hunter world

Chapter 397 Seeing the Stinger Bee Again

Chapter 397 Seeing the Stinger Bee Again
Chapter 95 Seeing the Stinger Bee Again
The scene seems familiar.Ye Ci quietly held the steering wheel and drove the car calmly, but there were many original things in his mind.It seems that in the last life, she and Bai Mo also had such a conversation in the car, but that time they had a quarrel that turned the world upside down.In the end, Bai Mo angrily opened the car door and left, but he stubbornly returned to Yoyo Feiyun's side.

Time quickly verified Bai Mo's words. She drove a car to play the role of Fast and Furious, but Bai Mo tried her best to stop her, and finally...

Ye Ci exhaled lightly, it's okay, it's okay to do it again.Therefore, in this life, she thinks that she will listen to Bai Mo's opinion, no matter what his opinion is, she will seriously consider it, and will not be stubborn, quarreling, or aggressive.

"What do you think?" Bai Mo took out a rougamo and stuffed it into his mouth, biting it with big mouthfuls, it could be seen that he was really hungry.

"What do you think?" This is Ye Ci's sincere words. She is actually whirling in her head now, and she doesn't quite know what Bai Mo is asking.

Bai Mo glanced at Ye Ci, looked at the side of her driving seriously, and said slowly, "Why did he come here?"

This question...Ye Ci also thought about it seriously, but, to be honest, she didn't know. She wanted to ask Yi Qingchen, but...she forgot.Really, damn it, how could her memory be bad sometimes, and she actually forgot this most important question.Therefore, when Bai Mo asked this question, she had no choice but to speak uncertainly: "He and Polang have known each other for a long time, and it is not difficult to know where we live, did he come here, why did he come here ,I have no idea."

Bai Mo raised his eyebrows, looked at Ye Ci quietly, with a faint smile on his mouth, he suddenly reached out and touched the top of Ye Ci's head, and then said, "What do you think of Liu Nian?"

After Tan Polang, another person asked himself this question.If, because Tan Polang is young, he can still be perfunctory, then if Bai Mo asks himself this question, Ye Ci will never, and it is impossible to tell half a lie.She quietly followed a car, walking slowly, now is the rush hour of driving every day, and inevitably, she was stuck in a traffic jam.However, it was precisely because of the good opportunity of the traffic jam that he had time to think seriously.

"I think, I think this person is quite like a child." After thinking about it for a while, Ye Ci seriously commented: "He is stubborn, possessive, self-willed, and action-oriented. When he finds something he likes, he must get it. Like It's a child, and he doesn't seem to admit that calmness and reason are on him, so I'm a little suspicious, how did he grow up to be so big?" She turned her head to look at Bai Mo, with a look of incredulity on her face: "You said That's right, this kind of person should have a low EQ, at least lower than mine. Is it because of good luck that this kind of person can grow up so safely without any trouble?"

Bai Mo blinked his eyes, and then blinked again, with a little uncertainty: "I said, is the fleeting time you're talking about the same person?"

"Huh?" Ye Ci looked at Bai Mo with a strange expression: "Why is the same person different from the same person?"

Bai Mo continued to raise his eyebrows: "What I mean is, the fleeting time you described in your mouth is definitely not the same person as the fleeting time I know."

"The fleeting time you know?" Ye Ci felt like a parrot learning to speak. "What kind of person did your fleeting years look like?"

"At least the fleeting time I know is definitely not a child. He is calm, self-restraining, decisive, rational, ruthless, and treacherous. He is tactful. He is not soft on those he is familiar with. In short, he is definitely a monster. How did he get here? Have you turned into a brat in your mouth?" Bai Mo rolled his eyes and smiled clearly.

"Shouldn't be mistaken, Tan Polang knows him personally." Ye Ci couldn't understand for a while, whether he made a mistake, in fact, Yi Qingchen is not Fleeting Years, this, this is too inexplicable .Her expression became a little weird and worried.

Bai Mo suddenly burst out laughing. He laughed so hard, as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world or watched the funniest movie in the world. He even bent down and hugged his belly, and wiped it Moisture in the corners of the eyes.

Ye Ci looked at Bai Mo even more inexplicably, what did she just say?She thought about it seriously, she should have said nothing, at least she didn't say any terrible jokes, how could she laugh like this?
Looking at Ye Ci's somewhat bewildered face, Bai Mo held back his smile, took a few deep breaths, and then suppressed the strong smile. However, there was still a bright smile on his face. Sitting, leaning on the back of the chair, he said to Ye Ci: "When a man doesn't love a woman, he can often make her fascinated, thinking that he is very MAN, very romantic, very domineering, very cool Can control the overall situation. Women like and even adore such a man, because they feel like a little bird. But in fact, when a man is really in love, he will become a boy. When you think that man is particularly dazzling, sorry, He's not in love with you yet."

This time it was Ye Ci's turn to blink, she blinked once, then blinked again, looking at Bai Mo even more blankly: "You mean..."

"I didn't say anything." Bai Mo turned around and stared straight ahead, "Little Ci, you have your own feelings, so don't ask me."

Ye Ci frowned, muttered a few words that no one could understand, and then said: "Do you think Liu Nian is a bad person?"

Bai Mo tilted his head and thought for a while: "How should I put it? I think he is an ordinary person in terms of personality, neither the perfect saint type, nor the bad guy type with sores on his head and pus on his feet. , Just like you and me, there is a good side and a bad side, ordinary people."

Ye Ci squirmed his lips, but he didn't ask the question he wanted to know the most.The car in front moved, and she moved with it.Quietly looking at the rear of the car in front, she sighed calmly. In fact, the question Ye Ci wanted to ask Bai Mo the most was, is this man worthy of his affection?However, she couldn't ask.What Bai Mo said was right, she had feelings for herself, so she didn't need to ask him.But, but, in the last life, when facing Yoyo Feiyun, Bai Mo had already actively opposed it without asking, how could this happen in this life?
She now feels a little bit like being bitten by a snake for ten years and being afraid of well ropes, always afraid that this fleeting year will become another flying cloud.

Bai Mo could probably feel Ye Ci's meaning, he looked at Ye Ci's calm side face, and after a while he said: "Although Fleeting Nian is a monster, but, I think, he is the kind of dedicated and responsible person. People like to play sometimes, but they are mature, so they are a good partner."

Ye Ci didn't look at Bai Mo, but just sat there quietly, as if a movie was playing in his mind, scenes about fleeting years flashed one after another.After a long time, she exhaled softly: "Well."

At that time, Bai Mo was leaning on the back of the chair, as if he had fallen asleep, but in fact he was very awake in his heart, he sighed.Girls are not allowed to stay, no matter what kind of little kid with a slug trailing behind her back then, no matter what she did back then, the dead girl who needs to be protected by herself will have her own life one day, and will There is another man in his place.I don't know why, but he has a sad feeling, as if his raised daughter has been snatched away, he sniffed, dying, don't think I will let you go...

After the Spring Festival, players have a lot of props that they got during the Chinese New Year activities. These props are high-quality props that increase attributes. If it weren't for the Chinese New Year event, it would not be so easy for the players to make them themselves.It is because of these props that throughout the game, players from various guilds have carried out a vigorous activity of promoting dungeons.With the help of these props, the progress was very fast. In a short time, good news spread frequently in the mainland, and many guilds had overthrown the bosses that could not be overthrown.

Tiantianshang has been busy going in and out of the dungeon group every day recently. After a period of development, the number of Tiantianshang has now increased by a stage, and it has begun to develop towards the scale of an intermediate guild.Although there is still a long way to go compared with a super guild like the Prosperous Age, because of the great attention paid to the selection process, the people who make progress every day are basically elite soldiers and strong generals. Going to three or four is not a problem.The problem that bothers them the most now is the lack of equipment. Therefore, all the battle groups that make progress every day are confused in dungeons and arenas every day, just to get more good equipment and greatly improve their abilities.

And Ye Ci has been in the Rocky Mountains for a while. After the year passed, she was lucky. She managed to reach the temple without going around a few times. It's all figured out, and now no matter where she is randomly teleported to, she can find the temple smoothly.

The bow in the temple is still hanging in the hand of the Goddess of Nature, and the Goddess of Nature is still shrouded outside the aperture. Ye Ci has thought of many ways recently, but still can't open the aperture.In the end, I had to go back to the original point and find Natasha at the three-way intersection, but Natasha said she didn't know about it.Fortunately, Natasha gave her a hint, saying that she could ask the people who participated in the war that year, because before the elf king set off, he took all the elf warriors to perform a sacrificial ceremony in front of the temple If you can find them and ask them, you should be able to get a lot of inside information.

Ye Ci thought about it, and there is only one NPC who has a relationship with her and also had a relationship with that war, and that is the stinging bee that has turned into a ghost. Apart from that, there seems to be no one else.
So, back to the Swamp of Despair again.

This place is still a restricted area for players, and Ye Ci managed to get in because of his relatively strong stealth ability.There are high-level monsters everywhere, the undead and floating corpses that died on the battlefield are quietly waiting for this swamp, the wind whimpers and blows, bringing a deep coldness to the skin, and Ye Ci can't help but shudder. There was a chill.She slowly and quietly walked around a few ghosts, while paying attention to whether they found her, while constantly adjusting the direction towards the stinging bee grave, trying to reach the destination in the shortest distance.

This process seems very simple, but it is still very difficult to do it. At least when Ye Cizhou arrived at Stinger's grave, her entire back was already dripping with cold sweat.Still maintaining a sneaking posture, she stared closely at an undead slowly drifting past from a fifteen-degree angle in front of her left. When she approached her, the undead turned its head towards her. Looking in the direction, Ye Ci immediately held his breath, so frightened that he didn't even dare to take a breath.Although his current level is already very high among the players, it is nothing to face these monsters. If he is discovered by the undead, he can instantly kill himself with a flying claw.

The empty gaze of the undead coldly swept over the place where Ye Ci was, and there was nothing unusual, so he drifted further away.Only then did Ye Ci slowly and softly exhale a long breath, and reached out to caress the tombstone of the stinging bee.

Then, a puff of blue smoke rose from the top of the tomb, and the blue smoke gradually formed a human figure in midair, which was the stinging bee.

The transparent figure of the stinging bee stretched greatly in mid-air, then took a deep breath, and said relaxedly: "I feel a friend calling me, let me see who is here. He looked down at Ye Ci, and then smiled: "So it's you, my clansman, long time no see."

"Yes, long time no see, Stinging Bee." Ye Ci saluted Stinging Bee, showing his great respect.

"Is Tamra okay?" Stingbee looked at Ye Ci and smiled, seeing that he was in a good mood.It might be a bit inappropriate to say a tragic hero, but judging from his current expression, he is indeed in a good mood.

Ye Ci hesitated for a moment, considering whether to tell the stinging bee the real situation, but the stinging bee seemed to see something: "My clansman, what do you have to say? Why are you hesitating?"

"Stinging Bee, your friend Tamra has returned to his hometown." Ye Ci thought for a while, and told Stinging Bee the truth in a gentler way.

The stinging bee was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what Ye Ci said, a sad look flashed across his face, and then he quickly recovered: "This is very good, we are all eager to return Going to my hometown, no matter in what way, it’s really good to be able to do it.”

(End of this chapter)

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