hunter world

Chapter 215 It Happened Too Fast

Chapter 215 It Happened Too Fast
Chapter 15 Happened Too Fast
Bai Mo stopped in his tracks.Ye Ci also stopped.

The two stood in place, silently watching the crowd attacking from front and back.

"It seems that we are in trouble." Bai Mo's face was cold and hard, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He looked at Ye Ci, trying to make his expression calmer, hoping that this would make Ye Ci less nervous .Perhaps, Ye Ci in the game is too strong, causing many people to ignore her own gender sometimes, but no matter what others think, Bai Mo will definitely not remember this wrongly.

Ye Ci is a girl, both in the game and in reality.

If she is strong enough to support many people in the game, then in reality, she is just an ordinary girl.

Under the current situation, the situation is not clear and the situation is very critical. The first thing Bai Mo thought of was to create an opportunity for Ye Ci to leave quickly, so he whispered to Ye Ci who was standing by the side: "In a moment, I will Hold them back, you take the opportunity to run quickly."

Ye Ci on the side didn't seem to hear it, she just stared blankly at the young people in front of her who were slowly walking towards her and Bai Mo.But her mind seemed to have returned to the previous life, to the distant past.At that time, it seemed that she offended someone she shouldn't have offended in the game, and was later tracked down to reality. She also encountered such a thing on her way home.And how did she spend that time?

Ye Ci took a deep breath and tried hard to think, but she couldn't remember what happened that night. In the end, she only remembered that she was sent to the hospital with injuries all over her body.Looking back now, the last thing she did was merciless probably because of that incident.

From that time on, she thought that if she didn't kill people right away, she would relapse and cause endless troubles.It is also for this reason that in the end she was hailed as the most cold-blooded and ruthless top player in the entire destiny.

And now what?Because of what?
Ye Ci didn't have time to think, because those people were getting closer and closer.

"Little Ci!" Seeing that Ye Ci didn't pay attention to him, Bai Mo pushed her lightly, hoping to get her attention back, but he didn't expect that it doesn't matter if you push her back. He simply doesn't care about what happened next. Believe what you see with your own eyes.

It's too late, it's too soon.

The moment Bai Mo gently pushed Ye Ci, the young man walking in the front pulled out a baseball bat from nowhere, and smashed it towards Ye Ci's face.

"Hey, this chick is completely scared..." The young man in the lead said to the people behind him while waving a baseball bat.But his baseball bat didn't drop, and he didn't finish his sentence, he just felt a sudden blow to his neck, his brain went blank, and he fell backward like this.

While the baseball bat was falling.Bai Mo had already used his arm to block Ye Ci's front, and the other arm was going to hug Ye Ci, trying to get her out of the battle, but when he stretched out his hand, he didn't expect to grab the air.Bai Mo didn't believe his eyes at all, and he didn't believe that what he saw happened so vividly in front of him.I only saw Ye Ci who was still standing beside her, when he blocked the stick for her, she already flashed out from nowhere.

If it was just a dodge, Bai Mo wouldn't be too surprised by this neat action, but what happened after Ye Ci's dodge was beyond Bai Mo's own expectations.Ye Ci suddenly raised one leg, kicking the young man swinging a baseball bat right on the throat.

Her movements are clean and neat, and it looks like it came from Lian Jiazi. The posture and strength are all standard Sanda.And the strength of that kick is probably not small, because just this kick made the young man who was talking too much just now rolled his eyes and fell down limply.And the baseball bat in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

This anger happened so fast that no one could react.Therefore, when the leading young man fell down, Bai Mo was stunned, and the other youths were also stunned. If the only one who was not stunned was the instigator of this stupor——Ye Ci.

She quickly retracted her legs, squatted down immediately, and picked up the baseball bat that fell not far from her.Then she grabbed Bai Mo and whispered: "Why are you in a daze! Hurry up and run!"

Bai Mo is completely confused now, he simply doesn't know how to interpret what he sees in front of him.If it's a game now, he wouldn't be surprised at all, anyway, Ye Ci is a powerful hunter, good in PVE, and even better in PVP.But, it's not a game now!It's not a game at all!Why did Ye Ci kick a burly young man who looked at least two years older than her with just one kick? How did she do it!
Bai Mo's mind is muddled now, so he can only follow Ye Ci to run. He asked while running, "How do you know how to fight! When did you learn Sanda!!"

Ye Ci didn't know how to answer. In fact, Ye Ci didn't learn Sanda at all at this time, nor did he fight.No matter how arrogant she is in the game, in reality, she is just an ordinary girl.However, after she was beaten in the last life, in order to avoid being beaten again, after she was discharged from the hospital, she found a good Sanda coach and learned Sanda for several years, which made her stronger in life.

However, that was all about the previous life and had nothing to do with this life.And what happened just now was so sudden that Ye Ci's brain didn't even have time to react, and her body had already made the most accurate judgment instead of her.

The neck, that is, the throat, is one of the few positions that cannot be attacked in martial arts competitions.Because one of the weak links of the people there, if they don't control the strength well, it is easy to kill people.

But for Ye Ci in the previous life, although the coach told her these precautions again and again when she was learning Sanda, in actual combat, Ye Ci still likes to hit the enemy with one blow, so, the favorite When attacking the weak point, and when the neck is fighting, there are often people who are too late to defend and are easily attacked. Therefore, this is one of Ye Ci's favorite parts to attack.

Based on the above reasons, even if the current Ye Ci has never fought or practiced much, but the actions that have been reflected in the bone marrow in the previous life have all become actions that Ye Ci will explode subconsciously.This also caused the important reason why when she kicked over just now, the target was someone else's neck.

"I never learned Sanda before, I just watched it on TV." Ye Ci quickly perfunctory: "It's just kicking around the house..."

"That's right, that's right, you kicked his neck just now, wouldn't he be dead!" Bai Mo suddenly thought of a more important question.

"No, I don't have much strength." In fact, Ye Ci said this question very guilty.Although Ye Ci really doesn't have much strength now, she still has ten kilograms with this kick, and she doesn't know what will happen if a person's throat is hit by ten kilograms. ...

"I can't run away, there are too many of them." Bai Mo saw those boys quickly outflanking, he grabbed Ye Ci and snatched the baseball bat from her hand: "I learned Martial arts for a few days, I will deal with them, you run quickly!"

"It's okay..." Ye Ci felt that according to this subconscious reaction, he should be able to fight well, so Bai Mo's proposal was not considered at all.

It's just that before she finished speaking, Bai Mo pushed her away: "Hurry up! If you don't leave, I will be beaten to death!"

Ye Ci was pushed by Bai Mo's sudden force and rushed a few steps before she stopped. She turned her head, only to see Bai Mo surrounded by people, and he was also waving the baseball bat in his hand to fight with them. At the same time, she immediately wanted to rush over to help, and Bai Mo seemed to know that she was going to do this, before she moved, Bai Mo shouted loudly without looking back: "Ye Ci, hurry up and find someone , or wait to collect the corpse for me!"

Although Ye Ci was a little unwilling, he couldn't show his courage for a while, so he had to turn around and run away.When the people who were chasing her saw her running away, they simply turned around and went to besiege Bai Mo.This also bought Ye Ci precious time. While running, she took out her phone and called 110 to call the police.After successfully reporting the accident location, Ye Ci turned around and ran back.Generally, it takes at least 110 minutes for 5 to dispatch the police to her place. She cannot guarantee that if she does not help Bai Mo in these 5 minutes, Bai Mo will still see the sun tomorrow.

Even if she goes back to help, although there may not be much chance of winning, two people fighting the enemy together will always have a better chance of winning than one person facing so many people.As she ran back, she casually picked up a wooden stick discarded by someone on the side of the road.

The place where the accident happened was getting closer and closer, and from a distance, Ye Ci saw a group of people fighting together, but he couldn't see Bai Mo's shadow.Ye Ci was so anxious that she rushed even faster. She held up the wooden stick and rushed to the side of the melee crowd, and without hesitation, she threw it at their shoulders, backs and knees. It won't kill people, but it can make people very painful.

Bang bang bang, a few sticks went down, the young people who were hit all grinned in pain, turned their heads, and glared at Ye Ci.

"Stinky bitch! If you don't run away when I give you a way to survive, you actually come back to die by yourself. I can't beat you to death!"

Ye Ci didn't have the time to talk to them quickly, she held a stick and started fighting with a few young people who came over.While dodging, she waved the stick. She really didn't have time to look at Bai Mo's situation, so she could only ask loudly while hitting, "Bai Mo! Bai Mo! Are you still here!!"

Bai Mo had actually been beaten a lot at this time, and his whole body was injured, but he still persisted, just wanting to buy some time for Ye Ci to let her run farther and faster.Unexpectedly, I heard Ye Ci's voice again, turned my head subconsciously, and saw Ye Ci brandishing a wooden stick and fighting with a group of young people.He was taken aback, and immediately yelled: "What are you doing! Didn't I tell you to run away..."

Because of this moment of distraction, Bai Mo only felt a piercing pain in his head, and everything he could see before his eyes was blurred.His body also seemed to have lost all his strength, his consciousness was gradually passing away from his body like running water... Just before he felt that he was about to fall into darkness, only Ye Ci's shrill scream was heard in his ears: "Bai Mo!!!"

When Ye Ci heard Bai Mo speak, she immediately turned her head to look, only to see a young man swinging a baseball bat and hitting him on the head, she yelled in fright: "Bai Mo!!!" But, she called It was still a bit late, when she called out, she had already seen Bai Mo with blood all over his head, like a puppet whose strings had been pulled out, slowly falling down like this.

For a moment, Ye Ci only felt that his world became empty.

Between heaven and earth, she had only one thought left.

Bai Mo died again?Bai Mo died again because of her?Did Bai Mo abandon her again like this?
She couldn't believe it, and she didn't want to believe it.But at this time, her body seemed to make all the decisions and actions for her, and everyone who jumped at her was mercilessly beaten to the point by her body, but there was only one idea in her mind that kept repeating .

She is going to see Bai Mo.She is going to see Bai Mo.

"No!! Baimo!!!" Ye Ci screamed, his shrill voice was like the sharpest sharp knife cutting through the peaceful city surrounded by black curtains.She rushed towards those who attacked Bai Mo just now as if she had gone crazy, and swung the wooden stick in her hand even more fiercely.

"Damn! This stinky bitch is too fierce! Everyone hurry up and settle the matter a few times!" The punks shouted in a hurry, and rushed towards Ye Ci with sticks in hand.

Two fists were no match for four feet, Ye Ci was kicked from behind quickly, her body could no longer balance, she fell to the ground fiercely, the stick fell on Ye Ci like raindrops, She didn't feel any pain.She lay on the ground, her eyes widened, and she looked through the gap between the legs of the crowd, only to see Bai Mo laying lifelessly on the ground, as if dead.

Or, he is dead.

Ye Ci's heart was desolate, she never knew that the feeling of losing again would be like this.

Compared with the hollowness in her heart, the pain on her body seemed nothing special, and all the sounds and images quickly faded away from her eyes.Only Bai Mo is left in her eyes, only Bai Mo is left in her consciousness, and at this moment, there is only Bai Mo in her world.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Suddenly, someone helped her up, and the voice of concern invaded her with distant and unfamiliar warmth, pulling her back from her thoughts in a few moments .Ye Ci looked back in a hurry, only to see a young police officer in police uniform helping her up, asking with concern.

"Bai Mo, Bai Mo!" Ye Ci's mind was empty, only this consciousness remained, and she vigorously pointed to the direction where Bai Mo was lying: "Save him, save him quickly!"

"Bai Mo?" The police officer didn't seem to understand what Ye Ci meant, but when he saw the direction of Ye Ci's finger, he immediately understood what she was going to say, and immediately comforted her: "It's okay, we sent him to the ambulance, and you go."

"Where's Bai Mo?" Ye Ci couldn't hear what the police officer was saying at this time, but he just realized that when he turned his head, the thing that had disappeared from Bai Mo, who was lying on the ground just now, had disappeared, leaving behind A pool of scarlet blood reminded her of the shocking things that happened here: "Officer, where's Baimo!!" She couldn't control her emotions any longer, and yelled, turning her head and grabbing the out-of-control big police officer who was supporting her. shouted.

Never underestimate the explosive power of a person who is out of control. Even if she is a woman, even if she is a young woman, her explosive power is amazing.Just as Ye Ci screamed and shook the police officer, the burly police officer was also shaken off balance by her.

"Hurry up and take her into the car with two people." The police officer was so shaken by Ye Ci that he couldn't stand still, so he could only hastily call a few colleagues to help.

In this way, there were three big men restraining Ye Ci together, so she was put in the ambulance without moving.

There was already a person lying in the ambulance. When Ye Ci was put into the ambulance, she saw this person for the first time. After seeing this person's face, all her violent and frantic emotions seemed to calm down at once. down.

This person had an oxygen mask on his face, blood was all over his head and face, and there was not a single good thing on his body, but Ye Ci still recognized that this person was Bai Mo.

It was Bai Mo who she cared about in her heart and promised to stay with her for the rest of her life.She almost rolled and crawled forward, not caring about the pain in her body, "Bai Mo..."

"Ah, ah, don't mess with him! What are you doing!" A nurse who was guarding by the side immediately grabbed Ye Ci, and said to her severely: "Do you want him to die or want him to live! What are you doing here!"

Ye Ci was yelled at by her, lost all arrogance, immediately nodded obediently, and sat aside: "Okay, okay, I won't mess with him. I'll just watch from the side."

Only then did the nurse let Ye Ci go, and another doctor climbed into the ambulance and closed the door. He looked up at Ye Ci, and saw her appearance was also shocking. Although she was in good spirits, she didn't know the details. The situation, so he immediately called another nurse to come over and put Ye Ci on the ambulance bed, and hung up various tubes.

While the doctors and nurses are busy with themselves.Ye Ci turned his head slowly, only to see Bai Mo lying close to him.His electrocardiogram detection machine was placed next to his head, and Ye Ci could just see it, only the curve on it was beating non-stop, although it was not fast, but it was beating all the time.This proves that Bai Mo is still alive, and he is still alive.Ye Ci stretched out his hand, searched to find Bai Mo's hand, and then held his hand tightly.

Bai Mo's hand is very cold, but there is still a bit of human warmth, a sticky liquid slowly seeps out from his palm, and it smears in Ye Ci's palm with scorching moisture.

For a moment, Ye Ci only felt confused with tears, and big tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes like this.She never remembered crying, but this time seemed to remain in the memory of her life.At the beginning, she just shed tears silently, unable to tell whether it was happiness or sadness, but she couldn't restrain her emotions at all while crying, and the crying sound became louder and louder, and even her body began to twitch.

"What's wrong with you? Is it very painful?" The nurse who took care of Ye Ci hurriedly approached Ye Ci's face and asked quietly.

Ye Ci wanted to shake her head, but she couldn't control her body, so she could only cry like this, and could only twitch like this, making outsiders look very scary.

"Hurry up and give her a sedative." After a simple examination, the doctor confirmed that there was nothing serious about Ye Ci's body, and ordered the nurse.

The nurse nodded, immediately took out the sedative and stabbed Ye Ci in. The acupuncture method was absolutely fast, precise and ruthless, hitting the nail on the head, making people unable to react at all.The sedative is indeed very effective. When the sedative was slowly injected into Ye Ci's body, her body began to relax, her originally stiff muscles began to soften, and her crying strength gradually decreased. .Gradually, Ye Ci felt that he was very tired, so tired that he even lost the strength to breathe.

At the moment before she was about to fall into darkness, she only saw Bai Mo's peaceful sleeping face.

There was an uncontrollable pain all over his body, so painful that Ye Ci felt as if he was going to die.She frowned and couldn't help but want to curse.

"Wake up, wake up..." Zuo Xiaolan's voice came from Ye Ci's ears, she opened her eyes with all her strength, only to see Zuo Xiaolan's vague figure shaking in the dazzling sunlight: "Xiao Xiaolan Word, what do you think?"

Zuo Xiaolan, who had been sitting withered all night, saw Ye Ci wake up, wiped away her tears, and asked her carefully in front of her daughter.

It took Ye Ci a long time to see the person in front of him clearly.And it seemed like it took her brain a long time to figure out who this person was.She opened her mouth, but found that her voice was rough and ugly as if it had been polished by sandpaper: "Mom..."

"Okay, okay, just wake up, don't say anything. Are you thirsty? Do you want something to eat?" Zuo Xiaolan had a smile on her face, but the corners of her eyes were still full of tears. dry off.

"Where's Bai Mo?" Ye Ci looked at the concerned faces of Zuo Xiaolan, Ye Nantian and Tan Polang, and asked slowly after a long time.

"It's in the ward next door. This is the female ward, and the male ward is over there." Zuo Xiaolan answered Ye Ci while wiping her tears.

"Why don't you take care of him?" Ye Ci saw Bai Mo's face covered in blood as soon as she closed her eyes, she just felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Your aunt and uncle are here, and they are nearby."

As he was talking, he heard a rush of footsteps entering the ward, and then Ye Ci heard the voice of his aunt Zuo Xiaoqing: "Is Xiao Ci awake?"

"Aunt..." In fact, Ye Ci has not seen Zuo Xiaoqing for many years. She is a playful person by nature. Compared with Zuo Xiaolan, she is more like a younger sister. She always takes her husband to travel all over the world. When there is no definiteness.In Ye Ci's impression, Zuo Xiaoqing's face is always painted with exquisite makeup, and the clothes she wears must be fashionable and high-end, and her smile looks nice and warm.

But when Ye Ci saw the current Zuo Xiaoqing, she couldn't believe her eyes.She was unkempt, without makeup on her face, she seemed to have aged a lot overnight, her skin was also yellow, and the beautiful clothes on her body were even more messed up.

Ye Ci thought, she must be very anxious and sad for Bai Mo.No matter what kind of mother she is, no matter what she usually presents to everyone, but when their children have accidents, they will reveal their motherly nature.

Just like Zuo Xiaoqing, just like Zuo Xiaolan.

"Son, my good boy." Zuo Xiaoqing sat on the edge of the bed, held Ye Ci's hand tightly, stretched out his hand and gently brushed away the hair on Ye Ci's forehead and sighed: "If you don't wake up again , Auntie will be worried to death."

"Aunt, where's my cousin?" Ye Ci was somewhat relieved when he saw Zuo Xiaoqing.

"He woke up early, much earlier than you, and now he fell asleep after eating something. He asked you as soon as he woke up, knowing that you haven't woken up, and he doesn't feel at ease when he falls asleep." When Zuo Xiaoqing was talking Tears couldn't help falling down again.

"Xiaoqing, what are you doing? The child has woken up. Didn't the doctor say that as long as he wakes up, the dangerous period is over? Why are you crying?" Weeping, he quickly gave her a push.

"Yes, yes." Zuo Xiaoqing quickly wiped away tears, sniffed, and got to the point: "Xiao Ci, Auntie wants to ask you, do you know who beat you?"

Ye Ci was taken aback for a moment, she hadn't had time to think about this question yet, so she slowly shook her head: "I haven't had time to think about it yet."

"Your uncle and your parents and I thought about it all night last night, but we couldn't figure out who you offended. When Bai Mo woke up in the middle of the night last night, I also asked him, and he couldn't explain why, so my aunt thought I want to ask you, do you know?" Although Zuo Xiaoqing likes to eat, drink, drink, and have fun on weekdays, she is not a soft persimmon, and her husband has some real power in her hands, so she is actually a powerful woman.

Ye Ci could only shake his head: "I have to think about it."

"Okay, think about it slowly, don't worry, my aunt and uncle are always here, this matter can't just leave it as it is." Zuo Xiaolan wanted to ask something else, but Bai Zixuan shook her head, motioning for her to let Ye Ci rest first, and she agreed. I had no choice but to let out a sigh.Knowing that this matter cannot be rushed for a while, we must give everyone time to sort out their thoughts.

"Nantian, why don't you go to the police station with me, didn't you arrest a lot of gangsters yesterday? Let's go see how their interrogation is going?" Seeing that his wife's mood had stabilized a bit, Bai Zixuan turned to face her. Ye Nantian said, anyway, the two big men can't be of much help if they stay in the hospital, it's better to go directly to the police station and see if they can find any clues.

This happened to be the same as Ye Nantian thought, he nodded: "Well, I happen to think so too."

After all, the two asked their wives to take care of the two children, and hurried to the police station.

After all, this matter is not as simple as it is shown on TV.Those arrested in the police station were all gangsters who used people's money to eliminate disasters for others, and their money was also obtained from the gangsters on the upper level, but who instructed them to do this? simply do not know.

In this way, the clue of the matter is broken.Although Bai Zixuan and Ye Nantian moved around and thought of a lot of solutions, the other party seemed to have a perfect plan and couldn't find out the situation at all. In the end, Bai Zixuan and Zuo Xiaoqing had to go back to their own city to find a solution.

Although Bai Mo and Ye Ci were severely beaten, fortunately, Fu Da’s life was fatal, and they were all skin traumas. The more serious case of Ye Ci was a broken calf bone, and the more serious case of Bai Mo was six stitches on his head. Needles and nothing else.

The doctor let the two stay in the hospital for two weeks, and then sent them home to recuperate.But Bai Mo insisted that he didn't want to go home and wanted to stay with Ye Ci. Bai Zixuan and Zuo Xiaoqing didn't say much, but respected their son's choice. After Bai Mo was discharged from the hospital, they talked with Ye Nantian and his wife behind closed doors. If it's late at night, leave the city.

Back home, Ye Ci was lying on the sofa watching TV, while Bai Mo was lying on the other side.Tan Polang, who came home on the weekend, worked hard for the two of them, serving tea and water for a while, and delivering books and newspapers for a while.

"In the past few days, why do I always feel that there are people hanging around outside our community?" Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian came back from shopping, and they muttered and discussed as soon as they entered the room.

"No, the public security seems to be not very good during this time." Ye Nantian nodded and told the only child in the family who was still intact: "Polang, after eight o'clock in the evening, no, you can't go out after seven o'clock."

"Oh, I see, godfather." Tan Polang nodded obediently.

"Mom, what did you just say?" Just as Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian entered the room to discuss, Ye Ci and Bai Mo exchanged glances, and they began to feel uneasy.

"What do you say?"

"That is, when you entered the house, you said that there were people wandering outside our community?"

"Isn't that right? There have been a lot of young people I don't know hanging around outside our community recently. They look like they are not good people in that way. People in the community are saying that they may be here to steal things at night. Even the security guards in the neighborhood are getting nervous, and they have sent more people." Zuo Xiaolan said to Ye Ci while standing at the entrance of the living room, holding a handful of lettuce.

Ye Ci and Bai Mo fell silent, their expressions were not very good-looking.

"What's the matter?" Ye Nantian found that the faces of the two people were extremely ugly, he was slightly startled, and asked quickly.He thought, these people might not be thieves as he and Zuo Xiaolan guessed just now, they must have some other purpose.

"Mom and Dad, let's go down and go out today."

"Where are you going?" the two asked in unison.

"Go to the major sales centers and second-hand housing trading centers." Bai Mo answered the two people's questions instead of Ye Ci.

There is no need to talk about other things, just a few words have already made the expressions of Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian change again and again, they understood the meaning of Ye Ci and Bai Mo.

"Are these people the same as the people who beat you?"

"We haven't confirmed yet, but it's better for us to move at this time." Ye Ci narrowed his eyes, with a little imperceptible anger: "Because too many people know where we live now."

Now that the matter of buying a house has been settled, the family began to look around for houses.Ye Ci is not particularly convenient, so her family always pushes her to look around.

When they go out, it's just like shopping, there is no special difference, but when they go out, they carefully observe the surroundings and don't let people follow them.After acting like a thief for a few days, Ye Ci finally settled on two houses, a new house and a second-hand house.

Although Ye Nantian and Zuo Xiaolan did not agree to buy so many houses at once, but under Ye Ci's insistence, they still didn't say anything in the end.The two houses were decided by Ye Ci after careful consideration.There are two houses, one in the South City and the other in the North City. The distance between them is still a bit far, but the location is good.The surrounding supermarkets, hospitals, banks, schools, and vegetable markets are very convenient, and of course the prices are not cheap.

But for Ye Ci now, even though the money for these two houses will cost her all her savings, she is willing to do so. After all, this is a matter related to the family's wealth and life, so she naturally dare not be sloppy.

Among the two houses, the new house is still under construction, and there are still a few months before the final handover, while the second-hand house is a newly completed community, and the owner wants to move to another city for personal reasons, so The newly renovated house was sold directly.In fact, the only houses that Ye Ci really likes are second-hand houses, but, as the saying goes, there are three caves for cunning rabbits. Now she doesn't want to be stuck in one place and be found easily by others.

The decoration of this second-hand house is not bad, but Ye Ci doesn't like the decoration style very much, but now is not the time to care about such things. You can move in with your bare hands.

If you have money, you can do things very quickly.After Ye Ci paid the money, he paid some more money to the owner of the second-hand house and asked him to buy the electrical appliances at home. He was happy, and he had enough money to buy electrical appliances, so he agreed, and the two parties agreed to move in the next day.

Sitting in the living room at night, Zuo Xiaolan looked a little sad. She looked at the old house where she had lived for decades, and felt an indescribable sadness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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