years doing recently? Falling in love and killing each other, so cute~~"

Tan Polang's face immediately turned pale, and he took another look at Ye Ci, who was still engrossed in his own little world, and then quickly turned his head and asked Bai Mo cautiously: "Then if I ask that, what will I do?" Sample?"

Bai Mo raised his head and thought seriously for a while.

"Does it take so long to think?"

"I was just wondering what method she would use to kill you." Bai Mo spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and said it very easily, as if this matter had nothing to do with him from the beginning to the end.

Tan Polang's face also turned dark.He turned around silently, and he lined up silently. Now he really wished that he had never known these two people.Why are they so unreliable...

The more Tan Polang thought about it, the more he felt that he was working hard. Who did he offend? He was just asking casually...


After finally signing up and holding a parent-teacher meeting, it was already 5:[-] in the afternoon.Seeing that it was time to eat, Ye Ci called his parents, reported the situation today, and then explained that the three of them ate outside and would not go back.Zuo Xiaolan seemed very happy about this, because she didn't have to cook anymore.

Ye Ci hung up the phone, feeling so sad that his mother didn't care about them while playing games...

There is never a shortage of small restaurants outside the school.In order to reward Tan Polang for being so frightened today, Bai Mo kindly decided to treat Tan Polang to a good meal to calm him down.So the three of them chose a good Cantonese restaurant, ordered a table of dishes, and feasted on them.

When the three of them had dinner, it was already seven o'clock, and Tan Polang's time for self-study was coming soon, so the three of them bid farewell.Tan Polang hurried back to school, Ye Ci and Bai Mo planned to stroll home.Anyway, today is already a waste of time, and I don't expect to play any more dungeons, so it's good to take a walk like this.

"I didn't expect to go out for a walk at night and it would be quite comfortable." Ye Ci couldn't remember how long it had been since he had gone out for a walk like this in real life. It was such a joy to walk like this.

"Isn't that right? We all play games every day, feeling the spring, summer, autumn and winter there, but ignoring the real life." Bai Mo also took a deep breath, then closed his eyes, and exhaled slowly. Go, it seems that all the exhaust gas in the chest has been spit out.

The two of them just walked in the evening breeze, everything looked so beautiful.

It's just that Ye Ci always felt that something was wrong. She looked back several times, but found nothing.And Bai Mo's footsteps were getting faster and faster. When he passed by a place without street lights, he grabbed Ye Ci's arm and started to run forward.

"What's wrong? Bai Mo!" Ye Ci also felt uneasy. She continued to look back, but she still didn't find anything special, but the panic in her heart began to expand and expand.

"Don't talk, run quickly, run to a place with many people and lights, we will take a taxi back!" Bai Mo pulled Ye Ci and ran desperately.

"Why do I feel weird, as if someone is following us." Ye Ci whispered his thoughts while running after Bai Mo.

"Did you just feel it? I found out half an hour ago that someone had been following us all the time. Look at those young people in T-shirts. Although they looked normal, you didn't realize that they seemed to be following us all the time. Is it? I thought I was wrong at first, but we were in the pedestrian street just now, and we really couldn't get a taxi." Bai Mo's face was livid, and he pulled Ye Ci to run continuously: "Stop talking, don't say anything , talking and running will be exhausting, let's run quickly."

"En." After Bai Mo said this, Ye Ci also found that seven or eight young people had been following him.Although she is not afraid of what will happen, but there are so many people on the other side, if something happens, they are afraid that they will suffer.After all, reality is not a game. In the game, when encountering such a situation, Ye Ci can directly put them down, but in reality, the only thing Ye Ci can do is to try to protect himself from injury, and run away as soon as possible. If you don't fall, say you can't run away.

The two ran faster and faster, but there were fewer and fewer people behind them, as if they had been thrown away by them.

Ye Ci looked back at the people behind while running, "It seems that we have not kept up, have we already escaped?"

Bai Mo stopped suddenly with a livid face, and he gritted his teeth: "I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"What?" Ye Ci was about to fall because of Bai Mo's sudden stop, but when she heard Bai Mo's words, she was slightly startled and quickly raised her head. hard.

I saw eight or nine young people walking out from unknown places in front of them.Although they walked sluggishly, Ye Ci still keenly felt that they were in the same group!

After looking around, the neighborhood is actually very deserted, no one is passing by, it seems that these people have been waiting for them in this place, just waiting for them to come in by themselves...

(End of this chapter)

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