hunter world

Chapter 253 Moore

Chapter 253 Moore
Chapter 53 Moore
Thousands of crimson fingers tapped lightly on the table in the conference room in a very slow but orderly rhythm. His fingers had not long nails, and there was a sound when they tapped on the table. The sound of "Knock Knock Knock", although the sound is small, but in Hidden Dragon's ears it is as thrilling as a ghost talisman urging him to death.

He sat there shrinking his hands and feet, not daring to show his breath, looking at Qian Wanjiang's fingers on the table.Hidden Dragon is very afraid of Qianke Wanjiang. Apart from his good skills and equipment, being an elite player of the guild and the senior management of the guild, he always feels that Qianke Wanjiang has a deep mystery , thoughtful, people can not see through.Although he and the former vice president No. [-] Arsenic are not the same person, sometimes Hidden Dragon feels that they are definitely the same kind of person, just sitting there and smiling can make people feel terrified.

Thousands of Wanjiang carefully thought about the minutiae that Hidden Dragon said, and after a while, his fingers stopped, and then his eyes swept to Hidden Dragon again: "Are you sure you are at level [-]?" Did you see that black iron dwarf named Jasmine in the camp of the ghoul habitat?"

"I...I..." Hidden Dragon actually couldn't remember clearly about this point, and the occasional blows from the group members made him completely lose the ability to judge this matter, so he could only watch in a daze. Thousands of crimson, do not know how to answer his question would be more appropriate.

"I want to hear a more objective answer, but I must be honest." Qian Ge Wan Jiang looked at Hidden Dragon's expression, and reminded him not to speak big words, let alone lie.

Hidden Dragon only felt a sudden chill on his back, as if some huge pressure had been pressed down like this, making it difficult for him to breathe.Hearing the warning from thousands of crimsons, he nodded hastily, took a deep breath, and then said: "That happened when I was at level [-]. At that time, my level was in the habitat of lemurs. I received the mission. I went there because I got lost on the map next to it. I broke in accidentally. I wanted to see if I could receive the mission, but I didn’t receive the mission after asking around. I remember that At that time, Jasmine was sleeping in the corner of the camp. When I talked to her, she would just say a few perfunctory words, a very ordinary NPC. However, a few days ago, my team and I went to Black Wind Mountain to level up, and then returned to the camp for supplies At that time, I couldn’t see Jasmine anymore.”

Hidden Dragon couldn't help but look at the Thousand Pieces of Ten Thousand Crimsons when he said this. He actually mentioned these roughly just now, but he was afraid that Thousands of Ten Thousand Crimsons would not be interested, so he didn't talk about it in detail, because he didn't know that he was talking about it now. , will he be bothered.

Qian Ke Wan Jiang didn't show any expression of disgust, but he also didn't show any expression of special interest. He was referring to sitting there with his eyes downcast, flicking his fingers on the table, which seemed to be the same action as before.

Hidden Dragon saw that there was nothing to express, so he continued to speak slowly: "Originally in destiny, NPCs can walk around, I thought she should have left, so I didn't take it to heart, but later, I I actually found that she was in a corner of the ghoul's habitat. Not only that, but she was accompanied by two black iron dwarves who had never seen her before. If she talked to them again this time, they would ignore everything. However, look Their actions seemed to be exploring something... So, I asked everyone to go and have a look today, but I didn't expect it, and I still found nothing."

After quietly listening to Hidden Dragon's words, thousands of crimson brains kept thinking, why is a black iron dwarf exploring?If it was a different race, perhaps Thousands of Thousands of Crimsons would not care so much about this matter. However, there seems to be a customary rule in fate, as long as there are black iron dwarves, there are good minerals.From the present point of view, ores are just equipment for weapons and melee combat, but in terms of long-term interests, the value of ores is definitely more than that.

According to a reliable report, the Knights Island and the Black Plum Family in the southern mainland are ready to move about a deserted city in the wild. At that time, there will definitely be a large number of construction machinery, and the appearance of siege machinery will inevitably affect the demand for ore. Therefore, guilds with a little foresight will not sell high-grade ore now, and will store them all. We use together at that time.

Judging from what Hidden Dragon discovered today, the Black Iron Dwarves must have discovered some kind of mineral, but if Jasmine were an ordinary NPC, even if it was a discovered mineral, she wouldn't ignore the player talking to her.In this way, there are only two situations for Jasmine to ignore her.First, this is a small, innocuous BUG planned.If this is the case, there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, such a small bug that is harmless will not be accepted.This is not the case in the second case...

The second situation is that this is a mission started by a player, and at this point, the mission automatically sets the mission lock.If this is the case, this kind of thing has to be worth considering. What kind of player started what kind of mission?If it is ordinary minerals, is it possible to lock the task?

In just an instant, these series of questions swept through his brain, which made him suddenly feel excited.He raised his head and said to Hidden Dragon: "Now you submit a bug to Destiny's customer service."

"What bug?"

"Submit Jasmine to ignore your BUG, ​​and ask from the side if the planner didn't set up a proper dialogue." Qianke Wanjiang knew that it was very unlikely to get an accurate answer to such a question, but he would definitely answer it if there was a chance. I won't let it go, if the customer service of Destiny denies that this is a bug, then all the answers point to the second situation, then he can send someone to keep an eye on it all the time, and let the person who wants to do the task appear as soon as he starts If they unlocked the mission lock, they should be hunted down immediately. Then, their Jagged Guild will be able to get this follow-up mission, and they don't know what kind of reward they will get.

"Okay." Although Hidden Dragon didn't know why Qianke Wanjiang ordered himself like this, he still submitted the BUG truthfully, but the answer he got from the customer service was that this might be a small BUG. Submit it to the planner, and the planner will make adjustments and revisions, and rewarded Hidden Dragon with a hundred gold coins as a reward for his carefulness.

Qian Ke Wan Jiang was not surprised to hear this answer. After all, such a small problem may not get the attention of customer service.However, although the answers obtained by the customer service were ambiguous, for Qianke Wanjiang, there was a faint direction in front of him. It seemed that countless clues had already pointed to the second situation.

Canglong really felt restless, he really didn't know what was going on in his thousands of crimson heads.But now he is even more silent here, so that Hidden Dragon doesn't know what to do, he can only sit on the chair cautiously, looking at the thousands of crimsons cautiously, waiting for his final order.

After thinking for a while, Qian Ke Wan Jiang finally remembered that there was another person in the guild conference room, and he smiled apologetically at Hidden Dragon: "I'm sorry, it's not easy for me to fall into my own thoughts." I will pay attention to the surrounding situation and keep you waiting for a long time."

"No, Boss Wanjiang, you continue." Qianke Wanjiang's apologetic words made Hidden Dragon even more flattered, he stood up quickly and waved his hands again and again.

"This news is very important. I'll ask the finance department to give you two months' salary this month as a reward. I hope you will often notice this situation in the future." Well, the salary of these third-rate members for one or two months is simply not worth mentioning. However, it is a great reward for the other party. Therefore, when there is punishment, appropriate rewards are also needed. Only in this way can we pay equal attention to kindness and power and win people's hearts .

Sure enough, after hearing this news, Hidden Dragon's panicked eyes immediately became excited. Although he concealed it very well, it was still discovered by Qian Ke Wan Jiang.He waved his hand with great satisfaction: "Let's practice leveling properly, and don't have any conflicts with the members of the guild anymore. A man can bend and stretch."

"Yes, Boss Wan Jiang, I understand!" Cang Long stood up excitedly.This is the unpredictability of the world. The one month's salary that was deducted just now is now rewarded with two months' salary. It's great!

"You don't want to tell others about this matter." Of course, Qian Ke Wan Jiang would not tell Hidden Dragon.

"Yes, yes, I know this, then Boss Wanjiang, I will go to practice leveling, and I will not disturb you." Canglong smiled very happily, and the excitement couldn't be concealed at all, so he said Walked towards the outside of the house.

Thousands of Wanjiang just quietly watched the figure of the hidden dragon leave, and immediately contacted Qianshan Xieyang, and reported the matter to him truthfully.Recently, Qianshan Xiyang has been fighting Liu Shukuang to the death both in reality and in the game, so most of the guild's affairs are handed over to his confidantes, and only important matters need to be reported to him.And he himself led a group of elite groups to promote dungeons in the major dungeons, improve equipment, and make the greatest efforts to maximize the interests of the guild.

After receiving the news of Qiange Wanjiang, Qianshan Xieyang considered it for a while, although Qianshan Wanjiang's consideration was very meticulous, but this did not conform to Qianshan Xieyang's principles of doing things.Although Qianshan Xieyang has a small mind, he still does things with great openness, so it turns out that these trivial things are all done by No. [-] arsenic.They are one thick and one thin, but they cooperated very smoothly, and now the No. [-] arsenic was distributed to Liu Shukuang by the old man. Originally, Qianshan Xiyang thought that his book was a bit bad, but he didn't expect that Qianqian Wanjiang's thoughts were not at all delicate. It was no worse than No. [-] Arsenic, and he had been with him for many years, so he felt more at ease and entrusted him to do all the things.

Facing the thousands of pieces of information, Qianshan Xiyang just thought about it, and then said: "I don't have any clue about these things yet, you can figure it out first, if there are really any major changes or situations , come and tell me again, and you are in charge of the rest.”

Now that Thousand Pieces Wanjiang has obtained the approval of Qianshan Xiyang, it is much easier to handle. He immediately began to worry about the bandit group as the scout, and began to conduct a comprehensive search and investigation of the area provided by Hidden Dragon to see if there are any players to do this. The possibility of the task, and then arranged a large number of senior miners to drive into that coordinate, try to see what kind of ore can be dug there.

Compared with the movements of the Jagged Guild, Tiantian's upward movements are much smaller.Although Tiantianxiang has a good reputation, compared to the size of its guild, they are not the opponents of the Iron Blood Guild after all, not to mention that this time the Iron Blood Guild has started to investigate, and Tiantianxiang is more low-key and cautious.

Now that the investigation of the guild coveting the Mithril veins has been handed over to Jiyu, Ye Ci no longer worries about this issue.Although Ye Ci is quite suspicious, as long as she believes in and decides to hire someone, she will no longer be suspicious of that person.

This is over.

But Ye Ci couldn't feel completely at ease. There are still two things in her hands. The first is the payment of the epic mission, and the second is the pre-quest of the mithril veins in the North and South Continents.No one in the southern continent should have discovered the existence of the Mithril veins yet, but if she doesn't complete the pre-quest sooner, I'm afraid that the pre-quests of the Mithril veins will not be a secret until everyone reaches level 50. What's more, it is quite dangerous for her to go to the northern continent.As for the epic missions, there is no time limit. If the delivery is delayed for a period of time, there shouldn't be any special problems.

Now that he had made up his mind, Ye Ci headed towards the southern continent.

Although the Black Plum Family and Knight Island would never have imagined that Ye Ci would reach the southern mainland again after a day, Ye Ci was still very cautious. After all, she had already been followed once, which did not rule out her was followed again.Therefore, the deceitful brooch became one of the essential props for Ye Ci to walk on the north and south continents.In a place like the Southern Continent, because it is an alliance region, the fraudulent brooch can be used for a relatively long time, up to 3 hours, and the cooling time is still one day.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Ci successfully crossed the teleportation stone in Hurricane City, and swaggered to all parts of the southern continent in the image of a human hunter.After returning from the western continent, Ye Ci no longer expressed any hope for her little red horse. It was too slow, so before she left the eastern continent, she went to the racecourse and picked a horse with good legs. There is nothing outstanding about this horse, and it is very common among the majority of players. It can be said that it is a rotten street cabbage. Of course, its moving speed is not as fast as 200% of that of the fourth child, but it is also up to It is an economical and practical horse that ordinary players in all continents like very much.

Riding such a horse will not attract the attention of the players, which is the main reason why Ye Ci chooses it.

Sure enough, after such a disguise, Ye Ci was no longer followed by the players in the southern continent. In the eyes of all players, she was just an ordinary, even a bit rubbish, ordinary hunter in the southern continent, and she really didn't deserve anyone's attention.It was this kind of unremarkableness that allowed Ye Ci to reach the Karo Plain of that continent smoothly.

The Caro Plain is a vast grassland, but there are continuous mountains on the northwest corner of the plain, which are the branch mountains of the main mountain range of the southern continent, Mount Fraroll, and are also the production place of Mithril in the southern continent. .There are a lot of cannibals wandering on the Karo Plain. They are tall and tall, two to three taller than the average player. They are muscular, violent and bloodthirsty, but their IQ is very low, basically similar to low-level animals. .Most of them are above level [-], so it doesn't count as a deal. As long as you are careful, and with the help of the fourth child, Ye Ci can deal with four or five at a time without any problem.

According to his own experience in the Eastern Continent, Ye Ci didn't take much time to find the Dark Iron Dwarf in Camp Carlo, and successfully triggered the mission of the Mithril Vein.There are no players to level up in the Karo Plain yet, not because of level restrictions, but because most of the monsters here wander alone and refresh slowly. It's too inefficient, and if one person comes here to level up, the monster explosion rate here is not high, and it is very likely that you will not be able to earn back the medicine money, which is very uneconomical, so, except for players who have reached level 55 and above, they will do tasks here , other players will basically not choose to come here to level up.

It is such a good thing that Ye Ci went very smoothly in the pre-quest of the Karo Plain. It took about a day and a half to complete the pre-quest of the mithril vein in the southern continent. Watching the black iron dwarves start After exploring the mineral veins, she left the Karo Plain with peace of mind.

It is very simple to reach the northern continent, at least not as troublesome as going to the western continent.As long as you pay a certain amount of gold coins from the pier of Black Mud City, and then take a boat, you can smoothly reach the Dorami Wetland, which is also a neutral map in the northern plain.

It is precisely because the Eastern Continent and the Northern Continent are adjacent, and these two piers are on neutral maps, so there are still a lot of players from each other's continents on these two maps.Since going to the northern continent has to go through the pier of the Black Mud City, it is just right to go to the Black Mud City to hand in the task.

Arrived at the Black Mud City, although the players from the northern continent have restrained their arrogance after the strangling of the players from the eastern continent last time, there are still a lot of people here.And the soldiers of Black Mud City will never attack the players casually. After all, this is a neutral area. Unless someone fights in the city, they will be severely tracked and punished by them. The Black Mud City is simply peaceful and prosperous. As in any large city.

In order to keep a low profile, Ye Ci did not summon the fourth child, but rode into the city on horseback. Coupled with the role of the fraud brooch, the surrounding players did not even know that this ordinary person was actually the solo prince You of the Eastern Continent.He successfully arrived at the city hall of Black Mud City, and Ye Ci found the mayor Lada here.

For a long time, Lada gave Ye Ci the feeling of being alienated thousands of miles away. No matter how much her reputation in Heimi City has reached, this sense of alienation has always existed.Not only that, but I don't know why, I always have a very strange feeling about Radaye's words, that kind of feeling is like being calculated to be unpleasant, or in other words, it is a kind of conscious deception and concealment.

Although Lada has always been very polite and kind to Ye Ci, this feeling still pops up from time to time.

For this reason, Ye Ci actually tried Lada a few times, but they failed a few times, so Ye Ci stopped doing such meaningless things.

The arrival of Ye Ci was obviously very unexpected to Lada. He looked at Ye Ci standing in front of him intact, and was stunned for a while before he stood up quickly and saluted her: " My most respected friend, you are back, please accept my respect for you."

As he said this, Ye Ci heard the system remind him that her reputation in Heimi City had reached respect, a level higher than the original intimacy, and the NPC who was very kind to her has now become more respectful.This is the benefit of prestige. The higher a person's prestige in a certain city is, the more benefits he will get. For example, the respect of NPCs is a trivial matter. The important thing is that you can get discounts when you buy things, and you can also receive more tasks. .Moreover, the prestige of these cities is linked to the prestige of each continent. It seems that Ye Ci's current prestige in each city has prompted her to surpass intimacy and respect in the Eastern Continent.

If the player's prestige in the mainland can reach respect, he can go to the mainland's parliament to change a small official position. As the prestige increases, the official position that can be changed will naturally be higher, which is great for the player. lure.After all, being able to earn an official seat in the Continental Congress is of great benefit to both the guild and himself.

"Mayor La, this is a letter that Ortus asked me to forward to the Lord Moore." Ye Ci took out a letter from her arms that Ortus gave her when she delivered the task.

"It is an extremely honorable thing to get a reply from the goblin master Ortus. Dear son, I really did not expect that you could successfully complete this task. I want to express my respect and respect to you." Congratulations." Lada didn't accept Ye Ci's quest items as before, but held Ye Ci with a smile and said very politely.

Seeing that Lada did not receive the letter, Ye Ci knew in his heart that this matter must not be so simple.

Sure enough, Lada quickly said: "Dear son You, I think Lord Moore would prefer to receive this letter from you personally, so please come with me."

Ye Ci raised his eyebrows, actually he was going to see Moore?The mysterious city lord who can't see the end of the dragon, the supreme ruler of the neutral map?It's really interesting, when she wanted to see this person, she couldn't see him again and again, and when she didn't care, it was so easy to see him?Does this mean that planting flowers intentionally will not bloom, and planting willows and willows unintentionally will make shade?

Following Lada, Ye Ci passed through a promenade behind the city hall, passed through a very beautiful garden, and finally came to a towering castle in the center of the black mud city.There is a very tall tower in this castle, even from the Swamp of Sorrows, you can easily find the existence of this tower, let alone in the city, it has become a similar landmark building.

It turned out that Ye Ci once thought it was a magic tower, but later found out that it was Moore's castle.

This city wave is not bigger than the castle of Sarcagel, the lord of Red Lake City, but the soldiers stationed here are much more than those stationed in Sarcagel Castle.Ye Ci followed Lada and walked through the castle, throwing a detection technique at the soldiers who saluted them from time to time.I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.Hey, even the lowest level is 120 episodes, and the soldiers in the exquisite armor are elites who are [-] or [-] levels higher. It seems that if you want to rush into this castle with your own ability is impossible.

Soon, Ye Ci followed Lada to the main hall of the castle. Although this main hall is not too gorgeous, all the soldiers stationed inside are super elites above level 160. The armor on their bodies is cold. Shining, the sword in his hand emitted a terrifying light.

And in the middle of the main hall, on the high throne there, there was a person leaning crookedly.He was wearing a black robe, with runes flowing faintly on the robe, and he could tell at a glance that it was a piece of top-grade equipment. God level.His hair and beard are gray and white, and his face is also wrinkled. At first glance, he looks very old.His hands were thin and bony, and he was holding a staff made of black snake wood. On the staff, a transparent jewel the size of three fists was shining brightly.

Moore sat there, motionless, eyes closed, as if asleep.Ye Ci faintly felt that there was a very strange aura filling Moore's surroundings, but when she tried to perceive it carefully, she couldn't feel anything. She tried several times, but finally she gave up.That breath seemed to have disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

In the last life, Moore basically never appeared in the player's field of vision, and more of them appeared in books and some official materials. Therefore, before coming here, Ye Ci only thought that Moore should be a melee class , after all, in fate, the NPCs who are named city lords are basically melee occupations.But he didn't expect that Moore was actually a mage, or a mage who looked a little too old... This is really beyond people's expectations.

"My most respected Lord City Master, our good friend Gong Ziyou has returned, and she has brought you good news about the goblin clan." Standing in the hall, Lada saluted Moore on the throne, and then He said with a smile.

Moore slowly opened his eyes, as if with a sharp blade in his eyes, he shot straight at Ye Ci behind Rada.And Ye Ci was slightly startled by this sharp gaze. It seems that she was really wrong. She thought that Moore was a useless old man who needed the protection of so many guards, but now it seems that it is not at all. Like this.

Although his face is old, but under the background of those eyes, there is actually a kind of vigor that does not let young people, not only that, but under that kind of eyes, Ye Ci suddenly felt that there seemed to be a lot of pressure on his body, It was a deterrent from the strong.

This kind of pressure has never been found on any NPC, but facing Moore, she felt it.So, almost at the same time when Moore looked up at her, she began to re-examine her judgment just now.

"Oh, are you Young Master You?"

"Yes, Dear Lord Moore." For this kind of super boss-level NPC, they generally have a high IQ, can distinguish the player's evaluation of themselves from the action and tone, and will respond accordingly. So this kind of NPC is definitely not a creature of the same level as the NPC running all over the street, and they need to be more cautious and humble.

She saluted Moore respectfully. This is the highest courtesy that players can do to NPCs, expressing their highest respect. Ye Ci rarely uses this kind of courtesy, only when facing NPCs of Moore's level. It is only used at certain times, in order to let myself add a little favor to these npcs who are dying.

"I've always heard your name from Radha, but this is the first time I've seen you." Moore looked at Ye Ci and looked her up and down: "Since Dole left, I haven't seen you for many years." I have never seen such a spirited elf."

Ye Ci hurriedly said modestly: "All the elves are aiming at His Majesty Dole, hoping to become a hero like him."

"It should be like this." Moore nodded: "It's just that after Dole left, the elves have declined more and more, which is really sad." Speaking of this, Moore's face flashed a trace of sadness: " However, if I can see elves like you in my lifetime, I think the elves will definitely rise one day."

Moore didn't seem to be in a hurry to talk about the goblins, but started a conversation with Ye Ci, and Ye Ci carefully studied every sentence Moore said before carefully answering, so the whole atmosphere was still very good.After chatting for a while, Ye Ci finally found a chance to hand the letter that Ortus gave him to Moore.

Moore took the letter from Rada, just lowered his head and quietly looked at the badge imprint on the letter, then raised his hand and waved it, and said to Rada and other soldiers: "You all go down! , I have something to say to this elf alone."

Of course, all the soldiers and Radha could not defy Moore's intention, immediately lowered their heads, and left the hall respectfully.The sound of their walking was very soft, but the soldier's armor still left a fine crash on the marble floor, and such a sound was finally cut off from the hall by the sound of a heavy door closing.

At this time, Moore is the one who has the absolute initiative. As long as Moore doesn't speak, Ye Ci will never and dare not speak.After all, Moore is now the one who will launch the next epic task.Standing in front of Moore, he was very quiet, just unfolded the letter gently, and looked at it quietly.

During this time, Ye Ci had nothing to do and could only wait quietly for Moore.After a while, Moore put down the letter, looked at Ye Ci and said, "Ortus said, you did a big thing in Wassoko, what kind of big thing is it?"

Ye Ci is a bit strange. This incident was advertised on the World Channel at the time, and basically NPCs and players knew about it, but now Moore is asking, is he testing himself, or is there some other reason?Ye Ci couldn't figure it out clearly, but she still answered Moore honestly, briefly telling Moore what happened in Wasoko.

An extremely surprised expression appeared on Moore's face: "What? You said that Vasoko has been completely destroyed by Chell!"

Ye Ci was very surprised by Moore's performance. It seemed that Moore really didn't know about it. She said, "Many people seem to know about this. Why don't you know about it, Lord Moore?"

This question made Moore slightly startled, and then, a kind of sadness appeared on his face that he had never seen before. He looked at Ye Ci for a while before saying: "Elf, you have been approved by the Dolan Thieves Association, and you have also been approved by the Dolan Thieves Association." I won the respect of the goblins, and I found a cure for my illness, I wonder if you are interested in hearing my story?"

"It's an honor, I'm willing to listen." This is the trigger condition of the mission, Ye Ci immediately replied respectfully.

Moore fell silent, his expression looked painful and confused, as if he was recalling something he was very reluctant to recall.After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth: "When I was young, the Majia Continent was not divided into five parts like it is now."

five copies?Isn't Majia Continent four parts?Where did the fifth come from?
Ye Ci's ears immediately moved slightly, did she hear wrong?Or Moore was wrong, and suddenly, she realized.

Moore carefully observed Ye Ci's expression, and then smiled softly: "You must be thinking, isn't there only four parts in the current Majia Continent? Why are there five parts?"

In fact, Ye Ci had already thought of the answer, but she still answered respectfully: "Does Lord Moore mean that there is still a distant central continent?"

"Oh? It seems that you know a lot?" Ye Ci's answer surprised Moore a bit. He didn't expect that this elf seemed to be smarter than he imagined.

"I just read it from a book in the National Library." Of course, Ye Ci would not tell Moore that this was known to all players, and she could only answer him with a statement that could be easily accepted by an NPC.

As soon as I came out of the little black room, I sent a warm chapter.Today is the last day of February, and there are still 2 or 6 votes away from the previous book, and there are still pink tickets in hand, please support the fireworks, thank you~~
Next month, 9K will be delivered every day, and by the way, pre-order the pink tickets in everyone’s hands, okay~~
(End of this chapter)

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