hunter world

Chapter 413 Sneak Attack

Chapter 413 Sneak Attack
Chapter 11 Sneak Attack
Although the three thousand elites lent by Genesis to Ye Ci are not many in number, they have been evenly divided among the various legions. They are elites who have undergone formal training and have been tempered. , and have very accurate insights on operation and consciousness. They are scattered in various legions, and the players who make progress every day have also learned a lot of their advantages. After a period of time, the strength of every day is also greatly improved .

For example, in the current battle, Qingfeng, as the commander, clearly felt that Tiantian Xiangxiang was much more difficult to deal with than the last battle.In the last battle, although their main force was still so many, compared to the previous fight, their fighting consciousness was much stronger.The last time was because it was mainly due to the battle against the trumpet, and it was not a big deal if the combat awareness was not strong. After studying the video screen after the incident, Qingfeng obviously found that Tian Tianxiang had a big problem in the continuous battle due to the lack of combat awareness. Therefore, For this weakness, he has made a lot of targeted tactics.

It's just that after today's battle, he realized that his tactics are not very effective for Tian Tian Shang now.I don't know what method Tian Tian Shang used. In a very short period of time, the fighting awareness of the main battle team of the entire guild has been greatly improved. Although there is no way to compare with Shengshi's fighting awareness for the time being, their high-level There are many people, which equalizes the advantages of the prosperous age, and the battle between the two sides has entered an anxious battle state.

Qingfeng had no choice but to adopt other tactics.

Today's command against Qingfeng is none other than Zhenshui Wuxiang. This is the first time that Zhenshui Wuxiang has commanded such a large-scale battle. It was the first time for him to fight such a large scale today.It was unavoidable that he was very nervous, Bai Mo also understood his nervousness, and gave him a relatively wide margin of error, but Zhenshui Wuxiang didn't make a single mistake, and his nerves were tense all the time.

Ye Ci listened to Zhenshui Wuxiang's passionate command in the command channel, and the corners of his mouth curled up. Although there is still some distance from the peak era of Zhenshui Wuxiang, which great master has not stepped up step by step from the rookie era .She just came to participate in the battle, and she doesn't know much about Zhenshui Wuxiang's layout. After all, in this case, if she fights recklessly regardless of the overall situation, it might disrupt Zhenshui Wuxiang's battle command layout and rhythm. It's not worth the candle.

This is not a guild battle with a fixed number of people, this is a wild guild battle.Players who die will drop levels and equipment.

When it comes to financial resources, going up every day is not as good as the prosperous age, and when it comes to the reserve of talents, going up every day is not as good as the prosperous age.

Therefore, in today's battle, Tiantianshang can only win but not lose, because Tiantianshang simply cannot afford to lose.It is precisely because Tian Tian Shang can't afford to lose that Ye Ci can't engage in personal heroism. She needs to obey the overall arrangement. No one knows better than Ye Ci what a team means in destiny.

Zhenshui Wuxiang's conductor was still so passionate, and still so talkative, Ye Ci couldn't help laughing.Taking advantage of Zhenshui Wuxiang's command gap, she sent him a secret message: "Zhenshui, I'm here, where should I go now?"

Still quite surprised that Ye Ci arrived at Zhenshui Wuxiang: "What? Why did you come here!"

"Why can't I come over?" Ye Ci couldn't help sighing, could it be that he hasn't participated in guild activities for too long?Why did everyone see her come to participate in the guild battle with a terrifying expression as if she had eaten the earth.

"No, that's not what I meant." Of course Zhenshui Wuxiang knew what Ye Ci was referring to, he shook his head quickly: "I mean, your red name, it's very dangerous to come here, in case you get killed, He is going to be locked in prison, and I don’t know how long it will take to get out.”

Red name...Ye Ci looked at his red name that could no longer be washed away, and sighed: "Don't mention this problem that gave me a headache. When I came here, I walked more carefully, basically It shouldn’t be a problem as long as it’s not close to the range of the patrolling guards.”

"Okay, then you go with the assault group and mainly deal with the other party's priest group. Their priest defense is really too strong, it is like an iron wall. I have attacked several times, and all of them failed. How much do you take with you?" Let's try it with an assault group." Zhenshui Wuxiang said.

"Don't bring anyone with me for the time being. I'll go directly. Qingfeng already knows that I'm here to join the battle, so he will definitely guard me. If I bring someone along, the target will become bigger and it's not easy to go. I'd better go alone. , It’s more convenient to sneak attack or escape.” Ye Ci listened to Zhenshui Wuxiang’s arrangement and expressed her opinion. Although this is her opinion, the current team leader is not her after all. If Zhenshui Wuxiang If she insisted on letting him take someone there, she would not refuse. Cooperation often starts with obedience.

Zhenshui Wuxiang thought for a while, and agreed to Ye Ci's request, but he is now the chief conductor, so naturally he has no way to discuss with Ye Ci, but he just told her to be careful, and to report the other party's situation to himself in time. Go on and get busy directing.

Ye Ci ran with the fourth child in the crowd, dismissed the fourth child while running, and then disappeared. She came quickly but disappeared without a trace, and did not even attract more people's attention All traces were lost on the battlefield.

Ye Ci took out the secret cloak and put it on. This thing is really a good thing for killing people and stealing goods. You can't see the name, you can't see the level, and you can hide all the attributes. As long as you don't take off the cloak and don't let the other party see your face, you can even The position of entering the place is also silent.With this thing, she quickly crossed the front line of the battle between the two sides and rushed towards the rear of Shengshi.

The distribution of priests in Shengshi is very scattered and seems to be irregular. However, anyone with a little experience in command can see that the layout is very subtle. It can attack when advancing, and defend when retreating. It is completely stuck in a high-defense position. Between the knights and the high-attack legal system, isn't it really difficult for the thieves to rush in?
Ye Ci turned on the video recording as she approached the priests. She wanted to take pictures of Shengshi's command layout. Although it is not a clever thing to imitate, she can find the strengths from the opponent's methods and use them to improve herself. One's own ability is also a very normal means.

Her footsteps were light, starting from the priest group on the farthest edge, easily dodging the defending knights, raising the knife and dropping it, attacking vitally, her high damage was really no difficulty against cloth armor professions like priests.But with one strike, he can instantly kill the opponent.Not only that, Ye Ci is absolutely not fond of fighting, a group of priests, she has always only dealt with the one or two priests with the highest healing capacity, but with a slight flash, the opponent fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, so that the opponent had no time to react At that time, he hid his figure and lurked towards the place where the next group of priests gathered.

In combat, casualties are inevitable no matter what the profession.Even priests, who are the key protected objects surrounded by copper walls and iron walls, will still suffer casualties, but the chances of casualties are much smaller. In addition, if you kill the opponent wearing a cloak of secrecy, the opponent cannot see who killed you , Therefore, at the beginning, the few priest groups that Ye Ci attacked did not make the other party suspect that someone had sneaked into his protection circle.It was only after there were many priest casualties like this that Qingfeng suddenly realized that this was definitely not a normal situation of priest casualties, this must be a sneak attack!
Just at this time, another leader of the knights responsible for the protection of the priest group reported to him that three of the priests he protected had died just now, and one of them was still wearing a suit that restricted attribute points. I can't wear it anymore.

"Someone is sneaking up, and all the protection groups are watching closely! This is definitely not an ordinary battle loss! Someone must be sneaking up! As soon as you find the sneak attacking person, kill him immediately! Kill him regardless of any cost!" Qingfeng Immediately kill and decide in the command channel.

But when he was making such a sofa decision, several knight team leaders reported to him the priest's casualties one after another, which made Qingfeng's face even more ugly.He asked who killed these priests, but all the priests who were killed said that they did not see the names of the people who killed themselves in their battle channels.Qingfeng immediately realized that this person must be wearing a cloak of secrecy.

There are only a hundred pieces of the Cloak of Concealment in the entire game, and all of them are in the Prosperity Guild.However, some time ago, the assassination group lost several of the top masters who killed four continents. Now it seems that someone must be wearing this secret cloak to carry out the assassination.Coupled with the information about Hua Shang just now, Qingfeng can be [-]% sure that the master murderer who can disappear so quickly and disappear invisibly is definitely Gong Ziyou.Apart from this woman, he didn't think there was a more daring, ruthless, and unscrupulous attacker in Tiantianxiang.

"Protect the rest of the priests for me! The assassination team searched with all their might! Find this person for me!" Qingfeng was faintly angry.

Ye Ci succeeded again.She quickly hid and exited the protection circle, standing quietly behind the protection group, watching the knights and priests and the thieves and rangers in charge of killing the attackers in a mess, a thin smile appeared on her lips, He turned his head and was about to walk towards the next pastor group.

At this moment, from nowhere, an arm suddenly stretched out, grabbed her arm, and dragged her back.Ye Ci was startled, who was so silent that she didn't even notice, she pulled her arm out of his hand with a backhand, and stabbed at the man with the dagger in the other hand.

(End of this chapter)

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