hunter world

Chapter 216

Chapter 216
Chapter No.16 Moving
Sure enough, I checked in empty-handed.

Ye Ci woke up early in the morning and found that Zuo Xiaolan had packed all the things at home, and immediately said to her: "Mom, put everything back where it was, we won't take a single thing away."

"Ah? Why?" Zuo Xiaolan looked at the things she had worked so hard to pack, not understanding.

Bai Mo got up too, and seeing Zuo Xiaolan packed so many things, he shook his head in disapproval: "Auntie, we can't take these things with us. We don't know what the people outside are doing now, and they probably know what we do every day. Going out for a walk, so they don't follow when we go out. This period of time is giving us the best chance, you are bringing so many things now, it is equivalent to telling others that we are going to get out of the way, this is not asking for trouble for yourself .”

"But, these things cost a lot of money..." Zuo Xiaolan understood Ye Ci's words after hearing Bai Mo's words, but she was not willing to let her go of these things.

"Mom, bring your valuable jewelry and passbook, and nothing else."

"You don't even bring a change of clothes?" Zuo Xiaolan touched the packed bag, looking at her daughter carefully, a little reluctant.

"I mean don't bring anything. Mom, do you know what anything means?" Ye Ci narrowed his eyes. At this time, Ye Nantian also bought something and came back early. When he saw a few people standing at the door of the bedroom talking Say, "Come over and have breakfast."

"Dad, help Mom put these things from where they came from. Remember, do not bring anything with you as usual, and then put on your most ordinary clothes. We are going to move." Ye Ci accepted With Baozi in his father's hand, he turned around and entered the house in a wheelchair, and took out his memory card from the game compartment.For her, everything except this thing can be given up now.

It was Ye Nantian who had a better way of dealing with Zuo Xiaolan. When Ye Ci came out early after eating, he saw Bai Mo helping the two of them put all the big and small bags back.

It was a busy process, and it took half an hour before it was over.They sat down to eat breakfast when all three of them were sweating profusely.While eating breakfast, Zuo Xiaolan couldn't help wiping away tears.

"Why are you crying?" Ye Nantian looked at Zuo Xiaolan and sighed, "Moving is a good thing."

"I know it's a good thing, but I've lived here for so many years, and now I can't take anything with me when I move, and I feel as if my past has been cut off like this, how uncomfortable it is. "Zuo Xiaolan sniffed, she knew that her daughter was right, but she really had an indescribable feeling for this family and this house in her heart.Up until now, she seems to be able to see Ye Ci's footprints growing up in this house, and the happy past of the family in this house, but now she is about to let go of everything.

Ye Ci understood Zuo Xiaolan's feelings, she sighed, turned the wheelchair and walked to her side, put her arms around her and said: "Mom, don't be sad, we just don't take it away for now, wait until this The matter is completely settled, and we will come back. If you want to move things, you can come here to move things, and if you want to come back to live, you can come back to live."

Zuo Xiaolan sniffed and showed a smile. She patted Ye Ci's hand on her shoulder and smiled: "Good boy, mom knows, mom is not ignorant, mom is just reluctant. But, when you go out, you will definitely not What's wrong?"

After the breakfast of the three of them was finished and Zuo Xiaolan's mood stabilized, the four of them went out as usual.As usual, Zuo Xiaolan was the last to close the door. When she closed the door, her hands shook a little, and she couldn't even insert the key into the socket. After taking a few deep breaths, she successfully completed these actions.

As usual, the family went out to say hello to acquaintances in the yard.

As usual, the family pushed Ye Ci towards the nearby park when they left the community.

... After entering the park, the family immediately walked out from the side exit, took a taxi and went straight to the new house.

Within the agreed time, Ye Ci completed the final handover of the house with the seller.When the seller went downstairs, Ye Ci immediately asked his father to replace the lock cylinder he bought a long time ago on the current door, and then replaced his mobile phone card and inserted a new one.

After finishing all this work, Ye Ci let out a long breath.Zuo Xiaolan sat on the sofa a little cautiously and looked at the new house with all the things, she didn't feel like her own home at all.This is an inevitable process, Ye Ci understands, so she didn't spend too much time trying to persuade Zuo Xiaolan, the more she tried to persuade Zuo Xiaolan, the more people couldn't let it go, it's better to let her do it herself To digest, to unravel, that is more effective than anything else.

While Ye Ci was busy at home, Bai Mo had already gone to the service station of the city's fate to order back five game warehouses.Because the residents of this community have just started moving in, they generally don't know each other. In addition, the game room has become a must-have for every family now, so these actions of Bai Mo did not attract anyone's attention. Even the real estate industry feels that it is too common.

While Ye Ci and Bai Mo were busy with these things, Ye Nantian and Zuo Xiaolan also started to get busy.Although the furniture and electrical appliances in the house are all complete, the house is completely empty except for these, so the two of them went straight to the big supermarket closest to the community, moving things into the house one after another.

Everything from daily necessities to clothes and shoes, from ingredients and beverages to various knickknacks.

And when Ye Ci and Bai Mo climbed into the game cabin, they were still doing their best to arrange these little things.

Calculating the time, the two haven't played the game for a full month.Although during this month, Bai Mo entrusted Jiyu, let go of that girl, Xiaoshou Bingliang, pickled pepper and chicken feet to jointly manage the union, but the president and vice president haven't played the game for a long time, and still It has a certain influence on the reputation of the entire guild.Many newcomers quit the guild. However, none of the main members left the guild.

Therefore, when Bai Mo and Ye Ci climbed into the game, the entire guild was immediately excited.

"Wow wow wow, am I dazed? I actually saw two people who were almost judged to have disappeared online. Is this called God's eyes?" Jelly was the first to find out that the two people were online. The channel called.

As soon as she called out, everyone saw the two of them. No matter what they were doing, everyone put down what they were doing and talked to Ye Ci and Bai Mo in a hurry. They either laughed or teased, but No matter what the tone is, it can't hide the deep concern in everyone's heart.

"The president and the vice president disappeared at the same time, which is too puzzling. Do you think you went out or something?"

"That's right, did you go elope or why?"

"I disappeared for a month, and ran away without saying a word. It's definitely not elopement, but a honeymoon."

"I agree with this statement, and I agree with it with both hands and feet!"

"My lord, during the month you were away, our Eastern Continent was so lonely, there was no gossip to listen to. You have to know that as long as you are here, there will be all kinds of rumors and gossips all the time."

"Why not?" Ye Ci couldn't help laughing when he heard everyone's concern: "I disappeared for a month, so many people are guessing whether I'm dead or not."

"Bah, bah, bah, you can talk nonsense about this kind of thing, it's really outspoken..."

... While everyone continued to care about and discuss these matters with the two of them, Liu Chang sent Ye Ci a message.

"I couldn't get through to you yesterday because you changed your number."

"Well, I changed it yesterday." Ye Ci didn't hide anything from Liu Chang, she was also the only person who knew about Ye Ci and Bai Mo besides her family, so Ye Ci never lied to Liu Chang.

"Is your leg still serious?" Liu Chang sighed: "You are too. After leaving the hospital, I won't let me go to your house to see you. What are you doing?"

Ye Ci thought for a while, but he still didn't tell Liu Chang that someone was following him at home, but asked instead: "Liu Chang, do you still have contact with Dong Yin?"

"I don't contact her, but I haven't torn up with her like Yi Cang, so she will still contact me, especially during this time, she will often call me." Liu Chang didn't understand Ye Why did Ci suddenly ask this: "Why do you ask this suddenly? Do you need to find her?"

"No, no." Ye Ci narrowed her eyes when she heard Liu Chang's words, she paused, and then asked, "Dong Yin has been in touch with you often recently?"

"Well, I don't know what medicine she sells in her gourd. She has been contacting me frequently recently, but there is nothing important. She just asks about your situation around the corner."

"Did you tell her?"

"No, how could I tell her. I don't have so much to say to her now." Liu Chang was already very disgusted with Dong Yin because of the last meal, and he didn't tear his face but just thought about the love of growing up together. However, I have no feelings for this person at all.

Speaking of this, Liu Chang seemed to have remembered something, she suddenly said: "I remembered something."


"She called me that day. For some reason, she suddenly mentioned you and said that you were in the hospital. I was still surprised. How did she know that you were in the hospital? Then she asked casually, but she didn't expect that she was flustered, no Knowing what happened, she hung up on me." Liu Chang recalled the phone call she had with Dong Yin that day, and she still hasn't figured out what it was because of it.

Just because she doesn't understand doesn't mean Ye Ci doesn't understand.As soon as she said this, Ye Ci verified her own thoughts, but this matter could not be completely settled like this, because Ye Ci suspected that not only Dong Yin was involved in this matter.

"Liu Chang, you still don't want to come to my house to look for me recently." Ye Ci finally said to Liu Chang.

"Why?" Liu Chang really didn't understand. In her opinion, Ye Ci was already depressed enough to be injured at home now, and it would be a good thing for him to visit her often to accompany her.But why did Ye Ci go to the heat several times and refused?
"Liu Chang, I will tell you the reason later, but don't ask now. If you treat me as a friend, don't come to our house recently, or I will be in trouble." Ye Ci thought for a while and told Liu Chang to pay attention : "Also, try not to get in touch with Dong Yin and Yi Cang, whether in the game or outside the game, and tell your parents about this, please remember."

"Little Ci, what happened?" The more Ye Ci said this, the more uneasy Liu Chang felt. She felt a lot of anxiety, but she didn't know where to find the answer, so she had to keep going. Ask her for confirmation.

"I promise, I won't harm you, and I promise that if you know the cause and effect, you will feel terrible, so, Liu Chang, if you believe me, don't ask me anything, and don't come to me." Ye Ci repeated for the last time , she thought, after she said it so carefully, Liu Chang would definitely understand.

Sure enough, Ye Ci knew Liu Chang well.After Ye Ci said this, although Liu Chang was still very uneasy, he did not continue to ask.She sighed a long way: "Xiaoci, you have been like this since you were a child. You have to bear everything by yourself and never tell me. I know you are doing it for my own good, but I will also worry about you."

Liu Chang's tone was a little lonely, which made Ye Ci feel uncomfortable when she heard it, and she couldn't help but wonder if sometimes she did a little too much.However, before she could speak, she heard Liu Chang say again: "Little Ci, don't say anything, because I know what you want to say, you just need to listen to me."

"You said."

"You must have identified something this time. I even know that you have identified something to do with Dong Yin. I don't want to speak well of Dong Yin, but I want to tell you, don't do things for people who don't need to care. Meaningful things, this will be very uneconomical. The matter between Dong Yin and Yi Cang and all of us is already like this. If you can let it go, let it go. If you continue to struggle like this, you will suffer in the end. I am afraid that you will suffer from them in the end ..."

Ye Ci felt that her heart had softened a little. Facing Liu Chang's kindness and peace of mind, she felt an indescribable sadness in her heart.She really wanted to tell Liu Chang that this was not her way of doing things, but she couldn't say it out. After hesitating for a while, she smiled relievedly: "Don't worry, I won't continue to entangle with Dong Yin and the others, and don't give it to me." They hooked up and I never wanted to know them."

"Don't worry about this."

"Remember what I told you just now, and be careful yourself." Although Ye Ci promised Liu Chang so much, he couldn't help reminding him in the end.

"I know, Dong Yin and Yi Cang's parents are from the same way, they..." Liu Chang sighed: "For them, there is nothing worth noting about our family, and there is nothing worth using , and my parents have completely stopped dealing with them, so don't worry."

After finishing the conversation with Liu Chang, Ye Ci only felt stuffy in his heart, with an unspeakable malice stuck inside.She thought that this matter must have something to do with Dong Yin and Yi Cang, but what about Qianshan Xiyang?I don't know how much it has to do with it.

She can easily deal with Dong Yin now, but how about dealing with Qianshan Xiyang?She didn't have that confidence, and the guild didn't have any qualifications to fight with the Iron and Blood Guild. This feeling was really uncomfortable.She took a few deep breaths, and then contacted Yueqingqiu.

Regarding Ye Ci's connection, Yue Qingqiu seemed very surprised: "Wow, son, why are you like a ghost, when did you go online?"


"Where have you been in the past month? Do you know that the entire Eastern Continent and the entire game are discussing that you are not AFK anymore? Even I thought you were AFK, but now you suddenly appear, it's too scary Go." Although Yue Qingqiu was surprised, he was still very happy with Ye Ci's appearance.For him, Gong Ziyou is a big client and also a close friend. To be honest, he doesn't want to see Gong Ziyou leave like this.What's more, for a professional player like Gong Ziyou, if he leaves Destiny now, he probably won't be able to find such a potential game anymore.

"Something happened to me, so I wasted some time." Ye Ci said very vaguely.

"It's not a big deal, is it?" Yue Qingqiu is so smart, even though Ye Ci said it implicitly, he still guessed that this matter would definitely not be a trivial matter.

"No." Ye Ci narrowed his eyes and then turned to the topic: "I came to you today because I want you to help me check things."

"There is no problem with this. As long as you talk about people and what to check, I will do it for you as soon as possible." Now Yue Qingqiu is also a well-known know-it-all in the game, so many people come to him to check things, but if When he met Ye Ci's matter, he would put everything down without a doubt and deal with Ye Ci's matter first.

"However, I'm a little ungrateful." When it comes to this matter, Ye Ci is a little embarrassed to speak up. She has always given money with one hand and one song with one hand, but recently because she took out all the money in her hand I bought two houses with money, so my hands are relatively empty for the time being, and she hasn't been online in the past month. Apart from a fixed salary from the guild, she has no extra income.But now I ask someone to do something, and I can't get the money, and I don't know if it will work or not.

"what's up?"

"I'm a little free right now..."

Before Ye Ci finished speaking, Yue Qingqiu interrupted him, he said with a smile: "My lord, we don't talk about money. You can tell me what you want, money, these things, you can talk about it at your convenience." , we don’t mention it when it’s inconvenient.”

Yue Qingqiu's words warmed Ye Ci's heart, if it was in the last life, Yue Qingqiu in the last life would never say that.However, Ye Ci from the previous life would definitely not speak in embarrassment.She exhaled and smiled, her voice was not indifferent for the first time, but with a little warmth: "Thank you."

"Don't say that, don't say that to me." Yue Qingqiu shook his head and smiled: "We are friends, what is this thing between friends?"

We are friends.

What a simple sentence, but it caused infinite ripples in Ye Ci's heart.This sentence is really beautiful and warm.Such words were never expected in Ye Ci's heart in the previous life, and never achieved, but in this life, it has become a reality.This made Ye Ci feel unreal.Standing under the sunshine of Red Lake City, she stretched out her fingers, and the sun shone brightly on her palm, clearly illuminating all the lines on her palm, as if she had nowhere to hide the little thing in her heart. .

"Young Master?" Yue Qingqiu saw that Ye Ci hadn't said a word for a long time, and was a little worried about her, so he couldn't help calling out, hoping to get her attention.

"What?" Ye Ci came back to his senses.

"Oh, I just saw that you didn't speak, and I was worried that I might have said something wrong, and you were angry."

"No, there is no such thing."

"Then what are you looking for?"

"I want to check the affairs of Zuosi and Qingri Weizhao, what they have done recently and what happened. Especially Qingri Weizhao, I want to know everything about her, especially..." Ye Ci paused slightly : "The matter between her and Qianshan Xieyang."

Yue Qingqiu didn't ask Ye Ci why, this is not within the scope of what he wants to know.However, there are still some speculations in his heart.Young Master You just went online today, and started looking for the information of these two people, so it can only explain one problem, the month of her disappearance will have an inseparable relationship with these two people.And there is some ambiguity between the sunny day and the setting sun of Qianshan, which means that the disappearance of Young Master You has something to do with the setting sun of Qianshan.

But the identity of Qianshan Xiyang...

Thinking of this, Yue Qingqiu felt that as a friend, he should remind Ye Ci.

"My lord, I know that if I'm just a private detective, I don't care about these matters, but from the standpoint of a friend, I want to advise you."


"Qianshan Xiyang is not something ordinary players like us can fight against. Even if you are a master, but you are just a gamer, you can't go head-to-head with them." Yue Qingqiu knew that it was a bit hurtful for him to say this, but he It must be said, because if he doesn't remind Young Master You of some things, I'm afraid she will stumble on it.

There was a warm current flowing in Ye Ci's heart, she nodded: "I will have a sense of proportion, and I will definitely not let myself fall into any terrible vortex."

Although Ye Ci promised so much, Yue Qingqiu was still a little worried in his heart, he sighed: "I will definitely help you within the scope of my ability." : "By the way, it seems that Youyou Feiyun and Heiye Bairi have fallen out recently. Many people already know about Youyou Feiyun's wife Hei Yebaizhou, but the matter has not spread. Youyou Feiyun was kicked out by Heiye Bairi It’s Tang Dynasty, this guy is like a mad dog biting people everywhere, you used to have a relationship with him, you have to be more careful with him.”

Was Yoyo Feiyun driven out of Datang by the night and the day?Ye Ci was a little surprised by this news. Although it was expected, Ye Ci felt that it happened a little too fast. It was a worldly event that such a thing happened in the month when he was not online. Unexpected.

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Yue Qingqiu thought for a while, but couldn't help but said: "By the way, I've always wondered, did you already know about Yoyo Feiyun and All the Way to Night?"

"Hehe." Ye Ci just laughed dryly a few times without answering Yue Qingqiu: "Okay, I'm just going online, and I still have a lot of things to do. I'll contact you when I'm done." After finishing speaking, she hurriedly Hastily hung up the connection.After all, if you talk to such a smart person as Yue Qingqiu, if you are not careful, you will easily slip up. It's not that Ye Ci doesn't believe in Yue Qingqiu, it's just that Ye Ci is a person with many secrets. If others know her more secrets, she The more unsafe it is, so Ye Ci has always been cautious when talking to Yue Qingqiu.

After entrusting something to Yue Qingqiu, Ye Ci's heart was temporarily relieved.Now all she can do is to wait, to respond to all changes with the same.

During the one month that Ye Ci and Bai Mo were away, the entire game seemed to have undergone quite a change.First of all, everyone's average level has been raised to about forty. Ye Ci thought that the fleeting level at this time must have surpassed his own. Therefore, in Ye Ci's recent schedule, the most important thing is leveling. .The second is that the major guilds have basically cleared the common-level hundred-man ruined castle.And the main group of Tiantianshang has already opened up wasteland for the elite-level ruined castle of a hundred people, and now it is passing the fourth and only the fifth.

But this time the wolf tribe is faster than Tiantian.They have more people, more groups, and more elite candidates, so the speed of pushing the book is much faster than Ye Ci and the others.In addition, the elite book is just a little more difficult on the basis of the general book. The main test is the cooperation and the use and familiarity of the skills of each profession. As long as the team is hard enough, it is still easy to pass.

It is for this reason that this time the first kill of the elite ruined castle fell into the pockets of the wolves.Regarding this point, although Tian Tian Shang was a little unbalanced, everyone didn't show it. They just held back their energy and prepared to overwhelm the wolves in the next dungeon.

On the first night of Ye Ci and Bai Mo's return to the game, the most important task was to lead Tian Tian to sprint towards the elite level dungeon.Fight for the last spot on the top five list of elite ruined castles within the day.

Everyone is preparing for this.Enchanting equipment, preparation of attribute medicines and food, strengthening of weapons, inlaying of gems, everyone is holding their breath for all these, and they must be won at once!
Before that, Ye Ci went to the Blade's Edge Hills. Although the recent focus is on leveling and pushing dungeons, Ye Ci still remembers his epic mission.I don't know if that scumbag Bella has thought about that strange medal after a month of not being online?
The answer is, I thought of it.

Although I don't know when Bella thought of it, but obviously after this month, Bella has already thought clearly about the ins and outs of that medal.So when Ye Ci appeared in front of her again, she waved to Ye Ci very affectionately, and then said: "Dear friend, I have been waiting here for you, what happened to you? Didn't even come to look for me? I thought you forgot about me, Bella."

"I'm sorry Bella, it's because of me that something happened to me, which made you worry." Ye Ci smiled apologetically. Fortunately, his reputation in the Dolan Thieves Guild has surpassed his intimacy, so Bella talked to him again. He was very intimate when talking, and he didn't show any displeasure because of his delay.

After hearing Ye Ci's apology, Bella waved her hand and told her the meaning of the medal directly.This medal turned out to be the most precious medal of Andre. Andre used to be a brave generalissimo of the royal court who was highly valued. This medal was bestowed on him by the previous king. Andre Lie has always cherished it very much, but it is a pity that after the death of the old king, the current king listened to the instigation of treacherous ministers and persecuted Andre, making Andre fall into a bandit and become a leader of the Dolan Thieves Association.In addition to being a symbol of honor, this medal is more importantly, he is the key to Andre's treasure house.

It's a pity that after Bella's death, this treasure house became the habitat of the undead.

Andre is showing this medal now to let Ye Ci open his treasure house from Bella, and take out his former weapon from there.

"So, where do I go to get this weapon out?" Ye Ci is not a newcomer, but he won't be excited when he hears the word "treasure house".She knew that the so-called treasure house in the game was actually a pile of shining gems and gold coins. It's not like the situation everyone imagined, where you get rich when you meet a treasure house.

"What? Are you going?" Bella was very surprised by Ye Ci's request. She raised her eyebrows and looked at her in surprise.

"En." Ye Ci nodded firmly.

"However, it has become a paradise for the undead, but it is very dangerous." Bella sighed: "I did have the ability to exorcise demons when I was alive, but this ability has disappeared after I die. Apart from telling you the location of that place, I can't help you anymore, if that's the case, why do you still want to go?"

"Of course." Ye Ci nodded.She actually didn't want to go, but this was a mission, a reward for the second stage of an epic mission, if she didn't go, how would she know what she would get?Besides, no matter how worried the NPC is about the player, the NPC will still ask the player to respond positively to the eventual death.So she really didn't need to take Bella's worries to heart, it was just a procedural fabrication.

"Since you are so persistent, I have nothing to say, I will take you there." Bella said, dragging her translucent body and carrying Ye Ci towards an extremely secret mountain col.Well, you read that right, she just floated over, who calls someone a soul?Who told someone to be a female ghost?

Ye Ci followed Bella all the way, stopped and listened to Bella's nonsense, and it took a full half an hour to reach Andre's treasure house.And open the map to see, I'll fuck it, this is the real waste of time.Because from the place where I just talked to Bella to the place where Bella stopped now is just the front and back of a mountain, if you follow Ye Ci's idea, climb directly from the mountain, and then use the attribute of the feather fall technique on the mysterious ring. You can land directly on this place, and the time before and after will never exceed 5 minutes.And now it took Bella half an hour to get here...

It turns out that NPC is not only for smart players to do some useless shit, but also has another role of cheating, which is to waste the player's time. You must know that Ye Ci is waiting to play the elite version of the team copy. So much time wasted here with her.

"Okay, this is here." Bella finally stopped, pointing to a dark rock and said: "Behind this rock is Andre's treasure house, but it is probably now a treasure house for the undead." breeding ground."

Ye Ci raised her head to look at the rock, it was really hidden, and she didn't see where there was a rock that could hide any treasure.

Bella saw that Ye Ci didn't speak, and didn't respond to her. She just continued to talk on her own: "Now you can prepare by yourself. If you are ready, come to me."

After saying this, Bella just floated there and stopped talking.And if Ye Ci clicks on it to talk, only a dialog box will pop up, and Bella asks: "Are you ready for this dangerous trip?" There are two options below, one is ready , the other is please wait a little longer, I don't think I'm ready yet.

Ye Ci originally wanted to choose to be ready, so he went in and saw what would happen.However, after thinking about it, now is not the time, because the elite dungeon will be launched soon.As soon as she thought about it, Bai Mo had already sent a secret message: "Where is it, it's time to make money, come here quickly."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

Compared with the interests of the guild, Ye Ci feels that it is not a big deal for her to give up the things in her hands for the time being, not to mention, she doesn't know how much time she will spend here.So she rubbed the stone back to the city immediately and returned to Red Lake City.

I don't know if it's because I haven't cooperated with you for too long, or because I haven't played the game for a month, and some places are already unfamiliar. Anyway, everyone cooperated perfectly along the way, but Ye Ci made a few small mistakes with the exception , although it didn't affect the guild's team, it still caused a little commotion.

In front of the fifth child, Qing Yanmo announced to take a break, and Bai Mo sat beside Ye Ci. He looked at Ye Ci: "What's wrong? I don't think you are in the right state today."

(End of this chapter)

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