hunter world

Chapter 396 Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time

Chapter 396 Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time

Chapter 94 Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time

Tan Polang didn't tell Zuo Xiaolan that Yi Qingchen is fleeting years, which includes the high pressure of Ye Ci and the meaning of fleeting years.So Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian would chat about this young man when they had nothing to do during the Chinese New Year.

Zuo Xiaolan said: "Xiao Yi is a very diligent boy, and he does things safely. He is a good boy."

Ye Nantian said: "Well, yes, he is a man of good character."

Zuo Xiaolan didn't understand what Ye Nantian said: "You only saw him for a while, how do you know that he has a good character?"

Ye Nantian watched the singing and dancing programs on TV, gnawed on the chicken feet, and answered Zuo Xiaolan absent-mindedly: "Because his brand is good."

Ye Ci, who was listening to the two of them chatting, rolled his eyes, stood up, put on his coat and walked out the door: "You know his brand is good? It's just that you win a lot and he loses a lot. You Don't you know that he asked you on purpose? Just pay back the brand..." She mumbled a few times before going out to pick up Bai Mo at the station.

Ye Nantian looked at Ye Ci's figure going out, his lips curled up, and he didn't say a word.It wasn't until Ye Ci left the door that Zuo Xiaolan asked Ye Nantian what was going on.Ye Nantian didn't hide anything from Zuo Xiaolan, and told her exactly what happened that day.After listening to it, Zuo Xiaolan also shared with Ye Ci: "I don't think Xiao Ci is wrong. Since he lost to you on purpose, how can you say that his brand is good? Is it because he made you win a lot? money?"

Ye Nantian shook his head, and smiled, "You women always look at the surface of things. Of course he let me win on purpose, so naturally he doesn't care about the amount of money. It's just that people have a habit of not liking to lose. , even if it is intentional, in fact, the mood will be subconsciously unhappy. Even if everything is disguised well, there will still be a little unwillingness between the eyebrows. But, he is not. Even if he keeps losing, he is not arrogant or rash. You can see It can be concluded that this person is usually an extremely stable person, and his mind is very mature, so he dare not say anything else. A person with a good brand will naturally have no bad character."

Zuo Xiaolan shrugged her shoulders, she was noncommittal to Ye Nantian's statement, holding a bunch of grapes, she slowly stuffed them into her mouth while watching TV, as if she didn't intend to continue this topic.It wasn't until Ye Nantian almost thought that she didn't care about this topic that she slowly said, "What do you mean by praising him so much?"

Ye Nantian raised his eyebrows, glanced at Zuo Xiaolan, and smiled: "Don't you know?"

"I'm not the roundworm in your stomach." Zuo Xiaolan rolled her eyes. "How do I know if I'm right if you don't tell me?"

"I just think this child is good. If she can get along with Ye Ci, it would be a good choice." Ye Nantian frowned and sighed: "Although, I don't want Ye Ci to get married too early, but she is already 21 years old. gone."

"Didn't you say that 21 years old is very young? What's the rush?" Zuo Xiaolan looked at Ye Nantian strangely. Usually, when they discussed fleeting years, Ye Nantian always refused to continue the conversation on the pretext that Ye Ci was too young. What happened today? sex.

"21 years old is very young, but many good men are kept in captivity at this age. Falling in love is a lesson that girls must take when they are young." Ye Nantian smiled seriously at Zuo Xiaolan explain.

Zuo Xiaolan rarely saw Ye Nantian speak so seriously about Ye Ci's question, it was a little funny: "Why do you think so?"

"Love is a very important lesson in everyone's life, and our parents can't teach her this lesson. Only she can learn this lesson by herself. Perhaps, what she gained from this lesson is not only sweetness There is nothing wrong with pain and scars, we just need to encourage her to comfort her. Only by establishing a correct view of love at the right time can we correctly face our view of marriage. Children cannot live with us for a lifetime. She will one day Will become someone else's wife, someone's mother, she has to learn to face the outlook on life with a stranger with a correct attitude. I am not in a hurry to marry her, I just think that it is time for her to arrive." Ye Nan Tian squinted his eyes and remembered the situation when he met Zuo Xiaolan when he was young. He always felt that he was lucky. He found a reliable woman when he fell in love for the first time. The view of marriage will be a shade of gray.

"Since we have no way to teach her this lesson, why are you still targeting Xiao Yi as the candidate?" Zuo Xiaolan could understand her husband's meaning, but her mouth was still a little unforgiving: "Aren't you talking to me?" You're contradicting yourself."

Ye Nantian laughed loudly, he stretched out his hand, and patted Zuo Xiaolan's forehead lightly: "That's what I said, but, after all, it's my child, although I know it's not good to intervene, but I She always doesn't want her love partner to choose an unreliable man, wouldn't it be nice if she could choose a reliable man." He said with a slight smile: "After all, not every woman is lucky, The first time you fall in love, you meet someone you can entrust to your life."

"Your statement is too radical. Could it be that there are many scumbags in this world?" Although Zuo Xiaolan knew that Ye Nantian was right, she still retorted rationally.

"I didn't say that there are many scumbags, but there is something wrong with the time when they met. That time is the time when girls are in full bloom, but boys are not mature. The result of such an encounter will definitely not have a very good ending. "Ye Nantian shook his head, continued to watch TV and laughed: "21-year-old Ye Ci is her best age. At this time, she has the best years. Bravery, persistence, stubbornness, and enthusiasm are the most beautiful things in love. needs emotion, so she should be in love. And Yi Qingchen is 26 years old, which is also an excellent age for a man. Although the average man has not started his career at this time, he has the best and most Enthusiasm, the most serious characteristic, being able to spend this period of time with a man is actually a very happy thing for a woman, because in the future, he will work hard on his career, and love will not be the most important thing in his life One thing. So, wouldn’t it be nice to have them have a relationship during this time, and it’s going to be beautiful no matter what the outcome is?”

"You really don't think like a man." Zuo Xiaolan listened very seriously. She had never found out that Ye Nantian still had such thoughts, and she was slightly amazed.

"However, these are all my thoughts. What happens is Ye Ci's choice. Let's just not interfere." Having said that, Ye Nantian paused for a moment, then frowned and said to Zuo Xiaolan: "Just talking about that fleeting time, I think it's not as reliable as Yi Qingchen, a person in the game, why did you fall in love with it at a glance?"

Zuo Xiaolan couldn't tell what was going on, she scratched her hair: "I don't understand it, so I think it's appropriate, but I saw Yi Qingchen that day and thought it was good, I'm a little dazzled." Ye Nantian: "Husband, tell me, is it because our daughter has been ignored for too long, so God gave her two good choices at once to compensate her?"

Ye Nantian laughed loudly, put his arms around Zuo Xiaolan's shoulders and said, "Honey, you think too much, these are things that Ye Ci needs to think about, not you."

Ye Ci was wearing a pair of close-fitting boots and trousers, a small windbreaker that was not too long, and a pair of eight-centimeter-high stiletto high-heeled shoes. She stomped downstairs. She took out the car keys from her bag and threw them in the air. A beautiful arc caught it again, then walked to the front of the car, opened the door, inserted the key into the lock, and was just about to start the car, when Tan Polang ran over from a distance, He opened the car door and got in.She raised her eyebrows: "Didn't you go out to play with your classmates today? Why did you appear here?"

"Damn, he was pressured by his parents to pay New Year's greetings, so I'll be back." Tan Polang held a yellow paper bag in his arms, with some meat buns in it, took out one and handed it to Ye Ci: "I'm going to the old man specially. The ones bought at Huang’s shop are just out of the pot, and they’re still warming up.”

"I'll drive." Although Ye Ci wanted to take it, he still refused.

"I'll feed you." Tan Polang put the Roujiamo to Ye Ci's mouth while talking. Recently, because of the Yi Qingchen incident, Tan Polang was quite flattering towards Ye Ci.Ye Ci was actually not angry anymore, but since someone flattered her so much, she accepted it openly.

She opened her mouth, took a big bite, started the car, backed out of the garage, and drove towards the outside of the community.

Bai Mo is now outside the station, with large and small bags at his feet, while he is sitting on a large suitcase.If it weren't for the extremely handsome attire, it would almost make people feel like a refugee fleeing from a disaster.Ye Ci parked the car in front of Bai Mo, got out of the car, lay on the roof of the car, and smiled at Bai Mo: "Yo Yo Yo, look, where is this young man fleeing from danger?"

Seeing Ye Ci, Bai Mo also grinned. He pretended to beg for food and said, "Elder Sister, I haven't eaten for many days. Let me give you a stutter."

"I'm not running a charity organization, so I'll give it to you if you want it, no, you have to tell me what you can do?" Ye Ci curled his lips, with a sarcastic look, which attracted Tan Polang who was sitting in the car He also laughed haha.

"I know how to work, I have plenty of strength." Bai Mo pretended to be more and more pitiful.

Ye Ci raised his eyebrows: "Move things into the car, I'll introduce you to a good job."

Bai Mo quickly stood up and carried his things into the car.Seeing that he was about to finish moving his things, an old man in his 70s or [-]s grabbed Bai Mo and said, "Young man, it's your first time to go out. Seeing that you look like this, you must have never traveled far. Let me tell you, you can You must not go with her!" He looked at Ye Ci vigilantly while talking, and said in a low voice: "Look at that girl who looks like a fairy, she will never introduce you to live a good life, maybe she wants to Take you to engage in pyramid schemes! Or, or cut your kidney! You must not get in the car..."

Bai Mo was taken aback by the old man's words, and he couldn't help laughing anymore. He patted the old man's hand and said in a low voice, "Old man, I know, I'm just plainclothes, and I'm here to destroy their criminal gang."

"Oh..." Upon hearing this, the old man looked at Ye Ci again, and then patted Bai Mo's hand again: "Young man, be careful."

Bai Mo nodded and bid farewell to the old man, and got into the car, Ye Ci asked: "What did the old man whisper to you?"

Bai Mo smiled and told Ye Ci and Tan Polang what they had just said, and they laughed so hard that they both leaned back and scolded Bai Mo for being too bad.

As soon as the car left the station, Tan Polang received a call from their classmate asking him to go out to play, so he had no choice but to give Bai Mo the roujiamo, and got off the bus to find his classmate by himself.After bidding farewell to Tan Polang, Bai Mo sat in the co-pilot's seat. He took out a meat sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth, and ate it with big mouthfuls: "I'm starving to death, the food in the car is too bad, a little No appetite."

"How is the blind date going?" Ye Ci glanced at Bai Mo while driving, and asked with a smile.

Bai Mo's face immediately became ugly, and he took another bite of Roujiamo, and sighed: "What do you think is wrong with women nowadays? If the introducer explained my family's situation, he would be smiling like a flower, then Call someone gentle and like water, and say that you are in love with me. If you meet an introducer who didn’t inform me of my family’s situation, you will raise your eyes high, and tell me directly that if the monthly income is less than [-], you can’t talk about it. Damn, I’m still She hasn't graduated yet, and her monthly income is [-], why doesn't she grab it?"

Ye Ci laughed haha: "It seems that your blind date is not going well?"

"I'm completely fulfilling my mother's task."

"Aunt and uncle are so anxious to get you married?"

"It's not that they are in a hurry, it's their friends who are in a hurry. When they meet, they tell me to introduce someone to me. If they evade too much, they can't save face, so they call me back to save the suffering. Who knows, they just use this kind of snobbery to see money. Lord, thank goodness all the introducers said they were like a flower."

"How many have you met?" Ye Ci heard Bai Mo's tone, not consoling at all, but added insult to injury: "I said my cousin, there are fewer women and more men these days. Don't set your sights too high. Be careful that you will end up with me in the end." The scum is gone."

Bai Mo sneered: "Then I'd rather find a man to deal with than settle for this kind of woman."

His words made Ye Ci laugh, and she continued to tease: "I'm looking forward to your other half. Actually, I think Zhenshui Wuxiang is pretty good, isn't your relationship good? How about timely rain? It's also pretty good, by the way, so is the world Very good, that little appearance is really handsome..."

Before Ye Ci finished speaking, Bai Mo stuffed a meat sandwich into her mouth, and laughed and scolded, "Damn girl, you really want me to have sex!"

Ye Ci just laughed.

Bai Mo suddenly raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ye Ci before slowly saying, "Is someone coming to the family for Chinese New Year this year?"

Ye Ci glanced at Bai Mo, quite strangely: "Have you tapped the bug at home? You know that?"

"Polang told me."

"Oh." Ye Ci nodded, and it made sense: "There is one here."

"fleeting time?"


No one spoke again, and the car was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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