hunter world

Chapter 254 Shipwreck

Chapter 254 Shipwreck
Chapter 54 Shipwreck
Moore was obviously very satisfied with Ye Ci's answer, he nodded and smiled: "People now advocate force, but fewer and fewer people like reading, but they don't know that books are the strongest in the world Great medium of power."

Ye Ci naturally agreed with Moore's words, and then Moore continued: "That was a very distant time. At that time, there were too many races living on the entire Majia continent, including humans, elves, dwarves, and dwarves. , Undead, Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Werewolves, Dragons..." When Moore talked about these races, it seemed like he was very familiar with them.

"Originally these races lived on the Majia Continent, although there were some small conflicts, but there were no major conflicts after all. At that time, the Majia Continent could also be described as peaceful and prosperous. At that time, I was just a young human magician apprentice. , I was just seventeen or eighteen years old, and now I think about it, ah, what a wonderful time it was." When Moore recalled these, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a smile on his face. It can be seen that this memory is a very important and happy one for Moore.

"Every magician is actually an ambitious person. They are all pursuing the most powerful power. In order to strengthen our own power, we have to improve our mental power and magic power. This will inevitably overdraw the body's ability to bear, so , Every magician is actually not particularly healthy, just like me." Moore smiled slightly when he said this, a little self-deprecating.However, Ye Ci definitely doesn't think so. Although the magician's health is thin and defense is low, it definitely doesn't mean that Moore is like this. This kind of super boss-level NPC, blood and defense are not within her reach now.

"While I was constantly learning and pursuing power...bad luck befell the entire Maga Continent. A curious young man unintentionally opened the seal of the Demon King Naga, and as a result, the entire continent Then fell into dire straits, and the great god called all races to fight against Naga. At that time, each race gave up the dispute at that time for the survival of their own race, and devoted themselves to the battle against Naga. And I also No exception, throw yourself into that battle." Moore's face gradually calmed down, his voice was calm and peaceful, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him, without any emotional fluctuations, but But Ye Ci felt the bloody and cruelty of that battle from such a peaceful voice.

"This battle has been stalemate for many years. I have also changed from a teenager to a middle-aged man, from an apprentice to a great magician. Both sides have suffered countless casualties, but there is still no winner. And I, too More and more eager for power, more and more eager for power. You must not know that there is a kind of forbidden magic among magicians, which can bring the most powerful abilities to magicians. However, correspondingly, magicians must lose Everything." Moore still had a faint smile on his face, but there was a bit of imperceptible bitterness in this smile.

Forbidden spell magic has only been recorded in the official annals, but although Ye Ci has experienced two lives in the game, he has never heard of this word.It's just that this magic light already knew from the name that it was not a good thing.Ye Ci nodded: "Indeed, I have never heard of forbidden curse magic. What exactly is it?"

"Actually, to put it bluntly, it is the ability for a magician to exchange what he owns with another dark world. This world is absolutely fair, and no one can gain powerful power for nothing, just like you hunters want to compare If others live longer, they should run faster than others, and everything is fair." Moore gently stroked the staff with one hand, and the smile on his lips was still so calm and peaceful: "And in order to get Powerful, I exchanged some things with the dark world, and then I became the only great magister in the entire Majia continent. Although, in that kind of tide-like war, this is nothing, but my existence However, the Naga itself suffered great damage. Later, I defeated the Naga together with the kings of elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls and other races. However, correspondingly, everyone paid a heavy price. These races In the end, I lost the king, and I finally survived because of the protection of the dark world, but since then, I..." Moore paused at this point, and did not continue.

Ye Ci was getting excited when he heard it, but Moore suddenly stopped, which made Ye Ci stunned, and then asked anxiously: "What's the matter? Lord Moore, have you suffered any injuries?"

The smile on Moore's face became extremely bitter: "No, I didn't get hurt, and I even got stronger power, but..." His hand holding the staff suddenly trembled, and the constant trembling finally made him His body also trembled, and he seemed to be trying to calm down his emotions. After a long time, he calmed down, looked at Ye Ci, and said in a very sad tone: "But I have lost the right to die .”

Ye Ci was taken aback for a moment, lost the power to die, does that mean he won't die?
Moore seemed to understand Ye Ci's thoughts, and he nodded slowly: "You have a good idea, I will not die. No matter what method I use, I will not die."

Many people seem to desire not to die, otherwise there would be no story about Qin Shihuang sending five hundred boys and girls to overseas Penglai fairy mountains to seek the medicine of immortality, and there would be no story of Chang'e stealing the medicine of immortality and flying to the Moon Palace leisurely of the legend.All in all, death is terrible for anyone, and they are unwilling to mention it.Maybe it's the same for NPCs.However, if it is really impossible to die, what kind of situation will it be?

Is it true happiness if you don't die?
Not so.

Immortality means that you have inexhaustible time. In your life, time has become the least important factor, because it has become unnecessary for you of an item.And what will you get if you don't die?There will no longer be any friends or relatives by your side, because they will all leave. When you are still alive, they will leave you again and again. No matter how many times you have experienced, the final result is Same.You don't know what your tomorrow will hold, but no matter what, you won't die.

Year after year, day after day, when all the fairy tales in this world wither and all life disappears, but you still will not die, even if the whole world perishes, you are the only one left , what this represents is not your success, on the contrary, what a desolate and sad thing this is.In the vastness of life, until the end, there is only one thing left of you, and that is to live, and only live.

In fact, this is something more terrifying than death.

After two lifetimes, Ye Ci took life and death very lightly, and she thought she understood Moore's sadness.It's like the desolation she sat on the top floor of the Glory Group in her last life. All she could see was loneliness. The laughter of others had nothing to do with her, and what she held in her hands was nothing but life. All gone.Ye Ci even thought, at that time, she actually wanted to die, otherwise she would not choose to let go, otherwise she would not choose to leave so resolutely.

However, compared to herself, maybe Moore is more sad. After all, she can choose to die, but what about Moore?I can't choose anything, and I can't do anything. I can only guard my life that will never end here, desperate and boundless.

This kind of pain, even if you don't feel it, Ye Ci just thinks about it and feels as if the whole body is in cold water.

Ye Ci couldn't find the words to comfort Moore for a while, she could only stand there quietly looking at Moore's old and sad face, and after a while, she slowly said: "City Lord Moore, I miss you I can understand your feelings."

Ye Ci's words made Moore's eyes reveal a trace of surprise: "Don't you think that not dying is a very happy thing?"

It seems that Moore often hears such remarks, which are probably like adding salt to Moore's wounds, and he still can't vent it, which is really painful and aggrieved.

Ye Ci shook his head: "How can it be a happy thing not to die? Not to die should be the saddest and most painful thing in the world. If a person loses even the right to die, it means that this person Will live forever in loneliness and loneliness, there will be no more hope in his life, maybe he will be happy in the 100th year, but what about the 1000th year, after 2000 years? At that time, what do I think about money , power, ability, will all become a thing of the past.”

Moore looked at Ye Ci quietly for a long time, he seemed to be examining whether the meaning in Ye Ci's words was true or false, and seemed to be thinking about the meaning in her words.After a while, he showed a relaxed smile: "Very well, elf, you are indeed the person who can help me the most."

The task came, and after going around for so long, I finally wanted to talk about some key points. Ye Ci immediately bowed down and saluted Moore, and said respectfully to Moore: "Master Moore, I will be your most sincere friend, as long as Wherever you can use me, I will definitely do my best."

Moore was very satisfied with Ye Ci's confession. He nodded: "Very good, elf, very good!" After speaking, Moore stood up. Although he was very thin, he was much taller than Ye Ci imagined. He slowly walked towards Ye Ci step by step. As he walked, the wand made a crackling sound of electricity. Ye Ci knew that it was the sound made by the collision of the great magister's powerful spiritual force.In the previous life, Ye Ci was a great magician, and her admirable high spiritual power and high magic power would bring such an effect to the gemstone of the staff. When she was walking, the upper gemstone of the staff would also It will bring such an electric current effect. Of course, compared with Moore, the effect of Ye Ci's previous life is really not good.

Moore walked up to Ye Ci, stretched out a skinny hand, and suddenly a white light rose from his palm. He handed the light to Ye Ci and said, "This is my magic. Elf, follow it and find a way to die for me."

Ye Ci froze for a moment, looked at the magic elf in his hand and didn't speak.

Moore saw Ye Ci's hesitation, he raised his hand, and gently patted Ye Ci's shoulder: "Young elf, go help me, I have lived too long, if you can find me The method of death, I will definitely bring you the richest reward."

Ye Ci thought for a while, bent down, and saluted Moore: "Master Moore, you are a person worthy of respect."

"I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, but if you can find a way to die for me, I will tell you all the answers." Moore said, turned around, and walked slowly towards the throne, walking slowly. There came his bitter voice: "A respectful man? No, young elf, you may not think so when you know the answer."

Ye Ci replied: "Master Moore, there is no absolute right or wrong thing in this world. Right or wrong, light or evil are all just from the perspective of history. However, no matter what history gives in the end What is your evaluation, you are indeed a respectable person."

"Even if one day we stand on opposite sides, I am your enemy, do you still say that?" Moore stopped in his tracks, but suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Ci, his eyes were piercing, shining with a chilling light.

"Yes, even if one day you become my enemy, I will say that." Ye Ci smiled: "Because you are worthy of respect, if one day we stand on the battlefield of confrontation, I will definitely not fight against you." Show mercy, I think, this is the greatest respect for you."

Moore suddenly burst out laughing, and there was joy in his voice that he had not seen for a long time: "Very good, very good, young elf, you are the most interesting elf I have ever seen besides Dole. Well, if One day we stand on opposite sides, I will definitely give you a chance to show your respect to me."

"Many thanks."

"If you can bring back what I need alive, young elf, I will tell you something about Dole. I think you will be interested." Moore stopped looking at Ye Ci and slowly moved towards The throne goes.

Message from Elf King Moore!

Ye Ci's heart moved, she really couldn't find any place to find it, and it didn't take much effort to get it. She had been looking for information about the Elf King for a long time, but many of them were mentioned in just a few words. Up to now, she has not found any information. Find the most direct news about Dole, the Elf King.And now Moore is actually willing to tell her that although it can only be obtained after the task is completed, there is always hope.

"You can leave now." Moore stood in front of the throne, without looking back, just waved to Ye Ci.Ye Ci immediately bowed very politely and retreated.She looked at the magic elf. Although it was just a quest item, it was something that could be equipped in the inventory.The biggest advantage of this thing is that it can increase magic attack by 35%. Although Ye Ci is a hunter, many skills belong to magic, so this thing can be used for her, but it is not as effective as a mage.

After putting the magic elf into the inventory, Ye Ci sorted out the other items on his body, and planned to go to the northern continent.

But before she left Moore's castle, Ye Ci was stopped by Rada.At this time, Lada seemed to be a little different from usual, and there was some deep meaning in his intimate smile that Ye Ci couldn't figure out. "Respected Young Master You, are you leaving?"

Ye Ci sized Lada up and down, wondering what was the point of him appearing in front of him at this time and asking about this, but he said that as long as it was an NPC, he would try not to offend him, Ye Ci still answered truthfully: "Yes. , Mr. Rada, I think I'm going to start remote again."

"Oh, this is really an enviable thing, you know how much I would like to walk around like you one day." Lada laughed, and there was a bit of flattery in his smile .

Ye Ci nodded. Dealing with this Lada always gave her a feeling of uneasiness. Her intuition told him that this guy was not an easy target to provoke, and it was best to avoid him if he could. "If Mr. Rada has nothing to do, I will leave temporarily. I am very much looking forward to the next time we meet."

"I have a little something I want to trouble you with. I wonder if you can help me with this during the hike?" Seeing that Ye Ci was about to leave, Lada didn't exchange pleasantries, and directly spoke about her own affairs .

"What's the matter? If it's where I can help, I think I will spare no effort to help you." Although Ye Ci was very afraid of the character Lada, he didn't turn his face away. What's more, Lada is the mayor of Heimu City, and I still need to cooperate with him in many places in the future, so Ye Ci is still very polite to Lada.

"That's great. I have a distant relative who runs a grocery store in the small town of Rafah in the Mojamil Plain. If you pass by there one day, you might as well give him this letter and this package." Da took out a sealed pocket and a letter and handed them to Ye Ci.

It turned out that it was just an errand task, and it was no big deal. Ye Ci let out a breath, feeling that he was a little overwhelmed, so he agreed to Lada, and took the bag and the letter.The letter was sealed with wax and could not be opened, but the pocket was crackling. Although Ye Ci couldn't open it to see what was inside, it sounded like something like a gem.Without thinking too much, she agreed.

The Mojamir Plain is in the northern continent. In fact, it is not far from the place where Ye Ci is going to explore the Mithril vein. Ye Ci even thought that if she can make it in time, it is not impossible for her to make a detour.

After saying goodbye to Lada, Ye Ci walked towards the pier outside the Black Mud City, but she didn't notice the weird smile on her lips that Lada was looking at her from a distance.

According to Ye Ci's plan, the reality is that she is going to the northern continent. As long as she boards the boat, it will not take long for her to reach the northern continent.Just as he was going to the pier, Ye Ci suddenly received the news of Jiyu.

"My lord, things are not very good."

What Jiyu said was naturally about the Mithril mine. When he said this, Ye Ci couldn't help but feel tighter. Could it be that someone has already unlocked the mission lock?This is impossible. The so-called only mission means that only she, the person who accepts the mission, can open the mission lock, and it is absolutely impossible for others.If not this matter, then what else?

"What's wrong? Someone opened the mission lock?"

"I think it's worse than that." He sighed in time, he wasn't joking, he really thought so.

"Huh?" This made Ye Ci wonder, what else could be worse than turning on the mission lock?
"The Jagged Guild sent a lot of thieves to do a carpet search around the Mithril veins. Our people were almost discovered a few times. Not only that, they also sent a lot of miners to mine." Ji Yu was a little depressed, this time The matter is really indescribably aggrieved, this is obviously something that goes up every day, the Jagged Guild makes it seem like it is already their territory every day, this is so unpleasant!

Mining?Ye Ci frowned, although she knew that if this mission could not be unlocked, the Mithril vein would never be opened, but in destiny it was the same as many things in the real world, just like this mineral, although now these Miners cannot dig out Mithril, but the mines they dig up will not be regenerated in a short time. If they dig too much, it will definitely affect the output of this Mithril vein. This is Ye Ci Definitely something you don't want to see.

"That's nothing. There are other things that bother me even more." Shiyu sighed, and it seemed that this was not the only thing that bothered me.

"What else?" Ye Ci scratched her hair, she felt like she had too many lice and was not afraid of itchiness, anyway, she had a lot of things to worry about now, so it didn't matter if there was one more.

"I don't know if the Jagged Guild leaked the news or what. Anyway, in the last few days, our intelligence team reported that all major guilds have sent miners to mine at the coordinates of the Mithril vein. Now that place has become a mining field in full swing." Jiyu really thought this was too annoying, why did it suddenly become out of control?

Damn, one iron blood is not enough, all the major guilds are here to join in the fun, everyone really wants to get a piece of the pie!Ye Ci frowned, and then she was relieved. There is nothing wrong with this, although some ore will be lost to some extent, but it is nothing if it is not a mithril vein.They can play things like intelligence warfare, so how could the major guilds not play it? Therefore, it is not surprising that the major guilds follow up as soon as there is any movement in the iron-blooded guild.

Destiny is now at this time, but when the heroes are divided, it is normal for everyone to want to get a share of the money-making business.She smiled: "Okay, then let the mining group of our guild follow along to dig."

"Huh?" Shi Yu was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand Ye Ci's intention, "What do you mean?"

"All the guilds are involved in this kind of thing. If we are the only ones who don't participate, wouldn't it seem that we are too special? Moreover, now that I haven't unlocked the task lock, these people will definitely not be able to mine Mithril, although they will lose some ore scale. , but it is still very cost-effective to use this scale in exchange for the perception of the value of the various guilds here. With our current scale, even if we open the Mithril Mine, we may not be able to hold it, not only in the future prosperity, even if We can't hold on to these guilds in the Eastern Continent now, so letting them completely dispel their thoughts about this place while we are recuperating is also a help for us in the future." Although Ye Ci was a little unwilling in his heart, but, To suffer a loss at such a time is to take advantage, and it is necessary to take a small step back in exchange for a greater victory.

Hearing what Ye Ci said, Ji Yu nodded: "Okay, let's do it like this, I'll order people to go down and do it."

"By the way, there is also Kazuki Blooming, let him quickly practice his skills, I need him to hit the senior goblin engineer in the shortest possible time."

Goblin engineers can make siege machinery, this is well known, but the blueprints for making siege machinery are not so easy to obtain, especially at this level, the blueprints for siege machinery are not produced at all , Therefore, the major guilds are now only incidentally mentioning the training of goblin engineers, and there is no major investment.

Jiyu knew Ye Ci very well, and since Ye Ci wanted to do this, it meant that she must be useful, so he agreed without asking why.

After hanging up the conversation with Jiyu, Ye Ci stood by the pier of Heimi City silently.It seems that the mithril veins in the eastern continent are being targeted by others. In order to compensate for the loss in the eastern continent, no matter how much the southern and northern mithril veins cost, she must get them.

While thinking wildly, Ye Ci saw a huge ship approaching the port from a distance.But at this moment, the players who were squatting on the pier just now in groups of three or four stood up. Among them were players from the Eastern Continent and players from the Northern Continent, and they all rushed towards the pier.

It seems that these people are all going to the northern continent.

When Ye Ci was wandering around the Black Mud City just now, he found a tailor shop specializing in cloaks, which sold all kinds of cloaks. As long as you wear a cloak, it will cover the player's gender, equipment and character attributes, yes It is a very good concealment equipment, and the cloak is an outer covering, which is only for decoration and does not occupy the equipment space on the player, so it is very convenient to carry.This tailor shop seems to have just started selling cloaks. At least before that, Ye Ci has never seen a player wearing a cloak walking in the city, but now, many players have already brought cloaks.

The cloak is a good thing, but on the hostile continent, it will not hide the red light on the player's body, so even if you wear a cloak, it will hide the equipment attributes and appearance, as long as you are on the hostile continent, you will still not be able to hide it. Your identity as the opposing faction.However, Ye Ci also has a deceitful brooch, and it is much more convenient to walk in the northern continent with these two things.

Ye Ci put on the hat on the cloak to cover his face, and followed the players towards the boat.There were a few people beside the boat collecting money, and after paying two hundred gold coins, Ye Ci stepped onto the huge wooden boat.

There are not many ships that can travel between the black mud pier and Dorami pier. Their owners and sailors are all neutral NPCs with various races, but they will not attack any player, just like working for food. , These sailors and ship owners make a living by soliciting passengers to earn intermediate tickets.

There are about three or four boats traveling between Heini Wharf and Dorami Wharf every day. Although there are not many, the large number of players also makes them a lot of money.

Ye Ci sat on the first deck of the ship's side, leaning against a wooden barrel in the corner, and pulled the cloak tightly, covering himself completely in the cloak.There are also several players wearing cloaks, so Ye Ci wearing a cloak doesn't make people feel wink, just like an ordinary player.

The boat is still moving very fast, and it only takes about an hour to pass through the strait between the two continents and reach the opposite continent.However, this sea area is not calm, and it often encounters wind and waves.After the ship sailed steadily on the sea for about 10 to [-] minutes, Ye Ci heard a sailor shouting again that there was a big wave ahead. She didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, encountering some storms at sea is a common thing in fate.After all, this is a high-simulation game, and everything that can be found in real life will happen in the game.

Ye Ci still fell asleep drowsily, it's a pity not to sleep for this hour.

Just when Ye Ci was sleeping comfortably, suddenly the boat shook violently, she was unsteady, and rolled to the other side of the boat with a gurgling sound!Ye Ci was startled and subconsciously reached out and grabbed a thick hemp rope. She quickly looked around, and saw that all the players were thrown onto the deck, and the boats were constantly moving in the huge wind and waves. trembling.It seems that the storm is a bit big today.

Ye Ci suddenly remembered something. In the previous life, it seemed that a ship encountered a storm while sailing on the sea, and then the ship was destroyed and the player fell into the sea.However, that chance is really too small. In the ten years of the last life, there were only three or four incidents. Could it be that she met today?

Just as she was thinking about it, another huge wave came, and the salty seawater instantly wet the player's clothes, and many players had even been photographed into the sea.

"Isn't it really going to fall into the water..." Ye Ci shuddered and muttered to himself, but at this time there was another huge wave, and his head and face were covered with sea water.

Ye Ci tightly grasped the hemp rope, she looked back, if the players who fell into the sea did not encounter any rocks or boards, they would be relatively safe, but if unfortunately they hit something sharp, they would die. It's ugly.

But now the storm is getting bigger and bigger. Although the captain and sailors are desperately trying to find a way, it seems a bit mysterious.Ye Ci calmed down for a while. At this moment, she must not lose her position first. She must analyze the current situation with a calm and rational heart, so as to ensure that she will not hang in the sea to the greatest extent.

Ye Ci looked up at the already dark sky. Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to count on the storm to stop before the hull falls apart.Although she didn't want to admit it, Ye Ci still sighed. Her crow's mouth actually hit the mark. She didn't expect that the incident of capsizing and drowning with such a low probability in her previous life would make her foresee it when she first went to sea. How black is she, how unwelcome is she by the system?

Although his heart was full of grief and indignation, Ye Ci still didn't intend to just fall down and die inexplicably.

First of all, you must ensure your own safety. Ye Ci grabbed the hemp rope with both hands, wrapped it around her waist in circles, and fixed herself and the hemp rope together. It is safe to not cut the hemp rope actively before the hull falls apart.

Secondly, she had to find a way to find the best place to fall into the water before the hull fell apart. There were no rocks or scattered boards nearby, and there were no "weapons" such as wood. Then she cut the hemp rope and fell into the water. Leave the center of this storm as quickly as possible.

For the time being, it is these two things, but it is not easy to do these two things.

The hemp rope was too thick, and it was always uncomfortable to wrap around her body. In the end, Ye Ci could only hold on to the hemp rope tightly. In the violent swaying of the hull in the storm, she was like a fallen leaf withered by the wind. , was blown to the east and west, but could not find a place to stop.The current wind and rain are heavy, and Ye Ci was almost blown into the water several times, but seeing the various "deadly weapons" floating below, Ye Ci still did not dare to let go.

Shaking in the wind and rain for about three to five minutes, Ye Ci felt that this was probably the most embarrassing time since he entered the game.She suddenly heard a creaking sound coming from the storm, she turned her head and saw that she couldn't see it, and her heart sank suddenly.I saw that there were quite large cracks on the hull of the big boat, and the sailors who put it on started to jump off the boat one after another.

It seems that she can't go on like this anymore, Ye Ci made up her mind, as long as the next time she approaches the water surface, she can just jump down no matter what is below.

However, it seemed that God didn't give her this chance. While Ye Ci was waiting, the hull of the boat suddenly cracked, and she fell into the water without mercy.Until the moment he fell into the water, Ye Ci really wanted to curse, damn, what is this called!

The icy sea water rushed towards her immediately, Ye Ci struggled to leave quickly, because after the ship's hull fell into the water after the collapse, it would cause a huge vortex, and this vortex would suck people in, but before she left , she only felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, and her whole body was plunged into darkness...

(End of this chapter)

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